It was no secret in Linjia Village that Lin Dong could butcher pigs. He had helped other families butcher pigs in the past!

Of course, everyone had no objection to this. They were almost getting anxious about this matter. It was not easy to find a butcher these days.

"Brother, has this kid agreed to be the chef for our family's banquet?"

Lin Dejiang's other two brothers came up and whispered.

They were actually a little worried. After all, Lin Dong was still a student and had never actually been the chef for a banquet.

"Don't worry, Lin Dong is also sensible. He said he would cook a pig-killing dinner for us in the morning. If we agree, he will do it. If we don't agree, he will pretend it never happened."

"Judging from his expression, he has no intention to tell the truth for the time being. He is probably worried that we will not approve of it and it will hurt our relationship. This kid has read books for nothing."

"You will know when you try the butchered pig dishes. Pig offal is a real skill for chefs. If you don’t have real skills, you dare not touch it!"

Lin Dejiang and his brothers also agreed that it is not easy to make pig offal well. Most chefs are likely to fail.

"Dongzi, we will hold the pig in a cage later, and you just need to use the knife, but be sure to be precise!"

"Haha, Dongzi, I haven't seen you kill a pig for a while. Don't be shaky, or the pig will be in great pain. Give it a quick death!"

Many uncles and peers nearby were joking.

"Don't worry, this is the housekeeping skill that the old man taught me, and I will kill one with one knife with one precision."

There are still some things to prepare for slaughtering pigs.

A long wooden ladder that can support a pig, a table, and a planer for scraping pig hair.

In addition, there is a basin of clean water with salt, which is used to collect pig blood.

As everyone was talking, Lin Dong had already put on his chef's coat and took out the butcher knife.

The few people who helped pretended to pass by the big white pig casually, and pounced on it when it was not paying attention.

Some pressed the legs, and some pinched the pig's ears.

After a few ups and downs, a big fat pig weighing more than 300 pounds was lifted onto the table by the crowd. It was pressed firmly, unable to move, and kept howling!

There were many people watching nearby, pointing and laughing.

Some villagers who had breakfast even brought their meals to the Lin family to watch the pig slaughter. It was very lively.

"Uncle, put the salt water basin under the pig's neck, a little further away."

Lin Dong held the butcher knife in his hand, strode over, held the big fat pig's head with his left hand, controlled its screaming mouth, and adjusted the position of the pig's head.

He stabbed the knife straight into the aorta, and the pig's blood immediately spurted out as if it was free, falling directly into the salt water basin.

Everyone exclaimed at the knife's skill.

The big white pig's cry gradually weakened, and it died very peacefully.

In order to facilitate shaving, Lin Dong used the air pump used to inflate basketballs, changed the needle mouth, and swelled the big white pig's limbs, and finally gave it a shot in the stomach.

After shaving the pig's hair, everyone put the big white pig on a long ladder, The long ladder was placed on the wall, and the whole pig was hung upside down on it.

Lin Dong began to gut the large white pig and deal with the pig's offal and other messy internal organs.

It took quite a while, and Lin Dong easily finished the whole pig.

The pig's offal, lard and other things were also sorted into categories.

A pig's head weighing about 18 pounds was also removed.

In the past, in rural areas, if you asked a butcher to slaughter a pig, the owner not only had to give a piece of meat and a pack of cigarettes, but also the pig's offal and other things.

However, in recent years, most owners have gradually paid, and the pig's offal and other things are usually kept by the owner for themselves.

"Wow, this move is very sophisticated, even better than your grandfather's, amazing!"

"There is something, this is not like a college student, it was not in vain to follow the old man."

Some people have started to give cigarettes to Lin Dong.

However, Lin Dong said that he does not smoke and declined the other party's kindness.

"But then again, who will cook this morning? We can make some home-cooked dishes, but it is a bit difficult to cook the large intestine, small intestine, pig liver and other offal. We don’t know how to cook them!"

Whether it is the Lin family members or the guests and relatives who came to help, they were a little confused when they heard this.

"Today's lunch will be prepared by Dongzi. Old Master Jiadong said that Dongzi can cook first. How difficult is it to cook some pig offal?"

Lin Dejiang still did not express his intention to let Lin Dong take over the banquet.

This way, both of them will have room for maneuver.

"If you hadn't told me, I would have almost forgotten that this guy is a real good cook. I've been to his house before."

"This is the successor of Mr. Jiadong. You will know when the time comes."

"Dongzi, our lunch today is up to you."

Everyone was relieved to see someone cooking.

"Dongzi, since you are cooking, the aunties will help you."

The middle-aged women who came to help smiled and started washing the vegetables.

The cook counted the number of people and started washing rice and cooking.

"Okay, then you aunts are not allowed to complain that the pig-killing meal I make is not tasty."

""We believe your lies, kid. If we don't believe you, then we should believe your grandfather's words, right?"

Lin Dong smiled, took out a kitchen knife, and started chopping meat.

He was very good at using a knife, and the people around him could only hear the sound of clinking meat.

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