The price of meat poultry raised in rural areas is different from that of farms.

For example, the price of some local chickens is now more than 10 yuan per pound.

Chickens in farms, on the other hand, are only a few dozen yuan each, and you can pick them up at will.

And if you do wholesale, you can bargain the price down a bit with the boss.

"Although the cost will be higher, if your goal is just to make a little money, I'm afraid that's it."

"Don't forget, we do this to improve the taste of the dishes. When we become famous, what effect will these things achieve if we publicize them? By then, it won't just be a small amount of money!"

"Also, if we let the people in our village raise the chickens, ducks, fish and pigs ourselves, they can sell them to us at a cheaper price. After all, we buy a lot every time. They make money, and we get a bargain too, right?"

"As for the specific price, you need to ask around about the prices of these meat and poultry in the market before making a decision."

Lin Jiang's doubts are reasonable.

But for the sake of long-term development, it's okay to increase the cost a little. It may even build a good reputation. By then, people who come for his skills will not be short of money.

Besides, only chickens, ducks, fish, and pigs need to be purchased from rural areas. Beef and mutton must be bought outside.

You can't kill a cow for every banquet, that would be a pure loss.

Another advantage is that if Lin Dong and his friends make money in the future, the villagers will also benefit from selling poultry to them.

In this way, no one will be jealous of them and make up all kinds of messes everywhere.

Because they themselves are the beneficiaries.

Even though he has been getting along well with the villagers recently, Lin Dong has never hesitated to speculate about others with the greatest malice.

"Then we will do as you said, but we have to wait until we have received one or two invitations. After we have done it and let the villagers see that it is really worthwhile, they will probably be willing to do it."

"Poultry farming will take at least half a year. Before that, if we want to hold a banquet, we can only go to the market to buy wholesale."

Lin Jiang said this, and suddenly he was stunned.

"Wait, so you are willing to hold the banquet, right?"

"Well, do you have any good suggestions for other kitchen helpers?"

Once the banquet team is determined, there will probably be no changes in the long run.

The people selected must be capable and reliable.

Cooking a banquet is not an easy job.

"I can find two or three reliable people here, but at most I can get five together, which is barely enough to handle the big banquet. We are still short of one person to cook. I think we can invite Uncle Da Kui to join our team."

"He is also good at cooking with firewood, the hardness and softness are just right, and there has been basically no problem. If he follows us, it will definitely make more money than he makes from growing Yangchun every year, right? Uncle Da Kui has no reason to refuse us, I will talk to him about this when the time comes."

Confirming that Lin Dong is ready to do this, Lin Jiang's passion burst out all of a sudden, and he can't wait to take action immediately

"Of course, if you have any candidates to recommend, you can also let them join our team, and we can negotiate money together in the future."

Lin Dong thought about it seriously, and finally shook his head.

He went to school in the city in junior high school, and the classmates he met were basically all city people, not to mention high school and college.

People must be sick to follow me to the countryside to cook big banquets.

To put it bluntly, people probably look down on this industry, even if they think the food they cook is delicious.

It's like you can make tens of thousands a month by playing games and live streaming, but people will still think you are doing nothing and not doing your job.

On the contrary, if you hold a golden rice bowl of 3,000 yuan a month, people will praise you for your promising future and think you are a rich son-in-law.

"I don't have any candidates for the time being, so go and discuss it with your people first."

Lin Dong hesitated for a moment and then said:

"There are currently two models for them to choose from. First, I pay them a salary of about three thousand yuan every month. Second, it is a 50-50 split, 50% for me and the other 50% for the other members of the team. We will have to look at the situation later and draw up a contract. It doesn't necessarily have to be what we have now."

"Which one do you think is suitable?"

"Of course I chose the second one. What's the point of a fixed salary? Anyway, I don't lack food for this job. Besides, who knows what will change in the later stage. Although a fixed salary is stable, it is difficult to make big money."

"Then you can tell them the second way. If they agree, do it. If they don't agree

, find someone else."Every year, there are many people who stay idle in the countryside to work as farmers, young and middle-aged people. It's not a technical job, and anyone can do it anyway. Who knows, some people are willing to join the group even if they don't get paid, just to eat Lin Dong's meals regularly.

""Okay, I'll come and talk to you later."

Lin Jiang hurriedly went to work.

In the evening, the kitchen work was done, and the rest had little to do with him.

After receiving the system's reward, Lin Dong's bank account soon received 200,000 yuan.

The master-level cooking knife skills and the chef's carving skills easily integrated into his mind.

When Lin Dong returned home, he saw Gao Wu and his parents and younger sister chatting in the hall.

Before Lin Dong greeted them, Lin Dejiang brought his brother-in-law Li Si and Li Si's younger brother Li Wu to the door with some things.

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