""Dongzi, no, Dongge, what are you up to?"

Lin Hai followed Lin Dong into the kitchen, sweat beads on his forehead.

Lin Dong told Lin Hai about his plan to form a banquet team.

Lin Hai was stunned.

"Brother Dong, is your team still short of people? Can I join in?"

Lin Hai immediately realized that this was an opportunity.

If you can make money in your hometown, who would be willing to leave?

"What bullshit are you talking about? If I didn't intend to hire you, why would I call you here tonight? Do you really think I have nothing to do and I'm here to cook for you?"

"I not only want you, but also Zhang Wenjing. She will shoot a video for us, do the editing and so on, and post it on the Douyin and Kuaishou platforms."

Self-media is something that needs to be operated.

It is impossible to expect that a few videos will become popular immediately.

But over time, as long as the works are good and the customer's response is good enough, it will definitely attract a lot of audiences in the city.

As for Gao Wenjing's salary, Lin Dong will explain it clearly to them.

It depends on how Zhang Zheng and others choose.

Lin Dong has two pre-selection modes.

In the first one, he will take 50% of the profits from the seats.

Zhang Wenjing will join Lin Jiang and others and share 50% with them.

Of course, if the self-media platform that Zhang Wenjing helps to operate receives orders or advertisements in the future, they will naturally get points.

The second is that Lin Dong will pay Zhang Wenjing's salary separately, and Zhang Wenjing and Lin Dong can get a certain commission for the orders received from the platform in the future.

The rest will be shared by Lin Dong with other staff members.

This is a business, and the items must be made clear.

And whoever can get the seats will definitely have certain incentive measures, like the commission of Zhang Wenjing.

This is just a rough plan and intention for the time being, and Lin Dong will definitely gradually improve some of the regulations later.

This matter will naturally be made clear to others.

"Brother Dong, you are thinking too far ahead. It seems like we are going to become famous right away.

Lin Hai has automatically assumed the role of the protagonist.

"Those who do not plan for eternity are not qualified to plan for the present; those who do not plan for the overall situation are not qualified to plan for a region."

"Since we have decided to do this, we must think long-term. This is a business, and we can't just do it based on relationships and enthusiasm, otherwise it will fall apart sooner or later."

Lin Hai shrugged.

"Anyway, I have no opinion"

"If you have no objection, help me clean these crayfish. Do you really think I asked you to come in to chat? How slick!"

Lin Hai began to wash and process the crayfish.

The rice was cooked, and Lin Dong began to cook.

Because of the crayfish.

He didn't plan to cook too much. He would have to drink some beer at that time, so there would be leftovers.

Turn on the gas, heat the oil in a pan, and add the scallions and ginger to stir-fry.

The fragrance immediately filled the air, and turning up the heat, Lin Dong quickly put the chopped lean meat into the pot and stir-fried it over high heat.

A few drops of dark soy sauce were added for coloring, and the lean meat quickly changed color.

Lin Dong quickly sprinkled the appropriate amount of pepper and salt into it.

Finally, sprinkled some chopped green onions and stirred twice, and quickly served.

As for other messy seasonings such as oyster sauce, Lin Dong didn't put them at all.

Some dishes lose the original flavor of the ingredients if too much is added.

Green pepper and pork shreds are originally a quick stir-fry dish, and the meat cannot stay in the pot for too long, otherwise the meat will be overcooked.

"Stir-fried shredded pork with green peppers is so delicious that you never get tired of it. Brother Dong, can I have some?"

""Go away."

Ignoring Lin Hai, Lin Dong continued to make sweet and sour spare ribs.

This dish must be blanched to better remove the fishy smell and enhance the flavor of the ribs.

After blanching, Lin Dong dried the water on the ribs.

Put a little oil in the pot, and fry the ribs on low heat until both sides are slightly yellow.

After doing all this, put the ribs on a plate, add a little oil and an appropriate amount of rock sugar to stir-fry the sugar color.

The rock sugar melts quickly and changes color slowly.

When the rock sugar turns red.

Lin Dong puts the ribs directly into the pot, stir-frying constantly and turning down the heat to allow the ribs to be fully coated with the sugar color.

Finally, pour in an appropriate amount of boiling water to cover the ribs, turn to low heat and simmer for about half an hour.

If you put white vinegar in the middle, it will evaporate easily during the steaming process, and there will be no sour taste at that time.

It is best to put it when there are only ten minutes left before steaming.

"Okay, forget about it for now, let's make some twice-cooked pork, some hot dishes, and stir-fry two green vegetables."The dishes he packed for Gao Wu and the others last night were not taken away because he went to repack them in the morning.

And because they were in the refrigerator, they can still be eaten this afternoon.

After finishing all this, the sweet and sour spareribs are almost done.

Lin Dong finally dripped in a proper amount of white rice vinegar, and after simmering for a while, the juice was almost absorbed.

The sweet and sour sweet and sour spareribs are ready.

It is so delicious that Lin Hai in the kitchen swallowed his saliva wildly.

The final soup could have been thickened with starch, which would have made the soup thicker.

But the sweet and sour spareribs made by Lin Dong were very successful in absorbing the juice, so there was no need for that extra step.

As for the crayfish, he asked the boss when he bought it, and the boss said that it had spit out mud and dust before, so he could just cook it at home.

The other pot had already been on fire.

The pot was hot, and Lin Dong immediately started Fry the crayfish in oil, and when they all turn red, take them out and drain the oil, so that the shrimp meat remains more tender.

Leave a little oil in the pot, and add chopped green onion, ginger, garlic and onion to stir-fry.

Lin Dong added appropriate amounts of dried chili peppers, green peppercorns, Sichuan peppercorns, cinnamon and other auxiliary ingredients to stir-fry!

He did all this as if he had an arm, without any awkwardness or panic.

Lin Dong lifted the large basin, put in the crayfish, and stir-fried it over high heat for about two minutes.

Add boiling water in batches, equal to the amount of crayfish. Bring to a boil over high heat.

Add chicken essence, light soy sauce, cooking wine, etc., and simmer on low heat for 10 minutes.

Finally, add sugar, thirteen spices and a little white vinegar to enhance the flavor, and simmer for about five minutes.

Finally, add a little pepper oil and stir well over high heat.

Turn off the heat and serve.

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