Late at night, Lin Dong called Lin Jiang again.

He said that he would go to the city with Lin Jiang and others tomorrow to finalize another order.

Lin Jiang was of course happy to hear this.

With one more order, their income might increase by one or two thousand.

These two orders mean that they might earn about four thousand yuan this month.

Isn't this better than working outside?

And there is still free time to accompany the family at home.

Early the next morning, Lin Jiang drove a Wuling van, took Zhao Dazhu, Zhang Zheng and Lin Dong to the urban area of Longjiang City.

According to Lin Jiang, Zhang Zheng personally found Lin Jiang last night, hoping to go with him to run around and see the world.

And whether it is Zhao Dazhu or Zhang Zheng, they can actually drive a big truck, which is very convenient.

Lin Dong is also very happy that he has this ambition.

It is impossible to let Lin Jiang do everything alone. What if Lin Jiang is delayed in the future, won't their team have problems?

Lin Dong will also take time to participate in the procurement in the future.

It takes less than an hour to drive from Linjia Village to Longjiang City, which is very convenient.

If the mountain road was not winding, it would actually be faster.

But this is how it is in southwestern cities. There is nothing you can do about it. Especially in mountainous cities in Sichuan Province, if you are in the city and don’t know the way, the navigation thing will not work.

The first time you drive there, you will be dizzy.

"Dongzi, I'm thinking, since we specialize in banquets, shouldn't we have a business card and a menu?"

Lin Jiang suggested while driving.

"In that case, every time you go to someone's house to host a banquet, you can hand out menus and business cards after the guests have finished eating."

"In this way, if people want to hold a banquet, they can also contact us, which is also a way to expand the customer base."

"I have already done this. Someone else will drive the car later. Jiangzi, please take a look at the prices and menus to see if there are any problems."Lin Dong did not expect that Lin Jiang could think of this. It seems that he really put a lot of thought into it.

"Hmm? It's already done. Okay, Lao Zhang, you drive first, I'll take a look."

After parking the car and changing the driver,

Lin Jiang held Lin Dong's laptop and started to look at it.

After reading it, Lin Jiang looked a little happy.

"This banquet classification is very interesting. We rural people like to compromise. I guess most people who invite you to host a banquet in the future will choose a table priced at 1,000 yuan, especially those who have eaten the big banquet you cooked."

"The specifics should be similar, but it's better to wait until I go to the city to ask about the prices of some meat and vegetables before making some adjustments. What do you think, Dongzi?"

Lin Dong also nodded.

For example, the wholesale prices of pork elbows, mutton and beef, abalone, and sea cucumbers.

He didn't really know much about them. After Lin Jiang went to find out the prices, he could make some adjustments to the food. It wouldn't be a big deal.

"In that case, our income will definitely increase again."

After hearing this, Lin Hai, who was standing next to him, felt that his decision to join the team yesterday was absolutely correct!

"That's for sure. With Master Lin's skill in cooking banquets, his income will definitely increase."

Zhao Dazhu, who was driving, said with a smile, very happy.

He used to be a laborer at a construction site.

Now he can make money like this, he must be happy.

Especially since he can see hope instead of staying at the construction site day after day for ten years.

It's too hard, and there is no future.

"However, I have already promised Li Wu's family that the price cannot be changed. I have to explain this to them when the time comes."

Lin Dong said this to everyone.

The price he agreed with Li Wu was 800 per table.

"Of course, Dongzi, you have the final say. These are all small matters."

No one cared about this. Lin Dong was the chef and the boss of the team.

To be honest, they were all employees.

Lin Dong was willing to let them choose the profit-sharing model, which was considered to be very conscientious.

Nodding, everyone discussed what to do in the future. They even talked about whether to recruit more people in the future.

Everyone didn't object to this matter. They just said that they would try to hold a banquet first. If they were really short of manpower, they would recruit people depending on the situation.

If they could handle it, they didn't need to recruit for the time being.

It would be harder, but the profit would be more.


When the car arrived in the city, Lin Jiang sent Lin Dong to Gao Wu's house, and then he took Lin Hai and the others to deal with the matter.

Lin Dong came downstairs of Gao Wu's house and called him.

"Hey, Dongzi, you're here really fast.

Gao Wu excitedly welcomed Lin Dong home.

Old Master Gao was leaning on the sofa reading a book, looking very interested.

"Grandpa Gao, you are quite elegant.

Lin Dong greeted him in a familiar manner.

"You are finally here, boy. Come, sit down and have a chat.

The old man pointed to the sofa.

"I ate the feast you cooked yesterday. It tasted OK."

"Did you bring your menu? If so, let's discuss the dishes and prices."

The old man was not as calm as he was yesterday when he prepared more than ten dishes by himself.

This was a business negotiation, so of course the old man had to act in a businesslike manner.

Although he was happy to hand the matter over to Lin Dong, he had always been frugal.

Everyone's money was money, so if the price could be lowered, he would certainly not be polite.

Lin Dong didn't take it seriously, as he didn't think everyone would like to eat the dishes they cooked.

Instead, Gao Wu looked at each other in bewilderment. What happened to his old man?

Yesterday, in order to have that meal, he even disowned his grandson. And now he's like this again.

But he quickly realized, wow, the old man...���This is a business talk.

""Grandpa Gao, I have already decided on the menu. You can take a look. Of course, I have also prepared a set of dishes specifically for the entrance banquet, but to be honest, the dishes are only average."

Lin Dong took out his laptop, which had the prepared orders and prices written clearly and in an orderly manner.

Grandpa Gao took a look at it with his reading glasses and nodded slightly.

"We are just hosting a banquet. Nowadays, we don't need to prepare special dishes for graduation banquets. As long as everyone enjoys the meal, that's all."

"Tsk, you actually divided the prices of banquets into different levels. You have some brains."

"Many of these dishes are similar to those in big hotels, but the prices are much lower. Your cooking skills also add points, so it's not too much."

He glanced at Lin Dong, and then thought of the taste yesterday, and felt that it was still worth it.

"Forget it, you are running a business. If it were just you, I would have lowered the price as much as possible. Let's do this."

"We ordered this medium-priced set, 18 dishes"

"As for the number of tables, let's calculate the estimated number. There are about 60 tables. As for the time, next Saturday, there is still a week. Is that enough time for you to prepare?"

Originally, I thought it would take a while to talk, but I didn't expect the old man to be so easy to talk to.

Lin Dong was delighted and nodded immediately,"Grandpa Gao, no problem"

"Since you call me grandpa, it wouldn’t be too much to add a couple of other dishes, right?"

"For example, cold dishes, or the candied apples or candied sweet potatoes that Wu Zi mentioned, how about that?"

Lin Dong calculated it in his mind and felt that it was nothing, so he nodded.

"That's fine, but old man, you can't tell anyone about this, or else people will come to me to place an order and ask for extra dishes, and that will be hard to handle."

"Haha, do you think I am that kind of person, old man?"

"Of course, Grandpa Gao won't tell anyone, I believe you."

Lin Dong said with a smile.

Gao Wu silently glanced at his grandfather and curled his lips.

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