The Black Book

Chapter 57 Infiltration

After taking a deep look at these blond foreign mercenaries, Zhu Haomiao turned around and left without any regrets, quickly disappearing into the night.

Soon, a heavy downpour accompanied by lightning and thunder enveloped the world. Even the light of the street lights seemed dim in the fierce rain curtain. A ghostly black shadow bypassed the patrol team and sneaked into the villa silently, carefully avoiding the people on the first floor. Several security guards.

When passing by the first floor, Zhu Haomiao could vaguely sense that the muscular security guards contained huge power. They radiated their own energy fluctuations unscrupulously, like conspicuous torches.

In other words, these indigenous extraordinary beings have not learned how to contain and conceal their own energy fluctuations?

But no matter what, the energy radiation of each of these guys is stronger than mine. I may have a good chance of winning one-on-one, but one-on-one... coupled with the firearms in their hands... if they will definitely cooperate... …


Fortunately, my equipment can hide my aura...

Looking down at the cloak that wrapped him tightly, Zhu Haomiao sighed sincerely in his heart.

But he also knew that if it hadn't been for the heavy rain that caused the security guards to gather in the house to play cards lazily and patrol around blind spots, he really wouldn't have been able to sneak in without alerting them.

After all, your equipment only hides your aura and weakens your sense of presence, not true invisibility.

Shaking his head secretly, Zhu Haomiao activated [Plum Blossom Step] to make his steps lighter, and silently moved towards the second floor.

He could sense that his gold coins were not far away.

The dark corridor on the second floor was silent. The owner of the villa seemed to have fallen asleep. Only the dim light still shone through the crack of the door of a room at the end of the corridor.

The thick carpet made Zhu Haomiao's movements more concealed. He walked to the end of the corridor and stood outside the study. Through the door, there was a dark light in his eyes.

At such a close distance, he could already clearly locate the [Greed Gold Coin] in the room, and even the situation around the gold coin was projected deep into his soul.

In his perception, a handsome and stylish middle-aged white man with a delicate mustache was holding gold coins and playing with them with enthusiasm, his eyes full of greed and fanaticism.

He put his fingers on the door handle and was about to push the door open when Zhu Haomiao suddenly paused and raised the corners of his mouth with interest.

He had a vague hunch that [Greed for Gold Coins] had "corroded" a crack in the heart of the middle-aged white man. He could activate the power of the "Black Book" and follow this crack to contaminate it from the inside out. completely dismantling his spiritual defense.

On the other side a few meters away, Murray used the light to admire the gold coins in his hand with a magnifying glass, without noticing the danger at all.

"So beautiful! So beautiful! What a work of art!"

"Who on earth forged this holy object?"

"I can feel the supreme divinity from it!"

"Maybe... I should go see those yellow-skinned monkeys again... force them to tell the origin of the gold coins, and don't let those rude jailers kill them..."

While muttering to himself, Murray suddenly felt a chill in his vest, and followed the sensor to look at the door. The originally closed door opened little by little, revealing a rich darkness that even the light could not penetrate.

The thick and strange darkness poured in along the crack of the door like liquid, and in the depths of darkness outside the door, something seemed to be twisting and squirming.

"Hmph! What are you pretending to be?"

With a cold snort, Murray carefully put the gold coins into his lined pocket, close to his heart, then took off the knight's sword on the table and skillfully unsheathed the sword.


Amidst the crisp sound of the sword, the holy light visible to the naked eye spurted out, lingering around the sword like a flame.

"God said, let there be light!"

He raised his sword and pointed, and the hot and bright holy light dispelled the darkness, revealing a thin human figure shrouded in a black cloak.

"A primitive, ignorant country... even the monsters are so stupid!"

With a cold sneer, Murray stepped forward with his sword without fear, and the sharp holy light drew a straight golden line in mid-air, heading straight for the enemy's head.


The thin figure dodged like a ghost, and the sword light only scratched a corner of his cloak without damaging his body at all.

But the tentative sword movement only used six points of force. The knight's sword in Murray's hand traced an arc smoothly, locking on the enemy's vital points like gangrene attached to the bone.

The thin figure flickered and moved around, and his movements were as nimble as a monkey, but the brilliant sword light was like a giant net that tightly trapped him. No matter whether he rushed left or right, he could never break through the sword net. strangled.

Finally, the gradually tightening sword net sealed off all dodge space. The thin figure looked like a beast in desperate situation, and the eyes hidden under the shadow of the hood emitted an evil and violent red light.


A precise punch hit the back of the sword. The huge strange force coming from the hilt made Murray's eyes freeze. He used the enemy's strength to draw a circle with the sword. His whole body rotated like a top, and he slashed towards the enemy's other side. side.

Unexpectedly, Murray's sword movement changed so quickly. The thin enemy could not dodge in time, and a long and narrow gash was opened in his chest. Blood immediately flowed out, and the bones could be faintly seen deep in the wound!

After severely injuring the enemy with one sword, Murray elegantly held the sword flower and showed a contemptuous and contemptuous smile.

"Tell me, who sent you?"

The holy light attached to the sword did not cause additional damage to the enemy. At this time, Murray had determined that the opponent was not a demon, but a human being of flesh and blood.

Since he is a human being, the origin of the other party is worth exploring.

In just a moment, the names of more than a dozen competitors flashed through Murray's mind. They all had the motivation to send assassins to attack him.

But after thinking about it, he felt that these competitors were not so stupid. Even if they sent assassins, they should not send only such a fool who pretended to be a ghost.

But at this moment, the enemy who had been silent all the time suddenly rose up without any warning.

Seeing the opponent ignore his own injuries and rush towards him with a tragic momentum of dying together, Murray frowned slightly.

A dead soldier?

In a flash, Murray's thoughts flowed in his mind, but his hands did not slow down at all.

The sharp knight's sword drew a pure golden sword light from bottom to top, tearing the human body like cutting tofu, almost cutting the enemy who rushed up in half from the central axis.

Flying back at a faster speed than when he came, the short enemy spurted out a mouthful of blood, and a bloody cross was cut between his chest and abdomen by two sword marks, one horizontal and one vertical!

Like a fish that had been cut open, the organs in the chest and abdomen were exposed to the air without any cover, emitting a strong smell of blood.

But Murray, who saw this scene, not only did not feel disgusted, but his pupils shrank, revealing ecstasy.

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