The Black Book

Chapter 58: I can’t digest it all!

Because in the split internal organs, he saw a familiar golden color.

Swish swish swish~

Cutting off the enemy's limbs with four swords, Murray knelt down next to the enemy like a devout believer, released the knight's sword in his hand, inserted his hand into the squirming internal organs, and stirred to search.


The enemy's whine was like that of a young child, but Murray had no mercy in his heart. All his consciousness was occupied by the feeling of touching between his fingers.

That's right!

That's right!

It's that gold coin! !

Taking out a bloody gold coin from the depths of the scarlet and sticky internal organs, Murray raised his bloody hand and looked at the holy object that was shining beautifully under the light with great intoxication!

Carefully putting the blood-stained gold coin into his lining pocket, Murray looked greedily at the wailing young man below him, with a twisted and ferocious ecstatic smile on his face.


There’s more inside! !

Without hesitation, he inserted his hands into the young man's internal organs. Murray rummaged frantically and roughly pulled out a pile of internal organs. Smelly mucus and blood splashed everywhere. The originally elegant study gradually turned red, as if it was as evil as hell. fear.

Soon the second gold coin was found, followed by the third, then the fourth...

The boy's desperate and painful screams were like heavenly music to Murray's ears. The smile on his face became more and more uncontrollable, becoming more and more twisted, ferocious, and crazy...




It's all mine!

It's all mine!

There seemed to be endless gold coins in the young man's belly. Unknowingly, Murray's entire upper body was thrust into the other man's belly. The ferocious gap was like a big mouth, swallowing up Murray bit by bit...


Bang bang bang~

In the real world, looking at the other person with one of his eyes squeezed out of his eye socket, hanging in the corner of his eye with a little nerve, the smile on his face became more greedy and crazy. Zhu Haomiao rubbed his chin, curious about what he saw in the fantasy?

What happy things are there that would make me happy if I told them about them?


With a snap of his fingers, Murray suddenly woke up from the illusion. The mountains of gold around him disappeared like bubbles. With only one intact eye left, he saw a mysterious and evil young man in black standing in front of him, stirring and rolling between his fingers. A familiar and gorgeous gold coin was staring down at him with a half-smile.

"No! That's mine..."

Subconsciously, he wanted to take back what belonged to him, but it was not until this moment that Murray discovered that his body had been twisted into a twist-like shape and was locked in mid-air by an invisible force.

"No, no, no, no..."

When he realized his situation, indescribable pain instantly surged into his brain. The intense stimulation caused his brain to shut down instantly, and his instincts protected him from losing consciousness to prevent him from dying of pain.

But while he was dying, Zhu Haomiao leaned down and whispered softly in his ear.

"Where did you get this gold coin?"

Murray's pupils gradually dilated and dilated, his consciousness was completely dominated, and he murmured in a weak voice.

"A businessman from the Qing Dynasty..."

"Where are those businessmen now?"

"In the dungeon of Songjiang Prefecture County Government..."

"Why are they in the dungeon?"

"Because they refused to hand over the gold coins, I asked people to arrest them..."

Upon hearing this, Zhu Haomiao had already vaguely guessed the course of the story.

It is nothing more than a drama of collusion between officials and businessmen to seek wealth and murder.

These powerful colonists could mobilize the local violent institutions with just one sentence, and frame Liu Heng's business gang on any charge they could find.

With his mouth pursed, Zhu Haomiao let out a long sigh and faintly uttered two words.


Gaba Gaba~~

The next second, the authority of the [Black Book] interfered with reality, and the crackling sound of bones was like a series of firecrackers. The tall and burly middle-aged white man was like a towel full of moisture, being twisted and squeezed dry by a pair of invisible giant hands. Every ounce of "value".

The liquid brain, blood, internal organs, bone marrow, and more ethereal concepts were all squeezed out, and together they condensed into a beautiful golden color that captivated people's hearts.

He couldn't wait to open his palms, and gold coins stained with blood flew into his palms. Zhu Haomiao couldn't help but smile with satisfaction.

Sure enough... the human heart is much dirtier than the devil!

What's more, these colonists were born with [original sin]...

Every piece of their wealth is filled with the blood and tears of the colonial people, and their status is climbed up by stepping on the bones of the colonies!

More importantly, their minds are not as strong as they appear!

Unlike the extraordinary people in this world who attach great importance to [Tao Heart], the exploration of spiritual power by creatures in this fantasy realm seems to be at a relatively primitive stage, which makes it easier for the [Black Book] to harvest them.

Zhu Haomiao knew that if he were to purely compete in terms of physical strength, he would actually be far inferior to the middle-aged white man in front of him.

Rather than saying that he defeated him, it would be better to say that he lost to the greed in his heart.

[The Black Book] only aroused the original sin deep in his soul and used his own power to kill himself!

Glancing at the twisted flesh and blood that had become twisted and almost invisible, Zhu Haomiao raised his hand to hold it in a virtual state. He looked at the mysterious and heavy book in his palm that turned from virtual to real, and couldn't help but sigh.

What an evil and strange power...


[Greed]: LV.2→LV.3 (0/300)

[Spirit] +1

[Qi] +1

[Essence] +1

Adjusting the ratio between the original sin value and the gold coins, Zhu Haomiao obtained a total of 13 [Greed Gold Coins], plus the one he took back, a total of 14!

Without any hesitation, Zhu Haomiao clenched his fist and hung it above the [Black Book]. With his five fingers loosened, one after another gorgeous gold coins swirled and fell into the spread pages of the book, creating circles of law ripples visible to the naked eye.

The four skills lit up with brilliant golden light one by one, but unexpectedly, they stopped absorbing after consuming only eight gold coins, which was much "cheaper" than Zhu Haomiao himself expected.

[Big Toad Qi]: LV.1 (beginner) → LV.2 (proficient)

[Essence] +1

[Qi] +1

[Hard Qigong]: LV.1 (beginner) → LV.2 (proficient)

[Physique] +1

[Strength] +1

[Dielang Jin]: LV.1 (beginner) → LV.2 (proficient)

[Strength] +1

[Physique] +1

[Plum Blossom Step]: LV.1 (beginner) → LV.2 (proficient)

[Agility] +2

A huge torrent of energy poured in from the void, precipitated and concealed little by little, and merged into the depths of the soul and flesh.

Glancing at his six-dimensional attributes, Zhu Haomiao found that each item had 2.5 potential to be developed, and the [Physique] item was as high as 3.5!

Even if he used the [Laziness] authority to accelerate the sleep, these attributes would take him nearly a virtual month of effort!

Can't digest it all!

Can't digest it all!

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