The Black Card

Chapter 1069: new energy

According to the geographical characteristics of Qiannan, this place is located on a plateau, and bicycles are not a suitable project. This is why Qixuan has not opened the market in Qiannan and the surrounding provinces.

What Kong Yue wants to do is electric bicycles. Compared with Kaixuan's urban bicycles, the cost is higher and the risks are higher. However, compared to the southern Guizhou and the surrounding provinces in the plateau, they complement each other.

In other cities, electric bicycles can also be an effective supplement to Kaixuan bicycles.

It's also green travel. Some people will choose electric bikes that save time and effort, while others will prefer to choose ordinary bikes that take into account both physical activity and exercise.

However, it is definitely not in Shi Lei's long-term interest to come up with a five-point replacement.

The newly established company is limited to a single business of electric bicycles, which can only be an effective supplement to Qixuan bicycles in most markets occupied by Qixuan.

This is destined that the development of Qixuan bicycles will be better, and the development of electric bicycles will be squeezed by both space and time.

The most important thing is the cost. The cost of an electric bicycle must take into account that public use must be sturdy and not easy to be destroyed. At the same time, thorough anti-theft needs to be done. The manufacturing cost of gas is at least three to five ordinary bicycles .

For post-mortem maintenance, as the electric bicycle rides for a certain time and a certain number of kilometers, it must be recycled and maintained, mainly due to the time cost of charging, which also makes it impossible to use the electric bicycle. Xuan bicycle is so high.

This will undoubtedly be included in the cost.

If it is said that sooner or later Qixuan bicycles will develop into a 100 billion-scale enterprise, then electric bicycles are at best a 10 billion-level market. It is obviously not in Shi Lei's interest to use Qixuan's current shares to replace the shares of electric bikes that have not yet been established.

Even if Shi Lei agrees, Dong Chiqing will never agree, and other shareholders will never agree, unless Shi Lei owns his shares.

Therefore, Shi Lei shook his head and said, "Your idea is okay, at least in local areas, and there is room for action within a certain period of time. If you want to attach the brand of Kaixuan, avoid and Kaixuan Direct competition between them, and at the same time get a higher starting point, it is absolutely impossible to replace the shares. Five points of Qixuan shares, you really dare to speak. You know, Qixuan is now on the market How much is your valuation? "

Kong Yue said very dissatisfied: "Hey, it seems that the two of us chat for the first time, what is the valuation of your Kaixuan?"

Shi Lei laughed and said, "Since you know, Qi Xuan's current valuation must be more than 15 billion, five points is 750 million, plus Qi Xuan's brand value, how much money do you plan to invest? Moreover, you have to control the new enterprise, which means that you must invest at least two billion yuan in order to exchange for five points of shares in Kai Xuan. If you can really invest two billion yuan, I don't mind taking five points Cash out. "

Kong Yue rolled his eyes and said, "Who would directly inject 2 billion into a new company. Shi Lei, before you say these things, do you also need to understand what our family does?"

Shi Lei really didn't know it, he could not help looking at the water.

White Water Channel: "New Energy."

Shi Lei understood Kong Yue's intentions in an instant. He said, "Do you want to use your father's company's energy technology to participate in shares?"

Kong Yue nodded and said: "My dad's company is the world leader in batteries, even if it is placed in the world. I am sure to convince him to use electric bicycles as the entry point to the market and test the market response. We With the same quality, the battery can last five times longer than the electric bicycles currently on the market. "

Shi Lei took a breath and said, "So outrageous?"

At present, most of the electric bicycles on the market have a range of 20 to 40 kilometers, five times, which means that even if they are loaded lightly, the range of electric bicycles can reach 100 kilometers. If so, the cost of the new company's products will be significantly reduced.

Kong Yue said proudly: "I still talked about it, and it is not the highest-end battery of my father's company. The battery I said can already be mass-produced. How to commercialize it, I have already planned. My dad passed this plan long ago, but he needed a more suitable entry point to intervene in the market. It is not an exaggeration to say that if the market feedback of Qixuan motorcycle is successful, then my dad's company will It is possible to lead the transformation of old-fashion fuel vehicles to pure electric vehicles. My dad's business will become the largest battery supplier in the country and even the world. "

Shi Lei lowered his head and excluded the exaggerated elements in Kong Yue's words. This cooperation was actually feasible.

However, it is by no means simple for Qi Xuan to take out a five-point stake. Shi Lei must take the ride of the Kong family.

More contacts have been made with black cards. Shi Lei knows better than anyone that new energy, or traditional energy to electric energy, is a big problem that human beings on the planet need to solve urgently. How many years the traditional energy stored on the earth can make this earth develop is inconclusive. However, most of the claims are between fifty and one hundred years.

This means that one hundred years later, traditional energy is exhausted, and humans on this planet may face the danger of returning to ancient times.

Of course, breakthroughs in the fields of wind and solar energy will not make the brightly lit earth instantly dark, but if you want to be like now, the streets are full of cars and the sky is full of planes, that is impossible. Things. At that time, the competition for energy will become a necessity for the development of every country, and even, not only development, but also survival.

If there is really a third world war in this world, it must be caused by energy problems.

But ~ ~ Shi Lei does not fully believe what Kong Yue said. After all, the research and development of new energy is a huge problem in the world. It's not that Shi Lei doesn't believe that a Chinese company can toss out the most advanced technology, but because technology to mass production and to the civilian sector is always an extremely difficult process.

"What about the cost?" Shi Lei looked up and asked a key question.

"The cost of the battery pack provided for electric bicycles will be slightly higher than that of traditional lithium batteries or nickel-metal hydride batteries, but only slightly higher by about 30%. In the later maintenance, this cost can definitely be saved." Kong Yue looked extremely Be certain.

Shi Lei shook his head and said, "I'm not asking this. Since your father has agreed with you to test the market, the cost must have been reduced to a minimum. I asked your father's company, those who are not yet ready for civilian use Electric storage technology in the field ... "

Kong Yue rolled his eyes and said, "Do you think I can tell you this? This is a great trade secret."

Shi Lei expected that Kong Yue would say this, he said: "If you want to cooperate, then the cooperation itself must be based on the mutual ownership of Qi Xuan and your father's enterprise. The new company you created, I can I'll invest in you, but it's never possible to exchange shares. "

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