The Black Card

Chapter 1070: The basis of cooperation

Shi Lei's decisive words laid the foundation for this cooperation, and at the same time, let Kong Yue's last point of luck disappear completely.

"Businessman! Naked businessman!" Kong Yue pointed at Shi Lei and said indignantly.

Shi Lei rolled his eyes and said, "You want to take advantage of Qi Xuan, aren't you a naked businessman?"

Kong Yue reluctantly picked up the wine glass, took a sip of wine, and said, "Well, in the business talk, no one is to be blinded. I will ask you, is it possible to cooperate?"

Shi Lei said: "Cooperation is of course no problem, but there are two conditions. First, I must go back to convene the board of directors. In theory, I have the absolute right to speak, and Dong Chiqing will not question my business behavior. This kind of thing involves the fundamentals of a company, and I must give them sufficient respect. Second, if your father agrees to this replacement and holds each other, then the research and development results of your father's company must give me enough Only after the show, I will make the final decision. "

Kong Yue said unwillingly: "You are too harsh, isn't my dad's company transparent before you?"

"Only if I know it alone, or if you give up Qixuan's shares, I will directly invest in your father's company. You can talk to me about this cooperation on your father's behalf. Obviously, you have been authorized by your father , Which also means your father's company is short of money right now. "

Kong Yue was anxious: "Shi Lei, are you overconfident, you are too arbitrary? How can my dad's company be short of money? Some people are wielding checks to invest in him."

Shi Lei nodded and said, "I don't deny this, but your father's company must have its core secret, which is related to the valuation of its company. At present, it is impossible for your father to keep this secret in the investor Right now, this is no longer just a matter of trade secrets. Energy projects are about the state. So when your father can't show the core secrets, his company's overall valuation will inevitably fail to reach his heart. Price, and the level of financing that will inevitably fail to meet his requirements. What your father sees on my side is nothing more than the nature of my state-owned enterprise capital and the good relations I have with local governments. In this case, your father must not consider working with me. "

Kong Yue was completely silent, and had to say that Shi Lei thought of everything that should be thought of.

Shi Lei wasn't in a hurry either, just drinking wine with Lao Hu.

Lao Hu and Bai Kaishui also know that this matter is completely beyond the scope of friends. Although Bai Kaishui really hopes that Shi Lei can reach cooperation with the Confucian family, he has no interest in speaking.

After a long time, Kong Yue raised his head, looked at Shi Lei, and said, "This matter is beyond the scope of what I can do. I want to discuss with my dad, mainly depending on what he means. However, I personally hope very much If I work with you, I will choose to give up Qixuan's shares and accept your investment in my new company, even if it does not meet your requirements. "

Shi Lei raised his wine glass and said with a smile: "In that case, first wish us possible cooperation and enjoy it!"

Kong Yue nodded and looked at Shi Lei's eyes. She said, "But I also have to explain in advance that this cooperation, even if it is possible, will have considerable restrictions. Shi Lei, I hope you can understand this. "

Of course, Shi Lei can understand that Qixuan ’s future is most likely to be a US $ 100 billion enterprise, while Kong Yue ’s father ’s company is most likely to be one of the top 50 companies in the world.

Of course, to achieve that level requires considerable effort and even a considerable price, but this will not affect the future market potential of the concept of new energy and its contribution to the entire human race.

In a small inn like Qiannan Yulong, a cooperation that may cause shocks on the earth in the future has initially reached its intention.

The wine was drunk directly in the middle of the night, and the four of them could not bear it, and returned to their rooms.

Before returning to the room, Shi Lei noticed that Kong Yue walked into the room of Bai Bingshui actively, which meant that the two men might really come together.

Shi Lei understands that Kong Yue looks very willful and has her own mature three views, but she is not the kind of girl who does not know the stakes.

The reason why Kong Yue's father would force his daughter to go on a blind date, Shi Lei has reason to believe that the other party can either provide financial help to the Kong family's enterprises, or they can receive policy care at the government level. There is no doubt that if this object was replaced by boiling water, it would only be more beneficial to the Confucian family. It is for this reason that Kong Yue's father immediately gave up his original intention after seeing the water.

The combination, or possible combination, of Kong Yue and Boiled Water is not entirely based on love considerations. Among them, the impact of the new energy company of the Kong family will inevitably be included.

Of course, Kong Yue still has her own principles and bottom line. If it was not for Bai Boshui's performance after this incident, it would be difficult for Kong Yue to really use Bai Boshui as her future partner. After all, she could not know Bai Boshui's attitude towards her. In the end, she didn't reach the level of perfect love between male and female.

This is probably the influence in the meditation, just as it happened, Kong Yue encountered a little accident. Then, the performance of Bai Boshui made Kong Yue accept Bai Boshui in a natural way, and was even moved by it. After all, in this world, it is very difficult for anyone except his parents to be able to escape or at least not consider the consequences to help she was.

With that, everything is already worth it.

What's more, the combination of the two has a profound impact on a deeper level.

Before going to bed, Shi Lei booked a flight ticket to leave the next day and flew directly to the capital. The dust on the Kong side was undecided. He didn't need to return to Wu Dong.

The next day, of course, Lao Hu stayed at the inn, but Bai Kaishui and Kong Yue sent Shi Lei to the airport together.

While Kong Yue went to the bathroom, Shi Lei patted Bai Boshui's shoulder, and said, "After going back, you can learn more about the new energy company of the Kong family. If it is exactly what Kong Yue said, or their company If you really have leading technology, then the combination of you and Kong Yue will be your biggest help to take over Baijia. Even in the beginning, many people may feel that Kongjia is not worthy of your Baijia. "

Bai Kaishui realized that ~ ~ nodded and said, "I just worry about investigating their home this way, it is not good."

"Speaking in business." Shi Lei patted him on the shoulder again, and Kong Yue just happened to be back, and the two could only stop communicating.

Soon, Shi Lei boarded the plane, took a nap on the plane, and the plane had landed at the Imperial Capital International Airport.

Mao Tau had been waiting for a long time at the airport. As soon as Shi Lei came out, he was particularly noticeable among a group of people who picked up the plane.

There is no way to be unobtrusive, everything else is Huaxia, only he is dark and shiny.

"Sir, I'm here." Mao Tau hadn't seen Shi Lei for a long time, and shouted excitedly.

Other people around the airport looked at Mao Tau in surprise. They couldn't figure out how a black man could speak Chinese so well.

Shi Lei came out with a smile, and logically handed the luggage to Mao Tau, saying, "You look fatter."

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