The Black Card

Chapter 1233: Shi Lei's anger

Shi Lei made his voice as deep and hoarse as possible. He hoped to use Dickens' physical discomfort in exchange for the other person to give up looking for himself.

However, the voice on the walkie-talkie insisted: "Dickens, no matter how uncomfortable you are now, the data you are responsible for must be given to me within an hour. Now everyone is waiting for you That data. Let ’s go to dinner now, and then I hope that when I come back after dinner, your data will be on the table. "

Shi Lei had no choice but to say, "Okay, I'll do my best."

The other party did not seem too suspicious of the difference between Shi Lei's voice and Dickens, presumably because Dickens' body was not working, which is already a well-known thing. Coupled with the sounds appearing in the intercom, there was originally a strong current sound, and the other party did not find anything unusual.

After staying in the room for a while, it was confirmed that the person looking for Dickens should have left the laboratory to eat, and Shi Lei stepped out of the room and went downstairs to the laboratory room where Dickens was in charge.

Encountered by two researchers on the road, Shi Lei bowed his head and tried to pass quickly.

But the two researchers stopped and said to Shi Lei: "Dickens, now you have severely hindered everyone's hind legs. We all know that you are ill, but you always hinder yourself like this. Our test is still Would you like to proceed? Do you have to drag us into palladium poisoning before we can leave? "

Shi Lei was desperate for the researchers here, and he was very helpless. He knew how much harm the project would cause, but he was just thinking about his own interests. However, their colleagues suffered from brain cancer and palladium poisoning, and they did not have any sympathy from scientists. On the contrary, some simply rebuked Dickens for his slow progress.

These guys, all **** it.

Shi Lei didn't speak, but pretended not to dare to talk back, toward the door ahead.

His hands were already on the doorknob, but the two researchers turned around and walked back. The other said, "Hey, Dickens, Laurent is talking to you! What is your attitude?"

Shi Lei finally tilted his head slightly, lowered his voice and said, "Come in." As soon as he twisted the door of the room, Shi Lei walked in, and the two researchers stunned and walked in.

They didn't think of it. As soon as they entered the laboratory, Shi Lei turned back and closed the door. Then, a dagger appeared in Shi Lei's hands without any warning, and he just passed the name of Lauren Special guy's throat.

This knife directly cut through his throat, so that his voice was completely stuffed in the chest cavity. At the same time, the tip of the dagger in Shi Lei's hand continued to advance across the aorta of his neck.

Blood splattered, Laurent covered his throat, his eyes almost stared out, but he just crumbled down.

The other guy was so surprised that he couldn't think of it. It would be better to bully here, and Dickens, who has a lot of time, would suddenly become so violent.

Shi Lei did not give him any chance to make a sound, and the dagger in his hand was inserted directly into his throat. As soon as Shi Lei's wrist was twisted, the man's throat was completely torn, Shi Lei pulled out his dagger, inserted it into his neck from the carotid artery, and pulled it horizontally.

Put away the dagger, Shi Lei quickly handled the scene.

He dragged the two bodies inside, shoved them into a closet, and closed the gap in the closet with their own clothes to prevent their blood from flowing out.

Then, Shi Lei washed the blood behind the door. If it is not a professional, even if you enter the door now, it is unlikely to find a homicide just happened here.

Shi Lei went to the test bed where Dickens was in charge. Dickens had previously told him about his responsible part. With the knowledge that Shi Lei now has, it would not be too difficult to deal with these.

He soon discovered the errors in the data that Dickens was responsible for, and quickly came up with what the correct data should be.

However, Shi Lei could not give those people the correct data. He started a series of experiments. In the end, he came up with a seemingly correct one, but when this experiment was carried on to the next step, it happened. Fatal and dangerous data.

He recorded the entire formula and data, as well as the entire calculation process and experimental process, but did not know who he could give it to.

So Shi Lei opened the door of the laboratory calmly with the data.

The guard walking towards the end of the corridor, Shi Lei pretended to cough, and even his body was sulking. He said, "Please, I can't hold on. Can you hand me this data?

The two guards glanced at each other, and one of them said, "Dickens, can you persist? If you can't persist, find a place to jump into the sea yourself."

Another guard heard a laugh and laughed, but still took over the things in Shi Lei's hands.

With disgust, the man said, "Okay, get out of here, don't infect us with palladium poisoning!"

Shi Lei nodded and left quickly, but in his eyes, one of the cold ruthlessness had appeared.

In this life, Shi Lei has never had any one time, so hope here, the entire laboratory and these guards are all dead.

Shi Lei secretly thought of ~ ~ If possible, he really hopes that he can ruin the laboratory himself.

Back inside Dickens's dormitory on the third floor, Shi Lei locked the door of the room, took off his mask, and sat on the chair, all thinking about how to blow up the entire laboratory.

In terms of Shi Lei's current ability, it is not difficult to make a bomb that can blow up here, but that requires materials. He is not sure if he will have the materials he needs on this island.

If it doesn't work, then give it to the night pupil, presumably, as the current SSS-level member, let the night pupil hit and destroy this place, it should not require too much money. Moreover, Bebela would be very willing to destroy this place, after all, it is an industry of ferrying people.

However, there is no signal here, and Shi Lei's mobile phone is just a display. However, Shi Lei believes that there must be a way to communicate with the outside world, such as satellite phones. Otherwise, how can I report the progress of the test to the two consortia?

After staying dark in Dickens' dormitory, Shi Lei put on a mask and walked out again. The death of the two researchers before did not seem to attract any attention. Probably today, most researchers' experimental tasks have been completed, and they have handed in the data part they are responsible for. Now is the time for the core researchers in the laboratory to turn their research together.

Shi Lei walked out of the laboratory building and walked around the laboratory as if walking.

I met some guards on the road, but they scolded a few words as before, but did not want to get too close to him.

This gave Shi Lei great convenience. He quickly observed the exterior of the entire building and found a suitable way to break into Xu Zhida's room.

Taking advantage of nobody, Shi Lei approached Xu Zhida's room. 12932.

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