The Black Card

Chapter 1234: The great Rogers

The window was easily opened, Shi Lei observed, the room was empty, and Xu Zhida had not returned to the room.

Shi Lei flipped into the room and turned back to close the window.

After looking around the room, Shi Lei could not find any communication devices, but Shi Lei believed that since Xu Zhida is now the person in charge here, he must have such things as satellite phones. It's just that he may have brought the phone with him.

Then he sat in Xu Zhida's house, waiting patiently for Xu Zhida's return.

I didn't wait too long. About twenty minutes later, Shi Lei heard footsteps in the corridor outside the door.

From the sound of footsteps, Shi Lei judged that there was only one person. Naturally, he could only be Xu Zhida, so he sat on a chair and waited for Xu Zhida to enter.

The door lock rang. In the darkness, Shi Lei could still judge that the person who entered was Xu Zhida. After all, he had a long memory, and Xu Zhida's body was still well-remembered.

Xu Zhida closed the door and reached for the light switch. Soon, the room lit up.

Seeing that there was an additional person in the room, Xu Zhida was slightly surprised, but he quickly treated Shi Lei as Dickens, and frowned. "Dickens, I told you many times, and I sympathize with you However, no one can replace the data you are responsible for, so you must continue your research. Since the annual salary of thirty thousand pounds, I said, whether you can live to the day when the research and development is completed, I will pay your wife. You are getting bolder now and dare to break into my room while I am away. "

Shi Lei nodded slightly, and Xu Zhida was able to say such words, indicating that he had not completely fallen to the same level as others on this island.

Rotating the chair slowly, Shi Lei turned around and reached out to take off the mask on his face.

Xu Zhida's pupils shrunk sharply. He could hardly believe what he saw. It wasn't Dickens but Shi Lei sitting in front of him.

Subconsciously, Xu Zhida wanted to shout at the guard outside the door, but hesitated, he still didn't shout.

"How could it be you? How did you get on the island?" Xu Zhida paused and asked, lowering his voice.

Shi Lei slowly took off the wig on his head. He smiled slightly and said to Xu Zhida, "Long Mamba, it's been a long time. Did you entertain your good friend like this? Don't you buy me a drink?" "

"Are you crazy? Do you know where this is? How dare you run here? The guards outside ..." Xu Zhida also knew that it was meaningless to say these at this moment. He looked back at the room behind him. Go to the door and lock the door.

Then, he looked at Shi Lei with complex emotions. It seemed that there were thousands of words to say to Shi Lei, but he talked to his mouth, and finally did not make any sound.

Walking to the cabinet, Xu Zhida took out a bottle of whiskey from the inside, took two glasses, poured it up, and handed Shi Lei a glass.

"After drinking this glass of wine, I will find a way to send you off the island. This is not where you can come!"

Shi Lei knew that Xu Zhida had no conscience. At least, he hadn't thought about killing himself. It seemed that it was not impossible to convince Xu Zhida.

"I thought that if you saw me, you would immediately notify the guards and kill me by shooting."

"That's what you think. I'm really unconvinced. I hate the hypocrisy of you and Dong Chiqing, but that doesn't mean I want you to die."

Xu Zhida stood high in front of Shi Lei and looked down at him with cold eyes.

Shi Lei shook the wine glass in his hand and said, "Anyway, this meeting was quite a surprise. Sit down and chat, this wine looks good."

Xu Zhida snorted and finally sat in the chair opposite Shi Lei. Then, he lowered his voice and said to Shi Lei, "What are you doing here? How did you find it?"

Shi Lei took a sip of wine, tasted it, and waved his hand: "Since I have appeared in front of you, your question is not important anymore. It is important that you know what you are doing now? "

"I'm making history. I'm about to create new energy that would only appear in science fiction. At that time, I will lead two consortia to take away everything you and Dong Chiqing have."

Shi Lei shook his head and sighed: "Everything before, this is not the time to explain, and there are too many explanations, you will only think that it is an excuse for me and the infatuated brother. Mamba, in the past, no matter what How to give up what you are doing now and return to my country. Do you know that the project you are doing now will only cause a large area of ​​pollution, even if it can bring powerful energy, it will also cause A large number of people have been displaced, even with distress like Dickens ... "

Xu Zhida growled in a low voice: "You said less to me, wouldn't I know what palladium is? This project was created by me. What I want to do is to make this a serious pollution. Project, transformed into a project that has no pollution but can benefit humanity ... "

Shi Lei sighed. He knew that Xu Zhida had been brainwashed in this regard. He actually believed that the palladium reactor would not cause pollution. Give Shi Lei enough time, maybe he can make Xu Zhida understand all this, but now that there is not so much time, Shi Lei can only give up this effort.

He looked at Xu Zhida and said, "Mamba, how did you become the leader of these two consortiums? Or, why did they obey you and support you to buy an island in the Indian Ocean for testing? Do you know I wonder, who are you doing for? "

Xu Zhida sneered and said, "Shi Lei, are you ill? Of course I know who I'm working for ~ ~ That's the great Mr. Rogers. These two consortia are under his actual control. Consortium. It was he who gave me the power to allow the two consortia to cooperate with me unconditionally so that I can give him a better return. "

Shi Lei frowned and said, "This Rogers, why would he believe that you can give him a better return? Are you a top scientist in the research of palladium? Or are you a top scientist in the research of new energy batteries? Or, you The ability to manage an enterprise is huge enough to manage two consortiums with assets totaling more than hundreds of billions of dollars? "

Xu Zhida was angry when he heard it. He suddenly stood up and said, "Shi Lei, I know you have always looked down on me. You think I am incapable, and then transfer me here, and then transfer me to There! If it were not you and Dong Chiqing who looked down on me so much, how could I do so much? "

Shi Lei shook his head and said calmly, "Mamba, sit down first, let's talk slowly."

"What else to say? Are you being told what I mean? You and Dong Chiqing have always looked down on me."

Shi Lei had to say: "In fact, this is exactly the opposite of what you think. Brother Leng lent you to me to join Qixuan. On the one hand, he didn't want your ability to be buried under his decision forever, he thought You need to have a place and a project that can show your ability. On the other hand, you are also the person he uses to supervise me. You are the person he trusts most. After all, Qixuan's project has a stake equal to mine. He needs someone to check and balance me, and you are the best candidate, because he can trust you unconditionally. Otherwise, why would he transfer all his shares to your name and let you help him hold it? ! "4532.

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