The Blackened Male Lead Needs to Be Pampered

Chapter 625: Marshal's Ninth Wife (31)

  Chapter 625 The Marshal's Ninth Wife (31)

  He said he would give himself five years, so in these five years, wouldn't he think about killing her?

  However, it will be difficult for her to change her appearance within five years.

  Although Yiyuan said it could help her change her appearance, Sang Jian always felt that it was unnecessary.

   Looking at the scenery outside the window, Huo Nanting seemed to be in a certain mood.

   "Why did Mr. Huo give me such a chance?" Sang Jian asked aloud.

  Huo Nanting recovered from his thoughts, and said in a relaxed tone, "Seeing that you are too young, I want you to live a few more years."

   "So you wanted to kill me from the beginning, right?"

  He doesn't hide his purpose at all now.

   "Hehe." Huo Nanting laughed in a low voice, and didn't say anything else.

  Why don't you pretend to be in front of Sanmi?

  Because he felt that she had noticed something, he was not interested in continuing to act with a child.

  Tell her all about her final fate, as long as she wants to live, she has to listen to him.

   This little girl is much smarter than others, she chooses the way to go.

   "Are you not afraid that I will rebel one day? Before you kill me, I will kill you first?" Sang Jian asked.

   "You can try." Huo Nanting smiled slightly.

  The car stopped in front of a western restaurant.

   "Get out of the car." Huo Nanting reminded, and walked down first.

  Sang Jian followed behind him and entered the restaurant together.

  At this time, there was no one in the restaurant, and the phonograph next to it was playing soothing music.

  Huo Nanting ordered a steak for Sang Jian, ordered a glass of wine, sat opposite Sang Jian and watched Sang Jian eat.

  Sang saw a steak, Huo Nanting also drank the wine in his hand.

  He was about to get up and leave, when the girl opposite suddenly raised her little hand and asked, "Mr. Huo, can I have two more?"

  Honanting: "..."

  He retracted the foot that was just about to stand up, frowned and said, "Aren't you full?"

  Sang Jian nodded, "This small piece barely fits between the teeth."

  Honanting: "..."

   As a last resort, Huo Nanting ordered two more for Sang Jian.

   Watching Sang Jian eat the steak without any elegance at all, he picked it up and bit it with his mouth.

   Had it not been for her small mouth, Huonanting would have no doubt that she would have two bites of a steak.

  He couldn't help but said: "It's not good for girls to eat too much at night."

Sang Jian took the time to glance at him, and said vaguely: "Didn't you say it yourself, Mr. Huo? Give me five years to spoil my own face. I should be able to eat a little fatter, right? Mr. Huo can't afford me." ?”

  Huonanting: "..." This...

   It seems to be a way?

  In the end, Huo Nanting still didn't say much, and let Sang see it.

  The fact that she can say such words shows that she has listened to his words.

   Yes, he is waiting for her transformation.

   Don't let him down.


   During the following period of time, Huo Nanting would go to Paramount every afternoon to see Sang Jian, and then pick him up for supper.

   Sang Jian didn't stop him from eating as much as he wanted.

   As a result, Sang Jian's small face became rounded visible to the naked eye.

  The whole person is more delicate and lovely.

  In the past, Sang Jian was a little skinny. After all, at home, her father didn’t care for her and she didn’t have a mother. After entering Paramount, she also devoted herself to work and never took good care of herself.

   Now Huo Nanting is supporting him.

  The body has been taken care of, and the girl's first affair has come.


  Early this morning, Sang Jian felt that something was wrong with her body, her stomach hurt so much that she rolled on the bed.

   This feeling is too familiar.

   I just didn't expect the body of the original owner to be so painful!

  No choice, she can only ask someone to ask for leave for her, and she will definitely not be able to go to Paramount today.

   And Huo Nanting is a bit busy today, he took Sang Jian to show up at Paramount after get off work.

   As a result, I was told that Sang Jian didn't go today.

  I didn't know until I got home that Sang Jian had been lying in bed all day today.

   "Have you seen a doctor?"

  Huo Nanting asked as soon as he got home.

  He took off his coat and walked upstairs.

   "You don't need to call a doctor for this kind of thing." Huo Qing followed behind Huo Nanting and explained.

  However, Huo Qing was a little happy that her son cared so much about her daughter-in-law.

  Who knew that the daughter-in-law who was not optimistic from the beginning and thought she would die early would live to this day?

   And it seems that the relationship with Huo Nanting is getting better and better, which is definitely what Huo Qing likes to see!

  Hearing this, Huo Nanting frowned, "I've been lying in bed for a whole day, so it's so serious that I don't need to call a doctor?"

   "Mom, I know you don't like my daughter-in-law very much, but Sang Jian is still young, so you should care about it."

  He thought it was because Huo Qing didn't like Sang Jian, so she deliberately refused to find a doctor for Sang Jian.

   "Hey you kid! Isn't this a good mother-in-law in your eyes?"

  Although she was afraid that Sang Jian would die, she didn't dare to give too much affection, so she never gave Sang Jian a good look.

   But isn't it a little too much for her to think so!

   Huo Nanting glanced at her, but did not reply.

  No reply is the default.

  Huo Qing said angrily: "It's just menstruation that every girl will have. What kind of doctor should I ask? I am also a woman, and I am still alive! I am not dead!"

   Doesn't she know more than Huo Nanting?


   Huo Nanting, who had already reached the door of Sangjian's room, suddenly stopped.

  His complexion became a little strange, "Message?"

   "That's right! Recently, my body has taken care of itself and is about to start growing. Is there any problem?"

  Honanting: "..."

  It seems... She has indeed gotten better recently.

   But development…

  Huo Nanting inexplicably felt a little hot.

  Girls will start to develop after menstruation...



  He responded dryly, turned around and was about to go downstairs.

  Huo Qing stopped him immediately, "Hey, why are you going? Aren't you going to see Sangjian?"

   "I suddenly remembered that there is still something going on in the army."

  Huo Nanting quickened his pace of leaving.

   Originally, I took time to come back and take Sang Jian to dinner, since I had nothing to do, I went back to continue to deal with things.

  He found the perfect excuse for himself.

  As if seeing through everything, Huo Qing snorted softly at Huo Nanting's back.

   There are people in their twenties, and they don't know why they are shy.

  Thinking about this, she suddenly realized that her son is an old cow eating young grass!

   No, after all, there is a girl who has stayed in the Huo family for so long without any accident, so she can't be allowed to run away!

  Although I am young now, people will grow up.

  Thinking of this, Huo Qing hurriedly boiled a cup of brown sugar water, served it to Sang Jian, and showed her hospitality.


  Sang saw this break, and went straight to the end.

   It may be the reason for this body, after the pain, I feel exhausted.

   After the end, she regained her former vitality.

   During this period, Huo Nanting came back several times, and when he heard Sang, he still felt uncomfortable, so he turned around and left, completely ignoring him, his heartlessness reached a certain level.

   It's really because he doesn't know anything about it.

  Think that if you pretend not to know, you won't have any problems.

  It turned out that he pretended not to know, and there was nothing wrong with him.

   It’s just that I haven’t seen Sang Jian for a few days.


   "I haven't seen you for a while, does Mr. Huo miss me?"

   When Sang Jian saw Huo Nanting again, it was in the afternoon. Hearing that she would go back to Paramount today, Huo Nanting specially came to pick her up.

  Sang Jian just went out, saw Huo Nanting standing at the door of the car, and ran towards him.

   "No." Huo Nanting opened the car door for her expressionlessly.

   His eyes glanced at Sang Jian's chest intentionally or unintentionally.

  Since Huo Qing said last time that Sang Jian was about to start growing, Huo Nanting felt uncomfortable all over.

  Seeing Sang Jian now, subconsciously want to see how she is developing.

   Looking at it now, it is no different from the original one.

   "Mr. Huo, you seem to have said that playing hooligans is against the law."

  Sang Jian laughed and got into the car.


  Huo Nanting immediately looked back, followed into the car, and explained softly: "I didn't do anything."

   "It's not like your eyes are doing nothing." Sang Jian curled her lips.

  Honanting: "..."

  He doesn't want to continue discussing this topic with Sang Jian, it will make him look like a pervert.

   "Drive." He reminded Lao Li in front of him.

  Old Li was about to start the car when a female voice suddenly sounded outside the car.

   "Brother Nanting!"

  Ye Lian'er, whom she hadn't seen for a long time, ran over from somewhere and jumped out of the car window.

  Old Li stopped.

  Huo Nanting frowned, turned his head to look at Ye Lian'er.

   Sang Jian was not surprised to see Ye Lian'er.

  She had already guessed that Ye Lian'er would not die so easily.

  From the perspective of the Space-Time Administration, she is the protagonist.

  Then Ye Lian'er, an important supporting role, won't die so early, she will be there anytime, anywhere when her relationship with Huo Nanting heats up. Come out and plug in.

   This is what a qualified supporting role should do.

   Huo Nanting looked at Ye Lian'er and was about to say something when he suddenly felt his arm sink.

   Tilting his head, Sang Jian, who was sitting next to him, hugged his arm at this time, and leaned towards him.

   "Brother Nanting~"

  She imitated Ye Lianer's tone, leaning on Huo Nanting's shoulder and acting like a baby.

   "..." Huo Nanting only felt goose bumps all over his body.

   This girl was cute when she acted like a baby, especially when she became more mellow recently. Whenever she acted like a baby, he always wanted to pinch her face.

  Can now...

  He couldn't give any comments other than affectation.

  Huo Nanting raised his hand expressionlessly to pinch Sang Jian's face, "Be normal."

  Sang Jian patted his hand away, and groaned, "Why do you agree when others call you that, but not when I call you that?"

  Huo Nanting said seriously: "Others are abnormal, so are you?"

  Hearing this, Sang Jian couldn't help laughing. She got up from Huonanting, sat up straight, cleared her throat and said, "Well, I'm a normal person."

   "Yes." Huo Nanting nodded in satisfaction.

  Ye Lian'er: "..." You two can just call me by my name!

  Watching the interaction between the two, Ye Lianer outside the car suppressed the anger in her eyes.

  She reached out and patted the car window, squeezed out two tears, and cried: "Brother Nanting, you came to find me that day, but I didn't refuse to go, I was almost killed! You must make the decision for me!"

  Huo Nanting rolled down the car window halfway, and quietly replied to Ye Lianer's words, "If you have something to ask the police, children understand the truth, don't you understand?"

  Ye Lianer: "..."

   Isn’t an official as big as you more effective than the police? !

   "Young Marshal Huo!"

  Ye Lianer raised her voice and asked directly, "What is the military uniform on your body for?"

   "For war, what's the problem?" Huo Nanting asked.

Ye Lian'er: "There is no war to fight now, so you can't control me? There are terrorists in our area! I was almost killed that day, but luckily Shao Yan saved me! Those who pull rickshaws should be strictly investigated. !"

  Honanting: "..."

   "It's Shao Yan again." He said this inexplicably.

  Ye Lian'er didn't understand what he meant, but Sang next to her understood.

   No wonder Ye Lian'er escaped from the coachman that day. It turned out that the guy named Shao Yan saved her.

  Sang Jian has never met Shao Yan formally, judging from this incident alone, Huo Nanting might be dissatisfied with Shao Yan.

  Ye Lian'er never doubted Huo Nanting at all, when he heard him mention Shao Yan, she nodded and helped Shao Yan take credit.

   "Yes! He happened to pass by there that day and saved me, but I was injured at that time, and he sent me to the hospital. I have been recuperating recently, and I just came out today."

   "Brother Nan Ting, can we find a chance to talk about things we didn't talk about last time?"

  Ye Lianer's words, to Huo Nanting's ears, were like: I didn't die last time, can you kill me again?

  Huo Nanting will of course agree to this strange request.

However, just when he was about to speak, Sang Jian beside him tilted his head and looked at Ye Lian'er outside the car and said, "Miss Ye, he is my husband, please come here secretly if you want to be a mistress? You If I want to be fair and honest, I can call out all the neighbors around me to let them see how you hooked up with my husband."

  She blinked at Ye Lian'er, and at the same time reached out to hold Huo Nanting's arm.

   "Mr. Huo, I remember I told you that as long as I'm here, I won't give you a chance to find a lover."

   "You are the mistress!"

   Before Huo Nanting could speak, Ye Lian'er yelled first.

  After experiencing life and death last time, Ye Lian'er deeply realized the importance of status.

  Now I don't have any restraint anymore, I just want to hug Huo Nanting's thigh quickly so that people won't dare to bully her again!

   "You are a brat, you talk about the fact that Nan Ting is your husband every day, do you understand what a relationship is? You have a lot of ambition at a young age!"

  Ye Lianer was still chattering, but Huo Nanting had already rolled up the window.

  Ye Lianer was about to block the car window with her hand, but she shouted in a panic: "Brother Nanting... are you really willing to raise her like a daughter?"

  It's a pity that Huo Nanting doesn't feel sorry for her at all. Even if her hand was stuck on the window, he didn't care and continued to close the window.

   It wasn't until Ye Lian'er was afraid to withdraw her hand that the car window was completely closed.


   Huo Nanting ordered.

  Lao Li stepped on the accelerator, and the car sped away, leaving Ye Lian'er behind.

  Sang Jian looked back through the window, Ye Lianer stayed where she was and stomped her feet angrily.

   "She is right, Mr. Huo, you..."

  Sangsang looked back and was about to say something when Huo Nanting interrupted her, "What? Does Sangsang dislike me for being too old?"

  He leaned on the backrest, "Anyway, I won't dislike you for being young."

  Sang Jian: "Yes, no matter how old you boys are, you like eighteen years old."

  Honanting: "..."


   This chapter has four thousand words.



  (end of this chapter)

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