The Blackened Male Lead Needs to Be Pampered

Chapter 626: Marshal's Ninth Wife (32)

  Chapter 626 The Marshal's Ninth Wife (32)

  Huo Nanting raised his hand and pulled Sang Jian's hair, "She is more than eighteen, and you are not eighteen."

   What Sang Jian said doesn't apply to him.

   "So you don't like me, and you don't like her either." Sang Jian replied.

  Honanting: "..."

   He was speechless again.

  Sang Jian glanced at him, "When I am eighteen, maybe Mr. Huo will fall in love with me."

   "Are you sure you like it? No..."

  Huo Nanting made a gesture of wiping his neck.

  Sang Jian smiled, then suddenly threw herself into his arms, raised her arms to hug his waist, and looked up at him in his arms, "Will Mr. Huo be soft-hearted to me in the future?"

  Perhaps her gaze was too pure and clean, Huo Nanting swallowed, turned his head to avoid her gaze, looked out the window and whispered: "No."

   "Is that so..."

  Sang Jian was not surprised that he would have such a ruthless answer, but just suggested: "Then before you do it, can we get along like a real husband and wife?"

   "Then do you know what real couples do?" Huo Nanting asked back.

   "I know!" Sang Jian nodded, smiling, "But Mr. Huo is a gentleman, so he probably wouldn't do anything to me, right?"

  He lowered his head and looked at Sang Jian in his arms, "But if you don't do anything, how can you get along like a real couple?"

"Mr. Huo may have misunderstood what I mean. What I mean is, you will treat me better in the future and treat me as a wife. Is it possible that Mr. Huo only has those things in his mind? If it is true, then I am really serious to Mr. Huo A little disappointed."

  Sang Jian let go of Huo Nanting, sat up straight, and sighed silently.

  Honanting: "..."

  Although he married many wives, almost all of those wives died within a few days.

  He can say that he has never been alone with girls, and he can't think of what else a husband and wife can do besides those things?

  Because he is not at home most of the time, he comes home very late every day.

   "You didn't refute?"

   Sang Jian was a little surprised by Huo Nanting's silence.

   "You..." She felt that Huonanting shouldn't be a man whose mind is full of certain things.

  But she was so **** at him, yet he didn't refute?

   "Cough..." Huo Nanting blushed slightly.

  He really couldn't think of anything else.

   After all, he has never seen a normal couple or how a husband and wife get along. Those big men in the army have no partners. He has no father since he was a child, and there is no one to refer to him.

   "What do you think I should do?" Huo Nanting asked dryly without even looking at Sang Jian.

  Hearing this, Sang Jian approached him, "You agree?"

   "First things first, what do I need to do? I'm usually very busy."

   So don't get your hopes up too much from him.

   "Just like how we got along before."

  Sangjian gave him an example one by one, "Send me to Paramount when I'm free, take me to have supper at night, and go home together."

   "But you have to sleep in the same room with me in the future! If I have menstruation, you can't run away! A few days ago, my mother-in-law took care of me, which made me feel embarrassed."

  Honanting: "..."

  She is embarrassed, is he embarrassed?

  Hearing what Sang Jian said, Huo Nanting frowned more and more.

Sang Jian is still talking about the future relationship mode, "If you are free, you can take me out to play. I want to hug you in the future, and you can't refuse. You must always remember that I am your wife, and I will do anything to you. Everything is allowed. Of course, what you want to do to me must be approved by me, after all, I am still young. "

   When it comes to double standards, Sang Jian is terrified.

   Huo Nanting frowned and said, "What can I do when I go out to play?"

   "This is the surprise you want to create for me, you..."

  Sang Jian wanted to say something, but when he saw Huo Nanting's tangled expression, he was suddenly discouraged.

  This man definitely didn't have a childhood. He only knew how to support the family since he was a child, but he grew up so big that he didn't know any entertainment.

  But in this day and age, apart from going to dance halls, there is no entertainment.

  Sang Jian thought for a while, and then compromised: "Forget it, I will take you out to play in the future, but you can't refuse me anymore!"

  No matter what she said before, he always had an attitude of not listening, not seeing, not agreeing, not wanting to know.

  Since he decided to get along well, he must correct this problem!

   "..." Huo Nanting not only frowned this time, but also pursed his thin lips tightly.

  Sang saw that he hesitated to speak, and wanted to refuse, she immediately approached him and whispered: "Just five years, leave a good memory for yourself, okay?"

   Obviously, Huo Nanting's focus has been skewed, "Are you ready to die in five years?"

  Sang Jian raised his eyebrows, "I'm ready now, but if you give me time, then I definitely want to happily go through the last part of my life."

   This time, Huo Nanting was silent for a long time.

  He looked at the scenery outside the window, wondering what he was thinking.

  Sang Jian no longer urged him this time.

  The requests she made were actually a bit willful.

   But she doesn't care, who made her still young now!

  The car stopped at the gate of Paramount.

  Huo Nanting had no intention of getting out of the car today, so Sang Jian had no choice but to get out of the car by himself.

   "Aren't you going in to listen to music today?"

  Sang Jian went to Huo Nanting's window and asked him.

  Huo Nanting's thoughts drifted a little far away, but he came back to his senses when he heard the voice, and saw Sang Jian clearly outside the car window.

  Huo Nanting rolled down the car window and met Sang face to face, "I still have some things that need to be dealt with."

  Sang Jian outside the window nodded.

   Huo Nanting pursed his lips and added, "I'll pick you up later."

  Sang Jian smiled, "Did you agree to my request?"

  Just now when the car was driving, Huo Nanting was able to avoid her gaze, but now the car stopped, and he met Sang face to face.

  Huo Nanting has nowhere to hide.

  He sighed softly, sat up straight in his seat, looked obliquely ahead, and said seriously, "You can try it."


   As soon as he finished speaking, Sang Jian stretched out his head and kissed him **** the cheek.

   "Mr. Huo, I will wait for you to pick me up!"

   After finishing speaking, he happily ran into Paramount.

  Honanting: "..."

  He raised his hand and touched his face, frowning so much that it could kill a fly.

  He looked at Sang Jian's excited back, feeling a little helpless for no reason.

   There is only helplessness, and I can't get angry at all.

  Until he could no longer see Sang Jian, Huo Nanting said angrily: "Lao Li, do you think girls nowadays are so bold and unrestrained?"

  How dare you kiss him in the street at such a young age! Don't be ashamed!

   "Huh? Young commander, have other girls kissed you?" Old Li in front was puzzled.

   "No!" Huo Nanting's ears were a little hot, and he immediately clarified: "I mean, girls nowadays dare to pursue love boldly, and they are not reserved at all!"

  Just like Ye Lian'er before, she knew that he was married, but she came back to pester him at this time.

   And Sang Jian, what he said in the car just now was a disguised expression to express his feelings to him?

  What just want to make some good memories? In fact, he wanted him to recognize her as his little wife!

  Once he admitted, she became more and more presumptuous, and even dared to play hooligans on him in the street!

   "I just didn't take anyone with me, otherwise she would definitely be arrested!" Huo Nanting muttered in a low voice.

  Lao Li in front glanced at Huo Nanting through the rearview mirror, looked at his already red earlobes, and shook his head helplessly.

   His family's young marshal acted resolutely and cruelly on the battlefield of the army. How could he be like this when he met a little girl?

   "Master, she is still a child." Lao Li couldn't help reminding.

   "I know!" Huo Nanting raised his voice.

   It was because she was a child that he was bothered.

   "Dare to play hooligans to me just because I am young? You think I dare not do anything to her!"

  Lao Li: "..."

  Why didn't you dare to do anything to her? Didn't everyone send someone to kill her once?

   But this little girl was also lucky and escaped.

  Old Li only dared to complain silently in his heart, but didn't dare to say it.

  Huo Nanting seemed to have thought of this too. He leaned on his seat, raised his hand and squeezed the space between his brows, and thought of another woman who had escaped, Ye Lian'er.

   "Go find Shao Yan." He ordered aloud.

  Ye Lian'er was actually saved by Shao Yan.

  Old Li started the car.

  Looking at Huo Nanting who was distracted from the rearview mirror, he asked softly, "Master, didn't Shao Yan inform you about Shao Yan's rescue of Ye Lian'er?"

   "Yes." Huo Nanting replied in a low voice.

   This is also a strange thing for him.

  Earlier, when Ye Lianer came back from abroad, Shao Yan specially informed him, thinking that he still liked Ye Lianer.

  This time Ye Lian'er had such a big incident, with Shao Yan's personality, he should have informed himself as well.

  But Huo Nanting didn't hear anything.

  He only knew that the coachman from last time was killed, and no one was alive or dead.

   It was also from that time that he knew that Ye Lian'er was not dead.

  So he was not surprised to see that Ye Lianer was still alive today.

   "Then shall we go to his house or to the casino?" Lao Li asked.

   "Casino." Huo Nanting replied without thinking.

  Shao Yan, as a famous **** in Kyoto, it is impossible to stay at home during this time.

   Sure enough, when Lao Li drove to the casino, he saw Shao Yan's car at the door.

  Old Li stopped the car, opened the door and walked down, "Master, it's not convenient for you to go in with your outfit, I'll call him out."

   Casinos are legal in this day and age, and they are illegal even if they are illegal.

  Most people turn a blind eye and close one eye, as long as there is no major incident, no one will care.

   Huo Nanting went in wearing a military uniform, so it was easy to be misunderstood as finding fault.

  So it is more appropriate for Lao Li to go in and call someone.

  Huo Nanting nodded, but did not refuse Lao Li's proposal.

   It happens that he doesn't like crowded places.

   That is because he doesn't like crowds, so every time he goes out, he is himself, and he brings a driver, Lao Li.

  If someone else got into his position, he would wish to have a bunch of scumbags around him.

  Old Li raised his leg and entered the casino.

   Huo Nanting sat in the car, looking at the scenery outside the window, wondering what he was thinking.

  There are people coming and going at the entrance of the casino, and pedestrians gather in groups on the side of the road.

   Huo Nanting's eyes were quickly attracted by a pair of young people who looked like lovers.

  The two were walking side by side on the street, wearing the uniforms of Kyoto University, both of them were young and shy.

   Looks like he is in a good mood.

  Honanting: "..."

   Is this what the little girl said to come out to play?

playing what? walk?

   Is it uncomfortable in the car?

   Still can’t afford a car?

   Huo Nanting expressed that he could not understand.

  But seeing the two young couples looking so happy, he couldn't help but take a few more glances.

  Just taking a walk together, how happy are you? Are you not tired?


   Just when Huonanting still expressed his incomprehension, a bullet grazed his cheek.

  A bloodstain was drawn on Junyi's face.


  Hearing the gunshots, passers-by screamed and fled in all directions.

   When Huonanting saw the boy in the young couple, he immediately hugged the girl, protected her and ran to a place he thought was safe.


  Huo Nanting instantly raised his eyes and looked in the direction of the bullet flying.

   On the roof of a certain building opposite, a man with a sniper rifle, just put away the gun, turned around and ran away!

   Assassinating Huo Nanting, I was somewhat nervous, and my hands slipped.

   This kind of assassination has to be withdrawn immediately if it fails once, otherwise it will be bad after Huo Nanting reacts.

  So the sniper didn't have extra time to stay.

  Huo Nanting only saw the back of the man's head, he raised his thumb to wipe the blood on his cheek, his eyes were extremely cold.

  At the same time, a group of people suddenly rushed out from all directions on the street, and they seemed to be aiming at Huo Nanting.

  Huo Nanting's expression was serious, he turned over from the back seat to the driver's seat, stepped on the accelerator, and rushed out of the encirclement.

   All the way he followed Lao Li, he was thinking about what happened to Sang Jian, and he was so absent-minded that he didn't realize that he was in danger.

   Sure enough, feelings are taboo!


   When Sang Jian was singing tonight, her eyelids kept twitching.

   There was an ominous premonition in his heart, but Yiyuan didn't come out to say anything.

  Either Yiyuan is not here now, or she is thinking too much.

  Intuition told her that it was the first possibility.

  If it wasn't that something happened to her, it was something that happened to Ho Nanting.

  Yiyuan should be busy with his own affairs and didn't notice the situation.

   As soon as Sang Jian got off the stage, Boss Chen stopped her.

   "See you, Sang, recently some bigwigs paid you to sing a few more songs, and teach their children by the way. I wonder if you are interested?"

  Sang Jian: "?"

   Could it be the ominous premonition in her heart?

  Boss Chen explained: "Their children are all students. I heard you sing well. I want to learn. When the time comes, I can go to the school's social gathering and show off my singing voice."

  How could students be willing to learn the songs here before?

  Those students are all conceited, and many songs in Paramount are indeed not popular.

   But now there is a Sang Jian?

  Those songs don’t sound good, but they sound very energetic and full of positive energy, which good young people in the new era can learn from!

  Sang Jian nodded, "Yes, yes, but the additional price... is a bit expensive."

   "Teach others my ability to eat, and they won't let me suffer, right? You have to explain these things to Boss Chen clearly."

  (end of this chapter)

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