The Blackened Male Lead Needs to Be Pampered

Chapter 630: Marshal's Ninth Wife (36)

  Chapter 630 The Marshal's Ninth Wife (36)

  Sang Jian blinked, "Really?"

  She doesn't want to do this either, but isn't it because of his leg injury?

   Huo Nanting told her with practical actions, it is true!

  He broke away from Sang Jian's back, stood up, picked Sang Jian up like a child, took two steps at a time, and ran upstairs quickly.

  Sang Jian hugged his neck tightly, "Mr. Huo is really very patient."

   Even in this situation, I still have strength!

   "If you weren't strong, you would have died long ago."

  Huo Nanting carried her up to the third floor, and quickly stuffed her into an inconspicuous room.

   "You stay here, I'll lure them away."

   After finishing speaking, he turned around and left, and ran to the third floor without giving Sang Jian a chance to refute.

  He deliberately stepped on the third floor heavily, just to remind them that he was up there, so as to ensure that the room where Sang was staying was a safe place.

  But he didn't expect that Sang Jian came out of the room as soon as he ran up.

   bumped into a group of people who had just gone upstairs and were about to chase after Huo Nanting.

   Someone exclaimed, "Here's a bitch!"

   "What bitch? It's obviously your murderer!"

   Swirling the breath gun in Sang Jian's hand, he squeezed it tightly, raised his hand, and with a bang, the air bullet shot out, instantly killing one person!

  Everyone: "..."

   Is it too dark in the building?

   They didn't see the bullets coming out, so one person died?

   "Shoot, shoot! Those who are with Huo Nanting will all die!"

   Someone in the crowd shouted.

  In an instant, dozens of bullets flew towards Sang Jian.

   Bang bang bang!

   At this moment, there were a few more gunshots from the stairs.

  Huo Nanting, who had just run upstairs, heard the movement downstairs, and ran down again.

  His heart jumped into his throat at this moment, for fear that something might happen to Sang Jian.

  This brat, if you tell her not to come out, it will make him angry!

  Huo Nanting almost never made a mistake, and he shot several people after firing a few shots.

  He rushed downstairs without hesitation.

  A group of people heard the movement upstairs, and all turned their heads to stare upstairs, missing the surprising scene.

   No one noticed that all the bullets flying towards Sang Jian stopped at a distance of about 20 centimeters from her.

  She raised her hand and snapped her fingers, and the bullet flew back intact.

  The attention of the others was all on Huo Nanting, they were about to shoot and kill Huo Nanting who rushed down.

   But they didn't realize that the bullets flying from nowhere exploded their heads in an instant!

  The arrogant and domineering group of people who were chasing after them just now, all of them fell to the ground.

   Huo Nanting, who was prepared to get shot at first, rushed down from upstairs and looked at the corpses all over the floor with astonished eyes.

   Just at the last second, this group of people were obviously still raising their guns at him!

   Rescue here?

   This idea immediately popped up in Huo Nanting's mind.

   Before he had time to think about it, he looked up in the direction of Sang Jian, and he was relieved when he saw her standing intact in the corridor on the second floor.

  The next moment, he lowered his eyes again.

   There is no rescuer, only Sang Jian...

  He strode towards her, "Sang Jian, do you really think that I won't dare to kill you because you are young! You..."


   Before Huo Nanting could finish his sentence, his legs gave way, and he fell to the ground uncontrollably.

  Damn it! Too much blood loss, completely exhausted!

  Sang Jian sighed, walked towards Huo Nanting, helped him up,

   "Who can be fierce with you now? Pujiezi!"

  (end of this chapter)

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