The Blackened Male Lead Needs to Be Pampered

Chapter 631: Marshal's Ninth Wife (37)

  Chapter 631 The Ninth Wife of the Marshal (37)

   "..." Huo Nanting's eyes were darkened, he was a little unsteady, and the weight of his whole body was on Sang Jian.

  He was worried that her body would be crushed by him, but her small body stood upright, and it didn't seem difficult to hold him up.

  Huo Nanting opened his mouth, but he didn't have the strength to speak out, his head was dizzy, and he was about to faint.

  Sang Jian's voice sounded again, "Can you bend your legs? If I recite your words, your legs won't drag the floor."

  Huo Nanting shook his head, forced out two words, "I can walk."

   Just help him to walk, don't need to carry him, he is afraid of crushing her to death.

  Sang Jian sighed, "That means you don't want to bend your knees anymore, your legs should be straightened."

  Huo Nanting: "?"

  Before he understood what Sang Jian meant, Huo Nanting suddenly felt his world spinning, and he flew into the air.

  Sang Jian's slender arms stretched out from his knees, and instantly hugged him horizontally.

  Although it was hugged from the knees, Huo Nanting's long legs were indeed stretched out very straight.

   No matter how straight you stretch out, you will be tired if you keep this posture all the time.

  Huo Nanting's calf still couldn't help but hang down.

  Sang Jian didn't hesitate much, hugged him and walked downstairs.

  Honanting was dizzy for a while before realizing that his current posture had damaged his majesty.

   "I can walk!" He reminded Sang Jian with half-closed eyes.

   "Yeah, you can go." Sang Jian patiently perfunctory him, "I want to hug you, is that okay?"

  Honanting: "..."

  He has always felt that he is a very strong-willed person, and now he is inexplicably tired after hearing what Sang Jian said.

   I don't want to argue with her anymore.

  He understood that she said this on purpose to save her poor face.

  Huo Nanting couldn't help leaning his head on her shoulder, "If you can't hold her anymore, you can say it."

  Sang Jian curled his lips slightly, and lowered his eyes to glance at him, "It's rare to see Mr. Huo has such a cuddly side."

  Honanting: "..."

   "Close your eyes and rest for a while, I will take you to the hospital safely."

   Speaking of this, Huo Nanting seemed to wake up for a second.

   When Sang saw the group of corpses passing by on the ground that seemed to him to be inexplicably dead, Huo Nanting opened his eyes with difficulty and took a look.

  He pursed his lips and said nothing after all.

  There are some things that cannot be asked.

  It was as if he had discovered that she was different from the previous Meng Sangjian from the day he married her.

  He didn't ask much.

   Asking too many questions is not good for anyone.

   But if it's what he thinks, then he can't let her bear this face.

  Huo Nanting's mind was already a mess, coupled with wild thoughts, he completely passed out in Sang Jian's arms.

  The next second, a cool and slightly sweet "sugar pill" that melted in his mouth was stuffed into his mouth.

  The blood on Huo Nanting's body completely stopped.

  Sang Jian also heaved a sigh of relief.


  When Sang Jian returned the same way, he was still thinking about how to get to the hospital quickly, and holding him all the way was not an option.

  As soon as he walked to the place where he got off the rickshaw, he saw a figure in the corner looking furtively at something.

  Sang Jianmi smiled, "My friend, where is your car?"


  Hearing the sound suddenly, the driver was startled.

   This man was the rickshaw driver whom Lasan had seen just now.

  Seeing a little girl come to such a place, he wondered if there was any secret in it.

   As a result, he heard several gunshots, scaring him into hiding with his car.

   I didn't expect this little girl to be alive! And hugged a man covered in blood!

   "Do you know Huo Nanting? He is seriously injured now. If you hesitate for a while, if something happens to him, neither of us will be able to go around."

  Sang Jian threatened the driver calmly.

  The coachman swallowed.

  The one in her arms is Huo Nanting?

  By the moonlight, you can see that he is covered in blood, and it seems that he is indeed a military uniform.

   "Mrs. Huo? It's too young to see Taishan! Here we come!"

  The driver immediately remembered the news that Huo Nanting had married a little girl some time ago.

   Isn't this just right!

  He dragged the rickshaw out of the dark, dragged Sang Jian and Huo Nanting to the hospital.

  In this way, the gunshots that happened in that area just now are related to Huo Nanting!

  Tomorrow is probably another big news.

   After finally sending Sang Jian and Huo Nanting to the gate of the hospital, the coachman wiped his sweat and left without asking for money.

  Sang Jian was about to carry Huo Nanting into the hospital when he suddenly felt his arms tighten.

  Looking down, Huo Nanting woke up at some point, with a pale face, and said four words angrily, "I can't live."

  Sang Jian raised his eyebrows, "Are you a little deranged?"

   "..." Huo Nanting's grip on her arm tightened a little.

   "Okay, okay, I got it."

  Sang Jian gently put Huo Nanting's feet on the ground, and supported him to stand firm with one hand.

  With the other hand, he took out the trick gun from his body, and looked back at the coachman.

   It just so happened that the coachman didn't know what he was thinking at this time, and looked back at the two of them with a guilty face. This time, he and Sang Jian met each other's eyes.

  Sang Jian smiled at him, raised his hand, but the gun was not fired.

  The coachman in the distance stared wide-eyed, with a blood hole between his brows, before he could scream, he fell to the ground.

  Huo Nanting narrowed his eyes slightly, his gaze swept over Sang Jian's pistol.

  He clearly saw that there was no bullet fired from the gun, but the coachman was shot in the head.

  Besides, there was obviously a sound in the abandoned building before, but now it has become a silencer gun.

   If this thing is on the battlefield, it is estimated that it will catch the enemy by surprise.

  Sang Jian withdrew his hand and glanced around again.

   Well, no one.

  At this time, there was basically no one near the hospital. If there was a gunshot, it would definitely attract the attention of nearby residents, so the deception became a silencer gun.

  Sang Jian put away the trick, bent slightly, hugged Huo Nanting again, and strode into the hospital.

  Huo Nanting: "..." We have already reached the hospital gate, so there is no need to carry him in.

   Soon a doctor carried Huonanting into the operating room on a stretcher and helped him get the gun.

   This situation is almost familiar to doctors.

   What's more, he is a big shot like Huo Nanting, who used to be a frequent visitor to the hospital.

   I just don’t know why I was targeted again recently, and the car overturned.


  Sang Jian guarded Huo Nanting in the hospital overnight. Fortunately, none of his injuries were fatal, and the treatment was a little easier.

   Take out the bullet, apply good medicine, bandage it well and be careful not to get infected, then there will be no problem.

   It's just that the current medical conditions are relatively backward, and three bullets were taken overnight.

   When the sky turned white, Huo Nanting was transferred from the operating room to the ward.

   After taking some medicine from the doctor, Sang Jian immediately called a car and took Huo Nanting back to Huo's house.

   Taking advantage of the fact that things have not fully fermented, the Huo family is the safest place at this time.


  When Sang Jian took Huo Nanting back to Huo's house, Huo Qing and Lao Li were there.

  Huo Qing cried all night, her eyes were swollen.


  When she saw Sang Jian carrying Huo Nanting out of the car, Huo Qing immediately rushed over, crying loudly.

   "Mother-in-law, he needs to rest now." Sang Jian reminded.

  Huo Qing wiped away her tears and made way for her, "Well, let him rest first."

  All things can be said later.

  Sang Jian carried Huo Nanting back to his room.

  Huo Qing looked at Sang Jian's thin and petite back, and Huo Nanting was so big, huddled in Sang Jian's arms, she inexplicably saw something called a sense of security.

   This sense of security does not come from Huo Nanting, but from Sang Jian.

  Yesterday, after Lao Li ran back and said that Huo Nanting was gone, Huo Qing was always worried.

  Old Li also sent people out to look for it, but there was no news at all.

   Unexpectedly, it was Sang Jian who brought him back in the end!


  After Huo Nanting settled down, Sang Jian took a shower, changed into clean clothes, and went downstairs to tell Huo Qing what happened last night.

  As for how she found Huonanting, and how she fled back with Huonanting.

  I can only make up nonsense. When I first came out of Paramount, I saw Huo Nanting's car speeding past the door, followed by many people. I thought something might have happened, so I followed to find out.


  She herself is a master at escaping. They should have known it since the first time Huonanting sent someone to kill her and she ran home from so many people.

  So her remarks did not arouse Huo Qing's suspicion.

   After all, Huo Qing only needs them to be alive.

  Lao Li, on the other hand, had some doubts about Sang Jian after hearing these words.

   "Young Madam sang home before, and it was already midnight. When I found out that the Young Master was not around yesterday, it was still early. How could I happen to meet the Young Master's car passing by the gate of Bailemen?"

  Sang Jian glanced at him, "I was arranged to sing at the opening yesterday, is there a problem?"

  Old Li: "..." No problem, but Boss Chen of Paramount is not an idiot.

  As popular as Sang Jian, they usually stay behind to keep the guests, so how could she be allowed to start?

  If Sang sees it, it's fine to lie to Huo Qing, but it's full of loopholes to lie to an old stick like Lao Li.

  But Sang Jian didn't give Lao Li a chance to ask more questions, and suddenly asked, "Speaking of which, when he had an accident yesterday, where were you, Uncle Li?"

  An army against the general!

  Lao Li is not cowardly, "I'm helping the young master with something."

   "Huh?" Sang Jian raised his eyebrows, his eyes were somewhat oppressive.

Sensing that the atmosphere between the two was a bit serious, Huo Qing immediately smoothed things over, "Okay, okay, Sangsang, Lao Li has been with my Nanting for more than ten years, and there will be no problem. Lao Li, you Let alone Sangsang, if she really wants to do something to Nan Ting, why bring him back?"

  Sang Jian chuckled, "I only have one question, old Uncle Li, you said you were helping my husband with his affairs, have you finished his affairs?"


  Lao Li frowned, pursed his lips and stared at Sang Jian, without speaking.

  Sang saw it clearly, "Not finished?"

   "This doesn't mean I'm not loyal!" Lao Li said.

  Sang Jian shrugged, "I didn't say you were unfaithful, I just seemed to have been tricked."

  Old Li's face changed, "This is impossible! Shao Yan has been with the young master for many years!"

   Realizing that he had slipped his mouth, Lao Li immediately tightened his mouth.

  Sang Jian had such an expression as expected.

  Since Ye Lian'er told Huo Nanting yesterday that Shao Yan saved her, and Huo Nanting's tone of calling Shao Yan's name, Sang Jian didn't sound right.

  In addition, he used to accompany her to Paramount, but yesterday he said that he had something to deal with.

  Sang Jian guessed that he might have gone to find that Shao Yan.

   So that there are these things later.

   "You didn't find Shao Yan, did you?" Sang Jian asked amusedly.

  Lao Li: "..."

   Indeed not.

  Before when they were looking for Shao Yan, they only had to go to the entrances of major entertainment venues to see if his car was there, and they would know whether Shao Yan was there.

  Shao Yan's car was indeed in the casino last night. He went into the casino and looked around, but he couldn't find Shao Yan.

   When he felt puzzled and came out to report to Huo Nanting, he found that Huo Nanting had disappeared in a car.

   "I have been with him for several years, and I know him a little bit, right?" Sang Jian reminded.

  Lao Li's eyes widened with disbelief.

   Indeed, Shao Yan and Huo Nanting have a good relationship on weekdays, and they can be regarded as friends.

  He must have some understanding of Huo Nanting.

  If Huo Nanting knew that he saved Ye Lianer, but didn't come to him to "claim credit", Huo Nanting would definitely go to him.

  He also grasped Huo Nanting's psychology...

  Old Li still couldn't believe it, "What if I went with the young master yesterday? How can he be sure that the young master will be alone?"

   "Hmm..." Sang Jian pursed her lips and reminded, "That is to there a possibility...he wants to kill both of you? It just happens that you are not here."

  Lao Li: "..."

   "I don't think Xiao Shao is this kind of person..." Huo Qing couldn't help but say something after listening for a long time.

   She knows Shao Yan.

  She felt that although Shao Yan was usually a fool, he was very cheerful and lively. His mind shouldn't be so dark, right?

   As everyone knows, his son's mind is the darkest.

  Sang smiled, "I just said it casually, don't pay too much attention to it. Well, I probably have explained everything, and I didn't rest all night, so I'm going to bed now."

  Sang Jian dropped this passage, turned around and went upstairs.

  Huo Qing immediately said: "Hurry up, I'll make you some chicken soup later."

  Lao Li is still doubting his life.


  Sang Jian looked at Huo Nanting who was sleeping soundly on the bed, the wound on his face had been scabbed with medicine.

   Fortunately, it’s not that big, and it will heal in a few days, but I don’t know if it will leave a scar.

  Hey, anyway, he has already married a wife whether there is a scar or not, so there is no need to worry.

  Sang Jian sighed, lifted the quilt, got in, and lay down beside Huo Nanting.

  What she didn't realize was that just as she lay down, the ears of the "sleeping" person next to her were already red.

  Since Sang Jian came in, Huo Nanting woke up.

  He wanted to see what Sang Jian would do, but he didn't expect her to stare at him for a long time, and then got into bed.

  Yesterday she said that she would sleep together in the future, and he only thought she was joking, but she actually came for real? !

  She is so serious about what she said, and he is a little bit reluctant to recognize her...

   "Mr. Huo, your ears are so red."

  Sang Jian’s voice suddenly sounded in his ear, which startled him.


  Brother Meng, it will be changed to a chapter of 4000 words in the future. I will update the daily update at one time, and everyone will read it at one time.

  Thank you for your rewards, meme~

  Remember to vote and check in, okay~

  (end of this chapter)

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