The Bottom Trainer In The Pokémon World

Chapter 990 Xia Yan Vs Dakdo (1.3W!)

Chapter 989 Xia Yan VS Daketuo (1.3w!)

"Milotic, Hydro Pump!"


In the graceful and agile posture, the Milotic of Contest fluttered and rolled up the turbulent tide, while a Cianwood-colored energy water column surged out.

With surging rushing stance, smash a ferocious Arcanine in Rival head-on.

boom--! !

"Arcanine lost the ability to fight, so the winner is Xia Yan player!"


As the referee's voice fell, the audience burst into cheers.

Milotic in the field raised his chin slightly, enjoying the cheers from the crowd.

"Wait! You call that trick Hydro Pump? How about a liar?"

"Is this the Milotic of the 'Competitive' Ability? Arcanine's 'Intimidation' has been completely restrained."

"When the buffs are fully stacked, the Arcanine of the fire element can't resist it."

"In this way, the Pokémon that Teacher Xia Yan used in this competition will gradually become clear."

"Sliggoo, Salamence, Milotic, and Volcarona. It's not as close to the end as Darkrai of Darkrai and Heatran of Eddas, but it looks more interesting."


Defeated Rival and successfully advanced to the semi-finals of the Lily of the Valley Conference, and his image gradually became popular.

Soothe Rival.

in the player channel.

Xia Yan met Paul who was waiting here.

"Teacher Xia Yan."

Seeing Xia Yan, Paul greeted him very politely.

"Wait, it's your match with Ash, right?" Xia Yan said with a smile.

Paul nodded solemnly.

Although he didn't want to admit it, it was undeniable that Ash's growth speed and the "surprises" brought him time and time again put him under a lot of pressure.

"come on."

Xia Yan patted his shoulder.

Walk towards the player tunnel.

"Teacher Xia Yan!"


Paul stopped him again, and his voice and expression were much more serious than before.

Xia Yan turned around and looked at Paul's twinkling eyes, something called "doubt" in the depths of his eyes, which grew uncontrollably from the bottom of his heart.

Did Reggie chat with Paul again?

Xia Yan smiled and gave a comforting look.

"Paul, your talent for the game, your knowledge of Pokémon, your timing, and your rhythm are way ahead of Ash."

Hearing this, Paul's tense expression eased slightly.

But Xia Yan continued:

"However, Ash also has something that you lack. And if you can learn this from him, your future will be full of infinite possibilities."

"What I'm missing." Paul muttered.

Seeing his appearance, Xia Yan walked in front of him again.

Fingers rested on his chest.

"Actually, have you noticed it?"

Feeling the faint pressure in his chest, Paul raised his head.

"Enjoy the fight. It's not just about winning or losing."


Xia Yancai completely disappeared from the player channel.

Paul lightly covered his chest, feeling the surging beating in it, "Enjoy. Battle?"

"Paul is a really nice kid."

at the corner.

After seeing Xia Yan, Qinglu, who was waiting here for Xia Yan, couldn't help but sigh.

Xia Yan smiled knowingly.

"That's because he's very similar to you, right? No, maybe his paranoia is even more serious."

Green nodded thoughtfully.

"Speaking of which, Ash's child is very similar to the former Crimson." Qinglu said.

The two walked slowly towards the auditorium.

"From them, did you see your original shadow?"

Qinglu bowed his head a little embarrassedly.

When he was young, he was far more absurd than Paul.

Fragrant car beauty, which one is not a must?

"A good Rival, a real rival, is of great benefit and help to both parties."

The reason why Crimson and Green are progressing so fast is inseparable from the competition between the two.

Come to the top of the auditorium.

lean on the railing.

Looking at Ash and Paul who have walked to both sides of the opposing battlefield.

"Ash, cherish it." Xia Yan whispered.

"Do you cherish Rival?" Qinglu asked suspiciously.

Xia Yan smiled and nodded slightly.

Paul, in animation, was not very likable at first.

But it wasn't until subsequent generations and Region's animations that people finally realized how much help a rival like Paul had for Ash.

It would not be an exaggeration to say that he is the most successful rival in shaping.

after all.

Slowly to the back, not only did Paul not return, Ash's rival also changed from a man to a dog

It's a bit unsightly to think about.

"How's it going over there?"

Seeing the start of the battle between the two, Xia Yan suddenly asked.

Qinglu then remembered why he was waiting for Xia Yan.

Hastily said:

"The application in the name of the old man and the owner of Pokédex has been approved. Teacher Xia Yan, your contribution and strength in the Hoenn disaster have also been recognized there. They just want to know, you Which Battle Frontier are you ready to challenge?"

Which Battle Frontier?

There are currently two Battle Frontiers located in Kanto Region and Sinnoh Region.

Xia Yan pondered slightly against his chin.

He glanced at the ring on his right index finger and rubbed it lightly.

With the fierce battle between Dialga and Palkia, although calm was restored afterwards, the time and space fluctuations brought about inevitably had a big impact on the power of Xia Yan and the question mark Unown.

Though he can't really connect with the question mark Unown.

But after getting along for so long, Xia Yan also had a certain understanding of some of its characteristics and circumstances.

The time and space fluctuations brought about by Dialga and Palkia.

Makes the question mark Unown more stressed.

Just like even Giratina, who is in a world of destruction, is affected by it.

Still have to speed up.


Green nodded, "Understood."

The match between Ash and Paul was really good.

It's more inspiring than what you see on TV.

in particular.

After seeing Paul's Drapion, crushing Ash's Pokémon one after another.

And Ash's Infernape, even more so after breaking Drapion's "Spikes" with "Flare Blitz" in a very unreasonable way.

And Infernape, in front of Paul, the Trainer who once abandoned it, defeated the "elite" Pokémon he recognized again and again, making Paul feel what he lacked in Ash once again.

Infernape fought a series of victories and finally collided with Paul's Electivire.

Entering the Infernape of the "Flame" Contest Condition, a "Flamethrower" will knock back the Electivire with "Thunder".

The two sides completely entered the final stage.

The audience who were moved by the passion of Ash and Infernape stood up one after another and watched this scene with excitement and excitement.

Even the Elite Four Big Leaf who came to watch the game shouted excitedly when he saw the passion shown by Ash and Infernape:

"Trainer named Ash, the fire burning in his heart is echoing with Infernape!"

Cynthia, who was sitting next to her, raised her forehead.

"The next move is to decide the winner."

Xia Yanxu narrowed his eyes.

He was not surprised by the aura of Ash's bond with Infernape.

But Paul, have you noticed that against Ash, you are slowly becoming like him?

"Infernape, Flare Blitz!"

"Electivire, Thunder Punch!"

Here, there should be BGM.

As a storm of lightning and flames swept across the arena, a strong wind blew across everyone's faces, and thick dust blocked all sight as usual.

In the dead silence, Infernape and Electivire stood back to back.

After a brief silence.

boom! ! !

Cal, who burst into flames from Electivire, fell heavily to the ground.


Amid the commotion, Ash and Infernape stared blankly at each other.

Muttered: "Win, win?"


He and Infernape hugged and laughed, "We won! Infernape, we won!"


"It's over."

Xia Yan didn't know why, and couldn't help but sighed in relief.

Maybe it's because there are often many uncertainties in the bond explosion.

But it should not be said, this conference, Ash really showed his style, with a little red appearance.

Standing beside him, Qinglu looked at Ash who was about to kill Infernape on the field, and fell into deep thought.

As Ash and Paul fell to Veilstone, the final list of the Lily of the Valley competition was officially released.

Xia Yan, Ash, the divine beast man Dakdo and the divine beast man Adas who also has the divine beast Heatran.

Scroll to and fro on the big screen.

The roster for the semi-finals is also out.

"Play Dakto"

Xia Yan turned around silently.

"Teacher Xia Yan, what are you doing?"

Xia Yan didn't look back.

"Shake people away."

Knowing that Xia Yan was going to prepare for training for tomorrow's game, Steven deliberately bought the back garden of the mansion.

"Look at Ash, I'll just demonstrate it once."


Ash and his Infernape stared intently at Xia Yan and Xia Yan's Infernape.

Xia Yan's expression was a little serious, and he said to Infernape, "Great indignation."



Xia Yan's Infernape looked serious and gave a low drink.

The fiery dark red flame surged up, and the turbulent flames shot up into the sky, bursting open instantly, completely wrapping the Infernape.

In the eye sockets that flickered with fire, the expression was extremely serious and focused.

With the blessing of "Great Indignation", Infernape directly entered the "Enthusiasm" Contest Condition with absolute concentration.

Infernape's eyes were full of stars when he saw Ash.

After a while.

The flames on Infernape gradually subsided.

"Have you learned?"

"Ku, Kui?" Ash's Infernape blinked.

Facing Ash's hopeful gaze.

It opened its mouth, not knowing what to say.

Is this something you can learn at a glance?

"We can do it!"

Ash clenched his fists with confidence.

Infernape: You didn't learn it!

After teaching Ash and his Infernape, Xia Yan ignored them.

"Teacher Xia Yan!"

At this time, Miss Plantina suddenly ran to the garden and found him.


Throw him a small note.

Then he blushed and ran away.

"Small note" Xia Yan had a weird expression.

We also received a small note one day?

Next to Ash and Infernape, lying on the edge of the flowers, quietly watched this scene.

They looked at each other.

There are tricks!

However, after Xia Yan opened the small note and glanced at it, his expression became even more weird.

"It's embarrassing for me like this. I want to be a good person."

Put away the note.

Xia Yan coughed lightly, "Cough, Infernape, I don't think Ash and his Infernape have learned anything, so go and teach it yourself."

"Kookie." Infernape nodded.

Ash next to him was ecstatic.

Infernape beside him was messed up in the wind.

I knew it earlier, no gossip.

Xia Yan walked to the other side.

it's here.

Beedrill and Reggie Elage are doing Ability.

Stimulate the electric current on Beedrill's wings with Reggie Elage's lightning, so that Beedrill's speed once again tries to break the limit.

Although it did not progress as fast as Xia Yan imagined.

But there are effects.

At least.

Beedrill, who had started to progress slowly after reaching the championship level, once again found a way forward.

"Every time Beedrill progressed to the championship level, he was breaking the shackles of Pokémon itself."

This is the first sentence that Giovanni wrote on the first page of the Beedrill Training Manual that Giovanni gave to Xia Yan.

At that time, Xia Yan was just unaware of this.

But when his Beedrill also entered the championship level, he really felt the certainty and pride that Giovanni had after writing this sentence.

before his Giovanni.

No one has ever raised Beedrill to a championship level, or even above it.

And now.

One more such person.

That's Xia Yan.


Reggie Elage and Beedrill saw Xia Yan coming.

"Don't! Reggie Elech, don't!" Xia Yan's expression suddenly changed

And Reggie Elech jumped towards him like a child.


Reggie Elecchi, who didn't realize how much power his shock would bring, directly knocked Xia Yan down without a doubt.

the most important is.

When it is excited and happy, the lightning on its body will be released involuntarily.

next second.

Xia Yan deeply felt the numbness that Ash had endured.

That is to say, he is a Psychic, and at the same time has the power of waveguide, and his physical quality is not comparable to that of ordinary people.

In addition, Reggie Elage did not actively release lightning, but a subconscious behavior.

This did not lead to tragedy.

Otherwise, Xia Yan may become the first Elite Four to be electrocuted by his own Pokémon.


Reggie Elecchi saw that Xia Yan was not injured because of his current, and immediately rubbed his chest more intimately.

After getting used to the numbness, Xia Yan reluctantly stretched out his hand and gently rubbed its head, which seemed to be completely composed of thunder and lightning.

This is not the first time this has happened.

He subdued Reggie Elage, ready to use its power to help Beedrill rise again.

And when Reggie Elech was summoned for the first time.

Xia Yan suddenly discovered that Reggie Elech's intelligence was not high.


After it was created by Regigigas, it was Imprison because of its own terrifying and destructive power.

It is not well versed in the world, so it is not high-minded.

However, this made the process of Xia Yan subduing it much simpler.

It is possible to be electrocuted from time to time.

After a few times.

Xia Yan obviously found that his muscle lines became a little more obvious.

He had reason to suspect that Ash's physical fitness was so abnormal because he was overcharged by Pikachu.

"Okay, okay, train hard."

no way.

Xia Yan could only take out the "trick" energy block as comfort.

This made Reggie Elech stand up with joy.

Beedrill next to him, like an older brother, carefully taught Reggie Elech some basic knowledge and cognition.

both sides.

It is mutual help and mutual improvement.


The process of learning a little bit of Reggie Elech, who is not very intelligent but extremely powerful, is still quite painful.

Of course, in the case of energy blocks, this process can be shortened by a lot.

There is nothing that a single power cube can't solve.

If there is.

Then two meals.

"Really? Darkrai?"

【Well? Say what? 】

Darkrai stuck the last few energy cubes in his mouth and stuck his head out of the shadow beside him.

"I'm going to fuck your little brother tomorrow. Talk about it, how familiar are you?"

【呲——Little brother? 】

Darkrai pouted.

Speaking of Sird's Darkrai last time, it didn't seem like it was dry.

【what ever. To emphasize that it is not my little brother, I do not have such a weak little brother. If it was me

"It's a word!"

Xia Yan made a final decision.

Darkrai: ? ? ?


"The Darkrai from Dakoto tomorrow will be handed over to you."

After being stunned for a while, Darkrai finally regained his senses.

【no. Aren't you going to give the little guys at Volcarona a chance? 】

Xia Yan shrugged.

"And who the Rival is. If it's Ash, I'll definitely let them go. But you think the Darkrai is weak, Volcarona, are they Rival?"

【Isn't there Beedrill? 】


Xia Yan glanced sideways at Beedrill, who was training with Reggie Elecchi, Doron Bartto, who was polishing antimatter power with Aegislash, and Togekiss, who was grabbing ice cream with Sylveon and Ninetales.

"It would be too bullying to send them." Xia Yan said truthfully.

Darkrai froze again.

Break your fingers.

What do you mean?

Going on Beedrill is bullying, but going on it isn't bullying?

Equivalent conversion.

Is it weaker than Beedrill them?

Seemingly seeing Darkrai's entanglement, Xia Yan patted it on the shoulder.

"I didn't say that you were weaker than anyone else. I just wanted to say that there are also divine beasts on the opposite side, and we also send divine beasts. They are all divine beasts, so it's reasonable to fight on an equal footing, right?"

is that what it means?

Darkrai looked at Xia Yan's "sincere" eyes.

A long time passed.

Shake your head.

Do not!

According to Darkrai's understanding of Xia Yan's urine, he always felt that there was something in his words.

the next day.

The Lily of the Valley Conference semifinals have officially started.

Xia Yan and Daketo, who are the two most popular champions in this competition, will fight in the semifinals.

This is undoubtedly the biggest highlight of today's two games.

Xia Yan's identity was revealed little by little by the majority of netizens, and his strength and ability gradually became clear.

In terms of his strength alone, coming to the Lily of the Valley Competition is a bit bullying.

What can I do.

This time at the Lily of the Valley Conference Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon.

There are not only top Trainers like Xia Yan, but also Dakto and Adas, two Trainers with divine beasts.

Aidas aside, although his Heatran is also very strong, he is barely within the strength range of this competition.

Dakota is different.

He has only shown one Darkrai from start to finish since he participated in this competition.

Whether it's 3v3 or 6v6, it's all from start to finish.

No one has seen his second Pokémon.

And today.

The two "Battle Generations" of this Lily of the Valley Contest met.

Silver becomes a master?

The audience suddenly felt that today's game will be very exciting.

Whether it was Xia Yan winning or Daketuo winning, they were not surprised.

Even Sinnoh Region champion Cynthia and Elite Four Da Ye, Lucian, Aaron and Bertha all came.

You can see how much attention is paid.

in such an atmosphere.

Xia Yan and Daketo stood on both sides of the field.

"Dakdo's goal is the Elite Four?"

Lucian with Erlang's legs crossed closed the book, pushed his glasses and said.


Aaron shook the hair on his head, looking indifferent.

"I'm still more interested in Xia Yan. Denji said he was terribly strong."

Da Ye's eyes were full of emotion.

"I just received a notification yesterday. Xia Yan applied to challenge Battle Frontier."

Cynthia quietly said.

"Eh?! He doesn't go to Victory Road anymore?" Daye stared.

"Not going." Cynthia nodded slightly.

"Tsk, what a pity."

"What's a pity?" Bertha squinted at Da Ye, who was full of regret, "You forgot what happened when you first walked Victory Road?"

Hearing this, Daye was instantly embarrassed.

The first time he went after the championship, the Rival was against Cynthia, who was then an Elite Four.

The result.

He was zero sealed.

The bloody kind.

The champion of the Normal competition goes to Victory Road, it's really no different from giving away points.

For example, after winning the Lily of the Valley Conference Champion, he finally became an Elite Four after a few years of silence.

"Da Ye's talent, among the Trainers, is already very top." Cynthia smiled.

"Thank you for the compliment, eldest sister."


Halfway through speaking, Daye suddenly felt that something was not right.

Is this a compliment to him, or a compliment to Cynthia herself?

He was very talented, and he was brutally abused by Cynthia.

"here we go."

Lucian's words interrupted the communication of several people.

In the cheers of Yu Dingbo like the tide of Normal, Xia Yan and Dakto have already indicated that they are ready under the referee's signal.

"Teacher Xia Yan." Dakduo's eyes were bright, "I hope to see your true strength in this battle."


Xia Yan laughed dumbly.

"It shouldn't disappoint you."

Dakdo nodded solemnly with a serious expression.

The men who can ride the Rayquaza are not the only ones with strength, right?

"Teacher Xia Yan, come on!!"

"Boom plus boom!!"

Xiaolan, Xiaohuang, Dawn and Piplup shook the flower ball in their hands, and Plantina, who was sitting next to them, also held the flower ball in her hand, but sat there with a blushing face. Thoroughly cheer on Xia Yan like Xiaolan and the others.


Akin digs his ears and looks like the person next to him is very noisy.

He curled his lips and said, "Isn't it a Darkrai? It's like we've never seen a mythical beast. If I were to play Akin, let alone Darkrai, even Arceus would be useless to show you whether you believe it or not."

Aroused contempt from the crowd.

just you?

Akin was instantly angry.

If you really meet Arceus in the future, you will have to go up and down and divide.

"Really? Potaro!"

"Just muttering!!"

Togepi, with a smirk on his face, nodded.

Merely Darkrai

"In this battle, in the form of 6v6, when any one of the six Pokémon loses the ability to fight, the enthronement game ends. Now, please call the Pokémon of both players!"

Under the referee's signal, Xia Yan and Darkrai held the Poké Ball in their hands.

Dakoto threw out the Poké Ball in his hand gracefully.

With the red light flashing.

A Pokémon with a cold and handsome face appeared in the field with a Haze dragging.


The only Pokémon that Darkrai has ever used, Darkrai!


This Darkrai is feared, not just because of its identity, but also because of its strength.

No matter it is any Rival, as long as it fights against it, almost no one can survive the second move.

Such strength can no longer be described only by the word "crushing".


What Pokémon will Teacher Xia Yan use to fight?

Seeing Darkrai, according to the battle rules, Xia Yan had no chance to change Poké Ball, but he had no intention of changing it.

Slightly pressed the brim of the hat.

The corners of his mouth curved up.

Not many people noticed that the Poké Ball he was holding today was a bit special.

It's different from the usual Poké Ball.

"Then, please."

Saying that, Xia Yan finally threw the "dark ball" in his hand.

After unfolding, what followed was a black awn.

When Darkrai in front of Dakto saw this black light, he was calm and calm. For the first time, a complex intertwined look of astonishment, surprise, and shock flashed in his eyes.

The black awns quickly converged, forming a tight and slow outline, accompanied by a rich Haze that wafts and undulates.

The cold eyes were cold.

And when the audience saw the Pokémon summoned by Xia Yan.

The entire arena fell silent.

next second.


There was an uproar.

"Da, Darkrai?! Player Xia Yan's first Pokémon is also, Darkrai?!"

Host stumblingly explained the situation on the field at this time.

Two Darkrai? !

Xia Yan, actually summoned a Darkrai?

Whether it is someone who knows Xia Yan or someone who doesn't know Xia Yan, it is impossible to imagine that Xia Yan would actually use Darkrai to face Darkrai of Dakdo.

Collision between "Nightmare Gods"?

After a long uproar, there was a sound of cheering and shouting.

Battle of the beasts!

After seeing Xia Yan Darkrai, Darkrai also shrank his eyes.

The layman sees people making trouble, and the expert sees the doorway.

As someone who owns a Darkrai, when he feels the momentum displayed by the Darkrai of Xia Yan on the opposite side, he understands how big the difference in strength between the two sides is.

This is Teacher Xia Yan's true strength?

Xia Yan's Darkrai glanced at the "little brother" opposite, and turned to Xia Yan and said:

[That ball, not bad. 】

Hearing this, Xia Yan couldn't help grinning.

I have long told you that this characteristic "dark ball" is very suitable for it. It was Xia Yan who paid a huge price and troubled Professor Oak, Pryce, and Agatha to work together to help Oreburgh of Azalea Town to polish it out. It completely matches Darkrai's various features.


Darkrai prefers to stay in Xia Yan's shadow.

This time it was finally in the Poké Ball because of the rules of the Conference.

This is not.

Only then did I understand the goodness of this "dark ball".

[However, it would be even better if there was an internet connection in Poké Ball. 】

Darkrai muttered something before turning to look across the street again.

The "look down" eyes have a bit of looking down.

After shocking the Poké Balls sent by both sides, the flags in the hands of the referee suddenly fell.

"Game start!"

"Darkrai, Focus Blast!"


Xia Yan also summoned Darkrai, which surprised Dakto, and he also felt great pressure from Xia Yan's Darkrai.

But he also recovered after a short period of surprise.

after all.

The request to see the strongest Xia Yan was made by himself.

this time.

I have to finish the request I made with tears in my eyes!

Anyway, closing both eyes is the same.

Fortunately, since Dakdo has Darkrai himself, he is well aware of the weaknesses and flaws of Darkrai, a Pokémon.

see you.

Dakoto's Darkrai waved one arm, and a dark red Energy Ball emerged from its palm, forming tight and fast, and shot towards Xia Yan's Darkrai.


Xia Yan's Darkrai pouted.

A faint "disdain" flashed across his eyes.

Homeopathic "Nasty Plot" up.

How can a real divine beast be restricted by Attribute?

Xia Yan also seemed to clearly understand the character of Darkrai, the arrogant guy, and at the same time as the order was issued, it was in line with Darkrai's mind.

Haze surging on it instantly, rolled up a wave of Black, and rushed up to meet the "Focus Blast".

at the same time.

Darkrai's palm spread out, and the innumerable fluttering Haze, as if inspired, spun and gathered in the center of its palm, spinning "hummingly".

Dark Pulse!

Facing the "Focus Blast", Darkrai seemed to be wiping it off.

The "Dark Pulse" collided head-on with the "Focus Blast".

And the solid "Focus Blast", like being slapped by Darkrai, was blown away.

boom! ! !

A huge roar suddenly erupted, the field shattered, and a huge pit appeared behind Darkrai.

This scene.

Many people were stunned.

This is not reasonable!

Shooting "Focus Blast" like this?

Inky Darkrai's action wasn't much affected.

In the blink of an eye, he came to Darkrai of Dakdo.


"Dark Void!" Dakdo shouted in a deep voice.

"Sleep it!"

Xia Yan was more direct than Dak.

Darkrai's mouth twitched.

Don't our moves have names?

I complained in my heart, but my actions were not slow at all.

Everyone saw this century-old scene.

The Darkrai of Dakdo is poised to open his arms, and the huge Pitch-Black Cavern spreads between its palms, and the faint black light seems to have the power to devour everything.



Xia Yan's Darkrai raised his palm, and a larger black hole appeared in front of it.

In terms of the size of the "black hole" alone, Xia Yan's Darkrai wins!

Darkrai: Just kidding, don't even look at who we've slept with before.

The big fish eats the small fish, and the little ones are insignificant. When the two "Dark Voids" collide with each other, they are accompanied by the constant interweaving and tearing of their energy.

The fine black cracks continuously burst out black flocculent lightning in the middle of the two "Dark Voids".


It was Xia Yan's Darkrai, who completely shrouded Dakdo's Darkrai in the "dark hole" with absolute strength.

【Have a sweet dream. 】


Sweet dreams?

"Darkrai, Sleep Talk!"

However, Dakdo did not give up and tried to be Struggle.

"Focus Blast."

But Xia Yan's voice followed.

Darkrai Haze twitched, his eyes were dignified, his palm directly pressed on Darkrai's head of Dakdo, and at the same time he pressed his head to the ground, "Focus Blast" quickly condensed.

boom! !

As the rumbling dissipated, the scene on the field made everyone open their mouths again.

Darkrai of Darkrai, lose?

That one has never been defeated from the beginning to the end, and even no Rival can resist its two moves Darkrai, how to lose?


Still lost in the hands of another Darkrai.

the most important is.

There is almost no fighting back!

Before the start of the game, someone thought that Darkrai of Darkrai would lose, but never thought of losing in this way.

How different is this from being slaughtered?


This is the true strength of Xia Yan, who is called "Teacher"?

That's the horror of the man riding the Rayquaza?


Cynthia and Lucian looked at Da Ye.

A drop of cold sweat appeared on Daye's forehead and slowly slipped down his cheek.

"It's just a Darkrai, I can handle it."

Cynthia smiled.

on the field.

Daketo took a deep breath, took Darkrai back, looked at Xia Yan and the Darkrai in front of him, "Teacher Xia Yan, is this your real strength?"

Xia Yan couldn't help but lowered his head and touched his nose.

"Cough, that's it."

Actually, Darkrai is not the main Pokémon said.

"It's my honor to play against a truly top Trainer like you."

Saying that, Daketo bowed slightly and performed a standard noble etiquette towards Xia Yan.

After slowly getting up, he said again: "Please continue."

Immediately, the Poké Ball was thrown out of his hand.

"Quite yea!!"

In the red light, the Pokémon that appeared was accompanied by a long, high-pitched sound.

Blessed Pokémon, Togekiss!

Whoa-! !

Finally got to see Darkrai's second Pokémon besides Darkrai.

Historic scene.

Seeing Togekiss, Xia Yanxu narrowed his eyes.

Shouldn't you have a Beedrill, an Alakazam, an Aegislash?

That Xia Yan has to seriously doubt whether this Daketo is his Xia Yan's "trumpet" in this world.


The Fairy-type Togekiss does have an Attribute advantage over the evil-type Darkrai.


If this Togekiss of Dakdo is the "God's Grace" Ability, once the luck is overwhelming, it is not impossible to kill the gods.

As long as the hit rate is high enough, Xia Yan's Togekiss might really be able to slay the third-level divine beast.

"Togekiss, Air Slash!"


With Daketo's order, Xia Yan's guess was completely confirmed.

Togekiss's infinite "Air Slash" tactics?

He is the one who knows best.


Xia Yan's voice sounded almost at the same time as Daketo, even one point faster.

Hearing the order of this move, Dakdo's heart suddenly became cold.


read first!

Strange energy emerged from Darkrai's body.

Just as Togekiss swung an "Air Slash", he was blocked by "Disable".

The second time it becomes "Struggle" abruptly.

Dakto hurriedly took out the Poké Ball and tried to get the Togekiss back.


However, Xia Yan seems to be on his prediction time and time again.

Darkrai appeared behind Togekiss, while Haze enveloped him, blocking the angle of Poké Ball's recovery.

"That's why I don't wear 'Choice Scarf' on Togekiss." Xia Yan murmured.

The reason why Dakdo's Togekiss is so fast after coming out is because he is wearing the "Choice Scarf".

Choice Scarf: Half the speed of the Pokémon you carry, but can only use one move.

Once read first and bad luck doesn't hold it the first time, it's unplayable.

And this routine is okay to use once in a while, but you can't play it at all when you meet someone you are familiar with.

boom! !

With Haze gone.

Togekiss of Dakdo fell heavily to the ground.

The wings were stained with frost.

In sleep, killed by "Ice Beam".

slept two.

Dakto put away the unconscious Togekiss.

In the collision of the first game, he felt Xia Yan's strength.

In the collision of the second game, he felt Xia Yan's tactical ability.

That third inning

"Please, Gallade!"

Dakoto's third Pokémon, Psychic and Fighting Pokémon, Gallade!

"The Gallade of the 'Heart of Justice' Ability?" Xia Yan guessed.

The game continues.

"Sleep again." Xia Yan's voice was cold.

But this time.

Daketo read Xia Yan first!

"Gallade, Quick Guard!"

see you.

Dakoto's Gallade crossed his arms, and a dark red energy Barrier appeared around its body, completely isolating all surrounding energy fluctuations.

Absolutely defensive!


Darkrai didn't mean to stop and change his moves.

And Xia Yan didn't mean to let it stop.

The thick Haze swelled instantly, and a huge black hole emerged out of thin air.

Darkrai pressed the black hole with one hand, up and down from the top of Gallade.

Dakdo clenched his fists.

"Hold on! Gallade!"


ka ka ka-

I heard a fine and crisp sound, the Barrier wrapped around Gallade, cracked one after another under the squeeze of "Dark Void", and finally shattered with a "bang".

"Dark Void" completely shrouded down!

Dakduo's expression was solemn, and although he had guessed such a result, he still felt a great deal of pressure.

Can only shout: "Gallade, Sleep Talk!"

Darkrai gathered evil energy, and "Dark Pulse" fell without the slightest hesitation.

boom! ! !

However, this time luck seemed to be on Dakto's side.

Gallade's last "Sleep Talk" actually made it perform "Pain Split"!

Darkrai grunted.

Darkrai frowned as Gallade fell.


The audience stood up and shouted.

Dakoto finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Gallade's failure, he expected.

But that's okay.

It's done well enough to "Pain Split", which drastically reduces Darkrai's stamina.

"It's really good." Even Xia Yan couldn't help but praise.

It cannot be denied that even if he is Dakdo, facing such a Darkrai, it is estimated that he cannot do much better than Dakdo.

"Darkrai's physical strength is running out." Dakdo said with a grin.

Xia Yan nodded noncommittally.


Without hesitation, he immediately summoned a fourth Pokémon after putting away the Gallade.

Defeat Darkrai and win!

Fourth, Rhyperior!

boom! !

The heavy body fell on the Ground, causing the venue to make an overwhelming sound.

"Sleep again."

Regardless of whether Dakdo would read it first, Xia Yan had no intention of changing his tactical strategy.


Now he is the Boss, and Dakdo is the one who is going to attack the Boss, always giving young people a chance.

Sure enough, Daketo read it first again, as if he had a tacit understanding with Xia Yan.

"Rhyperior, Sleep Talk!"

I used "Sleep Talk" when I came up, so it's probably just this one, right?

But don't say it.

Every Pokémon in Dakdo has learned and even mastered the "Sleep Talk" move.

Also quite outrageous.

It is estimated that when he captured Darkrai, he spent a lot of effort.

After performing this move, Dakdo stared at Rhyperior.

He is gambling.

He's going to bet on a move.

Horn Drill!

Although the chances are slim and the hit rate of the "Horn Drill" move is extremely low, it is his biggest reliance right now.

At first.

Rhyperior's "Horn Drill" comes into play when he catches Darkrai.


The last Gallade seemed to have exhausted Dakto's luck.

This time, what Rhyperior uses is "Stone Edge"!

dong dong dong——! !

One after another hard Rock pillars rose from the ground, piercing densely towards Darkrai.

If it can hit Darkrai and consume its stamina further, it is barely acceptable.

"Dream Eater."


As Darkrai pulled Rhyperior's "dream" out of his body and devoured it, his physical strength quickly recovered, and Rhyperior, whose special defense ability was extremely worrying, was steadily defeated in his sleep.

boom! !

Rhyperior fell to the ground, breathing evenly, but already incapacitated.

A bunch of four!

the most important is.

Darkrai, who originally looked like a poor Contest Condition, quickly recovered his stamina with his "Dream Eater".

How to fight this?

It's not as good as the people who go home.

what tactics?

Hypnotized Gorefiend? !

He was given a chance, and then he smothered that opportunity with his own hands.

"Wow, Teacher Xia Yan is too stupid, isn't it?" Akin patted his thigh, his eyes shining.


Dakoto's expression was sluggish for a few seconds before revealing a touch of bitterness.

Is this how others feel when confronted with his Darkrai?

It turned out that when someone else Struggle tried hard to replace one of his Pokémon, it was this feeling?

Some people may think that Xia Yan is bullying people.

But only Dakdo doesn't think so.


He has done the same to others before.

Only this time, it was him who faced it.

Dakto took a deep breath and calmed down the complicated emotions in his heart.

Throws the Poké Ball to summon his fifth Pokémon.


The giant shark in the desert, Garchomp!

"Will it break people's mentality?" Xia Yan couldn't help asking Darkrai with telepathy.

【impossible. 】

Darkrai answered with great certainty.

Xia Yan was stunned for a moment.

Just listen to Darkrai's voice sternly speak again.

[If this little setback makes him lose his confidence, then I can only say, my little brother, saw the wrong person. 】

After listening to Darkrai's words, Xia Yan couldn't help but smile after being silent for a while.


On the road of growth, how can there be a series of six.

When Ash played against Paul for the first time, it was even worse.

Don't you also turn over to be the master now?

Since there is always a person who wants to become the unsurmountable mountain in the hearts of others, the mountain in Dakduo's heart will be borne by me.

"Wait, are you sure it's not your first time playing and you want a perfect appearance?"

Darkrai overdid it.

But don't say, it finally understands why the rest of Xia Yan's little guys are so keen to appear in the game.


It's all cheers for it now.

How could it have enjoyed such cheers before?

It would be nice if no one shouted.

"Okay. Since that's the case, keep sleeping with it!"

[Can you please change the word? ! 】

Darkrai growled inwardly, but his hands kept moving.

"Then knock it down?"

Darkrai: .

[Still sleep. 】

see you.

Garchomp of Dakdo, also unable to defend against the "Dark Void" from Darkrai, fell into a deep sleep.

"Sleep Talk" deals minimal damage and ends up incapacitated by Darkrai's one shot of "Ice Beam".


"Garchomp is incapacitated! Dakdo player, there is only one Pokémon left!"

And Dakoto's last Pokémon.

Naturally, it was the other of the only two divine beasts on him.

Unlimited Pokémon, Latios!



How can one person have two divine beasts? !

The audience was once again in an uproar when they saw Dakoto's last Pokémon.


The last Latios didn't make much wind and waves after all.

Dakoto's strength is not weak, maybe there is a chance to replace an Elite Four.

But he also has a downside.

That is, there are no champion-level Pokémon.

If he could have a champion Pokémon, maybe he wouldn't be so passive when facing Xia Yan's Darkrai.

The audience boiled over as Latios fell incapacitated.

One sleep six!


A string of six!

Daketo, who has been stringing the whole game.

For the first time, I encountered the result of being slapped by others!

"The six Pokémons of Dakto are all incapacitated, so the winner is Xia Yan!"

As the referee's voice fell, the cheers from the audience swept through like a tsunami.

And Darkrai, who shined in this competition, stood silently in the center of the field with a cold face.

The blocked mouth raised an arc that it didn't even realize.

The matchup is kind of interesting.

"This Xia Yan is a bit ruthless." Daye wiped the sweat from his forehead.

"But it's not necessarily a bad thing for Dakto." Bertha said quietly.


Lucian pushed up on his glasses.

"According to the information I have obtained, Dakotao has almost no defeats, and such an experience may not be a good thing for a person who is aiming for an Elite Four or higher."

"At least, he should have learned a lot from Xia Yan this time."

Cynthia's golden waterfall scattered, slowly said.

Several people nodded thoughtfully.

Xia Yan and Daketo walked to the middle of the arena.

The two shake hands.

Looking at Dakto, whose expression was a little frustrated and dejected, Xia Yan lightly patted him on the shoulder.

"The responsibility on your shoulders, and your family's expectations for you, will not allow you to fall here, Dakdo."


Dakduo was stunned.

Xia Yan put a note into his hand.

"See for yourself."

This note was exactly the one that Miss Plantina had stuffed to him in the garden yesterday.

Dakdo slowly unfolded.

He is no stranger to the handwriting written on it.

Lots of content.

But to sum it up in one sentence.

I hope Xia Yan can spur Daketo.

The source, of course, is "family".

a time.

Dakdo froze in place.

Many memories flashed in my mind.

When I was young, I left home because of discord with my family.

He has grown rapidly along the way, overcame obstacles, showed enough talent, and became a leader among his peers, with no two in the limelight.

After achieving something, I came back and hoped to prove myself in front of the family.

The beginning of the goal is this Lily of the Valley Conference.

Then the sword points to the Elite Four!

However, it was only after his return that he slowly learned through some of the minutiae.

In the process of growing up that he didn't seem to get any help, in fact, there has always been a shadow of the family.

She silently supports him, silently protects him, and silently helps him.

As a result, Daketo was lost for a while.

I don't know if I should continue to prove myself in front of the family.

Or should thank the family that he has not liked very much.

My heart is very complicated.

All of a sudden, almost lost the direction of life.


Only someone would entrust Xia Yan, hoping that he could set up a new goal for Dakdo.

And this goal.

Without a doubt, it was Xia Yan himself.

After reading.

Dakdo was silent for a long time.

He raised his head sharply and looked at Xia Yan who was about to disappear into the player channel.

Quickly chased up.

"Teacher Xia Yan! Please allow me to study with you!"


PS: Not to mention, I asked for leave yesterday, and I will show my sincerity on 1.3w today! Thank you "Yan Ming" and "Dove Ghost" for their great rewards~~

PY a book "Pokémon: I Really Can Wave the Power"

(End of this chapter)

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