The Bottom Trainer In The Pokémon World

Chapter 991 Xia Yan Vs Ash! Double Jump? ! (6K!)

Chapter 990 Xia Yan VS Ash! Double jump? ! (6k!)

"The finals of the Lily of the Valley Conference will officially start today!"

After yesterday's warm-up rendering, today's Lily of the Valley Conference finals directly pushed the heat to the top.

in particular.

Yesterday, Xia Yan also relied on a Darkrai to push back the Darkrai, and Daketo, who became famous for this, after completing the feat of one sleep six, he even raised the call for Xia Yan to win the championship to the highest level.

And his Rival today.

Looking at the guy who stood on the opposite field, kept licking his nose, and looked like a foolish smile.


Xia Yan couldn't help supporting his forehead.

He originally thought that even if Ash avoided the divine beast Dakdo, he would have to fall when facing the divine beast Adas and his Heatran.

How do you know.

Ash actually won!

As for the reason?

After the fight with Paul, Ash doesn't have to force himself to use the Pokémon captured by the Sinnoh Region.

That's right.

Ash called out all the strongest Pokémons he had captured before.

Should say or not.

When Ash finally stopped being a "Mega Rookie", his strength was still good.

Although this is already the fourth conference he has experienced, it feels like he has a lot of experience and is a seasoned trainer.

But in fact, it has been less than a year since Ash left Pallet Town for a trip.

Even if he did not successfully win the championship as soon as he debuted like Crimson, the speed of progress is also very impressive.

in particular.

His Pokémons are stored in Pallet Town and in various places, and there are big guys who help him train them.

Originally, what Ash lacked was his battle experience and battle skills as a Trainer.

But on the trip to Sinnoh.

Several collisions and frictions with Paul, plus learning from the Lily of the Valley Competition and Laser Focus.

At least let him become an excellent Trainer, with decent command and combat capabilities.

The last shortcoming was made up, coupled with the powerful Pokémon that he had conquered, Ash's strength in the semi-finals surprised many people.


Including Paul.

He didn't expect that Ash was hiding so many powerful Pokémon.


Ash had some reservations when facing Adas who had Heatran, so today against Xia Yan, in the final of the Lily of the Valley Conference, Ash no longer had any reservations.

He stared at Xia Yan with burning eyes.

He said excitedly: "Teacher Xia Yan! Today, I hope to have a full-fledged fight with you. Uuuuuu"

"Pickup pickup!"

Ash was only halfway through his words when Pikachu covered his mouth in a hurry.

Xiaogang in the stands let out a long breath.

"so close."

Yesterday, Daketo was forced to make a series of six by a Darkrai because he said that he wanted to see Xia Yan's true strength.

He repeatedly told Ash not to be impulsive.

Unexpectedly, it was almost spoken out by him.


Ash Shi Lezhi, Pishen's Contest Condition today looks pretty good.

Facing the excited Ash, Xia Yan smiled, "Don't worry, you won't be disappointed."

"it is good!"

Ash nodded heavily.

"Ask both players to summon Pokémon!"

The two flags in the referee's hands were slowly raised, giving the two time to prepare for the Pokémon.

"Go, Pikachu!"

Ash hardly hesitated, and immediately motioned for Pishen to play.


Without any hesitation, Pikachu ran from Ash's feet confidently into the arena.

All fours fell to the ground, his eyes were full of fighting intent, and the red electric bag on his cheek swelled with electricity.

Xia Yan was not surprised when he saw Pikachu.

Pishen was the first to test the water, and depending on the situation, it would explode today. This is also the routine operation of Ash and Pishen.

In most cases, Pishen will not fight to the end, and often go back to recover his strength after trying the water.

Then play according to the performance of your teammates.

Although it often ends with a paddling, when the hardest battle is really going to be fought, the skin god will appear.

Xia Yan also threw the Poké Ball.


in the red light.

Volcarona, burning with golden flames, appeared in the field.

With the flapping of the wings, a fiery heat wave swept across the entire venue.

Volcarona's expression was serious.

Xia Yan has already explained to it.

Although Ash's Pikachu looks cute and has some signs of gaining weight recently, it must not be underestimated.

With the momentum of thunder, kill it in seconds!

"Player Ash takes the lead, and the game begins!"

The flag in the referee's hand suddenly fell, and the battle began!

"Pikachu, Quick Attack!"

A signature start.


A white light appeared on Pikachu's body, showing the flexibility of the electric mouse to the fullest. It ran fast in a folded "Z" shape and rammed towards Volcarona.

"Volcarona." Xia Yan said: "The Quiver Dance lifts off."


Volcarona fluttered its fiery red wings, and with a gorgeous rhythm, it quickly rose into the sky with the layered shadows, and its own momentum also rose rapidly at this moment.

"Pikachu, Thunderbolt!"

Upon seeing this, Ash quickly changed his moves and commanded.


Pikachu's movements stopped abruptly, and then slammed, curled up, and even his tail and ears were exerting force, and a terrifying golden current rushed out from its cheeks.

Into a dazzling beam of Maynard.


Ash's Pikachu has just a few moves, Quick Attack, Thunderbolt, Iron Tail, Volt Tackle, and at most one Electro Web and Electro Ball will be added later.

All-in-one reckless move.

And facing the reckless man, the best way is to avoid his edge.

However, Pikachu's "Thunderbolt" belongs to the "law of causality" move, and it's hard to say what the result will be if one hits it.


Xia Yan chose the most straightforward way to deal with it.


"Volcarona, Fiery Dance!"

Volcarona fluttered its wings lightly, and bits of scale powder scattered from its body.

Hearing the sound of "bear", all the scale powder ignited with golden fire, wrapping Volcarona.

next second.

Golden flames flew out of Volcarona, turned into a dancing flame butterfly, flapping its wings to meet Pikachu's "Thunderbolt".

boom! !

The fire and lightning scattered, and the crackling electric current shot on the field.

In the current, the butterfly turned by the flame was unexpectedly firm, and appeared in front of Pikachu under the baptism and scouring of the current.


This is not reasonable!

Pikachu was briefly stunned.

Bang! !

The flames splattered, and Pikachu also ejected with the explosion and landed at Ash's feet.

"Pikachu!" Ash's expression tightened and he hurriedly said, "Come back first, Pikachu."


Hearing Ash's call, Pikachu, who was lying on the ground and looked injured a lot, stood up from the ground numbly, and trot back to Ash's side.

Volcarona blinked at Pikachu, who was still moving dexterously.

If I'm not mistaken, it just added the "Quiver Dance" buff, right?

At this moment, it seems to understand what Xia Yan said, be careful what Pikachu means.

"Come on, Snorlax!"

Sinnoh's trip really made Ash more experienced in the battle.

Even the replacement speed of Pokémon has become faster, a posture that has already figured out how to deal with it.

Bang! !

The heavy Snorlax appeared in the red light and sat down on the ground, suddenly raising a large amount of dust.


Snorlax shouted furiously, with only a slit of eyes left, and Locked On to the place of Volcarona in the sky.

The eyes are small, but the momentum is not weak at all.

in the stands.

Qinglu looked at Crimson and asked, "Ash's Snorlax, have you studied with your Snorlax for a while?"

Crimson smiled and nodded, "His Snorlax talent is not weak. Especially when eating."

on the field.

Looking at the Snorlax summoned by Ash, Xia Yan nodded slightly.

The Snorlax of the "Thick Fat" Ability is indeed a good choice to face the Volcarona of the Fire Element.

Moreover, Snorlax's special defense is outstanding, and the blood volume is thick, so there is no need to worry about being given a second by Volcarona.

When Greninja has not yet joined the team, Buizel has not evolved, and there is no particularly good water Pokémon for the time being, Snorlax is already Ash's current best choice.

He has indeed improved.

The battle continues.

"Snorlax, Belly Drum!" Ash shouted, not at all discouraged by Pikachu's appearance, in fact still full.


It further shows the characteristics of the reckless man incisively and vividly.

If the offense can be strengthened, the defense will never be chosen.


Let Ash learn to defend, it seems that he has to wait until Alola Region, his Lycanroc?


Snorlax tried his best to widen his eyes, bloodshot in his eye sockets, and his body instantly swelled, but as his broad palm patted his stomach, his bulging body instantly shrank, even smaller than before.

What's more exaggerated is that as the body shrinks, even a little bit of muscle conversion can be seen from it.

Snorlax has muscles?


"Quiver Dance."

Xia Yan was unmoved.

In the face of the slow Snorlax, it is absolutely no problem to stack its own speed gain.

Not really.

There is also the ultimate meaning of "dodge".

"Snorlax, High Horsepower, charge up!"

Hearing this, Snorlax took solid and powerful steps.

While "Belly Drum" doesn't increase Snorlax's speed, it greatly strengthens it.

And speed can be transformed into power to a certain extent.

Power can also be transformed into speed to some extent.

boom! !

The huge Snorlax, like a cannonball Normal, bounced up along with the cracks of the ground.

The corner of Xia Yan's mouth raised slightly when he saw this.


And it's not just Fire-type Pokémon.

"Volcarona, Bug Buzz!"


The harsh and sharp voice suddenly followed the energy of Volcarona, and sound waves poured out.

The unpleasant voice made Snorlax's already red eyes turn even redder.

Ash gritted his teeth.

"Hold on, Snorlax!"

Here, the signature skill "hold on".

But don't say it.

Ash's Snorlax toughness is really good, he actually jumped from the ground to mid-air against Volcarona's "Bug Buzz".

"Volcarona, firestorm, wraps itself."

Snorlax is about to close Combat, so let it take huge damage before it gets close to Volcarona!


The surging "storm" that swirled, the surging flames that erupted recklessly.

A pillar of fire rose into the sky, completely covering Volcarona.

The terrifying flames rolled up a wave of heat, forcing the audience to sweat hot on their foreheads.

One can imagine the horror of the temperature that Snorlax is enduring at this moment.


It's all here, how could Ash and Snorlax give up?

Ash stared at Snorlax closely, and when the time came, he hurriedly shouted, "It's now, Snorlax, Body Slam!"

Do you have to be close to Volcarona even in the face of Volcarona's flames?

It's a rude tactic.

Xia Yan must admit that once a flesh-clad warrior like Snorlax gets close to a long-range mage like Volcarona, the situation will turn against him.

not to mention.

It's still Snorlax with a "bulky belly".

But aside from that, Ash's Snorlax is really hard.

After "Belly Drum", Volcarona with two "Quiver Dance" and one "Fiery Dance", one "Bug Buzz", one "Storm" and "Fiery Dance", can still be so fierce.

With "High Horsepower" and hard-hitting damage, Snorlax's speed should not be underestimated.

a handful.

The huge palm reached the tip of Volcarona's wing.

Ash suddenly revealed a look of great joy.

"Press it down, Snorlax!"

in midair.

Snorlax grabbed Volcarona's wings, resisting the raging baptism of the firestorm around him, crushing it under his body, and falling heavily towards Ground at the same time.

"Ash's tactic is a bit interesting." Qinglu sighed, smashing her mouth.

The corners of the red lips twitched.

How does it feel that someone means something else?

boom! !

The man-made Earthquake, the entire venue burst into a violent roar, and the audience who were relatively close to the audience suddenly felt their buttocks numb.

"Snorlax, Rock Slide!"

Ash shouted excitedly.


But Xia Yan said slowly: "It's over. Volcarona, Fire Blast!"

when? !

see you.

Volcarona, who should have been crushed under Snorlax's weight, quickly flew out of the dust, shaking three pairs of wings.

The golden flame turned into a "big" character and shot towards the dust.

The flames blew the smoke away.

I saw Snorlax's palms, blackened.

"It's 'Flare Blitz', Teacher Xia Yan's Volcarona is fast enough to help 'Flare Blitz' break free from Snorlax's shackles," Qinglu explained.

Xiaolan, Xiaohuang and the others next to them suddenly showed a sudden look.

boom! ! !

"Fire Blast" gave Snorlax the fatal blow.

Rao is its "thick fat" Ability, and it can't withstand the baptism of this successive terrifying flame.

"Snorlax is incompetent!" The referee announced the result in a timely manner.

Volcarona, who was slowly falling from the sky, staggered somewhat.

Xia Yan noticed that one of its wings suffered a lot of damage.

Snorlax after "Belly Drum", the power is really too scary.

"You've done a great job, Snorlax." Ash retracted Snorlax, whispering.

Immediately, he took out a Poké Ball again.

"Please, Gible!"


The Poké Ball in hand flew out.


The petite Gible was not at all intimidated by the importance of the game.

Instead, the two short legs were bouncing back and forth on the ground, indescribably excited.


In Ash's Pokémon captured by Sinnoh, in addition to Infernape, Gible is indeed a relatively good existence.

after all.

It is a Gible that can use "Draco Meteor" as a regular meal.

Mastering "Draco Meteor" in the form of Gible also shows the talent of this Gible.

If Ash is trained well, or if he doesn't become a "life-releasing master", there may not be any water storage in the future.

However, in this competition, Ash's Gible has indeed been in the limelight, almost second only to Infernape.

"Come back, Volcarona."

Xia Yan also took back the injured Volcarona.

Without hesitation, Xia Yan also immediately threw out the Poké Ball.


"Beautiful ~"

Sliggoo, who was curled up in a metal volute, appeared in the field.

Quasi-God Pokémon vs. Quasi-God Pokémon.


Seeing Sliggoo, Gible suddenly became more excited, his two short legs kept bouncing on the ground, his huge mouth bumped back and forth, making a "dong dong" sound.

As its body continued to shake, a small milky-white round stone fell from between Gible's sharp teeth and rolled aside.

Unchangeable stone?

Xia Yan's expression suddenly became a little weird.

"Good guy, so you are the actor."

As soon as Xia Yan's voice fell, the body of the Gible in front of Ash suddenly burst into a brilliant white light.

"Enter, evolved?!"

Ash also looked at Gible in surprise.

"The little guy should have evolved a long time ago. Are you waiting for this moment after holding on for so long?"

Cynthia with Erlang's legs crossed looked at this scene with a smile.

In terms of understanding of Pokémon like Gible, no one in this world can match her.

"Oh? So, what Xia Yan needs to face is Gabite? Pokémon, the second-stage quasi-god, also complements each other."

Lucian sat up slightly, his expression serious.


Cynthia gave Lucian a sidelong glance and chuckled.

Seeing Cynthia's expression, Lucian's pupils shrank.

With a little disbelief, he murmured.

"Could it be."

A Gible that can casually Crunch Dusknoir Shadow Punch in the original book and kill it in seconds has already met the requirements of evolution.

In the form of a Gible, you can display the strength of the master class.

And it is the strength of the top pavilion owner.


Pikachu also blinked his dripping eyes.

Immediately, I felt as if my acting skills were being challenged.


As expected by Cynthia.

Surprisingly, it's not just that.

With Gible's roar, the evolutionary white light that erupted from its body erupted further and kept surging.

Among them, the appearance of Gible did not stop changing in the form of Gabite.

Double jump!

Double evolution!

Although Xia Yan has already sensed Gible's situation through the power of the waveguide, this is the first time he has seen the so-called "double jump".


Should say or not.

Among Ash's Pokémon, if all of them are willing to evolve, there are quite a few who can double jump.

At least.

That Bulbasaur can absolutely do it.

Maybe add a Squirtle.

A Snivy and Oshawott may be added in the future.


With an angry roar, the dazzling evolutionary white light faded, and what appeared in everyone's sight was the quasi-god Pokémon, Garchomp!

Seeing this scene, the audience immediately cheered.

Nothing is more inspiring than watching Pokémon evolve.

If there is.

That is double jump evolution!


Ash opened his mouth wide and stared blankly at the fierce Garchomp.

"Beautiful ~"

Seeing that Sliggoo, who was always timid and cowardly, did not show any fear when he saw that he suddenly changed from a small man to his fierce appearance.


On the contrary, he showed an excited and anticipatory posture.

Seeing this, Xia Yan smiled while holding his hat, "Really? The same quasi-god Pokémon, you don't want to lose."

"Beautiful sticky!!"

Sliggoo nodded vigorously, not wanting to turn around and be spoken to by Salamence.

Xia Yan nodded slightly, "Since people have produced a real Contest Condition, let's not press it any more."

Accumulated long enough.

Salamence has evolved, and Sliggoo has already reached the tipping point.


Sliggoo nodded vigorously.

next second.

Sliggoo's body also burst out with a gorgeous and soft milky white halo, wrapping it in an instant.

In the auditorium, a large number of spectators stood up one after another.


More and more interesting!

After Ash's Gible, Xia Yan's Sliggoo has also evolved!

This development has greatly exceeded everyone's expectations.


It was originally a baby battle between Sliggoo and Gible, and it instantly became a top battle between Goodra and Garchomp?

good guy!

The audience called out the good guy.

As the white light gradually spreads, the body wrapped in it continues to expand and expand.

boom! !

The white light suddenly dissipated.

A Goodra with viscous liquid on his body, walking upright on his feet, and carrying a huge metal snail shell on his back, appeared in everyone's sight.

Goodra in clean form!


Facing Ash's Garchomp, Goodra roared loudly.

Rolling dragon-type energy intertwined with strands of silver-white Cal, turning into a wave of air and sweeping away.

a time.

Garchomp, who had just completed his evolution, looked extremely serious.

And this scene.

Who is the hardest?

It was the staff who controlled the Pokémon tags next to Xia Yan and Ash's avatars on the big screen!

A good game.

You just turned it into an evolution contest, right?

and many more.

Where is this Goodra's Pokémon avatar?

"Oh oh oh oh oh!!!!!! Player Ash's Gible completed the transformation from Gible to Garchomp with an amazing double jump! And Xia Yan's Sliggoo was not to be outdone, and quickly completed the evolution to become Goodra!

Now, viewers, what we will see is the battle of the quasi-god Pokémon Garchomp against the quasi-god Pokémon Goodra! ! "

Host very competently mobilized the atmosphere of the entire arena.

"Yuan Garchomp, we will not lose, show our enthusiasm to Teacher Xia Yan!!"


Garchomp let out a coy snarl.


PS: Time is running out, it's almost twelve o'clock, so hurry up. Today's 1.9w! Ask for a monthly pass! Taking a break from work, my wrists feel better.

(End of this chapter)

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