The Bottom Trainer In The Pokémon World

Chapter 992 This Is The Teaching Bureau! (1.3W!)

Goodra and Garchomp, who are in the form of washing green, have mutual restraint in terms of Attributes.

As the battle begins.

Ash, who was more impatient, took the lead in attacking.

"Garchomp, Dragon Claw!"



Hearing Ash's order, Garchomp roared, and the sand rolled under his feet, galloping towards Goodra at a very fast speed.

along the way.

The ordinary field was suddenly plowed out of a ravine formed by sand.

"Goodra, retreat!"

In the face of Garchomp's fierce offensive, Xia Yan did not rush to fight back, but chose a more calm fighting method.

I see.

Goodra's viscous and wet body was like a boneless Normal, and it curled up very smoothly into the thick and huge metal snail shell behind him.


Garchomp's razor-sharp "Dragon Claw" smeared Goodra's thick metal shell, making a harsh metal screeching sound, and bursting with bright sparks.


All Garchomp left on Goodra's carapace were three shallow scratches.

The "Retreat" move can greatly increase Goodra's defense.

The combination of Dragon and Steel Attributes makes Goodra different from other Dragon-type Pokémon. It is not afraid of Dragon-type, Ice-type, and Fairy-type Attribute moves that were originally extremely restrained by Dragon-type Pokémon.

"What a strong defense!"

Ash, who saw this scene, couldn't help but be startled.

He didn't know Goodra in Xicui form, but it didn't mean that others didn't know either.

For example, Cynthia, who is sitting upright and leaning forward slowly, as a mythology scholar and from Celestic Town, she still has a certain understanding of the history of the Sinnoh Region during the Xizui period.

"The combination of steel and dragon, the steel makes up for the weakness of the dragon, and the dragon also makes up for the flaw of the steel Pokémon's fear of fire. I don't know where Xia Yan took this Goodra from the Xizui period. Say, this kind of Pokémon should be extinct.

Only a few dragon secret places with a long history and a long tradition can exist. "

From Ash's Garchomp and Goodra's battle, Cynthia seems to be able to see her Garchomp colliding with Xia Yan Goodra in the future.

Although Xia Yan's Goodra is only quasi-Elite.

But Cynthia doesn't think Xia Yan's Goodra will stop.

"Is it steel?"

Steven's eyes lit up when he heard Cynthia's words.

Isn't such a steel-based Pokémon exactly what he dreamed of?

"Garchomp, Stomping Tantrum!"

Ash, who saw this scene, quickly changed his strategy.

Since Dragon-type moves do little damage to Goodra, use Ground-type moves!

With Garchomp's ferocious roar of filial piety, the soles of his raised feet glowed with a thick khaki sheen, heading towards Goodra's metal snail shell and Bulldoze.

"Acid Armor."

Xia Yan remained unmoved, but instructed Goodra to continue to strengthen his defense.

Although "Acid Armor" is a poison-type move, it can greatly increase the user's defense.


Hearing a huge roar, the entire Ground collapsed with cracks, and the shocking ripples swept through the audience. …

As the most injured center, Sliggoo curled up in the snail's shell, but his body was like a viscous liquid Normal, following the undulating vibration and the impact of the force, dragging his body freely in the shell.

By softening itself, the damage caused by violent attacks is minimized!

Fight hard with softness!

"Garchomp, come again!"

But anyway, the damage caused by "Stomping Tantrum" is indeed much higher than that of "Dragon Claw".


Today's Goodra has completed the huge defense blessing brought by "Retreat" plus "Acid Armor".

What Xia Yan was waiting for was enough.

Just as he shouted, "Goodra, Ice Beam!"

I see.

Goodra, who had been curled up in the thick carapace, finally stuck out his head and spit out a light blue arctic beam against Garchomp's foot that fell again.


In an instant.

Garchomp's feet were covered with thick ice crystals.

Garchomp, who was restrained four times by ice-type moves, also suffered huge damage and roared in pain.



Ash couldn't help shouting.

Tight and thoughts moved for a moment, and continued: "Step on, Garchomp!"

Hearing this, Garchomp seemed to understand what Ash meant, gritted his teeth and didn't stop attacking, and stepped down hard.



The Ground suddenly burst out with a large amount of gravel and gravel, causing damage to Goodra again. At the same time, the ice crystals that wrapped Garchomp's feet also shattered under this huge force.

"Stomping Tantrum" to break the ice?

This pair is reasonable.

Seeing the shattering of the ice crystals, Ash suddenly looked happy.

However, Goodra, who has been superimposed with heavy armor, suffered much less pain than Garchomp.

"Goodra, Encore Ice Beam."

In terms of speed, Goodra is not as good as Garchomp, which is why he chooses to play defense and counterattack with stacked armor.

Such a close distance now is the best output distance for Goodra.

But this time.

Ash really learned how to behave well, and his tactics and on-the-spot response ability increased at a rate visible to the naked eye as each game progressed.

"Garchomp, Dig!"

Must fight!

This is Ash's biggest tactical improvement.

Finally, it is no longer just relying on magical skills such as "dodge".

Garchomp was a Dig player during the Gible period, and the sharp Dragon Claw after evolution has given him an excellent hole punching ability.

Headed into the ground before Goodra's "Ice Beam" swept past.

If it is in the game, the "Dig" move is a round of invincibility.

But in reality.

"Use 'Acid Spray' on the hole!"

Xia Yan did not stop because of Garchomp's disappearance.

In actual combat, the best way to face Rival, who has burrowed into the ground, is to attack the hole.

As Goodra spit after sip of the stench of thick purple venom towards the Cave, Garchomp, who was buried deep within it, could hear the pained dragon roar.

Ash gritted his teeth, "Hold on, Garchomp!"

When Ground returned to calm, Garchomp finally disappeared underground. …

Standing on the field, Goodra looked around.

Xia Yan reassured: "Don't panic, Bulldoze, feel the feedback from the ground vibration."


Goodra took a deep breath and stepped out, accompanied by the roar of the venue being overwhelmed again and the collapse of a lot of Ground.

It was looking for Garchomp.

"It's now! Garchomp, Dragon Rush!"

Seeing Goodra's "Bulldoze" shock dissipate, Ash also showed an improvement in his timing.

next second.


The entire Ground exploded, and at the feet of Goodra, a ferocious dragon with purple shark fins burst out of the ground.

Initiating "Dragon Rush" from underground, Ash is estimated to be the first person.

However, Xia Yan's eyes flashed, and it sounded almost at the same time as Ash's command.


The "Counter" move cannot be learned by Goodra in the form of washing green.

However, when it was still in the ordinary Goomy period, it inherited the "Counter" move.

And now.

It was fully armored, facing the attack from the underground, Goodra's body glowed with crimson light and shadow, with arms crossed, resisting the fierce impact from Garchomp.

"Come on, Garchomp!"

"Pickup pickup!"

Ash and Pikachu cheered Garchomp.


The power of bondage doesn't seem to be present in Garchomp.

With Garchomp's "Dragon Rush" over, Goodra, who had taken all the damage, responded to Garchomp's filial piety.



Arms slammed, all the accumulated power burst out, and doubled it back to Garchomp.



I saw Garchomp, like a cannonball Normal, was smashed into the Ground by Goodra in the air.

"Garchomp is incapacitated!"

After the dust dissipated, the referee gave the result immediately.

"Although Ash's Gible completed the double jump, it seems that Ash himself did not realize that his Gible already had such strength, so even if Gible evolved into Garchomp, it did not match the corresponding training and fighting habits.

You can be like this with Teacher Xia Yan's Goodra, and you can already give an excellent evaluation. "

As the green of the gym trainer, now he can give a very pertinent evaluation of the ability of Rookie Trainer.

From the words just now, it is not difficult to hear his approval of Ash.

The red next to him nodded.

"Ash's Gible evolution was an unexpected result, while Teacher Xia Yan's Sliggoo evolved into Goodra, but it was always under Teacher Xia Yan's control, and Teacher did enough training and training early on.

This is a gap in Pokémon Breeder, something Ash and I both need to learn from. "

on the field.

"Well done, Garchomp!"

Even though he was defeated, Ash also praised Garchomp for his performance.

Looking at Xia Yan and Goodra who didn't replace Pokémon again, Ash's expression was serious.

"Teacher Xia Yan is really strong." Ash couldn't help but sigh. …

"Pickup pickup!"

Even Pishen's expression became a little serious, shouting to Ash.

Ash shook his head, "No. Pikachu, you have other tasks."

Soon he made a choice.

"It's up to you! Infernape!"

Throw out the Poké Ball.

In the red light that shot out, Infernape, who was full of fighting spirit, appeared in the field.

"Ash's fourth Pokémon is Infernape!

' shouted Host.

The audience immediately gave a very high voice.

Ash's Infernape has performed very well in previous games and can be regarded as one of Ash's Trump Cards.

"Infernape?" Xia Yan raised his eyebrows.

It seems that Ash has not done research on his Pokémon.

in the previous game.

Xia Yan's Sliggoo showed the "grass-eating" ability when facing grass-type Pokémon.

So Ash didn't choose the faster Sceptile to deal with Goodra, who clearly exposed his speed weakness.


Fighting Infernape has a certain Attribute restraint on Goodra.

Ash is not familiar with Garchomp who has just evolved his double jump, so he can only use the fighting style of the Gible period.

But after the player became Infernape, his entire mental outlook and Contest Condition were different.

"Infernape, Mach Punch!"

Ash imitated Xia Yan's appearance and lowered the brim of his hat, and then lifted it up, his eyes bursting with excitement and excitement.


Infernape roared, stepped on the Ground with both feet, and shot out like a normal bullet, assisting the speed of "Mach Punch", and in the blink of an eye, he appeared in front of Goodra, his iron fist glowed with white light, and smashed with a bang. out.


The air is scattered.

Accompanied by splashes of viscous liquid.

I see.

Goodra's raised fists softened into a liquid, and with absolute softness, he caught the hard punch from Infernape.

Acid Armor?

"Infernape, Close Combat!"


Got a punch in the way?

It's ok!

The flames blazed above Infernape's head, the fighting spirit was high, and the frenetic drive was almost on its way.

"Sliggoo, Counter!"

Xia Yan commanded calmly.


A dark red energy halo appeared on Goodra's body again, welcoming the baptism of the fist from Infernape like a bullet Normal.

Bang Bang Bang!

There was an endless stream of punches, and Goodra, who was under the fierce attack from Infernape, kept retreating.

The feet plowed two deep ravines on the ground.


Every time Infernape's fist fell, it was accompanied by the solidification of the dark red energy wave accumulated on Goodra, until it seemed to be wearing a crimson coat.

Seeing this, Ash instead of flinching, became more and more excited.

"Infernape, blow up its 'Counter'!"

"Too impulsive."

In the stands, Qinglu couldn't help shaking her head.

Goodra stacks such a heavy armor that it is impossible to kill with just one "Close Combat" by Infernape.

In the end, it was Infernape itself who would suffer more damage. …

But Crimson next to him said with a smile, "But this is how Ash fights."

Green glared at him.

Ash's fighting style?

Is it the fighting style of your fettered party?

Go up to the reckless wave first, but then open the fetters, lock the blood and kill.


Infernape's rapidly falling fist stagnated, and every time he punched with all his strength, he had to give himself a little time to breathe.

And this time, is Goodra's opportunity.




With a low growl from Goodra, it had endured all the attacks from Infernape, and finally vented all the energy it had accumulated.


There was a huge roar, and even more fierce and surging air waves.

As fast as the Infernape approached, the speed at which it was catapulted was just as fast.


Infernape hit the ground hard, and the bones in his body seemed to fall apart Normal.

Second, second kill?

Has Infernape been killed by his own set of combo punches, with the rebound damage?

Looking at Infernape, who fell to the ground and did not move, the audience couldn't help but have this idea in their hearts.

But on the field.

Xia Yan raised his brows again and looked at Ash somewhat unexpectedly.

But he saw Ash holding his head high, his face full of fighting intent, and his eyes full of trust in Infernape.

"Stand up, Infernape!"

Followed by Ash's voice.

Infernape, who fell to the ground, finally moved.


Staggering, trembling, Infernape got up from the ground, hunched over his waist, and lowered his arms naturally.

"Show our high fighting spirit to Teacher Xia Yan, Infernape!


next second.



Originally a pair of Infernape that might fall at any time, suddenly, like a heavy bow with a full string, his whole body was tense.

Immediately after.

The flames above his head kept rising.

The flames wash over the body until it is completely covered.

In the red eyes, there seemed to be two groups of fiery flames burning there, and the whole body's firelight printed and dyed the entire arena.



The audience who saw this scene were immediately infected by Infernape's exaggerated enthusiasm and surging fighting spirit, and couldn't help cheering and shouting.

"He knows that Xia Yan Teacher will definitely use Goodra's defense to fight back, so let Infernape take the initiative to hit it, not only to make up for a wave of damage, but also to stimulate Infernape's 'Fire' ability?" Green eyes, Also a little surprised.

When did Ash have such a tactical plan?

Will you take the initiative to use Pokémon's Ability?

Isn't "Meng Huo" the ultimate trick used by the Fetter Party to turn around?

"I don't even worry about the huge damage caused by the 'Counter', I just gave Infernape a second." Qinglu shook his head.

But the crimson beside him was staring at Ash and Infernape on the field.

"Because of trust."


"Because Ash believes that Infernape will never fall here. Because Ash and Infernape have the same goal, they have the same mind." Crimson grinned. …

From Ash's body, he really saw his own shadow more than once.

Qinglu looked at the red eyes deeply, and the corners of his mouth twitched.

the other side.

"Oh hoo! Ash and Infernape's flaming enthusiasm is blowing, and I'm starting to be a little interested in him." Daye couldn't hold back his excitement caused by Ash and Infernape, and said involuntarily.

"Xia Yan did have a chance to kill Infernape just now, right?" Lucian pressed against his glasses and said slowly.

"Hmm." Cynthia nodded slightly.

Looking at Xia Yan, who was standing opposite Ash, with a slight smile on his face.

"With his control of tactics and battle rhythm, we can be sure that Goodra can withstand a set of bursts from Infernape. At the moment when Infernape was bounced, Goodra did not have enough energy to make up for an attack. When Infernape fell to the ground, he also had Chance.

But he did not choose to do so. "

Bertha next to him also spoke up.

Of course, the elders of the Sinnoh Alliance present here can see this.

"I kind of understand why so many people call Mr. Xia Yan 'Teacher Xia Yan'."

Aaron shook his head thoughtfully.

"Hmm." Cynthia pressed her chin and crossed her legs, thinking thoughtfully, "What a good Teacher."

on the field.

As Cynthia and others said, he actually had a chance to kill Infernape.

But why not?

For a while, Xia Yan really couldn't say why.

Really something to say.

Don't want to abuse too much?

No no no.


Just like when he played against Unova champion Alder at the Masters, Alder gave him some more opportunities to show himself.

Maybe, this is inheritance?


Teacher Teacher got called a lot, and he really wanted to see what Ash and Infernape could show him.

"Teacher Xia Yan, this is the result of our special training!"

Ash's mind at this moment was completely connected to Infernape's.

Xia Yan seriously doubts that if Infernape also has the ability to fetter evolution, will it be possible to have a Mega Evolution at this time?

"Come on, Infernape, Flare Blitz!"

Ash threw a fist and shouted excitedly.



The power endowed by "Meng Huo" makes Infernape more confident.

The flames all over his body turned into the color of Cianwood in the blink of an eye, his legs burst out with strength, and at the same time as he smashed the ground, a blue column of fire spewed out.

"Goodra, Bulldoze!"

Xia Yan's expression became solemn.

Goodra also clearly felt the threat from Infernape.

As soon as you step out, the Ground roars and vibrates.

A tight and huge rock shot up from the ground, between it and Infernape.

"Break it, Infernape!


Ash showed a forward-looking stance, and Infernape answered his call.



In an instant.

The huge Rock shattered, and Infernape came to Goodra with sharp eyes.


But listen.

The sound of the collision between the flames and the water created a large amount of white mist. …

Water Pulse!



In the thick fog, a dull sound suddenly sounded.

next second.

The fog dissipated.

Infernape, who was in the ashes, and Goodra, whose body was charred, broke through Mist and retreated, and fell to the ground at the same time.

Incapacitated at the same time?

For a moment, the whole place was silent.

"Infernape, stand up!


"Pickup pickup!


Ash, who was standing on the sidelines, shouted a little nervously.


Shaky, trembling, and exhausted, Infernape swayed again and got up from the ground.

The steps are vain.


Stand up!

"Stand up! Ash's Infernape, it's standing up again! And Xia Yan's Goodra it."


Goodra wiped the charred chest, and staggered to his feet.

"Goodra! It also stood up again!


this moment.

Goodra, who has always been timid and cowardly, did not show any signs of timidity because of the pain. Her eyes were fixed on Infernape, who was lying on the ground opposite, with a serious expression.

And Xia Yan, who was standing behind Goodra, couldn't help but get a little bit stronger on his face.

For Ash and Infernape.

Xia Yan gave them the opportunity appropriately.

But for Goodra, why didn't he find a respectable Rival for Goodra, and even a Rival that could influence its own?

This is not.

Goodra's fighting spirit and enthusiasm were completely ignited by Infernape.

It was also at this moment that Goodra awakened his arrogance as a Pokémon, the quasi-god of dragons.



Goodra growled lowly, her body tense.

Yingying's purple energy fluctuations surrounded its body.


Xia Yan grinned, "Then give it the final blow, Goodra, Draco Meteor!"

Ash and Infernape are on the same page.

Then Xia Yan and Goodra, didn't they build a deep bond?

Fettered by the party's blood-locking explosion, who wouldn't?

The surging dragon energy instantly gathered in Goodra's mouth.

the next moment.

A terrifying orange Meteorite meteor shot out of its mouth!

"We're not going to lose either! Infernape, Encore, Flare Blitz!


Ash's aura at this moment was not weak.



Infernape roared again, the flames on his body became pure and hot, and his eyes were fixed on Goodra.

Its target, and only Goodra is left.


Cianwood-colored Searing Shot fired.

Orange Meteorite meteors and blue fiery flames exploded in the field.

Two terrifying energies continued to swept across the baptism arena, and the heat wave was blowing, but none of the spectators were seated.

at this time.

The enthusiasm and excitement of the audience were also completely aroused by Goodra and Infernape.


A huge roar suddenly sounded, and a terrifying explosion shook the arena.

Everyone held their breath, waiting for the dust to dissipate and the results to appear. …


Or Host was the first to announce the results.

"Goodra, Infernape, incapacitated at the same time!"


The audience was instantly buzzing.

Xia Yan, in this competition, for the first time, Pokémon lost the ability to fight!

Who said that the final is a dish abuse bureau?

Obviously very exciting, right?

Although it is in the case of Xia Yan releasing water.


The battle is not just about winning or losing.

At least.

Ash's bond with Infernape has infected many people.

Even Xia Yan's Goodra was infected.

"After feeling this time, Goodra, you have a deeper understanding of yourself, right? You, you're not losing to any Pokémon. So, be confident."

Xia Yan whispered to the Poké Ball with Goodra.

Not confident.

It's Goodra's biggest flaw of all time.

Even the abuse of vegetables will make Goodra wonder if she can't keep up with Xia Yan and can only abuse the vegetables.

But this time.

Through the constant confrontation with Infernape and the evenly matched contest, Goodra clearly recognized himself.

It turns out that it can also burst like Beedrill and Infernape.

It is not inferior to any of Xia Yan's Pokémon.


Occasionally against the seemingly weak Rival, you can still learn something.

"You did a great job, Infernape!"

Ash was more direct.

Those who don't know, thought he won this final.

"Please both players summon Pokémon again."

The referee had to speak out.

Xia Yan and Ash on the opposite side glanced at each other and smiled.

Throw the Poké Ball at the same time.

"Xia Yan's third Pokémon is Volcarona! And Ash's third Pokémon is Sceptile!" Host shouted.

"Ash's choice was predicted by Teacher Xia Yan." Qinglu said while rubbing her chin.

"Attribute doesn't mean everything." Chi Hong also said.

Hearing this, Qinglu glanced at him and nodded thoughtfully.


It is also a common thing to fetter the party against the Attribute to control the enemy.

But Rival is Teacher Xia Yan!

Looking at Sceptile with sharp eyes holding a branch, Xia Yan's eyes twitched.

have to.

Another Pokémon that eats bonds.

"Battle begins!"

"Sceptile, Quick Attack!"

Ash's signature opening, shortened the distance between the two sides with speed, and then pulled Rival to the same level as himself with chaos, and finally defeated Rival with rich "experience".

"Quiver Dance."

Xia Yan has long been familiar with and accustomed to Ash's way of fighting.

I saw Volcarona dancing lightly, fluttering her wings to show numerous phantoms, and her figure quickly lifted into the air.


"Teacher Xia Yan's tactics against Ash are too handy." Qinglu raised his forehead.

"Fiery Dance!"

After pulling the distance of Sceptile and taking off, Xia Yan did not stop for a moment, and quickly launched an offensive.

Sceptile is a fast-attacking assassin, while Volcarona is a long-range mage. Even if Volcarona has an Attribute advantage, it is not good to be close to him.

But Assassin has a downside.

That's the crispy skin. …

Easy to be kited.

The golden flame butterflies scattered and gathered towards the Sceptile at a moderate speed, wrapping them in all directions.

"Sceptile, Leaf Blade, fire away!"

Ash wasn't panicking.

Sceptile, who was holding the branch, squinted his eyes and swept around calmly, looking for the weakest spot of the flame that was wrapped in. At the same time, the leaves on his arms quickly expanded and turned into blades.

next second.

The Sceptile moved, and it found the most vulnerable part of the "Fiery Dance".

The fierce "Leaf Blade" slashed out!


Ash, who has relied on unconventional methods to solve the predicament many times, has to pay the price this time because of his lack of knowledge.


Ash's eyes widened.

There was also a look of shock on Sceptile's stern face.

Its "Leaf Blade", unable to quench the golden flame of Volcarona!

And this result is natural.

For the flame of Volcarona is the flame of life!


Xia Yan didn't give him another chance, and waved his arm.


Volcarona's blue eyes fluttered, and his wings fluttered again. A roaring hurricane was generated between the fluttering of his wings, turning into a terrifying tornado that enveloped Sceptile.

The flame and the tornado merge at this moment!

The raging storm made the power of the flames more fierce, and the flames also contributed to the power of the storm.


Ash screamed in surprise.

In the rolling red-golden storm, Sceptile gritted his teeth, enduring the double baptism of fire and storm.



In the flames, Sceptile cried out in pain.

"Hold on, Sceptile!"

Following Ash's call, the lizard Wang Qiang calmed himself down from the pain, and his body suddenly glowed with emerald green fluorescence.



Ash's light flashed.

He hurriedly said: "Sceptile, Dragon Dance! Step on the storm, assist the power of the wind, and fly!"


Sceptile's eyes flickered, and he suddenly opened his arms. The upper blades turned into "Leaf Blades" to increase the force bearing area.

good guy.

"Volcarona, Bug Buzz!"

Xia Yan shook the corners of his eyes and commanded again.


Extremely harsh overclocked sonic baptism.

But Sceptile, who was stepping on the storm, endured the constant pain, as if he had lost his hearing Normal, and was unmoved.

It, lost consciousness?

"Sceptile, Mega Kick!"

Taking advantage of the speed of the storm, Sceptile charged towards Volcarona in the air, dazzling white light covering his entire body.



The huge impact knocked Volcarona hard to the ground.


Then Sceptile also fell from the air into the field.

After falling to the ground, Volcarona gritted his teeth, flapped his wings, and quickly flew up from the ground, looking at Sceptile with a serious look.

Under such a baptism, how could such a powerful attack still erupt?


When Volcarona looked over, he was stunned.

"Sceptile, incapacitated!" the referee's voice sounded. …


Sceptile fell quickly, and couldn't hold on as consistently as Infernape.

But all the audience still applauded.

It has shown its resilience and persistence.

Under the baptism of Volcarona's move just now, the ordinary Sceptile was killed in seconds.

Being at an absolute Attribute disadvantage, I haven't been able to get closer to Rival, but the result is actually doomed from the beginning.

When it rushed out of the baptism of storms and flames, it persisted only by will.

But Sceptile still relied on the tenacious will to give Volcarona a hard kick.

Commendable willpower!

"Thank you, Sceptile." Ash, who took back Sceptile, said sincerely.

Taking a deep breath, he looked at Xia Yan and Volcarona.

war situation.

For him and at an absolute disadvantage in the Contest Condition.

Can Ash.

Still have the faith to win.

He takes out the last Poké Ball, and Ash's last Pokémon.

"Please, Charizard!




The roaring wind, the imposing roar, the agitation and the fiery heat, Ash's sixth Pokémon, is Charizard!

With fire, against fire!

It's finally here, old squirt.



Xia Yan wanted to put away Volcarona.

Although they are all fire-type Pokémon, Charizard also has the ability of Flying type and has Attribute restraint on Volcarona.

However, after seeing Charizard and feeling the fiery temperature of Charizard, Volcarona said it wanted to continue fighting!

to this.

Xia Yan naturally chose to follow Pokémon's own will.

"Okay! Then let's have a battle of flames and flames." Xia Yan grinned.

Paul in the stands, saw Ash's Charizard secretly stunned.

This is Ash's true strength?

I am superficial.

Crimson looked at Qinglu, but did not speak.

But Qinglu took the initiative to admit it, nodded and said: "When I saw it in the old man's laboratory, I found that its potential is not weak, and it has not been fully tapped, so."

No wonder.

Crimson on Ash's Charizard, saw some shadows that can only be seen on the green Charizard.

The battle continues.

"Charizard, Dragon Dance!"


Ash finally stopped being reckless, and instead chose to strengthen himself.

"Break it, Fiery Dance!"

But this time, Xia Yan chose to attack.

Ash's Charizard is strong!

Although it has not reached the Elite level, it is not too far from the Elite level.

Green has nothing to say about Pokémon's ability to cultivate.

see you.

Volcarona was extra serious, Sceptile's will, made it clear that none of Rival's Pokémon were weak.


The golden flames that swept up rushed towards Charizard with a more surging gesture.

next second.

Ash showed a successful smile and immediately changed his move, "Charizard, Wing Attack!"

"Ash and Teacher Xia Yan have grown up visibly, but they are still fading."

"Tsk tsk - finally a little smarter."…

As Ash's voice sounded, Charizard instantly changed his moves, vibrated his wings, and plundered towards Volcarona at the fastest speed.

Let Volcarona's golden flames continue to brush over the red scales.

"This kid." Xia Yan couldn't help laughing.

The tight and expression turned serious for the first time.

Be serious.

"Volcarona, double dance!"

Xia Yan also commanded in time.


The tacit understanding between Volcarona and Xia Yan was high enough. When he heard the order, his figure immediately began to dance, and phantoms appeared.


Charizard's glowing white wings swept across Volcarona.

What is concentrated is only the false avatars constructed by "Quiver Dance" and "Fiery Dance".

Ash, who temporarily boosted his IQ, was not surprised by this, because what he needed had already been achieved.

Charizard, in front of Volcarona!

"Flare Blitz! Charizard!"


The fiery flames rose from Charizard's tail, instantly spreading to his entire body, shaking his red wings, and charging towards Volcarona fiercely.

Volcarona at this moment, "Quiver Dance" just ended.

The timing is just right!

Xia Yanxu's narrowed eyes flashed slightly.

Volcarona, the flame you waited for collided, and it came.

"Volcarona, Fire Blast!"


The golden flames, under the agitation of Volcarona's energy, instantly converged into a huge "big" character, welcoming the incoming Charizard.

this moment.

It is the collision of flame and flame.

"Go! Charizard!"

Ash gave spiritual blessings in a timely manner.



Charizard roared violently, and the flames all over his body rose several times, like a huge red dragon, covering half of Soaring in the sky.


The momentum that Volcarona presents is not weaker than it.

A golden fire burst out suddenly, covering the whole body.

Like a little golden sun, hanging in the air.

All the audience, one by one, grew their mouths.

What did they see?

The sun, the collision with the dragon?



All the audience closed their eyes uncontrollably. The bright Cal and the raging heat wave made them unable to insist on witnessing the result.


Two Pokémon, falling to the Ground at the same time, smashed into a pit.


Volcarona got up first, bathed in golden flames.

But it can be seen that its body is covered with scars.

Ash's Charizard is very close to the Elite level, which makes Volcarona's damage not low.

Coupled with the previous two battles, it has long been scarred.


Those who are careful can observe that when the golden flame is attached to Volcarona's wings, some of its wounds are slowly healing.

Fire of life!

"Charizard!" Ash shouted hastily.



With roaring filial piety, Charizard fluttered his wings and got up quickly.

The sharp eyes were full of excitement as they looked at Volcarona.

Such a Rival makes it so exciting.

That golden flame, even its Charizard, felt the unstoppable burning pain. …

But the pain will only make the belligerent it more excited.

Seeing the flying Charizard, Ash's face brightened.


What excited him even more was the flying Charizard, and the flames on his tail began to expand unstoppably.


"Charizard, let Teacher Xia Yan also see our flame, Inferno!"

Ash clenched his fists, his eyes seemed to be filled with flames, burning himself.


At the same time Charizard roared, his wings flapped, and a mouthful of flames spewed out.

In an instant, the entire arena seemed to have turned into a scorching human Inferno, and Volcarona felt a touch of fiery heat from the rising heat waves and flames.

"Fire fight? Volcarona, Heat Wave!"


Heatwaves and heatwaves, flames and flames.

The golden flame and the red flame launched a fierce "fight" in the air!

The scorching hot breath made the temperature of the audience rise by more than one grade!

In competition.

Charizard swept toward Volcarona again with great speed.

It's stronger, but Volcarona has more buffs.

It has better stamina, but Volcarona has the "fire of life" to keep recovering Contest Condition.

"It's all about the game, Charizard, Overheat!"

"When it comes to fire, we've never been afraid of anyone. Volcarona, we use it too, Overheat!"

The flame at the end of Charizard's tail became once again, and the baptism of flames wrapped around him, roaring towards Volcarona.

The black spots on Volcarona's wings burst into golden light, and facing Charizard, he did not hesitate to set up the most terrifying golden sun.

Mars hits Earth!

Boom boom boom!


The most terrifying flames burst, and the Alliance staff who were maintaining on the sidelines had to take action one after another to stop the sputtering flames.

in the venue.

The entire arena was melted by this terrifying high temperature, sinking more than one degree.

"The terrifying collision of flames! This is the most terrifying battle between flames and flames in this competition! After all, who will die?!"

The feeling of Host wiping his forehead and letting the soaked clothes stain his back, his whole person's enthusiasm was completely aroused.

When the terrifying flame finally slowly dissipated.


"Volcarona, Charizard, incapacitated at the same time!"

The two Pokémon that fell to the ground presented each other's most powerful flames to each other and to all the audience.

"I thought Ash would win this time." Crimson sighed, smacking her mouth.

Qinglu narrowed his eyes, "Ash's Charizard is definitely not weak in Pokémon at the same level, but Teacher Xia Yan's Volcarona is too strong, that golden flame... It's really similar to Ho-Oh's flame."

No wonder.

During the opening ceremonies of the tournament, Volcarona would look at the Ho-Oh flame in the torch in the center of the field and swallow.

It doesn't really eat Ho-Oh's "Sacred Fire", does it?

Xia Yan and Ash retrieve the Pokémon at the same time.

Ash, there is the last Pikachu left, and Xia Yan, there are four Pokémon that have not been summoned.

The situation seems to be clear.

But Pikachu next to Ash, after witnessing the exciting battles of his friends, has been completely seduced by the desire to fight. …

"Pickup pickup!"

It fell to the ground and shouted at Ash with hopeful eyes.

And Ash.

He is also someone who will never give up until the last minute.

Nodding heavily: "Okay! In the end, Pikachu, it's you!"


Pikachu took quick steps and walked to the field.

Seeing the seriousness in Pikachu's eyes, Xia Yan twitched the corners of his mouth.

Pishen, are you not acting?

Without hesitation, he threw the Poké Ball out of his hand.

"Come on, Salamence!"

Xia Yan's third Pokémon, Salamence!


The ferocious roar of filial piety covered the audience.

But it didn't pose any vocal threat to Pikachu.

The final duel, with Pokémon on both sides, continues!

Just as Xia Yan expected.

After a period of rest, Pishen is now full of Contest Condition.

"Pikachu, Quick Attack!"

It was the last time, Ash still followed the way he was most accustomed to fighting.

"Pickup pickup pickup —"

Pikachu kept shouting as he ran with white folded lines.

This means that it is really serious.

In the face of such a skin god, Xia Yan also made certain preparations.

His eyes narrowed, and his voice was cold: "Salamence, Mega!"


Salamence evolved? !

In the stands, Cynthia looked at Steven.

Steven lowered his head and touched his nose, "Cough, after the old man started collecting Mega Evolution stones, he learned that Xia Yan has Salamence, in order to express his gratitude"

There are already Mega Evolutions in this world, but they are not very popular.

But after the Hoenn disaster, the display of mythical beasts such as Mega Rayquaza made the Hoenn Alliance have to take this seriously.

Wrapped in the dazzling Mega Evolution energy, Salamence's appearance has changed a lot.

As the more scarlet full moon wings vibrated, the package of Mega Evolution energy was dispelled.

First the sun.

Now it's the blood moon hanging high in the sky again.

This game is worth watching!

"Pikachu, Thunderbolt!"

But Ash was not affected by Salamence's Mega Evolution, and he still unswervingly launched his own offensive.


Pikachu stood upright, jumped into the air, and sparks appeared in his cheeks, gradually covering his body.


! "

Bathed in dazzling thunder, Pikachu's Thunderbolt catapulted to the Mega Salamence in the air.

A bright current pierced through the air.

As far as the power of this "Thunderbolt" move is concerned, what Pikachu released when he first appeared on the scene was completely incomparable to what he released at this moment.



Mega Salamence was in the exciting Contest Condition where Mega Evolution was unlocked for the first time. His eyes were cold, and he roared in the face of the current.

Hyper Voice!

Mega Salamence after Mega Evolution, Ability changed from "Overconfidence" to "Flying Skin"!

All Normal-type moves you cast will become Flying-type moves, and their power can also be improved.

The Mega Salamence of this moment, it can not only be transformed into a heavy melee, but also a long-range turret. …


The Thunderbolt's current, and the sound waves that came out of the roar, collided with the air, making a violent roar, and at the same time raising a large haze.

in the mist.

Mega Salamence shot out, not retreating but advancing, swept towards Pikachu.

Dressed in a purple dragon coat.

Dragon Rush!


Pikachu, who didn't dodge in time, was directly blasted by Mega Salamence and smashed heavily on the wall of the stand, leaving a huge pit.

"Pikachu!" Ash shouted hastily.

"Rejuvenation Roar" immediately played a role.


Pikachu, who slid to the ground, did not fall directly, but staggered and stood up tenaciously.

The pain forced him to narrow one eye.

Shaking his head, he instantly regained his fighting spirit.

Xia Yan: "."

"Good job, Pikachu, Volt Tackle!" Ash shouted quickly.

Pikachu, who was swaying in one second, was fierce like a tiger in the next second, wearing a golden coat, and rushing towards Mega Salamence.

"Dragon Claw!"

"Pikachu, jump up and dodge, onto its back!"

see you.

Pikachu jumped, and with the speed of "Volt Tackle", he easily avoided Salamence's claws and landed on its back.

This scene.

Why does it seem a little familiar?



When Ash was supposed to be fighting against the mythical beast man Dakdo, he used this move against his Latios.


The current baptized Mega Salamence in an instant, and it brought a lot of trauma to it.



The pain brought Mega Salamence an even more raging and tyrannical hostility.

"Fly, get rid of it!"

Hearing the words, Mega Salamence took off rapidly, and the huge wind speed forced Pikachu to clench his teeth, and his small hands kept shaking and trembling.

"Don't let go of Pikachu, use Thunderbolt!"


Pikachu gritted his teeth, and electricity shot out of his cheeks again and again.



A terrifying current erupted in an instant.

Xia Yan's eyes flickered, and he said in a low voice, "It's now, press it down, Body Slam!"

Skin God, your pre-casting shake is too long.

Skyrocketing Mega Salamence, falling faster towards Ground.

Although Pikachu's "Thunderbolt" gave it huge damage.

But the tyrannical Mega Salamence was unmoved.

Once close to the Ground, turn one back and face down.



a time.

Sparks radiate, rubble splashes.

"Pikachu, Encore Thunderbolt!"


But Xia Yan's command was one step ahead of Ash.


The whole place trembled violently.

On this day, the arena really suffered the pain it shouldn't have.



Under Mega Salamence's Earthquake, the overwhelmed battle field completely collapsed.



Also at this moment, it came to an end.

"Pikachu is incapacitated to fight!"



The audience burst into violent cheers.

"Ash player's six Pokémon are all incapacitated! So the winner is player Xia Yan!

! "

Lily of the Valley Conference Champion!

Achievement achieved.

Fight against Zhiye, Laofen, and Pishen, and the achievements will be achieved!

Is this a rollover?

Do not.

This is the Education Bureau!


PS: I wrote too much, so the update is late, sorry. 1.3w offer, ask for a monthly pass~~

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