The Bottom Trainer In The Pokémon World

Chapter 997 Boss Giovanni, We Have A Bold Plan (8.3K!)

Chapter 996 Boss Giovanni, we have a bold plan (8.3k!)

how is this possible?

Qi Xin looked at the fragments of "Jade of Life" scattered all over the ground and couldn't believe what he saw in front of him.

The "Jade of Life" is five of the most important slates of Arceus, the God of Creation. How could the precious jade condensed by the Crush Grip?

Because the slates with the five attributes of Ground, Grass, Water, Thunder and Dragon, can promote vegetation growth, soil fertility, ecological changes, recovery of injuries and even prolong life to a certain extent, it is called "life". Jewel".

The reason why Mijina is so fertile today is because of the effect of Damos' manipulation of the "Jewel of Life".

He Qixin is not a fool.

After getting the "Jade of Life" from Damos, it is not that he has not tried it.

It did work at the time.


Chisin certainly wouldn't just shut up Damos Solaceon to deal with Arceus.

But now.

The fragments of the "Jade of Life" that shattered in front of him were the best proof.

Xia Yan frowned.

It feels different.

It's not the same feeling as when Crush Grip Hina's "Jade of Life".

Something more.

But what is more, Xia Yan can't say anything at once.


To be able to deceive Qi Xin, it is obvious that at least part of the true power of the "Jade of Life" is mixed with it.

"Has anyone touched the 'Jade of Life' recently?" Xia Yan turned his head and asked.

The look of shock and surprise on Qi Xin's face had not completely faded, but when he heard Xia Yan's question, he was a little stunned.

"never mind."

Xia Yan shook his head, "Aegislash."

Haze was hazy under his feet, and a purple satin was bound to Qixin's ankle.

a time.

Qi Xin's eyes became dull, and his expression became dull.

But for Xia Yan's question, he no longer hesitated and hesitated, and almost blurted out.


A large part of his answers have no practical effect.


There are also some that make Xia Yan think deeply.

For example.

In this era, although humans and Pokémon have established a preliminary connection, some humans have also begun to establish friendly bonds with some Pokémon, such as Damos and his Pichu.

But there are also some people who have completed the control of Pokémon through abnormal means.

It's like Heatran who has just been unshackled by Xia Yan's Alakazam.

and also.

In this castle of Mijina, the Pokémon who are controlled by humans and serve humans.

They all wear characteristic armor and are driven by humans.

So here comes the question.

Where does this special armor come from?

"You mean, this Heatran was given to you by someone else, right?" Xia Yan turned his head again.

Chi Xin nodded stiffly.


In this era, people don't know enough about the rarity and pros and cons of Pokémon, but divine beasts like Heatran, even if they don't have a priesthood, are not given away casually.

That's another question.

Perhaps, these two problems can be combined into one problem.

"Who?" Xia Yan stared at Qi Xin with a serious expression.

Qi Xin, who had been very "honest" before, actually showed a Struggle look after hearing Xia Yan's question.

"Jie Jie!"

Aegislash was a little surprised, and he couldn't help but increase his influence on Qixin's mind, so that he could calm down again.

I saw Qi Xin simply turned his head and looked out the window of the castle, looking in a distant direction.

"The king, the messenger of the kingdom."

Xia Yan's eyes flashed.


It is impossible to tell how many years ago he is now, but according to the history of Michina Ruins, it was at least three or four thousand years ago.

And this period.

Humans still gather in the form of "kingdoms".

The "royal family" ruled over the human beings in each Region.

There are still many places to look into this.

For example.

The city of Orudelang, the capital of the Kanto Region, is still preserved, and there is a legend of the "Wood Hero".

Each of the Sevii Islands has a ruin.

Johto Region Region still retains the annual celebration of the "king".

The legend of Yashak, the temple of the sea spread in the Hoenn Region, is the ideal capital of the water people.

Sinnoh Region has some large and small ruins of royal capitals.

The two brothers in the Unova Region Black and White Opelucid legend are the two princes of a kingdom; the ancient city buried deep in the desert where Xia Yan visited was also a royal capital; the capital of the people of the earth "the sword of the earth".

The undead legendary king AZ of the Kalos Region; Eliphas, the chief scientist of the Azot Kingdom of the Nibel Plateau, created the phantom beast Magearna 500 years ago using top-notch mysterious science.

Galar Region, also active with a royal duo trying to correct what they believe to be a "wrong" history.

and many more.

These are some histories that are still traceable to this day, or some kingdoms that still remain.

As for Qi Xin, at most, he can only be regarded as the person in charge of a city under the kingdom's jurisdiction.

Something like a lord.

These kingdoms of various regions, large and small, are basically gone now.

In addition to small remote countries like Oludlang City and Azot Kingdom, they still remain.

An interesting thing is that.

There are few details in the historical documents of the Alliance today about how these kingdoms fell.

It's just that they were almost all destroyed hundreds of years ago or even earlier.

And how old is Alliance?

At most, it may be a hundred years old.

But the speed of development is so fast that it has now accommodated seven Regions, and it is estimated that the Galar Region is not far away.


The Alliance model is indeed more suitable for the current Pokémon world, and the rapid development is also due to the combination of top talents from various regions.

But this is too fast.

Alliance accommodates any Region without much hindrance.

Leaving aside island Regions like Alola for the time being, the process of being accommodated in large Regions with a long history like Unova Region and Kalos Region is a bit too smooth.

But what about the blank history in the middle?

How do people in the world of Pokémon survive?

What about the big and small kingdoms, the royal family or the descendants of the royal family?

Except for the duo of the royal descendants of the Galar Region, Xia Yan hardly heard any rumors about the royal family and the descendants of the royal family.

He doesn't think so.

For every destroyed kingdom, those royal families and royal families all disappeared along with the kingdom.

Otherwise, why are the royal descendants of the Galar Region still active?

He didn't care about that.

But he had to investigate for some reason.

Finally got the result.

Those royal families, the descendants of royal families, did not disappear completely.

The ancestor of Lysandre, the leader of Kalos Region Team Flare, is the younger brother of King AZ, and he can be regarded as a descendant of the royal family.

and also.

The leader of Team Plasma, Ghetsis, the head of the Seven Sages, was actually called Ghetsis Harmenia Gropius.

And Team Plasma's philosophy, way of existence, and internal system show that Team Plasma is a religion-like organization.

Six of the Seven Sages resemble cardinals, while Ghetsis resembles popes.

More interestingly, "Halmenia" belongs to the surname of a once-destroyed royal family in Kalos.

And the three-character name, coupled with the Team Plasma pattern, many people think "Ghetsis" is the Christian name, "Halmenia" is his real name, and "Gropius" is his Last name.

But there is another way of understanding, "Ghetsis" is his first name, "Harmeni" is his maternal surname, and "Gropius" is his paternal surname.

The intertwining of imperial power and theocratic power is also one of the historical and cultural aspects of the Unova Region.


Charon, the chief scientist of Team Galactic, is a down-and-out scientist who joined Team Galactic with his research results. Where did the funding for his previous research come from?

A down-to-earth scientist owns the "Old Chateau", an ancient castle with a long history and an outrageous value today.

the most important is.

Why would he join the "Rayquaza Capture Program" that owns the Devon Corporation, the Greater Mauville Holdings, and the Berlitz family?

Because he made a device that could control Pokémon?

Do not.

The "Rayquaza Capture Program" was five years ago or even earlier.

At that time, he had no such research results.

Why would an ordinary researcher join such a program?

After Xia Yan caught Charon, he got the information from his mouth.


In essence, he also belongs to a certain royal descendant in the Sinnoh Region!

Although it is relatively remote in terms of bloodline.

But it is precisely because of this relationship that he can assist the relationship of the Berlitz family and join the "Rayquaza Capture Plan".

So it's even more interesting.

Charon, Ghetsis's collaborators Akroma, Lysandre, all of them have a certain connection with the group of people Xia Yan investigated.

It is precisely because of this line of catching Charon.

Xia Yan asked Mr. Zivqi and the Belrich family to collect some secret information about each Region, and about the kingdoms and royal families that were destroyed in each Region, so that he really found the real roots of those people.

The ruined royal family, the descendants of the royal family!

The descendants who blended into the Alliance and merged with the Alliance!

This also explains why the Alliance can accommodate various Regions so quickly.

More explained.

Why did Xia Yan meet the same person as Alliance's army commander, but was told by Agatha that he was not in the Alliance's army commander list.

Because they are not the legion commanders of the Alliance, but the legion commanders of these kingdoms!

As for saying.

Why did Xia Yan come to Mijina in this period?

Because he suddenly thought of something.

in the original historical process.

Chisin hypnotizes and controls Damos, tricks Arceus into attacking Arceus.

In the end, it was Arceus' rage that destroyed Midina, and Damos and Chisin all fell here.


Arceus who destroyed Damos and Chixin, but did not find the "Jewel of Life"?

Until thousands of years passed, Arceus awakened again to Revenge mankind.

There is a gap for thousands of years.

Where did the "Jade of Life" go?


in the original.

Ash and others returned to this period, and found the "Jewel of Life" and returned it to Arceus, quelling its anger.

But the original work is only the original work after all, it can only be used as a reference, and has no practical significance for Xia Yan.

The "Jade of Life" is something that has disappeared for thousands of years and cannot be erased.

It turns out.

Because the "Jewel of Life" in Qixin's hand was also fake, after Arceus killed them, he still couldn't find the "Jewel of Life", and finally left angrily.

"Life" and the peculiar "dark" energy were Xia Yan's initial impression of the group of people, as well as the abilities and goals they used.

And at the beginning of all this, it is very likely that it started from this lost "Jade of Life".

Qi Xin's words almost made Xia Yan completely certain about this matter.

The complicated and chaotic thoughts in his mind were completely calmed down, and Xia Yan thought of the key now.

Without the "Jewel of Life", how to calm down Arceus' anger?


Alakazam, who had been silently guarding Xia Yan's side, saw that Xia Yan's thinking was almost over, so he reminded him aloud.

A helpless smile appeared on Xia Yan's face.

"There's no other way, let's go to Arceus for a showdown. I hope the current Arceus can still listen."


Xia Yan threw Qi Xin to Heatran who was waiting beside him.

Heatran, who was treated like a slave by Chi Xin, had to be used as a mount, served tea and water, and had to fight at the critical moment, so he couldn't bear him for a long time.

Xia Yan who left with Alakazam.

The power of the waveguide unfolds.

Soon they found Ash and the others, as well as Damos, who was right next to Ash and the others.

With Alakazam's "Teleport", Xia Yan appeared in front of them out of thin air.

"Teacher Xia Yan!"

Seeing Xia Yan, Ash immediately showed joy.

"What's the matter, Mr. Xia Yan?"

Xina noticed that Xia Yan's face was not very good-looking, and couldn't help asking.

Xia Yan shook his head.

"The 'Jade of Life' was not found."

"Didn't find it?" Hina's face paled.

Damos opened his mouth and just wanted to say something, but he heard Xia Yan first ask: "Mr. Damos, let me ask you, did the royal family send someone to find out about Mijina's situation?"


Damos was stunned for a moment, then nodded and said, "Yes. After all, Mijina has suffered such a large-scale damage, and it has recovered to the current scene in a very short period of time. It is impossible for the royal family to notice. not."

"So, they asked you for the 'Jade of Life'?" Xia Yan narrowed his eyes.

Damos didn't deny it either, "Yes, but I rejected it. I promised Arceus that I must return the 'Jewel of Life' to it. This is about its life, give me the 'Jewel of Life' , it means that it gave its life to me, and I must be responsible for it!"

While speaking, his face was full of color.

Xia Yan's Psychic and waveguide powers were fully activated, and Alakazam next to him also flickered with faint Psychic fluctuations.

After listening, Xia Yan and Alakazam looked at each other.

Make sure Damos isn't lying, he really wants to return the "Jade of Life" to Arceus.

It's not that he doesn't want to believe Damos' character.

It's just that he has to make sure that Damos is hiding the life gem.

Now it seems that it is indeed not Damos.

The royal family must have learned the power of the "Jade of Life" from Damos' mouth, and moved their coveted heart.

But because Damos was a very important person to Arceus, he didn't dare to use force.

So he could only bewitch Qixin and let him do something to Damos, thus getting the "Jade of Life" and completely withdrawing himself from this incident.

Leave the mess to them.

It's not bad, I know that I have a heart of awe for Arceus, unlike Qixin, the two fools, who really dare to deal with the God of Creation with mercury and electricity-type Pokémon.

But it also made things more difficult because of this.

Xina thought about it and asked tentatively, "Mr. Xia Yan, you mean. The 'Jade of Life' was taken away by the royal family?"

Xia Yan nodded, "Qixin is just a pawn of the royal family, and I don't know if I'm being kept in the dark."

"Then what to do now? The lunar eclipse is about to start!" Damos also realized the seriousness of the matter.

"Whoosh." Alakazam said suddenly.

Xia Yan sighed slightly, "No, it has already started."

The rumbling vibration faintly rang in the ears.

Ash pointed to the sky and exclaimed, "Teacher Xia Yan, Arceus!"

The bright moon was shrouded in black shadows a little bit, and a space crack appeared in the clouds.

Immediately after.

A giant beast filled with holy Lucas slowly emerged.

His gaze fell on Xia Yan and others for the first time.

Walking with gold-studded hooves, stepping on the air, it fell from the air step by step.

Seeing Arceus, Damos first looked grateful and joyful, but was soon covered with a deep sense of guilt.

"Arceus, I. 'The Jewel of Life' it"


Damos was ashamed and remorseful, and knelt in front of Arceus.

"Sorry. I failed to protect the 'Jade of Life' well, I."

[Lost the 'Jade of Life'? 】

Arceus's voice didn't have the slightest emotional fluctuation, and his eyes seemed to contain endless starry sky, looking behind them and in the distant direction of Mijina.

"Sorry, I'm really sorry!"

Damos' head hit the ground, and the huge force was accompanied by a dull sound, and his forehead was even redder.

His heart was really full of guilt.

Arceus has emphasized more than once that the "Jewel of Life" is equal to its life, and giving it to Damos is an absolute trust in him, but now the "Jewel of Life" has been lost.

The sound of "dong dong dong" kept ringing.

Arceus didn't speak, Damos' movements didn't stop for a moment.


Every time I hit the ground, I used almost all my strength.

"Damos" Hina revealed that she couldn't bear it.


It's not Damos' fault for this, but it's also because he trusts the people around him too much.

Arceus withdrew his gaze and looked at Damos, a hint of unbearable flashed in the depths of his eyes.

But he still had no intention of calling to stop.

Instead, he looked at Xia Yan and Ash.

this moment.

He seemed to be able to see the battle of the century taking place in another distant time and space.

【You come to stop me from getting angry? 】

Hearing Arceus' voice that was still not mixed with any emotional fluctuations, Xia Yan secretly breathed a sigh of relief.


Arceus' anger has only just risen, and now it can still communicate.

At least.

Now it's just because of Damos' mistake that the "Jade of Life" is gone.

But Damos did not deceive Arceus in any way, let alone pour him mercury and use electricity to Pokémon Beat Up him.

But if one is not handled well.

I am afraid.

The results will not be much biased.


The anger from Arceus will destroy this world sooner.

Taking a deep breath, Xia Yan took a step forward, walked to a few people, and looked at Arceus.

"Yes. Arceus, your anger is bringing destruction to the world."

【so? 】

Arceus also looked at Xia Yan, giving him a huge sense of oppression.


But this time.

Alakazam appeared in front of Xia Yan with a serious expression, holding a spoon, staring at Arceus closely, posing a posture of "you are going to stare at you desperately".

Glancing at Alakazam, Arceus's expression softened a little and was moved.

[Nice fetters. 】


Xia Yan thanked and continued: "Arceus, Damos made a mistake, but he also sincerely apologized to you. If you really can't vent your hatred, you can kill him directly. But there is no need to transfer your anger to all Humans, even in this world you created."

"Teacher Xia Yan"

Kill Damos?

Ash who heard these words couldn't help but exclaimed.

But was stopped by Damos.

"It's my fault, and I'm willing to accept any Punishment as long as it quells your anger, Arceus."

His forehead was constantly flowing with red, and he looked at Arceus sincerely.

This is the best result.

To appease Arceus' wrath with one sacrifice.

【What if I say. No? 】

Arceus spoke slowly.

"You mean, you can calm your anger without killing Damos?" Xia Yan asked back with a smile.

Arceus: ? ? ?

does it mean this?

But I heard Xia Yan say loudly again:

"Admit it, Arceus! There is also a bond between you and Damos. This is how Pokémon gets along with humans. Although you may not admit it, when you feel comfortable giving the 'Jewel of Life' to Damos At that moment, the bond between you has been connected."

Hearing the words, Arceus was silent.

Really want to say.

The "Jade of Life" lent to Damos is the root of everything.

If it doesn't borrow, nothing will happen.

But the point is, it borrowed.

Out of trust in Damos.

Said Arceus to thank Damos for saving him?

That Arceus also saved the entire Midina, and saved the entire Region from the fall of the huge Meteorite.

Said Arceus because he couldn't bear to see Midina in a mess?

The world of Pokémon is full of messy places, why can't Arceus take out the "Jewel of Life" to take care of it?

In the end.

It was because of the things they had experienced together and the trust and bond established with each other that Arceus lent him the "Jewel of Life".

If Arceus really wanted to get rid of the sincerely repentant and apologetic Damos, it really couldn't do it.

But this way.

What about the "Jewel of Life"? What about the five lost slates?

【Let's go back. 】

Arceus sighed, driving a strange power to wrap Xia Yan and Ash and others.

next second.

When Xia Yan opened his eyes again.

Already back in Sinnoh, back in modern day Midina.

The battle between the seven mythical beasts and Arceus has also subsided.

Looked up.

When looking towards Arceus, its gaze also fell on Xia Yan.

Seven of Darkrai, Mewtwo, Rayquaza, Regigigas, Dialga, Palkia, and Giratina also landed next to Xia Yan, watching the Arceus in the sky vigilantly.

Seeing that Arceus' rage subsided, Steven, Cynthia and others next to him also breathed a sigh of relief.

Look at Xia Yan.

Although I don't know what he did.

But it was certain that he had done something to calm Arceus.

[Since you have stood up, it is up to you to calm things down in the end, a human from another world. 】

The anger in Arceus' voice gradually subsided.

another world?

Steven and others looked at Xia Yan in surprise.

"What should I do?" Xia Yan asked.


Everything around Xia Yan slowly disappeared as if erased by an eraser.

Endless white fills all the eye sockets.

"Spiritual world?" Xia Yan looked around.

[It is the end of time and space. 】

Arceus strode before him.

ka ka ka-


The Poké Balls around Xia Yan's waist were all opened, and at the same time as the red lights flickered, all the Pokémons appeared beside him.

Beedrill, Alakazam, Togekiss, Aegislash, Infernape, Latios, Doron Bartto, Sylveon, Ninetales, Volcarona, Milotic, Salamence, Goodra, Onion Rangers, Reggie Elage

The Pokémon who suddenly appeared stood beside Xia Yan, looking at Arceus fearlessly.

"So, do you want to fight?" Xia Yan frowned.

This posture.

Don't have a fight?

Arceus transferred his anger towards Damos to him?

Xia Yan had to think so.

If so.

Even if he knew that he couldn't beat him, Xia Yan would not give up.



In the whiteness of the endless nothingness, a crack opened.

Immediately after.

Under Xia Yan's surprised gaze, another Arceus, who looked holy, took steps and walked out slowly.

Two Arceus? !

good guy.

One Arceus is enough, two

Well, choose to hold back.

But this Arceus, is it a bit familiar?

[Xia Yan, you will really cause trouble for me. 】

With a little helplessness, the voice came from the Arceus who entered later.


Xia Yan's eyes lit up directly.

This is the Arceus of his world!

The two Arceus looked at each other.

Silence pervades this void space.

A long time passed.

The two Arceus nodded at the same time.

【Come with me. 】

The later Arceus said to Xia Yan.

Xia Yan didn't hesitate, and hurriedly ran over with Pokémon.

This is an acquaintance!

It's a little more credible than the other Arceus.

Seeing that its head tilted slightly, the crack that had disappeared before re-opened, signaling Xia Yan to follow, and then stepped in.

Xia Yan followed closely.


Before he entered the crack, Arceus, who was missing five stone slabs, suddenly said:

[Pokémon, for you humans, or for you, what? 】

Xia Yan took a step.

Holding the crack, after a brief pondering, he said solemnly, "Family."


He walked in without looking back.

The Pokémon beside him also returned to the Poké Ball one by one.

【Are you family?】

Looking at Xia Yan who had disappeared into the crack, Arceus who had lost five slates cried out in disappointment.

The space changes again.

It's like going back to Mijina thousands of years ago.

Looking at Damos with a red head, Arceus's eyes gradually softened.

[I forgive you, Damos. 】

Damos raised his head sharply, and when he looked towards Arceus again, there was nowhere to see its shadow.

But he didn't notice.

As Arceus left, a touch of black silk thread of thin hair also disappeared in the air.

at the same time.

Xia Yan, who entered the crack with Arceus.

Walking in the colorful passages that I don't know where it is.

One person and one Pokémon, none of them spoke.

Until Xia Yan broke the silence, "His anger subsided?"

Arceus glanced sideways at him.

[Damos did not deceive, but sincerely repented and even was willing to exchange his life for forgiveness. Do you think we Arceus are so impersonal? 】

Xia Yan was dumbfounded, and hurriedly said: "There's no way, otherwise I wouldn't dare to face him directly."


Arceus chuckled and gave him another look.

[Your communication skills are a bit formidable, how long have you been in that world? You can find six mythical beasts to help you deal with it. 】

If the Arceus hadn't forgotten the "Recover" link, maybe it would have been smashed by you.

Xia Yan: "."

Nane said: "It's normal."

[Its anger has not completely dissipated. But let you come back, you know why? 】

Xia Yan restrained his joking appearance, and his expression gradually became serious.

He nodded and said, "I roughly guessed it. The person who took his 'Jade of Life' came to our world, right?"

【Not stupid. 】

Arceus nodded slightly.

"Can you find him?" Xia Yan asked tentatively.

【cannot. 】

Arceus said without looking back.

[It is also the power of the slate, he wants to hide, and I can't perceive it. 】

Xia Yan raised his eyebrows.

"It seems that helping him find the 'Jade of Life' is not an easy task."

【Aren't you already a little browsy? 】

Hearing this, Xia Yan grinned.

It's a little bit.

Moreover, he may have also caught a little of what the other party wants.

But his strength was not enough.

However, he can borrow a lot of power.


【Um? 】

"Can I ask you a question, but don't be angry."

【Say. 】

"Have you ever been flooded with mercury?"

Arceus: .

It stared at Xia Yan.

"Agreed not to be angry."

[I'm not angry. 】

Arceus's expression did not change, but a crack slowly opened behind Xia Yan.


【real. 】

Arceus' voice still had no mood swings.

Just slowly lift the front hoof.

"It's not good"

【Say good to your uncle! 】

boom! !

A kick directly on Xia Yan's body.

Kick it out of this peculiar Tunnel.

"Arceus, your uncle's, wait for me, I remember Xia Yan!"

In an ancient ruin, Xia Yan stood up cursing while patting the dust.

look around.

It turns out that this is not the remains of Mt. Silver where he found the question mark Unown.

"Where is this so special?"

Xia Yan looked bewildered.

boom! ! !


The ruins shook violently, and the entire Ground made a "boom" sound.

Xia Yan frowned.

Approach the source of the sound.

At the corner, he finally saw the reason for the movement of the ruins.

"Landorus, Earth Power!"

A familiar voice also followed.

"Boss Giovanni?!" Xia Yan looked at the back of that calm commanding Landorus with some surprise.

I searched for Giovanni for a long time but couldn't find it.

I didn't expect to come across it here.


Xia Yan had a very bold plan in his heart.


PS: The special chapter has come to an end for the time being. There may be some things that are not well written, but the pigeons have used their best efforts and efforts. I still hope that everyone will understand~~

(End of this chapter)

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