The Bottom Trainer In The Pokémon World

Chapter 998 The Name Of The Rainbow (4.6K+!)

Chapter 997 The name of the rainbow (4.6K+!)

"Who is there?"

Giovanni turned slowly with his hands in his pockets, his eyes sharp and sharp.

"Boss Giovanni, I didn't expect you to train Pokémon here after looking for you for so long?"

A figure slowly walked out of the corner.

Under the brim of the hat, which was slowly raised, there was a grinning face.

Seeing the person coming, Giovanni showed a little surprise.

But turned to look solemn.

"Landorus, Earth Power!"

I see.

Landorus, who had just defeated Rival, folded his arms, and was in a concave shape, did not hesitate when he heard Giovanni's order.

The big fist of the sandbag hit Ground hard.

Boom! ! !

With a loud noise and the ground shaking, a large amount of dust, rocks, and rubble scattered on the surrounding rock walls, a surging Ground-based energy, like a normal wave, rushed towards Xia Yan.

Seeing this, Xia Yan's expression suddenly changed.

"Damn it, Boss Giovanni, are you serious?!"

talking room.

Xia Yan quickly retreated with Psychic, while the Poké Ball on his waist flickered.

in the red light.

Threads of black mist intertwined, mixed with looming purple energy, roaring out like a giant dragon.

Dragging his tail and body, he slammed into the surging Ground-type energy without hesitation.

boom--! !

Two terrifying energies collided, and a violent roar erupted immediately, and the surrounding relic buildings shook even more violently.

On the rock wall that was supposed to be extremely hard, a series of fine cracks appeared.


Feeling Rival's power and ability, as well as its familiar momentum and energy fluctuations, Landorus recognized the Pokémon and his expression became serious.


And Haze gathered around Xia Yan and formed again, it was Duolong Bartto!

At first.

When Xia Yan and Giovanni met for the first time in a real sense, Giovanni gave Xia Yan a blow, and the two fought.


Taking advantage of the rules, Natsuyan and Doron Bart took the victory from Giovanni's Landorus.

This kept Landorus firmly in mind.

Seeing that Landorus' attack was blocked, and Duolong Bartto who appeared beside Xia Yan, Giovanni raised his eyebrows slightly.

The corners of his mouth rose slightly, revealing a faint smile.

However, he still commanded indifferently: "Stone Edge!"

Xia Yan's expression was serious and solemn.

Facing the sharp rock pillars that were constantly rising, he said solemnly: Dragon Darts. "


As his voice fell, the two dragon Messiahs glowing with a purple halo, suddenly like normal arrows galloping sharply, hit the rising rock pillar.

At the same time, Doron Bartto also moved quickly.

As the body danced, Haze swirled around.

A black shadow quietly disappeared from the sight of Giovanni and Landorus.

Phantom Force!

"Stone Edge" was blocked and failed, Rival suddenly disappeared, Landorus was not very flustered.

Just frowning, feeling the rhythm of the surrounding earth, and incorporating all the turbulence around it into its perception.

It's Landorus.

The incarnation of the power of nature, although it is called the "God of Farmland" makes it very unforced, but the authority that can be used is not only covered by the words "God of Farmland".



Landorus frowned deeply, his strong and muscular arms suddenly tensed, and his fists wrapped in a rich khaki lustre slammed into the direction behind his right side.

at the same time.

Just in the direction of the punch it threw, under the distortion and fluctuation of space, a figure flew out quickly.

Bathed in Haze and purple energy, he opened his huge dragon's mouth full of ferocious fangs.

Seeing this, Landorus' face brightened.

last time.

It is the loss of this trick.

This time.

It will definitely not eat a second time.

The Ground-type energy on the fist was agitated again.

Bang! ! !


The two powerful energies collided violently again, and the slaughtered, countless small scattered energies were like sharp blades, and when they splashed on the Ground and the surrounding walls, they left small holes.

And Landorus, who had a bright complexion, also changed his face slightly after feeling the special energy attached to the attack from Doron Bartto.

It can be clearly felt.

The energy of the Ground system that had finally been accumulated was actually annihilated out of thin air under the entanglement of the opponent's Haze, in a way it had never seen before.

The last time they fought, the other party didn't have such ability yet?


The progress of this annihilation is not fast and the scope is not large.

But it still somewhat weakened the power brought by the Landorus attack.

The power of antimatter!

The two Pokémons collided again, more than the previous hasty challenge brought about.


After the collision, both Landorus and Doron Bartto returned to their respective Trainers.

Xia Yan and Giovanni did not issue any further orders to attack.

"I didn't expect it to be true this time." Giovanni patted Landorus and said slowly.

"What do you mean, is there a fake me?" Xia Yan raised his eyebrows slightly.

He was joking at first, but Giovanni nodded seriously.


Giovanni gave him a sideways glance.

"Do you know where this is?" he asked rhetorically.

Xia Yan shook his head.

Seeing that Xia Yan didn't seem to be cheating, it was Giovanni's turn to be surprised.

"Then how did you get in?"

Got kicked in by an alpaca.

He touched his nose, "I said. I got lost. Do you believe me, Boss Giovanni?"

Looking him up and down, Giovanni straightened his clothes and said, "I believe it."


Xia Yan coughed awkwardly and looked around, "So, where is this place?"

"Sinnoh Ruins."

Giovanni didn't hide it, and said it directly.

Xia Yan's eyes narrowed slightly, and his voice was amplified a bit, "Sinnoh Ruins?!"

Sinnoh Ruins, located deep within the Ruins of Alph in the Johto Region.


It was during the Xicui period that the ancient Sinnoh people migrated to the Johto Region, which was the closest to the Sinnoh Region at that time, because they could not bear the harsh environment of the Sinnoh Region.

In order to commemorate the Sinnoh Region, the Sinnoh Ruins were built in the depths of the Ruins of Alph, and the names were also taken from the "god" of Sinnoh and the "capital" of Johto Region.

It is a fusion of two Region cultures.

Similar names are given to "Tohjo Falls", which is located between the Kanto Region and the Johto Region as the dividing line.

Why is Xia Yan so excited after knowing "Sinnoh Ruins"?


In the special chapter, when Giovanni disappeared and Carr was in charge of the Rockets, the "four generals" of the Rockets headed by Archer, who were in charge of the Johto Region, tried to control Arceus in order to find Giovanni.

and it worked.

They took all the slates from Arceus as a threat.


Also trying to get Arceus to recreate Dialga, Palkia and Giratina.

The result.

The "Four Generals" were smashed to pieces by Akin and Silver, and even Arceus was quelled by Akin.

Dialga, Palkia, and Giratina, who were recreated, were defeated by Toto, Giovanni, and Pryce, who arrived later.


There are also plenty of Unowns within Sinnoh Ruins.

They create phantoms to intimidate or even attack.

So Giovanni didn't confirm whether Xia Yan was real or fake at first, so it was easy to explain.

But the point is.

What is Giovanni trying to do here?

Trying to control Arceus like the "Four Generals"?

"Are you surprised?" Giovanni looked at Xia Yan.

Xia Yan didn't answer, just asked: "Boss Giovanni, what are you doing here?"

to this.

Giovanni didn't hide it, and said bluntly: "I just want to talk to Arceus. But it seems that it doesn't seem to want to see me."

Perhaps, Arceus already knew all about Xia Yan and complained in his heart.

"Looking for Arceus?"

"You know what happened to Cinnabar Island?"

Xia Yan's expression was slightly embarrassed.

More than knowing that we met with you back then.

However, the identity of Xia Yan was used at that time, but now it is "Yan Xia".

This is the tacit understanding that Xia Yan and Giovanni maintained, and neither of them wanted to tell the truth.

"There is a problem within the Alliance, and you must have noticed it. Originally, I didn't want to care about these things, and I would even be happy to watch it on the sidelines."

Giovanni's tone was flat.

But slowly his eyes became sharp, and his tone became dignified and cold.

"But they shouldn't provoke me, provoke our Rockets!"

With that said, Giovanni took Landorus and walked away.

Xia Yan followed behind.


He didn't know how to get out of the ruins.

"So, Boss Giovanni, what's your purpose of creating Team Rocket?" Xia Yan asked suddenly.


Giovanni's expression paused.

"I got the Rockets from my mother."

"Then do you have a son?" Xia Yan asked again.

Giovanni frowned. "What do you mean?"

"No. Just ask."

"No," Giovanni said without looking back.

Xia Yan secretly breathed a sigh of relief.


It's not like the Rockets were created to find cubs.

"Then, Boss Giovanni, have you considered. Expanding the size of the Rockets?"

"Scale?" Giovanni frowned.

Xia Yan put his hand on the back of Duolong Bart, who was flying beside him, and said slowly while rubbing lightly:

"A black hole swallowing everything is terrifying, but it will never be as conspicuous as a rainbow after rain."

Hearing the words, Giovanni tasted Xia Yan's words carefully.

After a brief pause.


"The strength we need to confront may only be a part of the Alliance, but it may also be the entire Alliance! The collision between two powerful forces will inevitably be accompanied by the Horacio shower, so why can't our Rockets become the dazzling dazzling after the rainstorm? rainbow?"

Xia Yan's voice was flat, but the meaning contained in his words was not flat at all.

"you think."

Giovanni looked at Xia Yan, his deep eyes filled with waves.

Xia Yan's face was straight, and he gritted his teeth slightly:

"The emperor takes turns, come to my house today! It's best if Alliance is willing to correct its mistakes, and if Alliance is not willing."

"Then help it correct it!"

Giovanni blinked and took Xia Yan's words.

at the same time.

He also understood the meaning of Xia Yan's words.

"The Rockets are strong. But their strength is not allowed by the Alliance. Boss Giovanni, you have thought about it, if in the future your children are not willing to inherit the Rockets, do not want to have anything to do with the Rockets, or even do not want to. Say the name 'Rockets'."

Giovanni fell silent.

Xia Yan continued: "Alliance has an implicit classification of three, six, nine, and nine levels of people, Alliance direct descendants, elite geniuses, ordinary people, and low-level people. Not to mention that everyone is completely equal, this seems unrealistic, but at least let everyone be equal. Individuals can be promoted, and I don't think it's impossible."

Xia Yan didn't understand before.

Alliance obviously has so many resources, even if it gives all ordinary people and low-level people a chance to try, and give people of all abilities a chance to be promoted, this should be possible, but why not?

As a result, many aspiring young people joined the Rockets.

Regardless of how much the Alliance can benefit from doing so, isn't that fostering the development of underground forces like the Rockets?

The Rockets can have the scale they are now, and Alliance has at least one-third of the credit.

But now he understands.

It was the group of royal families who joined the Alliance, the descendants of the royal family, the group of pretentious nobles, their self-esteem and pride, contributed to this result.

"Then why don't you come to a reform! The reform started by the Rockets!"

"You seem to have a belly draft already?"

In fact, Giovanni had some ideas in his heart.

For example.

Team up with the major forces in each Region and combine them into a brand-new organization, an organization under the leadership of Team Rocket, to fight against the Alliance.

But listen to what Xia Yan said.

Although it may be that the instant effectiveness is not as great as that of other organizations.

But from a long-term development perspective, such reforms definitely have more potential.

Xia Yan narrowed his eyes.

"Don't they pull people from various parallel worlds? I think we can too."

Don't say anything else.

If Giovanni agrees to reform according to his plan.

Xia Yan will bring him the other world Crimson, Qinglu, Xiaolan, Akin, Silver and others!


Giovanni needs to turn his mind around first.


It is estimated that when Crimson and others come, he may be the first to do it.


If Giovanni's ideas really can't be reversed.

Xia Yan felt that he could also settle for the next best thing, and call up the Lava Team, Team Aqua, Team Galactic, Team Plasma, etc. from other worlds to reproduce the Team Rainbow Rockets in the original book.

Let's fight fire with the Alliance group of people, first consume their strength and then talk about it.

In fact, Xia Yan has one last solution.

That is to gather all the divine beasts together.

Flat push Alliance!

But yeah.

Doing so is also risky.

Not to mention whether the beasts with different personalities can all be integrated according to Xia Yan's order.

Let's just say that Alliance might be hiding some secret methods, specifically targeting these mythical beasts.

It's not impossible.

after all.

in special.

Just caught Rayquaza, Pryce flattened Ho-Oh and Lugia, the technology invented by Team Plasma's Akroma controlled the black and white Opelucid and Kyurem, and also controlled Solgaleo and Lunala, Necrozma, etc.

What people like Akroma can do, Alliance may not have such top talents, but it's just not showing off.

The two walked out of Sinnoh Ruins while chatting.

Since the inside was almost pushed by Giovanni, there was not much impediment to leave.

"If I said I would leave this matter to you, what would you think?"

Outside the Ruins of Alph, Giovanni said suddenly.


Xia Yan was stunned.

Giovanni chuckled lightly.

"I don't have a son."

After that, he stepped on the clouds of Landorus and left.

The howling wind blew his face.

"Team Rainbow Rockets?"

The smile on Giovanni's face grew stronger.

"Things are getting interesting"

Looking at the back of Giovanni leaving, Xia Yan patted his cheeks and looked at Duolong Bartto.

"What does he mean? He doesn't have a son, so he wants to pass the throne to me? Or do he want to recognize me as his godson?"


Doron Bartow rolled his eyes.

Can you not be so rude?

You call him "big brother" and see if he agrees or not?

Xia Yan gently rubbed against his chin.

"Actually, I still have the last hand. I really can't. I turned all of Agatha Teacher, Pryce Teacher, Professor Oak, Du, Lorelei, Steven, and Cynthia. It is estimated that Alliance will lose a lot of combat power."

Think about it this way.

It seems to be easier to turn against them?

"Forget it, let's go to Du Lao chat first."


Turned over and sat on Doron Bartto's back, flying towards the direction of Kanto Region Mt. Silver.

Watari and Lorelei had just taken over as the Elite Four when he left.

"I don't know. How many days will it be after I leave? Don't synchronize the time of the two worlds. When they disappear for a few months on their big day, they can't squat and guard me?"

As soon as he thought of meeting with Du, he became aggressive and wanted to "challenge"

"I'm really not a person who likes to abuse people."


PS: 1.5w for today! Ask for a monthly ticket~~

(End of this chapter)

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