The Bottom Trainer In The Pokémon World

Chapter 999 Du: Are You Ready To Challenge For The Championship?

Chapter 998 Du: Are you ready to challenge for the championship?


Kanto Region, Mt. Silver foot.

Kanto's newly appointed Dragon Department Elite Yulongdu's mansion, in the hall of the "Three Court Trials", Yulongdu sat on the first chair, looking at the "prisoner" Xia Yan below with a serious expression.

His voice seemed to contain anger.

on his left.

The new Ice-type Elite Lorelei, who was sitting with his glasses on his face, with a serious and frosty expression.

on his right.

Sitting with a teasing smile on his face, pursing his lips and saying "I really want not to laugh", Steven Stone, the young owner of the German company.

On the opposite side of him, the person who was in Stuff Cheeks was naturally Xia Yan.

Hearing Du's name, Xia Yan's mouth twitched.

Feeling dizzy?

Why did the Beijing accent come out?

"How many days have I been away?" Xia Yan didn't answer, but asked Steven, who was smiling.

"How many days?" Steven raised his eyebrows slightly.

"Two full months."

Lorelei's indifferent voice has no mood swings, as if an iceberg is talking.

"How long?!" Xia Yan stared.

"Two months!"

Du Yi patted the table and stood up, pointing at Xia Yan and said angrily: "What the hell are you going to do, we won't ask much, but can you squeak before you leave? The Elite exhibition ended without a word and left, I won’t be attending any subsequent banquets, what’s so urgent?”

Looking at the angry Du, Xia Yan wiped his mouth.

Xia Yan didn't have the slightest fear of his sternness.

Instead, he rolled his eyes and said, "How do I know this is going to take so long?"

"How could he be so righteous?" Du looked at Steven in disbelief.

Steven rolled his eyes, "The first day you met him?"

"Alright, alright."

At this time.

Lorelei, who was next to him, finally couldn't hold back anymore, and patted his cheeks with both hands, "If you want to fight with Xia Yan Senior, just say it, I'm tired of doing all this."


Seeing that Lorelei was back to normal, Xia Yan laughed directly.

good guy.

The number one "best" teammate is definitely Lorelei.

"However." Lorelei paused for a moment, looked at Xia Yan and said seriously: "Xia Yan Senior, seriously, next time you really want to do something, you can try to tell us. Although it may not have any substance. Sexual effects, but maybe we can actually provide some help."

Steven, across from her, also nodded.

"Xia Yan, Lorelei is right."

Of course, Xia Yan also knew that what they were being held accountable was not the fact that they did not attend the Celebrate banquet that took office as Elite.

Instead, it disappeared suddenly and silently after the Elite exhibition match ended.

And, it's two months away.

Xia Yan also put away his joking expression.

"Don't worry, when I really need your help, I won't hide it from you. This time I really didn't expect to be away for so long."

While standing, look at Lorelei, then look at Steven.

good guy.

You talk each other, and in the end, the most embarrassing one becomes me?

Xia Yan squinted and said with a chuckle, "Don't you want to test your progress in the past two months? Okay, I'll let you know how big the gap is between us."

"Add me, don't you mind?" Steven said arrogantly as he adjusted his bow tie.

With a flick of his cloak, he strode towards the outside with great strides.

"In such a hurry, rushing to reincarnate?" Xia Yan shouted.

After two more bites, he walked out with Steven and Lorelei.

Du Zheng was waiting for them at the door with his arms in his arms.

From his mouth, he learned the location of the nearest battle field from here.

Xia Yan raised his eyebrows.

At the same time as the Poké Ball at the waist opened in an instant, one turned over and lay on Latios' back.

"The first person to the venue has the right to shoot first!"

Du and Steven looked at Xia Yan who was leaving quickly, and were stunned for half a second before they suddenly reacted and summoned their Pokémon.

"Xia Yan, you're a fool!" Du roared in a "frustrated" manner, and jumped onto Dragonite's back.

"Dragonite, Extreme Speed!"

On the other side, Steven also summoned his signature Flash Metagross and stood on its back.

"Metagross, Electromagnetic Levitation, Agility!"

The two quickly caught up with Xia Yan.

But I heard Xia Yan shout with a smile:

"Latios, Mega Evolution!"

In an instant.

The energy of Mega Evolution poured out of him and Latios, and the dazzling wave instantly enveloped them.

next second.

Quickly completed the Mega Latios of Mega Evolution, and rushed out of the Mega Evolution energy that was slowly dissipating, like a jet, the speed increased again, leaving a trail cloud in the air.

Does it all use Mega Evolution?

The two stayed for half a second again.

Looking at the distance, Steven reacted quickly, raised his mouth, and gracefully picked up the brooch pinned to his neckline, the Key Stone on it suddenly burst out with the colorful halo of Mega Evolution.

"Metagross, Mega Evolution!"

Following Steven's movements, the Flash Metagross under his feet was immediately covered by the energy of Mega Evolution.

The sharp metal claws tore through the halo of Mega Evolution, and the speed suddenly increased, rushing towards Xia Yan.

Ferry: "."

Looking at Xia Yan and Steven who were using Mega Evolution to quickly distance themselves, Du glanced down at Dragonite.

He gritted his teeth slightly.

"These two guys"

Just bully him Dragonite can't do Mega Evolution, right?

"Dragonite, Dragonite!"

Lorelei, who had just walked out of the hall, had a stunned expression as he watched the figures of the three quickly leave.

Especially when he saw that Xia Yan and Steven used Mega Evolution one after another, and Du could only use a "Dragon Dangs" "poorly", Lorelei laughed out loud.

Hold your forehead a little.

The corners of his mouth raised a graceful arc, he shook his head helplessly and said:

"Sure enough, a man can become a child at any time."

Mt. Silver Spa Bathhouse.


Togekiss buried half of his head in the water, his eyes focused, and while agitating and blowing, he watched the bubbles appearing in front of him.

"Quite yea!!"

It looked at Sylveon next to him in surprise.

Look! Is the bubble I just blown out the biggest?


Sylveon's mouth bulged.

The title of "Most Hideki Bubble Owner" is still here, and it was overtaken by Togekiss so quickly.


Latios' sly eyes rolled.

Like Togekiss, he buried his head, took a deep breath, and slowly blew it out.

I see.

A huge hot spring soup pool Hydro Pump, slowly taking shape.


This time, Zorua, whose hair was wet and drooping, felt that her body had more than doubled in size, and immediately jumped up from the water.

It cheats! It uses Psychic!


The eldest sister, Togekiss, was still very dignified among these little guys, and glared at Latios, Latios could only obediently admit his mistake.

Cheating doesn't count!

But everyone doesn't care.

after all

Who hasn't cheated yet?

Seriously, Togekiss, who has the most righteous words and a straight face, is the one who cheats the most.

That is, it is now the first, otherwise, whoever will cheat first.


And the green onion soldier who is also soaking in the hot spring soup pool is also a member of the game.

Look at mine!

Its cry made the eyes of the little guys fall on it.

Seeing the onion wanderer take a deep breath, his chest bulged more than a pump.

Then, holding his breath, he buried his head in the water.

next second.


With a burst of energy, the entire hot spring pool made a muffled sound.

When the scallion soldier raised his head from the water excitedly, wiped the water droplets from his face, and looked at Togekiss, Sylveon, Latios, and Zorua excitedly.

see them one by one


Onion Rangers: Σ(っ°Д°;)っ

With the power of its roaming soldiers, this air blowing with full posture is no less than throwing an air bomb into the hot spring pool.

And the splashing water had undoubtedly wet Togekiss and the rest of them.

Especially Togekiss.

The three feathers on the head are drooping, quite a bit like a three-haired posture.

Togekiss: (* ̄︿ ̄)

"Quack!! (The hero spares his life!)"

Seeing the bad situation, the onion wanderer ran away, but there were so many people on Togekiss that they captured it before giving it a chance to escape.

"Gah!! (Help!) Gollum-ga! (Ah!) Gollum-ga! (Master)!"

Listen to Duck Duck's help.

Half of his body was submerged in the water, and a Beedrill with a thick hot towel was placed on his forehead. He just squinted and remained unmoved.

Hot springs.

So comfortable.

Now I don't want to move at all, what should I do if I want to rot?

Out of the corner of his eyes, he glanced at Alakazam, Doron Bartto, and Darkrai, who were acting in the same way as it. After confirming that they were also looking at him, he felt more at ease.

Four Pokémon are leaning against the shore, only one head is exposed.

At the same time, he let out a long breath and stuffed his head into the water for a few minutes.



Ninetales looked at Reggie Elage who was eager to try, and hurriedly stopped it who was about to go into the water.

It goes down this way.

Those guys in the water are guaranteed to have their stomachs turned upside down within a second.

then wait for them to wake up


I am doing this for you.

Ninetales' tail patted the confused Reggie Elech on the back.

Small electricity, be obedient.


However, Reggie Elage is still very good, and Ninetales doesn't recommend it to go into the water, so it won't go in.

Instead, he turned his gaze to the other side.

Infernape's side with a steel wool wiping Aegislash's back under the showers.

Turning to leave, all that was left was Ninetales and Milotic sitting on the shore, tail in the water, waving gracefully and gently.


The hair on Infernape's body fell too, and he looked at Aegislash with disgust.

He threw aside the steel ball in his hand that had been rubbed to the point of being useless.

And there.

There were already a dozen or so tattered steel balls piled together.


Aegislash's body did not leave any traces, which made Infernape feel very unfulfilled.

"Jie Jie~~"

Didn't eat, little monkey, work hard.

The flames above Infernape's head curled up, turning into a misty Mist upon contact with the spray of water vapor.


At this moment, Reggie Elech, who came over, made Infernape's eyes light up.

Beckoned to let it come over quickly.

Seeing this, Reggie Ellich suddenly ran over.


Small electricity, electricity it!



"Xia'er, your Vulpix has evolved, why didn't you tell me earlier?"

Xia Yan, Du, and Steven, who were also soaking in the hot spring pool, leaned on the pool with their shirtless shirts and white scarves on their heads.

Abuse, is there anything more suitable than Ninetales of Fairy and Ice?


In the world of the special chapter, Xia Yan had already abused that world once with Ninetales.

But let's be honest.

At that time, he was not familiar with Du over there at all, and he was a little uneasy and too ruthless. Xia Yan really didn't have much sense of accomplishment when he abused him.

Available just now.

The aggressive Du was about to fight Xia Yan, and when he saw that he summoned Ninetales, he was still full of confidence that he had already prepared for the ice-type Pokémon.

But when he learned that the evolved Ninetales are Pokémons of the Ice and Fairy types, Watana's expression and eyes.


Now that I think about it, Xia Yan still has a feeling of unfinished business.

Give up the most unacceptable.

He was not confident that he was abused by Xia Yan, but he was used to being abused anyway.

It was Lorelei who said goodbye and left to go back to Silver Academy as soon as he learned that Vulpix in the form of Alola had evolved into Ninetales, and that Attribute was actually a combination of Ice and Fairy.

As for what to do, she didn't say.

But everyone present understood.

See you next time Lorelei.

It is estimated that there will be a small ice Vulpix by her side.

And this is the most unacceptable thing to the crossing.

His goal is to become the Kanto Region champion.

To do this, you must defeat the Elite Four in Kanto Region.

Let’s not talk about the other old elites in Kanto Region, such as Agatha, which are not considered for the time being.

Just talking about Lorelei is already a "stumbling block" on the road to the championship.

But if once Lorelei cultivates the ice Ninetales.

That's not a "stumbling block", it's a big mountain!

"Said earlier?"

Xia Yan squinted and said, "When did you think Lorelei would start cultivating Ice Ninetales?"

Ferry: "."

Steven next to him couldn't hold back his laughter, "Xia Yan, are you sure it's not because you're holding your hand and waiting for the crossing?"

Xia Yan blinked at Steven calmly.

Don't tell the truth.


Du took a long sigh, slid down, and buried the position below his shoulders in the water with a decadent look on his face.

Seeing this scene, Xia Yan and Steven looked at each other and smiled without saying a word.

Two minutes have passed.


Du jumped up from the water again.

"No, I'm already like this, won't you comfort me?"

The two smiled at each other again.

"You still need our comfort?" Steven teased.

"In our impression, dignified Yulongdu is not someone who would admit defeat like this." Xia Yan also said with a smile.

Du rolled his eyes angrily.

"I've had eight lifetimes of blood mold and became brothers with the two of you."

"What a coincidence, so am I."

Xia Yan stretched out his hand towards Du in agreement.


Steven also reached out to him like Xia Yan.

Ferry: "."

For a while, he didn't know what to say.

"But it should be said or not, you have done a good job of training with your tendon."

Du didn't shake hands, and Xia Yan didn't withdraw his hand, but patted him on the body, the playful color on his face was even stronger.

"Yeah, I don't know when I practiced secretly."

Steven followed his example and patted it "tsk tsk".


Du slapped both hands flying.

"piss off."

Then pointed to Steven, "You are the whitest of the three of us, and I don't know why you are so white as a man."

Then he pointed to Xia Yan.

"You are the most well-proportioned among the three of us. If you want to praise yourself, don't let me cut it."

Xia Yan narrowed his eyes.

"What's more than this?!"

Then lowered his head, "Is it better than this."

Watanabe and Steven turned their heads at the same time.


But don't say it.

It seems that all brothers are more or less compared.

The only difference is that those who won don't bother to beat their brothers, and those who lose are even more embarrassed to say so.

cough cough

Soak for a while.

The three dragged their relaxed bodies into the sauna room.

Inside the wooden sauna.

Volcarona had set the fire very hot early on.

"Speaking of which, we have been soaking for so long, how come no one has seen it?"

Du poured a ladle of water into the fire filled with stones, and suddenly made a "hissing" sound, accompanied by the rise of a lot of Mist.

The temperature of the entire sauna room also suddenly increased a lot.

The three of them suddenly sweated.

Xia Yan glanced at Du with the eyes of an idiot.

Without waiting for Du to ask again, Steven leaned on the seat and said with a smile, "It's nothing, I bought this hot spring hotel when we just came in."

Ferry: "."

At this time, he suddenly realized that there was a man among the three who did not regard money as money.

"A lot of things seem to have happened during the time I left?" Xia Yan asked suddenly.


The expressions of the two also became a little more solemn.

"There are a few things about you," Du said.

"Tell me."

Ferry looked at Steven.

Steven nodded slightly, "Actually, it's not a bad thing. The first is that Daye successfully defeated your Sinnoh's Elite Four Kerwin and became the third Elite Four in the new Sinnoh generation."

"Big leaf?"

Xia Yan was stunned.

"Not Lucian?"

He also thought that Lucian would become an Elite Four sooner than Da Ye.

It's not surprising that Daye can become an Elite Four.

"Lucian? Isn't he your secretary? He is so busy every day that he is now called to represent the Elite Four."

So although Sinnoh has four Elites now, in the eyes of many Sinnoh people, Sinnoh has five Elites.

And among them.

Lucian is the man standing behind the first Xia Yan of the new generation.

"Cough cough." Xia Yan coughed awkwardly, "Next time, next time I go back and invite him to dinner."

"Cynthia has also come to Mt. Silver several times, but it didn't wait for you. There are still a lot of things going on in the Elite Four. Sinnoh can't have two smashing Elites, right?" Du added.

Rotten Elite

This is called.

Xia Yan's eyes twitched and looked at Steven.

"anything else?"

But this time Du said: "Well, this guy Steven gave up the Elite Four challenge."


Xia Yan was stunned.

But the smile on Steven's face didn't change.

Du smacked his mouth and continued: "He wants to challenge Victory Road directly."

"Good guy."

Xia Yan subconsciously gave a thumbs up.

Worthy of Steven.

Abandoning the position of Elite Four and preparing to challenge the champion directly, this difficulty is not normal.

"So now Hoenn's Elite Four are Drake Elite, Glacia Elite, Sidney Elite and Phoebe Elite."


Has the little girl who gave Honedge to him also reached the level of Elite Four?

"Where's Wallace?"

When asked about Wallace, Steven and Du looked at each other and laughed.

"That guy completely took over the Sootopolis Gym from his Teacher Juan, for Winona in Fortree City."

Xia Yan nodded suddenly.

It seems that no matter what world, the love-hate relationship between Wallace and Winona has not changed.

But starting from Xia Yan Cynthia, successive new generations have become Elite Four.

The authority representing the Alliance has been slowly passed from the hands of the older generation to the hands of the younger generation.

This is for Xia Yan.

Undoubtedly a good thing.

As long as the new generation can take over some of the powers of the Alliance, what he has to do in the future will be easier.

The rest of the.

For example, Diantha of Kalos Region took office, Cattleya of Unova Region took office, and so on.

They are also explaining this information.

It is developing more and more in the direction of the Pokémon world that Xia Yan is familiar with.

At first glance.

It seems that Alliance really has the feeling of Refresh.

But only Xia Yan knew.

These are superficial.

"It's all good news?"

Xia Yan asked after listening.

"Not all." Steven hesitated.

Xia Yan looked towards Du.

Du pursed his lips, pondered for a while, and said slowly, "I heard. Alliance will announce a new Region soon."

"Galer?" Xia Yan raised his brows.

"But that's not bad news, is it?"


It is Dan Di, who was made the "strongest champion", and may be coming out.

"Cough cough." Steven coughed, "Let me tell you. The new Region Galar is open to enter the countdown. But the point is not this, the point is that the new Region Galar will not implement the Elite Four management system."

No Elite Four system?

For this, Xia Yan, who knew the situation, was not very surprised.

Galar Region does not have an Elite Four system.

But he didn't feel any surprise before.

But now think about it

He stood up and looked at the two, "Alliance is planning to use the Galar Region as a pilot, they want to take back the power of the Elite Four?"

Xia Yan, who knew more about the inside story, had to think so.

". This possibility is not ruled out." Du pondered and said.

Things got interesting all of a sudden.

The power to recycle the Elite Four?

What is the difference between this kind of thing and digging one's own grave?

"But I think Alliance shouldn't be so mindless, right?" Xia Yan said.

"Who knows?" Steven shrugged, "It doesn't matter if we say it ourselves, and I don't shy away from it. I really don't understand some of the things and decisions that Alliance makes sometimes. I just feel like they want to."

Before Steven's words were finished, Xia Yan added.


"Yes." Du patted his thigh and picked up a lot of water.

He sometimes feels the same way.

And now.

If the power of the Elite Four is really reclaimed, then the purpose of the Alliance is really clear.

"But I bet they wouldn't," Steven said.

"It's hard to say."

The two looked at Xia Yan at the same time.

Noticing their gaze, Xia Yan grinned.

"Guess what these are for? The best way, of course, is to join in and see."

"Join? Elite Four is only responsible for one Region, and it seems that they have no right to join." Du frowned.

Steven elbows him.

"Xia Yan didn't mean that, he wanted to."

After realizing what Steven meant, Du stood up suddenly, the towel on his body was so excited that he fell off.

The "tsk tsk" sound that both Xia Yan and Steven disliked.

But Du didn't care about that.

Staring at Xia Yan, he said solemnly, "Are you ready to challenge for the championship?!"

py a book "Totem of Pokémon's Phantom"

(End of this chapter)

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