Chapter 999 Victory Road!

Sinnoh Region.

Alliance headquarters.

There are six people seated in the Elite Four's highest meeting room.

Igor, President of Sinnoh Alliance, Elite Four Bertha, Xia Yan, Cynthia, Daye, and Agent Elite Lucian.

As we all know, although a Region is said to be an Elite Four, it is very reasonable to have five people.

In fact, Lucian was originally the Sinnoh Alliance who almost decided the Elite Four, but there was no position for the time being.

Say it again.

As the secretary of the bastard Elite Xia Yan, Lucian is almost equivalent to representing Xia Yan's powers, but he lacks a title, and some arrangements need to follow Xia Yan's wishes.

A small round table with six people sitting together.

Oh no.

Lucian sat behind Xia Yan, and President Igor also sat aside and did not participate.

"Da Ye, it's good to go."

Xia Yan looked at the exploding head and looked a little condescending, and couldn't help saying.


Daye rubbed his nose and smiled, "Senior Kerwin just didn't fight seriously."

Flying is Elite Kerwin. She has never been keen on Elite Four. She is proficient in Flying Pokémon and hopes to be as free as a bird.


Because Sinnoh was really in the green and yellow stage before, under the persuasion of President Igor and Bertha, he has been dedicating himself to the Sinnoh Region.

but now.

Lucian, Daye, and Aaron have also grown up.

Xia Yan arranged for three people to help him deal with things. Although it was indeed Xia Yan's arrangement for the sake of being a genius, it is undeniable that he had reported this arrangement to Igor and Bertha at the beginning.

Therefore, Lucian, Daye, and Aaron are not bad in terms of strength, and they are not bad in their ability to handle affairs.

Take over now, just fine.

"Tell me, disappearing for two months at once, without saying a word, what's the reason?" Bertha gave Xia Yan a sidelong glance and said slowly.

Playing with the pen in his hand, he didn't seem at all surprised that Xia Yan would suddenly disappear for two months.


If the pen in her hand didn't make a "squeaky" sound, perhaps the credibility of the words would be higher.

Regarding this issue, Xia Yan had already made a draft when chatting with Steven and Du.

"Cough, I accidentally entered a different dimension and got trapped inside."

"Another dimension?" Bertha narrowed her eyes.

"It's a relic, something happened."

Having said that, the people present here have a little bit of understanding.

After all, in places like secret realms and different dimensions, you really can't go in if you want, and you can go out if you want.

If it wasn't for Xia Yan who is now an Elite Four and is responsible for the Sinnoh Region, they wouldn't have any intention of taking care of him.

Only Cynthia glanced sideways at Xia Yan while leaning against her head.


However, she didn't reveal it.

"You held this Elite meeting today, but there is indeed something I want to tell you today." Bertha put the pen on the table.

In most cases, Sinnoh Alliance meetings today are normally held by Bertha.

Occasionally it could be Cynthia.

Mainly to discuss some things.

It is still relatively rare for an Elite like Xia Yan to hold an Elite meeting.

"Oh?" Xia Yan raised his eyebrows.

Bertha looked at Lucian.

"That's it. Some time ago, Roark, the master of the Gym in Black Gold City, dug up something during the process of excavating ancient fossils. What is it?"

Lucian looked at Cynthia.

Xia Yan was speechless for a while.

One thing, the three of you are going around, aren't you tired?

But he held back and did not complain.

Cynthia gently tucked her hair behind her ear, and said after a little thought, "I haven't seen the real thing, but I've only seen the photos sent by Roark, let's take a look."


She swiped the tablet, selected the photo, and placed it in front of Xia Yan.

in the photo.

It is a simple and simple thing with a lot of soil, at first glance it looks a bit like a piece of jewelry.

But seeing this photo, Xia Yan's pupils shrank slightly and blurted out, "Qianzhou wrist?!"

"Qianzhou wrist?"

The rest of the people in the conference room looked at each other, this was the first time they had heard of this name.

On the other hand, Cynthia nodded slightly, "It seems that you have done a lot of research on the ancient mythology of Sinnoh. I have compared the murals on the ruins in Celestic Town, and I also think that this thing is very likely to be the Thousand Universe Arm. Now you say the same thing. , it is estimated that eight or nine are not far from ten."

Thousand Universe wrist.

In fact, it was the metal-like ring hanging on the back of Arceus, the god of creation.

Represented, of course, is Arceus.


It must be a good thing to be able to dig this thing.

"But lost," Bertha said.


"Together with some fossils excavated at that time, and some ancient objects, it was stolen."

Xia Yan: "."

Qian Zhou's wrist can also be lost.

"Lucian, Aaron and the others couldn't find it?" Xia Yan probed.

Bertha glanced at him like an idiot, "What did I say to you when I got it back?"

Xia Yan shook his head.

He was just doing it as a jerk, his last insistence.

"You're in charge of the 'special criminal hunt' mission. If you don't come back, it's Lucian and Aaron's, but now that you're back, it's up to you to take over."

Bertha is responsible for the development and operation of the gym and each city.

Cynthia is responsible for cultural aspects, including but not limited to school construction, research direction management, researcher coordination, etc.

The newly-appointed Da Ye took over all competition-related matters from the hands of the former Elite Four Kerwin.

Elite Four, each performing their duties.

Therefore, as the head of Sinnoh's search department and criminal department, Xia Yan, the task itself should belong to him.

It is too important to be related to the "Thousand Universe Arm", so it must fall on him, the Elite Four.

"Go, go, go."

Facing Bertha's gaze, Xia Yan raised his hands and no longer objected.

With his character, fighting style, and wild fighting ability, no one here is more suitable for this job than him.

"Lucian, you will send me a copy of the relevant information later."

Lucian pushed up his glasses and said in a calm tone, "Yeah."

"Okay. Now tell me why you called this Elite meeting."

Bertha and the others looked at him again.

tuk tuk-

Xia Yan's expression gradually calmed down, and his index finger tapped the table lightly, making an intriguing "tuk-tuk" sound.

The crowd didn't bother him.

It's just that his expression gradually became serious, and he realized the importance of what he was going to say next.

"I want to try Victory Road."

"I thought it was a big deal. Huh?!" Bertha subconsciously thought that Xia Yan was going to talk about building temples, repairing ruins, and these inconsequential things. After all, he didn't do this once.

But halfway through the blurted words, he suddenly reacted.

a time.

The entire conference room was silent.

On the other hand, Igor, who was sitting in the wheelchair next to him, slowly revealed a smile on his pale face.

After waiting for a long time, finally today...

"Victory Road?!"

The first one to shout out was Daye, who had just taken up the post of Elite Four.

How long has he been an Elite Four?

Many Elite Fours probably haven't experienced a "Victory Road" once in their entire career.

Shouldn't Xia Yan want to teach me a lesson, so he opened Victory Road on purpose?

With Xia Yan's character that he will retaliate and do not stay overnight, it is not impossible!

Except for Da Ye, the others also showed varying degrees of surprise.

But among them.

Lucian may be different.

The first thing he thought of was not the Elite Four position vacated by Xia Yan after being promoted to champion.


When Xia Yan was an Elite, things were already too many and cumbersome. Now if he is promoted to be a champion, wouldn't he have more things as a secretary?


Never will there be!

and many more.

Xia Yan is an Elite. As a secretary, he is called an Agent Elite.

If Xia Yan is the champion, wouldn't he be the acting champion? !

If you think about it, it seems not bad?

"Ready?" Cynthia's performance was relatively calm.

However, she curved her eyes like two beautiful crescent moons, and pouted slightly: "I can't put water."

Hearing this, Xia Yan chuckled lightly and nodded.

"Xia Yan, seriously?"

Bertha finally recovered from the initial shock and asked with a serious look.

There are many ways to become a champion.

But in comparison, walking the "Victory Road" is definitely one of the most difficult ways.


Except Kanto Region has always strictly followed the rule that if you want to become a champion, you must take the Victory Road, the other regions have actually relaxed their conditions on how to become a champion.

after all.

Walking the Victory Road means that you must defeat the remaining Elites in a continuous and uninterrupted manner, during which not only there is no recovery, but there is no rest.

The strength of an Elite Four almost represents the top level of the Region Trainer's strength, not to mention the consecutive victories over several players.


The difficulty is high, and it also represents the champion who came out of "Victory Road". It is the champion with the highest gold content and is also the champion with the highest recognition.

Often such champions have no chance of being fired as long as they do not make particularly serious mistakes or voluntarily resign.


Someone like Green Green who walked the Victory Road and ended up being the champion for five minutes is an example.

But it is precisely because of this that this matter has always been kept in mind.


Facing Bertha's question, Xia Yan's expression remained unchanged, and he nodded firmly.

See his attitude and momentum.

The atmosphere in the entire conference room instantly became elevated.

"Haha - since Xia Yan's attitude is so firm, he must have sufficient determination. What we need to do is to be 100% serious, and then wait for the result."

Igor, who was in the wheelchair next to him, intervened in this meeting for the first time.

Bertha took a deep breath, "I understand. Let's spread the word about this as soon as possible."

This is a big deal!

For the entire Sinnoh Region, it is a top three event.

Any "Victory Road" is bound to attract huge attention and heated discussions.

To know.

Since joining the Alliance, Sinnoh Region has opened "Victory Road" no more than ten times.

And more than half of them ended in failure.

But don't know why.

Several people are clearly about to be Xia Yan's Rival, but they are quite confident that he can finish "Victory Road".

Once gone.

That means that Sinnoh Region has officially entered the era of the younger generation!


All can represent the entire Alliance and enter the era of the younger generation.

And Xia Yan.

Will become one of the important leaders of this era!

Such a major event must be publicized and created.

And in this regard, Igor and Bertha seem to be better at it.

"Bertha, immediately call Jenny, Joy, the Battle Association, the Contest Association, the Breeder Family Association, and Professor Rowan for an emergency meeting."

Igor clapped.


The behemoth Sinnoh Alliance will immediately revolve around Xia Yan's challenge to "Victory Road".


Bertha got up.

And the attention of Igor and Bertha made Xia Yan a little dazed for a while.

so seriously?

He also thought.

"Victory Road" or something, just get together and have a fight.

But now it seems.

It seems that things are more complicated than he imagined?

"Have you heard? Xia Yan Elite is going to challenge the 'Victory Road'!"

"'Victory Road'?! How many years hasn't our Sinnoh opened?"

"Don't talk about you Sinnoh, our Kanto hasn't been turned on for many years."

"Wait! Xia Yan Elite? Xia Yan Professor? It seems that you have just become an Elite, right?"

"It's been a long time, it seems. Less than a year. Huh?"

"However, Xia Yan Elite has been able to fight back and forth with the Alder champion in the last Masters. It is estimated that he is stronger now?"

"It makes sense. To be honest, I'm really looking forward to what Pokémon, what tactics and what system Xia Yan Elite will use."

"Ask if you don't understand. 'Victory Road'. What is it? A race?"


As soon as the news was announced, it caused an uproar on the Internet for the first time.

And as the news continues to pass, more and more people join the heated discussion.


There are many people who like Xia Yan.

But honestly, it's not wrong to say that as many people hate it as much as they like it.

Usually Xia Yan's performance is excellent, so some little blacks have to shut up, or smear from some tricky angles.

But this time.

Let the little sunspots completely find their way.

To sum it up in one sentence.

It's been less than a year since he became an Elite Four, but he dared to challenge "Victory Road", and his courage is really outrageous.

to this end.

Naturally, there are many people who like Xia Yan, who are crazy online with this group of sunspots.

Even those who are not satisfied with online matchmaking, and those who have made an appointment for offline matchmaking, are not absent.

But no matter what, the heat of this incident was ignited at once.

Hoenn Region.

Devon company building, network business department, press department, public relations department, operation department.

"I don't care what method you use, I want to see all the properties of our German company within three days and hang Xia Yan's promotional posters."

The young owner, Steven, rarely intervenes in the company's operations.

It just seems that the investment will be very large, the income is unknown for the time being, and it is not a very good project.

But both the young owner and the chairman, Mr. Zvqi, have given great support and authority to this project.

Kanto Region.

Mt. Silver Alliance headquarters.

"Well, this guy Steven has already started, let's not be left behind." Watt closed the computer and said to Lorelei.

"I've already spoken to the teachers and professors in the academy that they will use their connections."

Lorelei was clearly ready for it.

"The Kanto Region is handed over to you, and the Johto Region Region is handed over to me." Du made the assignment.

In terms of influence, the influence of the Yulong clan in the Johto Region is still a bit larger than that in the Kanto Region.

"it is good!"

Joban City.

Inside the Joban Gym, Team Rocket's secret base.

"What's the matter of concern lately?"

Giovanni, who had just returned from Sinnoh Ruins, was preparing to hear a report on the things that the real bird had accumulated these days.

"Boss, Sinnoh Region announced that Xia Yan, who has just been in office for less than a year, is about to challenge the 'Victory Road'."

In the reporting process, the real bird also mentioned this matter.


Giovanni gently stroked Persian's palm between his knees.

Eyes narrowed.

The corners of his mouth rose slowly.

"Then let's put some fire on it."


Aether Foundation.

After listening to Wicke's report about Xia Yan, there was no hesitation.

Lusamine hit the nail on the head.


"Okay, Chairman Lusamine."


A certain martial arts hall in a remote mountainous area.

An old man dressed in casual clothes and hunched over his waist happily watched the news broadcast on the old TV.

"Haha- Danny Dan, the great Trainer Xia Yan you mentioned seems to be on TV."

I heard a series of rapid footsteps.

Dan Di, who was wearing the training suit, had sweat on his forehead. Watching the news broadcast on TV, his eyes lit up instantly.

"Xia Yan is going to challenge the 'Victory Road'?!"

"Danny, old man, I think you care about him very much."

"Master! Please strengthen my training intensity, I can't fall behind so much!" Dandi didn't answer, just said seriously.

The old man's deep eyes flashed slightly.

Then he said happily: "Then Danny, you have to be ready."

Sinnoh Region.

Xia Yan looked at the computer screen with a stiff expression.

Slowly raising his head to look at Cynthia, the corners of his mouth twitched.

"Is this thing spreading too fast?"


PS: Kandu lost outrageously to Diantha, it's a bit rude, the update is late, sorry sorry~~

(End of this chapter)

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