The Bottom Trainer In The Pokémon World

Chapter 1005 Doubles? That's Too Much Punishment (6.5K!)

Psychic Pokémon, among all Attribute Pokémon, is a relatively special kind of existence.

They don't have very powerful and explosive moves. The only ones with relatively powerful output are "Psyshock" and "Psychic".


Because Psychic itself is a very special energy.

It can do many things that other Attribute Pokémon can't do, such as "Future Sight", "Teleport" and other highly effective moves.

Psychic-type Pokémon are also able to unleash powerful attacks that are analogous to moves without using moves.

And the power of the moves is not completely fixed.

It will show the corresponding destructive power according to the amount of Psychic invested.

It can be said that it is a very flexible and free ability.

also represents.

Although Alakazam can't really use Mewtwo's "Psysstrike", he can also reproduce to the maximum extent through Psychic's skills of imitation, adaptation, and application.


Alakazam and Mewtwo, to some extent, have the same gene.

This makes it more compatible with Mewtwo.

Maybe other Psychic Pokémon can't do it.

But Alakazam is definitely the one with the best chance.

And the result is obvious.

Alakazam's performance did not disappoint Mewtwo and Xia Yan.

The "Sunny Day" hanging in the sky in the hall slowly faded away, and the "Power of the Sun" Ability assisted by Alakazam also lost its effect at this moment.

But it has helped Alakazam play its last remaining heat.

Among Xia Yan's own system, the best one is to crack "weather flow".


Take advantage of the opponent's weather to play a role that is equally beneficial to your own side.

this hand.

In the original Masters, Xia Yan had fully demonstrated it.

Oye silently took back Houndoom, who had lost his ability to fight, and took a deep look at Xia Yan and Alakazam, who was synchronized with his Psychic.

Back then, in the Lily of the Valley Youth Competition, the two were evenly matched.

Now Xia Yan has walked in front of him, and even opened a long distance.

"Xia Yan, you are very strong." Daye said slowly, "But if you want me to give up like this, it is impossible!



Xia Yan seemed to see the burning flame on Daye's body again.

"I don't know why, obviously Daye Elite was behind 3:0, but I was ignited because of his Contest Condition."

"It's as if Xia Yan Elite is a big devil, and Daye Elite is the protagonist who is about to explode."

"If it weren't for the live broadcast, I might think so in another TV series."

"I seem to say now. Big Leaf Elite, come on!



In the hands of Daye, he raised the Poké Ball horizontally again.

"My fourth Pokémon, come on!"


It landed lightly, hair burning like flames.

Xia Yan's expression was a little weird, and he murmured, "The only king!"

Fire Yinbu!

This is Oba's fifth Pokémon to appear.

"Battle begins!" The robot referee's flag suddenly fell. …

"Huo Yinbu, Work Up, Retaliate!"

Huo Yinbu's strength is still not as good as Mega Houndoom, but Daye doesn't look like he wants to back down.

Because he is very clear.

Facing Xia Yan's Alakazam, any detour can only be an opportunity for Alakazam to be seized.

Only attack.

Offense is the best defense!



Huo Yinbu gave a low drink, his eyes were sharp, the flames in his eyes shone brightly, and his momentum rose rapidly.

At the same time, he moved his limbs and rushed towards Alakazam.

With "Retaliate" rage.

Retaliate: When one of your own Pokémon is incapacitated, the power of this move is doubled!

In the process of running, Huo Yinbu even used "Quick Attack" subconsciously.

It can be seen from this.

This Huo Yin cloth of Daye has been cultivated quite well.

The only pity.

Possibly lack of strength.

Psychic flickered in Xia Yan's eyes, and he simply gave up commanding in words and united with Alakazam's mind.


Seeing that, Alakazam raised his arm and raised the spoon, and the surging Psychic surged out in an instant, instructing him to wrap his arms towards Huo Yin cloth.

Feeling the Psychic from Alakazam, Huo Yinbu was not timid, but became more determined.

There was a faint glow of fire.



The great power brought by "Retaliate" prompted Huo Yinbu to break through the first layer of Psychic block in Alakazam.

"Flare Blitz!" Daye Fen shouted.



Huo Yinbu took a deep breath, the hair on his body really started to move like a flame, and the red flames also intertwined along the hair.

The next moment, the fire wraps and covers.

The speed of Huo Yinbu was further improved, and he rushed towards Alakazam in spite of the flames.

Glancing at Da Ye, who was tense all over, Xia Yan's expression was a little serious.

"The One King" paired with "Flare Blitz" is different.

I see.

The spoon in Alakazam's hand bent at the same time, and Psychic instantly condensed into a pitch-black spiritual sphere.

Without any hesitation, he pressed towards Huo Yinbu who was rushing in.

"It's now, Huo Yinbu, Dig!"

Daye's eyes suddenly burst into fine light, shouting loudly.

Both Xia Yan and Alakazam were a little stunned by his order.

"Dig" under Contest Condition of "Flare Blitz"?

Although it sounds a little unlikely.

But Daye is also an Elite Four after all, so he naturally has his own skills.

Just saw Alakazam's "Psychic" Energy Ball rubbing the fire Yinbu's hair crashed on the ground behind it, and the fire bathed in flames Yinbu actually did it under the Contest Condition of "Flare Blitz", using the "Dig".

within the venue.

Only a charred cave remains.


Alakazam dragged his feet and slowly ascended into the air under the load of Psychic.

At the same time, Psychic monitors all changes in the venue with the help of "Psychic Terrain".




The Ground under Alakazam's feet, a crimson-colored swift figure burst out of the ground, and the entire Ground seemed to explode violently. …

Huo Yinbu still maintains the Contest Condition of "Flare Blitz"!

At this time, it was also the closest to Alakazam.




I don't know when the spoon that was inserted by Alakazam on the ground suddenly burst out with a tyrannical Psychic.

Gravity stance covers the audience.

The energetic Huo Yinbu chased the rising Alakazam. Seeing that the distance was getting closer, it felt a great obstacle.

After that, the distance that was only one step away seemed to be the biggest moat between the twins!

The figure of Huo Yinbu, who had risen to the limit, began to fall uncontrollably.

Alakazam also maintained an attitude of not underestimating any Rival, driving the spoon to make up a "Psyshock".

"Perfect coping!"

"This move of Daye Elite is really eye-catching, but Xia Yan Elite's coping methods are also textbook-level."

"It turns out that Gravity moves can still be used like this."


The stunned look on Da Ye's face disappeared in a flash.

"Huo Yinbu, use Work Up again!"



The "Psyshock" that fell from above caught up with the falling Huo Yinbu, and before it hit the ground, it smashed it into the ground with it.

But Xia Yan and Alakazam did not show joy.

Instead, he frowned.

In this case, use "Work Up"?

But soon.

Da Ye gave the answer.

"Huo Yinbu, Baton Pass!"

Huo Yinbu, who was smashed into the ground by Alakazam, dragged his body in pain, turned into a white light, and quietly returned to Da Ye's Poké Ball.

Baton Pass tactics?

Having used the "Baton Pass" tactic more than once, he knows this tactic too well.


Preparing for Infernape?

Xia Yan slowly narrowed his eyes, and he also raised a little admiration for Daye's persistence and persistence.

At this level, Daye has no intention of giving up.

With Huo Yinbu retracting, Daye summoned his last Pokémon without hesitation.



Stepping on iron hoofs, burning flames.


Daye knew that his tactics must have been detected by Xia Yan.

after all.

Using it in front of Xia Yan, who has carried forward the "Baton Pass" tactic, is somewhat of a stance.

Therefore, after summoning Rapidash, he immediately shouted: "Rapidash, Sword Dance!"

The sonorous humming, lingering in bursts.

Xia Yan raised his eyebrows slightly.

"Alakazam, Taunt."

A black light appeared in Alakazam's eyes, and the strange energy brought a special rhythm, which acted on Rapidash in the blink of an eye.

How do you know.

Rapidash chewed and pulled out a piece of "Mental Herb" out of nowhere.

Daye rubbed his nose and said a little complacently: "Xia Yan, I have learned a lot from you."

Xia Yan: "."

The biggest drawback of promoting various tactics is naturally there.

Just like now.


Daye insisted on preparing for his Infernape, and Xia Yan suddenly wanted to see what kind of surprises his Infernape, which was so highly hoped for, even the Contest Condition itself was not good enough. …


Looking forward to looking forward, does not affect Xia Yan's attempt to strangle.


Raging Psychic, heading for the Rapidash bag.

"Agility, run!


Da da da--

Infernape moved his limbs, dragged the flames, and dashed across the field.

"Restrict it."

The flexible change of "Psychic", the silk thread wrapping around the soft Normal, together with "Psychic Terrain" bound Rapidash's limbs.

Xia Yan's eyes flashed.

"Second it!"

Alakazam understood, bent the spoon again, stepped out, and came to Rapidash's side to prevent it from dodging again.

The surging Psychic is like a tide that covers the sun.

The color of the large leaves changes slightly.

"Rapidash, Protect!"

"Protect is also broken!" Xia Yan also expressed his determination.

I see.

Infernape's body suddenly burst into emerald green energy Barrier, resisting the Psychic baptism from Alakazam.


The "Protect" move also has drawbacks.

It is absolutely defensive, but it does not mean that it can be defended all the time.

Alakazam's Psychic continued to bring pressure, and the Barrier lingering around Rapidash, after holding on for a while, began to shake slightly unsupported.

Immediately afterwards, the shaking became more and more violent, and a series of fine cracks also appeared.

But the Psychic belonging to Alakazam seems to have no end to Normal, and continues to put pressure on Rapidash.

Da Ye's heart was slightly tight.

He shouted: "Rapidash, Substitute!"

Xia Yan's eyes twitched.

good guy.

The reason the rest of your Pokémon don't defend but only attack is because you're putting all your defense on Rapidash, right?

With the protection of "Substitute", Rapidash finally got rid of Alakazam's Psychic suppression.

But even so.

Rapidash also took some damage from Alakazam Psychic.

Da Ye didn't dare to be greedy anymore, and hurriedly said: "Rapidash, Baton Pass!"

Turning into a white light, Da Ye's last Pokémon Rapidash also dragged its exhausted body back into the Poké Ball.

In the end, it was carried by Daye, Huo Yinbu and Rapidash.

Holding Infernape's Poké Ball, Daye looked serious.

"I'm an Elite Four! My heart is burning with fire!


After making a powerful announcement, Oye finally threw the Poké Ball.

In the red light, flames erupted.



The fiery flames, like those burned by the big leaves, recklessly vented in the field.

Drumming heat wave, oncoming.


The second time I saw Da Ye's Infernape, Alakazam's expression also seemed a little serious and serious.

From Infernape's body, it felt no small threat for the first time.

The blessings belonging to Huo Yinbu and Rapidash have already allowed Infernape at this moment to inherit their enthusiasm and excitement.

The flame above his head kept rising, and the height of the red flame represented its fighting intent.

"Infernape, Flare Blitz!"

After preparing for so long, Daye just wanted Xia Yan to see their real strength and progress.

"Kookie!  …


Infernape roared again, kicking his feet on the ground, accompanied by cracks and gravel bursting from the ground, leaving two dark footprints, a solid flame, rushing towards Alakazam at a very fast speed.


Infernape's speed is much faster.


"Infernape, rise to the occasion!"

Daye's movements are almost the same as Infernape's. At this moment, they also have the same thoughts of each other.



The powerful Psychic collided violently with the fiery flame, and a large amount of dust was raised in the audience, but it was quickly crushed and dispersed by the aftermath of the collision.

Streams of mighty Psychic swept toward Infernape from all directions.

Oppression is coming.

But in the face of oppression, Daye and Infernape chose the most rigid way to deal with it.

"Infernape, Close Combat!"

bang bang bang-

One punch, one spark, one punch, one mark.

Infernape gritted his teeth, his eyes full of unyielding.

Da Ye's face was also full of stubbornness.

this moment.

What they faced, it seemed that it was not Xia Yan and Alakazam, but the devil who was about to steal their girlfriend.

Xia Yan and Alakazam glanced at each other without a trace.

They all saw a trace of surprise in each other's eyes.

Xia Yan sighed quietly.

"Forget it. Help them."

Alakazam also nodded.


What help?

Looking at Da Ye and Infernape who had completely entered the Contest Condition, Alakazam took a deep breath, the spoon in his hand seemed to have a double image.

A giant spoon, completely made up by Psychic, appeared out of thin air in its hands.

In an instant.

Alakazam's Psychic exploded again.

Bang bang bang!


But the resistance that belonged to Infernape showed no signs of stopping, but instead continued to intensify.

Inside the German airship.

Du and Steven both stood up frowning and looked at each other.

"Da Ye's Infernape." Steven said slowly.

"Yeah." Du nodded slightly. "No longer erupts in silence, but perishes in silence. With Xia Yan's help, Infernape's step should be no problem."

"What are you doing?" Claire pressed her chin, only to feel that Daye and Infernape on the screen made her a little bit of admiration.

"Championship." Lorelei answered Claire's question, "Oye's Infernape, he has reached his limit."

Claire was stunned when she heard the words.

Look towards the screen again.

But this time, the eyes were not on Oye and Infernape, but on Xia Yan and Alakazam, who had calm expressions.

Although he is clearly challenging "Victory Road", he still has the time to help Rival to improve his strength?

In the distance, the deepest part of the Hall of Champions, the room where Cynthia was.

She murmured, "But it is precisely because of this that Xia Yan has the bearing to become a champion."

Not all grandmasters are champions.

But every champion must have the bearing of a grandmaster.

And this moment.

It is the embodiment of Grandmaster Xia Yan's demeanor.


In the live broadcast room, the audience who didn't understand at first also reacted slowly under the prompts of some "understanders". …

"Xia Yan Elite. Is this helping Daye Elite and Infernape?"

"But this is obviously the 'Victory Road'!"

"What do you know, this is the master!"

"Xia Yan: A trainer who can't help is not a good champion."

"Anyway, I've become a fan of this wave, and Xia Yan Elite has indeed shown that he is qualified enough to take on the responsibility of being the Sinnoh champion."

"Xia Yan Elite, a ten-year old fan, come uninvited!"


If Xia Yan knew what they said, there would be a row of question marks.

He just thinks.

If Daye's strength is improved, he will be able to work better for him.

Without a champion Pokémon's Elite Four, it seems a little out of place to talk about it.


! "

Under the endless oppression, it will either collapse or collapse, or it will explode.


! "

Big Leaf and Infernape spoke almost simultaneously.


A crisp crashing sound.

The Psychic condensed by Alakazam shattered and burst open at this moment.

The scarlet-eyed Infernape's chest heaved violently, staring at Alakazam across from him, and suddenly grinned.

Dragging his weak arms and driving the flames, he rushed forward.

At this time, the momentum shown by Infernape

Champion level!



Infernape hit Alakazam's face with a hard punch the size of a sandbag.

The effect of the "Iron Fist" ability makes every punch of Infernape extremely threatening.

Not to mention Infernape, who has now successfully achieved championship-level strength.


Faced with Infernape's punch, Alakazam's expression was calm.

There is no stance to block or counterattack.



In the end, he still couldn't get the punch.

fell in front of Alakazam.


Incapacitated to fight!


Although Xia Yan and Alakazam decided to help Da Ye and Infernape.

But anyway.

The oppression and injury it suffered from Alakazam was unavoidable.

Psychic's restraint on Fighting-type Pokémon has long exceeded Infernape's tolerance range.

The reason why it has persisted until now.

It was also because the will of Oye and Infernape was supporting.

All Alakazam did was to make it not pour as quickly.

but now.

It has also reached its limit.

With the fall of Infernape, Big Leaf lost four Pokémon.

And the remaining two, Huo Yinbu and Rapidash, also Contest Condition is not good.


Alakazam managed to complete a string of fours to end this Elite first fight on "Victory Road".

"Alakazam a string of four, awesome!"

"It can be clearly seen that there is a strength gap between Daye Elite and Xia Yan Elite."

"This is not nonsense, otherwise how would Xia Yan Elite dare to challenge the 'Victory Road'?"

"However, the spirit of Daye Elite is absolutely worthy of admiration."





Da Ye, who was completely defeated, let out a sigh of relief, and suddenly felt a sense of relief.

He looked at Xia Yan who had come closer, grinned and said sincerely, "Xia Yan, thank you."

"It just accelerated the process a little bit. With the Contest Condition between you and Infernape, even if there is no Alakazam, it is still very possible to stay for another month or two." Xia Yan patted Daye on the shoulder.


Da Ye showed a helpless smile.

A month or two?

even longer.

Such a long time is so precious to them and Pokémon, who are in a period of rapid improvement in strength.

He looked at Alakazam.

Although Alakazam played a good string of fours, he inevitably suffered some damage, and the Contest Condition was not at its peak.

And Alakazam is the first core of Xia Yan's tactical system.

"I'm sorry. However, I'm really happy to have a fight with you like this." Daye apologized.

Xia Yan gave him a sideways glance and also looked at Alakazam.

The smile is a little weird.

"It's not a big problem."

Then he said, "Alakazam, Recover."

Looking at the soft white light on Alakazam's body, with a brush, some of the injuries he suffered before were almost restored.

Big Leaf: "."

It took a long time to co-author, but it was no match for a "Recover"?

"The next one is Bertha Elite, right?" Xia Yan asked.

Big Leaf nodded slightly.

"The eldest sister said that she was going to take the final stage, and Bertha Elite didn't fight with her."

"Then?" Xia Yan raised his eyebrows and looked at Daye who was hesitant to speak.

He scratched the explosive head in embarrassment, "Hey, the two elders asked me to consume you, but I can't help it."


"Cough cough."

Daye forty-five degrees to the sky.

"It's over to get together, and I just have something to say." Xia Yan patted his shoulder again.

He walked past Daye and came to the door behind him.

Push away slowly.


In exactly the same way.

In the dimly lit hall, the lights suddenly turned on and lit up.

It is different from the hall where Da Ye is located.

The venue in this hall is densely covered with a lot of jagged rocks.

On the opposite side of the field was Bertha who was slowly taking up the bobbin and needle.

"So fast." Bertha said slightly with disgust.

"Quick?" Xia Yan said with a smile.

Bertha glanced at the door behind him across Xia Yan.

"That guy, Da Ye, was clamoring to make you look good before, so at least four of your Pokémons have been replaced. How many?"


Xia Yan raised his eyebrows and turned to look.

Seeing that Daye was in his trouser pocket, he looked up and closed the door silently, as if he didn't hear him.

"Looking at this posture, it seems that a few have not been replaced, right?"

Xia Yan grinned, "Guess what."

Bertha waved her hand.

"never mind."

She slowly took the thick scarf that she had been wearing for an unknown time, neatly folded it and put it aside.

When standing up again.

The Contest Condition and look have changed dramatically.

The robot referee belonging to this hall also slowly floated out of the compartment and came to the edge of the field.

"Please select the battle mode."

Bertha glanced at Xia Yan, and after obtaining Xia Yan's consent, he said to the robot referee without any hesitation:

"6v6 mixed doubles."

Xia Yan, who heard the words, couldn't help but stunned.


Bertha licked the corners of her mouth, "What?"

She is in charge of all gym assessments in Sinnoh Region, and is also responsible for doubles promotion in Sinnoh Region.


Compared with the task of gym assessment, doubles is still a promotion period in Sinnoh, just like Contest, so not many people know about it.

Xia Yan's expression was weird, and he shook his head again and again: "No, it's fine."


That's too punishing.

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