The Bottom Trainer In The Pokémon World

Chapter 1006 Battle In Seconds! (Two In One)


It's not very common in this world.

Just like the Contest competition.

Although it has already been promoted, because Trainers have long been accustomed to the original way of battle and competition, whether it is doubles or Contest competition, the popularity rate is not better.


Relatively speaking, Contest is still a bit more than doubles.

after all.

The Contest Association has pinpointed their spokesperson, Wallace!

Wallace, who gave up the challenge of the Elite Four and even the champion, coupled with his excellent appearance and temperament, is definitely very suitable for the Contest competition.

And Wallace, anyway, has a group of more loyal fans.

As for doubles.

That would be worse.

Alliance allocates funds to popularize doubles every year, and various regions also hold some doubles competitions, but the popularity rate is still not high.

And Bertha Elite of Sinnoh Alliance, to a certain extent, is doing this part-time job.

But don't say, but most of the people who participate in doubles competitions are those Trainers with relatively good strength and decent ability.


on the one hand.

This is because doubles itself has higher requirements for Trainers, and it is enough for an experienced Trainer to command one Pokémon, let alone two.

on the other hand.

It is also this group of people who are more or less aware of the importance of doubles.


These people have carefully discovered that as Trainer becomes stronger and stronger, there is a kind of battle that is unavoidable.

That's a field battle!

When it comes to fighting in the wild, who cares how many Pokémon you send?

Of course, the more the better, but the premise is to be able to command and move.


Some people may not understand the reason why Alliance wants to promote doubles, but at the level of Xia Yan and the others, it becomes clearer.

That is Alliance laying the steps of progress for the majority of Alliance Trainers.

Not even in doubles, let alone a full battle?

Like the traveling faction, the actual combat faction, or the fettered party, their field ability is relatively stronger, but those academic factions are not necessarily.

Doubles is more conducive to the trainers born from the academy, and it is better and more effective to develop towards full battles.

But it's just that it's not very popular.

Too few people really understand the meaning of doubles.

However, this is exactly the opposite for Xia Yan.

What is the most Pokémon battle game he's played in his previous life?

Exactly the doubles!


The game and reality are not like Mikey, but he has been completely integrated into this world for a long time, and his understanding of doubles has naturally shifted from his understanding of the game to actual combat.


Compared with the singles mode, Xia Yan may also be better at doubles.

So after hearing Bertha talk about a "6v6 mixed doubles", the mood picked up.

Isn't this more interesting than "6v6 full rotation battle"?

"Please be prepared for both parties."

The robot referee signaled.

Bertha flipped his palm, two Poké Balls appeared in his hand, and the activation mechanism Poké Balls enlarged accordingly.

And Xia Yan also took out two Poké Balls.

Immediately after the two looked at each other, the four Poké Balls were thrown together.


The first thing that appeared in front of Bertha was a huge light-colored hippopotamus. There were several holes on its dark back like its armor. As it appeared, a large amount of quicksand flowed out of the holes.

Moreover, these quicksands began to fly gradually, obscuring the sight.


Sandstorm core, Hippowdon!

This is one of Bertha's signature Pokémons and one of the core of her team.

Hippowdon can be said to fit Bertha's character very well.

Usually is a lazy indifferent, even a little serene.

When dealing with people she doesn't know, Bertha is also very low-key, often calling herself "Ju Aye".

Just like Hippowdon, even if he is strong, he likes to bury himself in the sand with a low profile.

But once she gets angry, Bertha will let people understand why she can sit in this position of Elite Four for so long, and Hippowdon can also let Rival understand how terrifying the Sandstorm it brings!

And Bertha's second Pokémon, Xia Yan has encountered quite a few recently, but Bertha only gives a completely different Pokémon, Rhyperior!

Since Rhydon's evolutionary Rhyperior was announced and gradually became known.

For a Pokémon like Rhyperior, for a trainer of Bertha's level, it is an improvement in strength.

Very typical Sandstorm team.

And what Xia Yan paid attention to the most.

It is the strength that Bertha, the two Pokémon, show.

Rhyperior, Champion!

Although Hippowdon is not a champion, as the core of Bertha's team, his strength is obviously not weak.

Is this the strength of the veteran Elites?

For the two Pokémon sent out at random, there is a top Elite and a Champion.

Compared with the cutting-edge Elite Four like Daye, the gap is still a bit bigger.

at the same time.

At the same time that the two Pokémon summoned by Bertha appeared, the Pokémon summoned by Xia Yan also appeared in the field.


Exciting Contest Condition aircraft Togekiss, which is full of interest, is back on stage.

as well as.


Doron Bartto, known as "Little Giratina" and "Little Charon Dragon"!

Doron Bart Toga Togekiss's pairing.

The Pokémon came out a little bit beyond Bertha's expectations.

She also thought that Xia Yan would choose to grab the weather, or use a core like Alakazam as the central axis.

Unexpectedly, it was these two who appeared.


From another point of view, the combination of Doron Bartto and Togekiss is not bad.

At least.

The stability is high enough, there must be bursts and bursts, there is control and control, and there must be assistance and assistance, and they can cooperate perfectly with each other.

The only flaw may be that the defense ability is not too strong.

But the strengths of the two sides are quite matched.

It's all a Champion and an Elite.

In terms of Attribute, there is no obvious relationship between advantages and disadvantages, so Togekiss may have a slight disadvantage.

At first glance.

It seems to be a battle of balance of strength.

But if those Rivals that Xia Yan fought against in the previous life saw these two Pokémons, they would probably understand the difficulty and even disgust of such a combination.

"Doubles? It's rare."

"However, doubles also makes the fight more interesting."

"For the 'Tactician Master', it shouldn't be a problem whether it's doubles, singles, or all-player battles?"


After the battle between Xia Yan and Daye, the audience watching "Victory Road" not only did not decrease, but the number continued to increase.

"Battle begins!"

As the flag in the hands of the robot referee suddenly fell, the second battle of Elite, belonging to Xia Yan's "Victory Road", officially started.


The battle begins.

Hippowdon, who was restrained before, completely released the restrictions and suppression of his own ability.

The raging Sandstorm, in the blink of an eye, completely spread over the entire battlefield.

That fierce sand shoal will continue to cause damage to Doron Bartto and Togekiss.

at the same time.

It can also give some protection and help to Hippowdon and Rhyperior.

"Hippowdon, Stealth Rock. Rhyperior, Rock Slide!"

Quite different from her usual and peaceful appearance, Bertha showed her attitude and strength from the very beginning of the battle.

This is also the first time Xia Yan has fought against Bertha.

see you.

At the same time as Hippowdon's huge mouth roared, pieces of sharp rocks of different sizes silently appeared on Xia Yan's half of the field.

After a short existence, these Rocks suspended in mid-air soon disappeared silently.

They don't deal any damage to Doron Bartto and Togekiss.

But for the Pokémon that Xia Yan summoned next, the impact is greater.

And Rhyperior launched the attack directly.

In the huge Rock field, with a wave of your hand, several pieces were caught by it, and the Rock was flung out with extremely terrifying power.

The target is Togekiss, who has a Rock weakness.


While Bertha launched the offensive, Xia Yan also responded quickly.

"Dragon Darts! After You!"

Ignore it for the time being, the combination of his two Pokémons is actually quite strong.

Doron Bartto, who was hovering in mid-air, leaned down quietly.

Bang bang! !

In two crisp sounds like gunfire, two Doron Messiali arrows Normal shot from Doron Bartto's triangular head hole.

Packed with a strong dragon energy.

The Doron Messiah, who received the energy blessing of Doron Bartto, was endowed with destructive power far exceeding their strength.

Facing the huge Rock that smashed through the air from bottom to top.

The two dragon Messiahs have no fear.

One of them suddenly accelerated and slammed into the Rock.

boom! ! !

a time.

There was a sudden roar, and the smoke and dust scattered.

That huge piece of Rock was instantly pierced by Doron Messiah.

Amid the rising smoke and the pervasive Sandstorm, the other Dragon Messiah continued to slam into Hippowdon.

As a core, it's always right to deal with Hippowdon first.


It's obviously not the first time Bertha has encountered a situation where Rival has taken aim at Hippowdon when he's playing against someone else.

The huge Rhyperior seemed to have anticipated it long ago. After throwing the Rock, he immediately ran to Hippowdon and landed in front of it.

Faced with the fast approaching Doron Messiah, he did not hesitate to throw a punch.

In an instant.

Frost and frost spread all over, and the layers of interlaced ice crystals immediately covered the fist and smashed towards Dolong Messiah from the front.

boom! ! !

With the splashing ice crystals and the dull sound, Rhyperior successfully blocked Doron Bartto's attack.

The mere act of running to Hippowdon from Bertha commanding Rhyperior to launch an attack shows her proficiency in doubles combat.

It was also from this first collision that Xia Yan could clearly feel the difference in strength, awareness, and tactics between Daye and Bertha, even though they were both Elites.

But it's fine.

Daye has only just taken up the position of the Elite Four, and it is normal to have a gap with the veteran Elite like Bertha.

And sensitive audiences, naturally, some people have noticed this.

"The pre-judgment and demolition of each other, although it is only in the preliminary tentative stage, is enough to show the tactical literacy of the two."

"Two people, eight thousand hearts."

"I have a hunch, maybe in another two minutes, I won't be able to understand this match."

"Be confident and remove the 'maybe'."

"Wait, didn't you notice? Togekiss's 'After You' could have slowed down."


Finally, someone sensitively noticed this.

Togekiss's "After You" was "long overdue" after Doron Bartto's attack ended and "Dragon Darts" shot.

Porksky made a mistake?

of course not!

see you.

After Togekiss' "After You" dropped.

Due to the energy sluggishness and action stalemate caused by the attack, Duolong Bartto shakes all the spells and then disappears!

If there is a progress bar in the battle at this moment, it is estimated that everyone must be able to see that Duolong Bartto, who had fallen to the end of the original attack, immediately ran to the front.

The "After You" limit in the game is still quite large, but in reality.

The card second's "After You", used well, is about equal to the BUG move "Instruct".

"Dragon Dance!"

Xia Yan's voice sounded in time, which represented that he deliberately arranged it.


Immediately after "Dragon Darts" ended, "Dragon Dance" was performed, without any stagnation, and even the speed and movement of the moves were much faster.

Doron Bartto's aura quickly rose.

The air waves rolled up by the dancing body, to a certain extent, turned the area around its body into a vacuum area for Sandstorm.

Seeing this, Bertha's expression darkened.

She guessed the situation almost when Togekiss' "After You" landed, so she quickly commanded:

"Stop it! Earth Power! Stone Edge!"


Hippowdon and Rhyperior can clearly feel the change of Doron Bartto and the pressure it brings after the change.

I see.

Hippowdon's feet jumped up, and Ground stomped hard.

The agitated Ground system energy immediately followed his feet and submerged into the Ground.

at the same time.

Rhyperior's sturdy Rock tail also hit the ground heavily.

Boom-! !

Two roars.

The two attacks headed towards Doron Bart together.


at this time.

The voice of Xia Yan with the corners of his mouth raised came.

"Togekiss, Follow Me, Extreme Speed."


The playful Togekiss blinked, and a colorful halo burst out from his body. With a dazzling posture, he forcibly attracted the attention of Hippowdon and Rhyperior.

The two attacks that were originally aimed at Doron Bartto were immediately forcibly turned around and moved towards Togekiss.

Just that way.

The "Earth Power", which belongs to the Ground-type move, was unable to play a role because it couldn't sputter into the sky where Togekiss was located.

And Rhyperior's Stone Edge can do the trick though.

But Togekiss, who was ready to deal with it, first stepped back to widen the distance, extended the attack rhythm, and finally dodged with "Extrreme Speed".


Inevitably, it was still rubbed by Rhyperior's "Stone Edge", causing some damage.

The "Dragon Dance" of Kadolong Bartto has been successfully performed!

And the whole process.

It only took a few seconds from start to finish.

"This is why Xia Yan Elite uses Togekiss?"

"After Longbo's bath, Baton Pass tactics, and infinite Air Slash, Xia Yan Elite once again showed us the power of Pokémon like Togekiss. This Pokémon. is really versatile!"

"I-I have the illusion that every second is in Xia Yan Elite's calculations?"

"Ka second! Is this the 'Master of Tactics'? I always thought that the card second battle only existed in legends."


In the peak match between Crimson and Giovanni, Crimson, with a 0.5 second advantage, assisted multiple bugs such as "Insulation Gloves" and "Storage in the Ball" to kill Giovanni in seconds.

And now.

Xia Yan is ready to carry forward the "card second battle" in this world.

Duolong Bartto, who successfully obtained the blessing of "Dragon Dance", will also show its explosive power of "the first quasi-god of speed".


PS: Today's 1.1w! Asking for a monthly pass~~ In other words, Duolong + plane is also one of the combinations I used to use. They can cover each other, and the truth is still easy to use. It's a pity that Jujuhua can't be used now, it's a little bit meaningless. But I haven't played duel for a long time, and I miss it very much.

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