The Bottom Trainer In The Pokémon World

Chapter 1007 Sandstorm, Still Going! (6.6K+!)


With the cover of Togekiss, Duolong Bartto, who had completed the strengthening of "Dragon Dance", fled into the void with a dodge with his tail.

Phantom Force!

Noticing Doron Bartto's movements, Bertha's expression changed slightly.

"Hippowdon, Ice Fang! Rhyperior, Stone Edge!"

Bertha has seen Xia Yan's battle, and more than once.

With the trend of opening up in the Galar Region during this period, I also have a certain understanding of the Pokémon such as Bartto, the quasi-god of the Galar Region.

So the more this is the case, the less you can choose to defend.

Locking the target on Togekiss is the best option.


Stepping on the quicksand, Hippowdon's speed was not slow at all, but sliding along the sand made it faster.

With a sharp leap, Hippowdon opened its huge mouth, its sharp teeth covered in frost, and bited viciously towards Togekiss.

at the same time.

Also under the load of Sandstorm, Rhyperior, who was sliding on the Ground, also swooped towards Togekiss with the momentum of "Stone Edge".

Seeing this, Xia Yan couldn't help sighing to himself, as expected of a veteran Trainer, his tactical literacy and combat intuition are indeed powerful.


Bertha apparently overlooked a problem.

"Phantom Force" is not a move that cannot change the trajectory after Lock On.


After another brief distortion of space.

Doron Bartto leaped out from behind Rhyperior, carrying innumerable strands of dark mist.

Bertha's eyes narrowed.

It's you who are waiting!

Rhyperior, who was galloping, suddenly swung his tail, assisted by the inertia caused by the tail swing, and Sha Shuo's Help, turned around suddenly, and attacked the suddenly appearing Duolong Bartto.

But right now.

There was a brief blur of Doron Bartto's figure.

next second.

To replace Doron Bart Togekiss appeared in the "Extrreme Speed" stance.

And instead of Togekiss's position, Doron Bartto, the goal from beginning to end, is Hippowdon's body.

Team Sandstorm.

If there is a chance to solve the core of Sandstorm, it is naturally the first choice!

Ally Switch!

In a doubles match, the Ally Switch may not be as effective as an all-hands match.

But that doesn't mean it doesn't work.

Boom! !

Two sharp arrows also shot out from Dolong Bartto's head, intertwined and intertwined with Haze, and involved Haze and dragon energy in a spiral shape.

Hippowdon knew that he could not avoid the two sharp arrows from Duolong Bart, so he rushed forward with more determination.

Fight "Dragon Darts" with "Ice Fang"!

Meanwhile, Hippowdon drives Sandstorm to counteract the effects of weakening "Dragon Darts".

Bang! ! !


Although in the move attribute, Hippowdon occupies a certain advantage.

But any other aspects, whether it is the power of the moves, the strength of each other, or the gains obtained by each other, are the irreparable gaps between it and Dolong Bartto.

And, most importantly, when the sand choir that Hippowdon condensed was touching Doron Messiah and trying to block it, it was annihilated by the Black mist wrapped around Doron Messiah.

As if these sand shoals did not exist, they disappeared silently.

One shot of "Dragon Darts" knocked Splash's Hippowdon down.

Another "Dragon Darts" hit Hippowdon's soft underbelly with a tricky angle.

boom! !

With its huge body smashed into the thick sand pit on the ground.

The severe pain also made him roll his eyes, and he lost his ability to fight.


The price is the "Stone Edge" that Rhyperior unleashes, and it's not something Togekiss can completely avoid.

Although there is "Extrreme Speed" blessing.

But after all, there is also a certain strength gap between it and Rhyperior, and it is impossible to flexibly control the speed at which Rhyperior releases moves.


Togekiss clutched his wings, endured the pain, and slowly landed in front of Xia Yan.

Fortunately, he avoided the most frontal attack, otherwise Rhyperior's "Stone Edge" would probably also kill Togekiss in seconds.

"Life Dew." Xia Yan gave the little guy a slightly distressed look, and hurriedly said.

Taking advantage of the gap between Doron Bartto and Rhyperior, which made it unable to take advantage of the pursuit, Togekiss shook his feathers, and the sparse crystal water droplets slowly fell from the air, submerging into the bodies of Doron Bartto and Doron Bartto.

a time.

Doron Bartto's damage from the ongoing effects of "Sandstorm" has also been mitigated.

The bright red on Togekiss's wings also recovered at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Group healing moves like "Life Dew" can still play a very outstanding role in doubles or triples or even mixed battles.

And the other side.

Bertha has also taken back the incapacitated Hippowdon.

Her third Pokémon was summoned without any hesitation.

Bang! !

A larger Pokémon than Rhyperior, with dark brown hair and two huge curved tusks, appeared in the field while stepping on the sand.

Ice and Ground Pokémon, Mamoswine!

"Get some rest, Togekiss."

Seeing Mamoswine, Xia Yan decided to let Togekiss rest first.

Whether it is Duolong Bartto or Togekiss, they are restrained by the ice system.

Rhyperior's Rock series also has a lot of restraint on Togekiss.

It will continue to stay on the field, even if there is an "Ally Switch", no matter who it is facing, it will be very dangerous.

After putting away Togekiss, what Xia Yan chose to appear alternately was Infernape!


Infernape, who appeared on the stage, suffered damage from "Stealth Rock".

Both Xia Yan and Bertha changed their lineups according to the situation on the field.

The battle continues!

And the Sandstorm raised by Hippowdon is still going on.

The difference is only.

Today's Sandstorm has no controller, it just flies irregularly, and at the same time brings certain gains and blessings to Rhyperior.

"Mamoswine, Blizzard!"

Bertha waved his hand.


I saw Mamoswine take a deep breath, and then quickly let it out.

In an instant.

A ferocious Blizzard raged in the field in an instant, merging with the surging Sandstorm.

"Infernape, burn up!"

Xia Yan raised his brows slightly and said calmly.


Ignoring the damage caused by "Stealth Rock", Infernape's mouth suddenly grinned, and a surging dark red flame suddenly rose from his entire body.

The fiery flame erupted in an instant, and the roaring flames raged, wrapping Infernape and rising against Mamoswine's Blizzard.

Protected against some of the damage from "Blizzard", while helping Doron Bartto isolate the effects of the cold.

"Dragon Bartto, Dragon Darts!"

After isolating the damage and influence, Duolong Bartto also immediately launched an attack according to Xia Yan's order.


Two sharp arrows shot out again, in no particular order, Lock On Rhyperior.

at the same time.

Infernape stepped out with a stride, punching the air Barrier.

Fake Out!

"Mamoswine, Protect!"

Bertha detected Xia Yan's intentions and resisted with "Protect" in time.

An emerald green energy Barrier that blocks the "control" from Infernape precisely and in time.

"Rhyperior, Rock Tomb."

clang clang-

The movement caused by the collision and friction of the rock chains one after another sounded, and they blocked the two "Dragon Darts" shot by Dolong Bartto.

Boom! ! !

Two Doron Messias were blocked.


Duolong Bartto was not surprised, he swung his body and disappeared into the void again.

Infernape turned his fist and opened the way with "Mach Punch", abandoning Mamoswine, whose "guardian" Barrier was slowly fading but not quite finished, and attacked Rhyperior on the other side.

As for Infernape's rush, Rhyperior was not panicking.

Energy agitation.

Pieces of Rock burst out from the Ground, wrapped in thick Ground-based energy.

But this moment.

Infernape has persevered and learned from many Pokémons with outstanding skills. The seemingly useless Fighting skills are perfectly combined with "Mach Punch". Between the up and down, the attack of rubbing the energy of Rock and Ground is not fast. Minus close to Rhyperior.

Seeing Infernape's dexterous movements, Bertha also raised a somewhat unexpected brow.

These Fighting skills, even some Pokémon of the top trainers specializing in Fighting, may not be comparable to Infernape.


After seeing Infernape approaching Rhyperior, Bertha raised the corners of his mouth calmly.

"Stop it!"

Bertha said calmly.

Rhyperior crossed his arms, and the layers of Rock seemed to have life Normal, clinging to Rhyperior's body, forming a thick layer of Rock armor.

Seeing that Bertha's Rhyperior didn't dodge, it was fine, but he didn't fight back, Xia Yan frowned.

But now that the arrow is on the line, Infernape's retreat will only make it a living target for Rhyperior.

Heart fluttered, he shouted in a low voice, "Infernape, strengthen Close Combat!"


Infernape responded with a loud and loud roar, and the flames above his head rose hotly, representing Infernape's Contest Condition at the moment.

The fists shot out like bullets, and the phantoms were heavy.

Fists, elbows, knees, and the "Close Combat" that fuses with fighting skills turns the whole body into a weapon for attacking.


Such skilled fighting skills make Infernape's "Close Combat" power far beyond ordinary "Close Combat".


Rhyperior had an unexpected look on his face, feeling the power from his raised arms, and the madness of the rocks on it.

Until the Rock erected by Rhyperior with his own strength, it was too late to stop Infernape's madly falling fist.

Until more and more punches hit its arm.

Until Rhyperior's huge and steady feet plowed two deep ravines on the ground.

Is this really just an Elite Pokémon?

Is this the explosive power an Elite Pokémon can have?

And, it's getting stronger and stronger!

These thoughts flashed through Rhyperior's mind.

The continuous attacks exceeded Rhyperior and Bertha's expectations.

Seeing this, Mamoswine had just finished the "Protect" Contest Condition, turned her head and covered her whole body with Ground-type energy, and charged Normal towards Infernape.

High Horsepower!

Yet at this moment.

In time, Bartto, the dragon who escaped into the void, appeared between Mamoswine and Infernape.

Controlling the energy of the dragon system, it turned into a roaring giant dragon phantom and roared out, tearing at the huge dragon mouth, biting and falling.

Dragon Rush took advantage of the trend and met Mamoswine.

boom! ! !

A violent roar erupted.

The huge Mamoswine kept rolling over the Ground and was blasted straight into the air.

"Almost there, Rhyperior."

Bertha, frowning, said solemnly.



Rhyperior, who was under the explosive attack of Infernape, let out a roar. Taking advantage of the gap between Infernape's power, his arms suddenly exploded with strength, and his sharp horns intertwined with thick Ground-based energy to charge towards Infernape.

Seeing this, Infernape's complexion suddenly changed.

Raise your arms and try to grab the sharp corner.

As a result, it was blasted out without any accident.

"Fuck! Weakness Policy?!"

The power that Rhyperior exploded this time was more than one step stronger than before.

Xia Yan finally understood why he had a sudden shock just now.

Bertha's Rhyperior actually has a "Weakness Policy"?

In the face of Xia Yan's swear words, Bertha calmly faced it and explained: "Rhyperior has so many weaknesses, I'll bring a 'Weakness Policy', is it reasonable?"

Weakness Policy: When the Pokémon holding this item is attacked by a highly effective move, both physical attack and special attack will be greatly improved.

Xia Yan's eyes twitched.

"It's more than a 'Weakness Policy', your Rhyperior is still a 'Hard Rock' Ability."

"Yeah." Bertha answered cheerfully.


Xia Yan muttered silently in his heart.

Immediately looking at Infernape who fell to the ground after receiving a "Drill Run" from Rhyperior, he said solemnly, "Infernape!"


Hearing Xia Yan's words, Infernape supported Ground, covered his chest, squinted his eyes, endured the severe pain from his chest, and stood up tremblingly.

"You still laugh at Daye, isn't your Infernape going to hang up?" Bertha couldn't help but complain when she saw this scene.

Xia Yan felt the persistence and tenacity from Infernape, and did not feel any dissatisfaction because of Bertha's words.

this moment.

all he could feel.

All from Infernape's tenacious will.

"Furious fire!" Xia Yan shouted lowly.


Infernape's forehead body suddenly tense, like a full slump, and fiery flames continue to spill out of the body that was trembling with force.

"Stone hammer! Xia Yan Elite and his Infernape can really start the 'fierce fire' manually!"

"Aren't you talking nonsense? Infernape of Contest Condition doesn't open fire, when will it open?"

"Won't see 'Precipice Blades' again? I'm so scared Groudon crawled out of Mt. Chimney."

"Let it crawl! It climbs out and can cross the sea to our Sinnoh?"


"Great indignation—!!"

Xia Yan continuously delivered the power of the waveguide to Infernape's body, felt its inner fluctuations, and was affected by it.

Infernape, the Contest Condition, is persevering with perseverance, and it must be completed as soon as possible.


Infernape drank again.

The flames on it further expanded and burst out, and the scorching hot waves roared up.

The raging heat wave raged, and the dark red flames rose infinitely, and even the flying Sandstorm around was roasted red.

"Break it! Rhyperior, Rock Wrecker!"

Bertha looked at Infernape's Contest Condition, her heart suddenly burst, and she hurriedly said.


Rhyperior slammed on the Ground and picked up a huge piece of Rock. The armoured muscles on his arms suddenly bulged, and he could even vaguely see the violently beating meridians. When he suddenly exerted force, the huge Rock fluttered like a cannonball. out.

"Ally Switch!"


Doron Bartto's figure was blurred, and he instantly completed the exchange of positions with Infernape.

With the energy of the dragon system, the two "Dragon Darts" that he is driving are shot out, and at the same time, he spit out a "Dragon Pulse" and quickly drilled into it.

Immediately afterwards, a more surging and terrifying dragon-type energy burst out from the body.

Dragon Rush!

This trick.

The combination of "Dragon Pulse" and "Dragon Rush" is also a flexible technique that Doron Bartto learned from Latios.

Boom! !

The two dragons Messiah Tackle on the huge rock shattered the upper part of the rock and ground energy, and also caused certain obstacles.

Afterwards, the roaring dragon danced fiercely, swallowing the huge Rock in one bite.

Yu Duolong Bartto groaned.

ka ka ka-

The Rock was torn apart in an instant.

But the raging Doron Bartto did not stop there, and still rushed towards Rhyperior.

At the same time, Bertha, who had already guessed this hand of ‘Ally Switch’, hurriedly said:

"Mamoswine, Stomping Tantrum!"

Bang! !

Mamoswine stomped on the Ground with one foot, and the earth-yellow forehead ground energy suddenly twisted and turned like a long snake.

The target is directed at Infernape.

Just this moment.

But it was too late.


Infernape let out a low drink, and the curled body suddenly stepped out with one foot, and the Ground was like ripples in an instant, stirring up and down, bringing vibrations.

Earthquake! !

"Stomping Tantrum" from Mamoswine collides with "Earthquake" from Infernape.

Ka-! !

a time.

Because of the collision of these two forces, the entire battlefield was instantly broken into two halves.

But at this moment Infernape's "Earthquake" is obviously stronger, and while blocking "Stomping Tantrum", it continues to pass.


The magnitude of the ground bulge is even more exaggerated.

Both Mamoswine and Rhyperior have a tendency to stand unsteadily.


Xia Yan crossed his arms, and the Cianwood-colored "waveguide power" was continuously poured into Infernape's body.

at the same time.

The power of the waveguide also gave them a better fit with each other in their hearts.

Inside the German airship.

"Xia Yan's Infernape is here too?" Steven raised his eyebrows and said.

"We were talking about Daye's Infernape in the previous game, but this time it's Xia Yan's Infernape. Is it easy for Infernape, a Pokémon, to improve?"

Lorelei held his eyes and couldn't help talking.

She was born in an academy, and it is the most difficult to understand such "fetters" and "explosive seeds".

"No. It's just Infernape's drive that resonates more easily with Trainer's persistence. However, it can do this mainly because it has accumulated enough." Du looked at Infernape on the screen with a serious face and sighed from the bottom of his heart. .


Although Infernape's entry time is later than Togekiss and Aegislash.

But Infernape's efforts were definitely at the forefront of Xia Yan's team.

Even compared to Beedrill and Alakazam, it's not too bad.

Plus, of course, that pile of Primal Groudon's carapace fragments.

And now.

Its hard work and accumulation finally brought enough rewards to it.

Bear! ! !

The flames on Infernape erupted again.


Its soaring momentum is now unnoticed by Infernape itself.

Xia Yan's "waveguide power" has become a key to unlock the deepest power in his body.

And when that force is truly mobilized


Infernape slammed the ground with a punch with all its strength.

Boom! ! !

There was a dull loud sound like a mountain collapsing, in the fine shattering sound of the battlefield once again overwhelmed.

The huge magma column rose from the ground, carrying the hot and hot breath, intertwined with the power of Ground and Rock, and madly pulled up from the feet of Mamoswine and Rhyperior.

The terrifying magma column slammed through the "Victory Road" hall, and the scorching temperature spread throughout the hall.

Mamoswine and Rhyperior could not stop such a large area of ​​terrain change for a while.

boom! ! !

Another roar.

at the same time.

Duolong Bart squinted his eyes, seized the opportunity to drag his tail, facing the rushing heat wave, and directly turned on "Outrage"!

With its red eyes, this moment is like Infernape Normal, and it enters the "enthusiasm" Contest Condition with absolute concentration.

The ferocious tail, wrapped in the same scarlet scales, slammed into the Rhyperior.

Regardless of whether there is a "Weakness Policy", or whether it is a "Hard Rock" Ability, Rhyperior must endure a dragon-type attack.

Bang! ! !

Two sounds of falling sounded almost simultaneously.

Bertha's Mamoswine, and Rhyperior, were smashed into the dilapidated ruins at the same time.

Two Pokémon, incapacitated at the same time!

But this time.

Xia Yan was not feeling well here either.

The cost is equally huge.

After the attack, Infernape fell to the ground, and was also incapacitated due to exhaustion.

Although Duolong Bartto entered the "enthusiasm" Contest Condition, the raging aura and the sense of oppression continued to bring an intimidating atmosphere.

But after casting "Outrage", it is more difficult to restore sanity in a short period of time.

And this time the two sides fight.

What's more, the audience in the live broadcast room was silent, and the barrage was much less. They just sat in front of the computer and clenched their fists and were hooked.

Even those barrages that exist are mostly modal particles such as "Fuck" and "Niupi", which can fully express their inner thoughts.

The difficulty of "Victory Road" is also vividly displayed from this moment on.

Bertha silently took back Rhyperior and Mamoswine.

Looking at Xia Yan, who also retracted Infernape, he nodded with satisfaction.

Xia Yan's growth rate surprised her.

But more than satisfied.

Perhaps it is with such strength and determination that she can become the champion she recognizes.

"Be careful."

Bertha reminded shallowly.

There are two Poké Balls in hand again.

Xia Yan wiped his forehead slightly, the output of "waveguide power" just now was indeed a bit overloaded.

Otherwise, Infernape, who is on the verge of hitting the door, is indeed difficult to achieve such an outbreak.

Just listening to Bertha's words made my liver tremble.

Boss Bertha, don't do it anymore, you will meet Cynthia when you go down, you really won't be able to beat it.


Xia Yan seems to have lost an Infernape until now.

But the rest of the Pokémon have combat power but that doesn't mean Contest Condition is fine.

Bertha has three Pokémon left.

It seems to be more serious.

After she replaced a few more, Xia Yan didn't know whether his lineup would still be complete when facing Cynthia.

It seemed that he could see Xia Yan's heart.

Bertha looked serious and said seriously: "Champion, when you need to take responsibility, it is much more severe and difficult than facing us."

a time.

Xia Yan's mind flashed through the special episode where Steven used his life to control three ancient giants against Groudon and Kyogre for twenty-two days.

There is also a flash of Cynthia confronting Dialga and Palkia determined to protect Sinnoh.

This is what a champion needs to face!

Xia Yan also put away his shy expression and nodded solemnly.

"I understand, Bertha Elite."

I saw Bertha throw two Poké Balls right away.

Two Pokémons are summoned again.

Then came.

It's a Gliscor with Barry's tail on the ground, spreading his wings and holding the signature!

And the size of the Pokémon is bigger than all the previous Pokémon, occupying nearly half of the field, the huge Pokémon with metallic luster, Steelix!

at the same time.

Bertha slowly took out a necklace she was wearing, which was usually hidden under a scarf, with colorful lights shining on it.

Just listen.

"Steelix, Mega Evolution!"

And Sandstorm.

still going on


There is an intensifying trend.


PS: Finished ironing Bertha today~~

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