The Bottom Trainer In The Pokémon World

Chapter 1008 Bertha: I Admit Defeat; Xia Yan: Huh? Can't Hear It (6.5K+!)

"Steelix, Mega Evolution!"

As Bertha's solemn voice sounded, the Key Stone on her necklace instantly burst into the light of Mega Evolution, turning on the Mega Evolution stone carried by Steelix.

The radiant Mega Evolution energy envelops the Steelix.

In the haze, Steelix's appearance changed.


Steelix, whose body length is close to ten meters, after completing the Mega Evolution, the body length of the Mega Steelix directly exceeds ten meters.

And Bertha's Steelix is ​​obviously very well cultivated, and the metal body after Mega Evolution is far more than 12 meters.

The thick metal body, the parts of the body where the joints were raised, turned from metal to diamond texture, indicating that after the Mega Evolution, Steelix's already terrifying body density has ushered in a substantial increase again.

Supporting his body, his huge head drooped, his blue eyes silently looked at the opposite field, unable to hold back the restless Duolong Bartto caused by "Outrage".

Steelix, which has completed Mega Evolution, is one of the best defensive Pokémons in the entire Pokémon universe.

at the same time.

The ability of Mega Steelix has become "the power of sand".

Sandstorm, which is still continuing, also makes up for the shortcomings of Mega Steelix's offensive ability to a certain extent.

Another Pokémon Gliscor summoned by Bertha.

In the flying Sandstorm, the figure is looming and difficult to capture.


The ability of this Gliscor is "Shadow"!

Feeling the pressure brought about by Mega Steelix's large size, Xia Yan took a deep breath.

Hippowdon of "Smooth Rock"?

Sandstorm, which still did not disappear, Xia Yan already understood the props that Bertha's Hippowdon carried.

can only say.

As expected of the veteran Elite, it is indeed adequately prepared.

"Bertha Elite, are you waiting for my Infernape to fall?" Xia Yan also held the Poké Ball in his hand, and said a little helplessly.

The existence of Infernape is probably the one that threatens Steelix the most among Xia Yan's Pokémon.

Bertha just smiled and didn't answer.

But her expression was enough to show that Xia Yan guessed right.

The champion-level Mega Steelix, with terrifying defensive power, is almost impossible to defeat in seconds, and even its huge size is the best cover for its companions.

It's also hard to deal with its companions without getting rid of it.

Deciding to deal with it, it is estimated that the price to be paid is unacceptable to Xia Yan.

Xia Yan, who took a deep breath, calmed down the irritability that rose in his heart, and threw the Poké Ball in his hand.

Between flashes of red light.


The divine beast Latios, which spread out its wings like an airplane, appeared beside Doron Bartto.

Like Infernape, he took damage from "Stealth Rock" when he came out.

Don't look at the two moves "Sandstorm" and "Stealth Rock" that seem to be dispensable, but the damage they accumulate invisibly is absolutely considerable.

After Latios groaned, looking at the huge Mega Steelix, he subconsciously glanced at the Duolong Bartto who was trying to restrain his anger.

Smashed the mouth.

Not good to fight.


Xia Yan quickly injected confidence into it.

"Latios, Mega Evolution!"

Since you can't take out Mega Steelix in seconds, fight Mega Evolution with Mega Evolution!


Latios immediately cheered up and let out a low drink.

At the same time as the halo of Mega Evolution dissipated, Mega Latios, dragging his body, appeared in the field.

And Latios, who has studied with Rayquaza for a while, is not yet at the championship level.

But assisting Mega Evolution, it also has the air of a champion Pokémon.

It is both a champion and a beast!

Some hit!

The battle continues!


With both parties ready to continue, Duolong Bartto finally couldn't hold back the restlessness caused by "Outrage", his scarlet eyes flickered, and he danced straight towards Mega Steelix!


"Steelix, Gyro Ball!"

"Gyro Ball", whose power is calculated on the basis of the speed of both the enemy and the enemy, will be very powerful between the Mega Outline Snake and the Doron Bartto.


Such a huge Mega outline snake figure began to rotate, and the speed was getting faster and faster.

During the rotation, the raging sands around were affected by the airflow driven by them, and together they merged into the raised silver-white whirlwind, and the power was even more impressive.

Xia Yan frowned.

Doron Bartto's "Outrage" Contest Condition is the toughest he's feeling right now.

It was absolutely uneconomical for Duolong Bartto to have to exchange moves with the opponent like this.

But trying to stop Doron Bartto's irritable mood obviously couldn't do it for the time being.

Therefore, for Xia Yan, the situation on the field at this time is not good.


A harsh voice suddenly sounded.

With red light all over his body and a tyrannical atmosphere, Doron Bart recklessly slapped Mega Steelix in Rapid Spin.

The scaly tail was constantly colliding and rubbing against the thick metal, accompanied by an unpleasant sound, and a large number of sparks scattered.


Duolong Bartto roared, his whole body burst out, and the dragon energy kept surging.

But nothing could stop Mega Beedrill from moving.

But actually.

Mega Steelix was not surprised at all at this time.

It is not stopped right.

But the power of Duolong Bartto is a bit too terrifying.

Didn't stop, doesn't mean the speed didn't slow down.


Its proud metal body, in the constant friction with Dolong Bartto, was stabbed a little painfully.

the most important.

Under the constant friction of the two, the temperature of the place where they touched suddenly increased.

The tails of Mega Steelix and Doron Bartto were flushed red.

Seeing this, Xia Yan's eyes suddenly lit up.

With a wave of his hand, he said, "Latios, Luster Purge!"


Mega Latios opened his mouth slightly, and a milky white light of pure light spewed out of Mega Latios' mouth, aiming directly at the reddish place where Doron Bartto and Mega Steelix touched.


"Gliscor, Ice Fang!"

Bertha's voice sounded just in time.

Gliscor, who had been hiding in Sandstorm looking for opportunities, suddenly appeared beside Mega Latios.

Above the bared fangs, the extremely cold aura of Cianwood-colored like a flocculent electric current was flashing, and it bit towards the wings of Mega Latios.

But right now.

Psychic flashed in Xia Yan's eyes.

In the eye sockets of Mega Latios, there was also a surging Psychic.

boom! ! !

Gliscor took a bite, but it felt like he was biting into a ball of cotton.

Gliscor, who felt the strangeness, was briefly stunned.

I found out after looking closely.

It couldn't touch Latios at all.

It was only blocked by a seemingly soft, but very resilient Psychic.

more importantly.

with its bite.

That surging Psychic, innumerable strands of Normal wrapped around it.


The flying sand choir around Gliscor was also dispersed and separated from its body.

The corner of Xia Yan's mouth raised slightly.

It's you waiting.

Since there's no way to get past the Steelix against Gliscor, I'll let you show up!

Latios, the second core of Xia Yan's team!

And at this moment, the Mega Latios is finally no longer the one that can only be used as an auxiliary, as the existence of the middle axis.

It is a divine beast!

The mouth moved again.

A mouthful of Cianwood-colored "Ice Beam" spit out from Mega Latios' mouth.

Upon seeing this, Bertha realized that Xia Yan's surprise when he saw the appearance of Ember splashing from Duolong Bartto's collision with Mega Steelix was just a pretense.

Fake and real.

The guy on the opposite side.

Whether it's on the battlefield or under the battlefield, you can't completely believe it!

"Steelix, Stone Edge!"

Bertha had to take the initiative to stop Steelix, signaling it to free Gliscor.


However, Doron Bartto, who is under the "enthusiasm" Contest Condition, is not so easy to fool.

the most important is.

After limiting Gliscor's whereabouts, Mega Latios and Doron Bartto suddenly switched places.

The "Ice Beam" spit out by Mega Latios swept precisely where the Mega Steelix and Ground were in contact.

ka ka ka-

In an instant.

Frost covered.

Actively stopped the "Gyro Ball" Mega Steelix, unable to quickly get rid of the ice crystals.

And the dragon Bartto, who held the pride and anger of the last Pokémon from the dragon, also poured his last "Outrage" on Gliscor.

Bang! ! !

Gliscor was slapped to the ground like a bullet Normal.

Bertha frowned.

Xia Yan's set of "infinite defense switching" or "wireless rotation" is not so strong when there is a gap in strength between the two Pokémons, or when one party has an obvious weak point.

But once two Pokémons that can rotate freely are similar in strength, and both have enough threats, it becomes very troublesome.

Doron Bartto, who had champion-level strength early on, Assist Mega Evolution achieved champion-level strength and Latios, who is himself a gifted beast.

These two Pokémon.

In terms of Bertha's current Pokémon mix, there's no obvious weakness.

And when she can't find her weakness, but Xia Yan finds her own advantage, the situation will be very unfavorable for Bertha!

For example now.

Mega Latios vs. Mega Steelix, in a situation where neither side can solve the other for a short time.

But Mega Latios has enough initiative to Mega Outline Snake by virtue of its speed.

And getting rid of the influence of "Outrage", Doron Bartto can complete the suppression of Gliscor.

The biggest advantage of Xia Yan's "infinite defense switching" tactic is to find the opponent's weak point.

Now that we have caught the relatively weak Gliscor, why not attack?

Bertha made an immediate decision.

Take out the Poké Ball.

"Come back, Gliscor."

Then came her last Poké Ball.

Seeing this, Xia Yan couldn't help but flash a hint of regret in his eyes.

It's a pity that Gliscor couldn't be eliminated in seconds, and Bertha replaced Pokémon, which only increased the variables.


With Bertha taking back the Pokémon, Xia Yan was not idle either.

"Latios, Simple Beam! Doron Bartto, Dragon Dance!"

Simple Beam!

It can make the target's Ability become "simple".

It's just Xia Yan's goal, not Mega Steelix, nor the unknown Pokémon that Bertha is about to replace, but Doron Bartto!

See Mega Latios spit out pure white beams, sweeping Doron Bartto.

As a result, its Ability has been transformed into "simple".

And Duolong Bartto also danced his body along the way. With the "Dragon Dance" body rising steadily, the sense of oppression brought by the aura also rose wildly!

Simplicity: Pokémon with this Ability, when the ability changes, will be enhanced or weakened in the form of double.

Bertha's throwing Poké Ball is no longer slow, definitely more than 95% of Trainers.

However, Xia Yan, who was fighting against him, also had a wealth of battle experience.

And with the speed of the Mega Steelix limited by the Mega Latios, it is definitely too late to stop it.

Only after that.

"Nidoking, Ice Beam!"

The Poké Ball has just landed, and Bertha also showed a wave of what is called "Case Command" and "Storage of Ice in the Ball".


Nidoking, who appeared on the stage, did not hesitate, and shot a pure light blue beam from the sharp corner of his head.

between lasing.

Everywhere in the air, gorgeous ice crystals Icirrus condensed.

Based on the power of this "Ice Beam", you can clearly understand that this Nidoking of Bertha definitely has the strength of a champion!

not only that.

And it has to be Nidoking with the "Force" Ability and wearing the "Life Orb" item.


Whether it is Doron Bartto or Mega Latios, there is a great threat!

"Exchange the place of origin!" Xia Yan commanded using telepathy.

Although a threat to both Pokémon.

But Doron Bartto's increase must be successful!


Mega Latios casts "Ally Switch" and swaps places with Doron Bartto, who is on the rise, and welcomes this "Ice Beam" in his place!


Nidoking is a Pokémon summoned later, giving Mega Latios a certain amount of time to react.

After exchanging positions with Duolong Bartto, the invisible intricate Psychic threads that overflowed from Mega Latios, condensed a transparent glass Barrier in front of Mega Latios at the fastest speed.

Just right to get stuck in shape before the "Ice Beam" lands on it!


Or are you calculating?

Bertha couldn't judge.

boom! ! !

But in any case, even if it was blocked by "Light Screen", Nidoking's "Ice Beam" inevitably hit Mega Latios who had no time to dodge.


in exchange.

Doron Bartto once again "Dragon Dance" success.


One "Dragon Dance" this time is equal to two usual times!


Can't stop Doron Bartto's "Dragon Dance", but Mega Steelix pounces anyway.

Heavy Slam!

Doron Bart's narrow eyes flickered.


The two dragon Messiahs shot again, delaying the impact of the Mega Outline Snake.

"Catch it!" Xia Yan said solemnly.

see you.

The size of Mega Steelix is ​​far more than ten meters, and the body density is terrifyingly large, and it slams into Doron Bartto like a train.

On the other hand, Duolong Bartto just had surging dragon-type energy on his body, and the blue-purple energy phantom constructed a ferocious roaring dragon. The ground is intertwined and submerged in the phantom.

It makes the scales on the dragon look more distinct, the sharp dragon teeth are more terrifying, and the glaring dragon eyes are also embellished.

Roar! ! !

Bang-! !

The collision of the two behemoths caused the entire Dading air to appear as if a vacuum zone appeared.

And the most surprising thing is that Duolong Bartto, with its seemingly slender arms, actually caught the collision of the Mega Outline Snake.

This result.

Both Bertha and Mega Outline Snake were also very surprised.

But Bertha immediately said, "Steelix, Gyro Ball!"

Repeat the old trick to prevent being attacked by Doron Bartto.

This "Gyro Ball" move is both an attack and a defense.

Meanwhile on the other side.

ka ka ka-

Mega Latios, who quickly got up from the ground, shook off the sticky ice crystals and looked at Nidoking on the opposite side with a serious look.


Mega Latios gave a low drink.

The energy in the body began to surging and overflowing wildly.

And this energy, in Nidoking's eyes, was calm at the beginning, then solemn, and then serious, and finally full of horror.

good guy.

Is there no limit to the energy of the Pokémon on the opposite side?

If Mega Latios knew what Nidoking was thinking, he would politely reply: Yes.

Infinite Pokémon Mega Latios, in terms of energy alone, everyone here is rubbish!

Doron Bartto: ? ? ?

As the strength became stronger, Latios, a divine beast, finally showed its advantages and strengths little by little.

Nido Wang Qiang endured the discomfort caused by that energy, and shot "Ice Beam" again to fight.

But this time, Mega Latios relied on the existence of "Light Screen" and took this "Ice Beam" forcibly.

And it has been accumulated for so long, and what it gave to Nidoking is a shot. Draco Meteor!

Learn from Rayquaza's Draco Meteor!

The bright orange Energy Ball spit out from his mouth, carrying the crazy overflowing dragon energy, intertwined with innumerable Psychic threads, and smashing towards Nidoking.

Yu Biao attacked?

Bertha was surprised by Xia Yan's sudden change in tactics.

Isn't he going to keep his power and fight Cynthia later?

But it was precisely because of this sudden and unexpected change in strategy that Bertha was unable to react all of a sudden.

boom! ! !

The terrifying meteor crashed to the ground, the Meteorite Shard splashed and scattered, and even the Mega Outline Snake of Rapid Spin not far away was affected.

"Latios, Zen Headbutt!"

Xia Yan half-squinted his eyes.

Since you choose to switch, you must switch to the end.

"Nidoking, Ice Beam again!"

In the face of Xia Yan's decision, Bertha naturally could not back down, nor could she back down.

Nidoking, who was holding his body in the ruins, shot out an extremely cold beam again.

The Mega Latios wrapped in Psychic all over, and the "Light Screen" that moved with it in front of it burst.

The terrifying low temperature even seemed to condense Psychic.


But Mega Latios is in line with Xia Yan's goal at this moment.

kill it!

boom--! !

Another loud roar.

First, the meteor fell to the ground, and then it used itself as an arrow to dash.

Amidst the large expanses of ruins raised.

Latios, who had lifted the Mega Evolution, shivered and levitated, and many parts of his body were covered with ice crystals.

Some of the red wounds were mixed with a large number of ice crystal fragments.

But it can't just end there.


Glittering soft particles scatter from Latios.

It fell into the body of Doron Bartto on the other side.

At this time, Duolong Bartto also launched the final competition with the Mega Outline Snake.

Bertha gritted her teeth, sweat dripping from her forehead.

Maintaining Mega Evolution for a long time is not a small burden on her body.

But this time.

She must keep Mega Steelix in order to further weaken Xia Yan.


Latios' "Help" became the last straw for Doron Bartto to crush the Mega Outline Snake.

Shoots two "Dragon Darts".

Tight and blurry, "Double Team" created two virtual shadows that seemed to be real.

Finally, turn on "Outrage" again!


The harsh sour voice sounded again.

Amidst the sparks, Doron Bartto, with his hands, tail and head glowing with red light, was stronger than before, ruthlessly restraining the rotation of Mega Steelix.

In the blink of an eye, Mega Steelix was flushed red.

Bertha's expression changed, and she hurriedly said, "Steelix, stop!"

"Can't stop!"

The moment her voice fell, Xia Yan gave the result in a deep voice.

see you.

The two Dragon Messiahs that were shot in advance did not attack Mega Steelix, but entered around its "Gyro Ball" after receiving the blessing of the Dragon-type energy of the Dragon Bart.

Against the fulcrum on its body, accelerate its rotation!

And the two phantoms that Duolong Bart held, as if they were also real Normal, also accelerated the rotation of Mega Steelix.

Hand rubbing spiral pills?

Not bad.

So, this time.

It's no longer that Mega Steelix can stop if it wants to.

The rubbing sound of Metal Normal continued.

And Mega Steelix's body has spread from the local fiery red to the whole body.

It is "the power of antimatter"!

It quietly, along with those sand choirs, blended into Mega Steelix's "Gyro Ball".

In the way of boiling frogs in warm water, "corroded" the proud defense of Mega Steelix.

Terrible heat.

Emitted from Doron Bartto and Mega Outline Snake.

On heat resistance.

Obviously the Dragon Pokémon is stronger.


Bertha's pale complexion loosened, and her support for Mega Evolution reached the limit.

And the moment Mega Steelix unleashes Mega Evolution is also the moment Doron Bartto wins.

boom! !

Steelix's huge body hit the ground heavily.

Two eyes, constantly spinning in circles.

It is estimated that in a short period of time, it will not want to use the "Gyro Ball" move again.

Looking at the large pieces of broken scales on his hands, tail, and head, Xia Yan couldn't help but feel a pain in his heart.

Latios' Contest Condition isn't much better than Doron Bartto.

Xia Yan hurriedly said: "Latios, Recover, Heal Pulse!"

This is Xia Yan's biggest reliance on letting Latios fight Nidoking.

"Recover" to yourself.

"Heal Pulse" for Doron Bart.

Bertha also has a half-dead Gliscor.

No longer a threat.

But it gives him more chances to recover his Contest Condition.

when playing the game.

That is, grabbing the last Rival, after hypnotizing it, he recovered himself vigorously.

How do you know.

Just listen to Bertha speak quietly.

"I surrender."

Xia Yan: "."

Facing the speechless Xia Yan, Bertha suddenly grinned and said, "I only have an Elite-level residual blood Gliscor left. Is it a reasonable choice to admit defeat?"

But facing Bertha's "increased difficulty".

Xia Yan suddenly put his palm behind his ear and assumed a posture of collecting sounds.

At the same time, he shouted: "Ah? What? Bertha Elite, the harsh rubbing noise just now is so annoying, I'm a little deaf now, can't hear it! You say a little louder."

And, the telepath kept telling Latios: "Latios, hurry up, I'll pretend."

Bertha: "."

Looking at the "shameless" bastard opposite, Bertha slightly raised his forehead.

Is this guy really going to be a Sinnoh champion?

You won't go out to meet people without shame in the future, will you?


PS: 1.3w today! After writing this one, ask for a monthly ticket~~

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