
Sylveon stood in front of the huge French window, looking out at the windmills erected on the deck outside the window, humming a brisk tune.

Small windmill, whirring--aba-aba--

Surrounded by snow-white clouds and mist, it brought a bit of hazy meaning.

Darkrai and the Onion Rangers, Togekiss, and Ninetales huddled in another corner of the cabin watching TV.

Because of network laying problems.

At this time, the airship driving in the mist-shrouded air could not be connected, so it was a big deal for the game.

Fortunately, Darkrai downloaded the TV series ahead of time to pass the time.

Xia Yan, who was sitting on the large sofa with his head against his head, slowly closed the book.

He looked up at the boundless sea of ​​clouds outside the window.

While feeling the vastness of the Pokémon world, it also raised more curiosity about the destination.

his goal this time.

It is the eighth Region, the seventh continent discovered by the Alliance, which is located beyond the far-flung seas.

Galar Region!


For the Galar Region, Alliance has not announced yet.

However, for the progress and development of the Galar Region, Alliance has already laid out its layout early.

Compared to Alola's island Region, which has a somewhat rural atmosphere, Galar Region was actually discovered by Alliance earlier and penetrated earlier.


The Aether Foundation in the Alola Region has some resistance to the Alliance, but the Marocmon Group in the Galar Region has long reached a consensus on common development with the Alliance.


The Galar Alliance has been quietly established long ago.


Not long after Alola Region opened, the opening of Galar Region was put on the agenda.

Because Alliance's control over the Galar Region is much higher than that over the Alola Region.

It will also make the opening process a lot smoother.

I looked aimlessly at the sea of ​​clouds.

It felt like a light little guy jumped on his knees.


The palms were licked gently by the soft tongue.

Turn around and look.

A smile appeared on Xia Yan's face, and he scratched Zorua's chin, which caused a burst of laughter from the little guy.

"What's wrong?"

Glancing at the new "toy" on Zorua's ankle, it was the Relic Bracelet from Agatha.


Speaking of this, Zorua's originally high mood instantly dropped.

It and Xia Yan originally thought that wearing this Relic Bracelet full of Ghost-type energy and Grudge would help it complete its evolution.


After a week, his strength has improved a lot, especially with the further mastery of the "Illusion" ability.

But there is no sign of evolution at all.

Say it though.

Zorua doesn't really care much about evolution.

Even, it actually prefers its current form, because then it can always be the Pokémon held by Xia Yan.

after all.

Togekiss, Sylveon, Ninetales they all evolved.

Since then, I have left Xia Yan's embrace and felt grown up.

But Zorua liked being held by Xia Yan very much, smelling the familiar and reassuring smell on him, which was the smell it had been searching for for decades.


Zorua's form, the form they were in when they met each other, was a bit nostalgic.

So, Zorua can't be said to exclude evolution, but at least not so Covet.

But it felt that Xia Yan seemed to have a lot of expectations for its evolution.

So Zorua also tries hard to evolve.

But the result seems to be less than satisfactory. Relic Bracelet gave it a lot of help, but it did not bring changes in evolution.

After listening to the little guy's story, Xia Yan laughed dumbly.

"Who said I, Covet, you evolved? I just think that evolution may bring you a great improvement, but if you don't like it, we don't need to evolve."

Evolution is an effective way for Pokémon to become stronger, maybe even the most effective way.

But it's not the only way.

There are countless examples of Pokémon that do not evolve, but can show the strength of Pokémon in the far Mega Evolution form.

The most typical natural is Ash's skin god.

But the most exaggerated, it must be Pryce's Swinub.

Zorua forbears not to evolve for decades, perhaps this threshold that it once easily crossed has been blocked long ago.

But if you don't evolve, you don't evolve, it doesn't mean you can't enter the championship level.

Xia Yan has always been more supportive and in favor of Pokémon's own wishes.


Zorua blinked and looked at Xia Yan with a little aggrieved eyes.


"Really." Xia Yan nodded affirmatively, and rubbed the little guy's head again, "There are advantages to not evolving if you don't evolve. I'll find a way to get you a higher-quality 'Eviolite'." Xia Yan comforted.

He probably guessed why Relic Bracelet couldn't make Zorua evolve.

Because the little guy itself has nothing to do with evolution.


Zorua's eyes lit up and she nodded.

What is "Eviolite", it has long been heard by Xia Yan.

It is a prop that allows Pokémon with an evolved form to wear it before it has evolved, and can greatly improve the Pokémon's physical defense and special defense.

"So, relax, you won't evolve if you don't evolve."

Xia Yan now has the confidence to say such a thing.

As champions, there are four championship-level Pokémon, Beedrill, Alakazam, Doron Bartto, and Infernape, and the rest of the Pokémon are also growing rapidly.

Say it again.

The positioning of Zorua itself in the team is biased towards the core and auxiliary, and those who do not evolve are actually similar.


It’s hard to say when Zorua figured it out on her own, and Covet evolved.

"Woo! Woohoo~~"

I saw the little guy jumped and jumped to the ground.

With a murmur of it.

Immediately, a jet-black air current swirled around it, blowing its white hair a little messy.

Seeing this scene, Xia Yan's eyes brightened.

"Ominous Wind?"

This is a move that Zorua can master through learning only after Zorua evolves into Zoroark.

Although the little guy has not evolved, it is not without gain.

Immediately after.

The dark and treacherous air flow dissipated, Zorua opened her mouth, and an inky round Energy Ball condensed in front of it.

Shadow Ball!

This is a move that Zorua has learned before.

However, Xia Yan could still clearly feel it.

The "Shadow Ball" that the little guy cast this time is much stronger than before,

But more importantly.

With the appearance of this "Shadow Ball", almost identical Shadow Balls appeared at the same time and surrounded Zorua's side.

Xia Yan, who saw this situation, was really surprised this time.

Because, under his Psychic perception, these "Shadow Balls" are all real.

But he was almost certain that there was only one real "Shadow Ball" in it.


"Can you successfully use 'Illusion' on Dao moves?"

This is one of the directions that Zorua has been exercising in.

It's just that because the difficulty factor is too high, the trick can't be found for a long time.

I didn't expect to be so stimulated by Relic Bracelet. Not only did I get started, but the mastery seemed to be not low.


As soon as Zorua closed his mouth, all the excess "Shadow Ball" dissipated, and in the end there was only one left that continued to exude a strong Ghost-type energy.

Eventually, under Zorua's control, these Ghost-type energies also returned to its body.

"Amazing!" Xia Yan picked up Zorua, and while praising, took out a few energy cubes.

Zorua: (*`*)

Seeing this, Xia Yan couldn't help laughing a bit louder.

Now that Zorua has gotten started and mastered it.

So from now on.

Those who fight against Xia Yan should be careful.

Now, it's not just his command that can't be trusted, the Rival Pokémon he sees can't be trusted, and even the moves that Rival Pokémon unleashes can't be trusted.

Completely play "Hat Trick" to the extreme.

Xia Yan, who was in a happy mood, looked up and said, "Porygon-Z, please give everyone an ice cream, thank you."

The sound fell.

On the screen of the airship, the shadow of Porygon-Z appeared, and it nodded silently.

Immediately after.

With the sound of some equipment in the airship running, one by one, the crystal and delicious ice cream was sent out by the mechanical arm.

Seeing this, Togekiss and these little guys immediately splashed.

The ship was built at the expense of the Sinnoh Alliance after he became the Sinnoh Champion.

It is a "little" benefit given to him by the Sinnoh Alliance for this champion.

Although not big.

There is one and only one bedroom, a lounge and a small training ground.

But for Xia Yan, it was enough.

the most important is.

It's not difficult to operate.

For Xia Yan, who owns Porygon-Z, it allows him to completely let go of the operation and control the computer by Porygon-Z.

As for ice.

With Ninetales around, ships never have to worry about ice cubes.

"Come, come, kill a game!" Xia Yan suddenly stood up and became interested.

【Um? 】

Hearing this, Darkrai was instantly relieved.

[No, there is no internet here. 】

But it quickly reacted again.

Xia Yan waved his hand.

"It's not a big problem, let's have a local area network."


Many Pokémon's eyes lit up.


We have so many Pokémon, can't we open a LAN?

Xia Yan smiled and said, "If you want to be with me, raise your hand."


Ten seconds passed, and the Pokémon looked at each other.

Xia Yan: "."

He looked at Togekiss.

"Chucky! (Don't look at me, I have no hands!)" Togekiss said hurriedly.

A black line appeared on Xia Yan's forehead.

When you play games, you use your wings to operate very slippery. When you raise your hand, you say you have no hands, right?

Xia Yan shifted his target and looked at Latios.

"O, Os."

Latios raised his hand cheerfully (reluctantly) at Xia Yan's sincere (obscene) invitation.

"Quack! Quack! (Me! Look this way! Look this way! Me!)"

Onion Ranger jumped up and shouted.

It was the only one who raised his hand before, but it was ignored by Xia Yan.

no way.

Xia Yan's dishes are obvious to all.

But duck duck. That is unbearable.

"Duck Ya and the Darkrai team." Xia Yan made a decisive decision.

Six to four, can't we still win?

"Alakazam! Sylveon! Ninetales!"

Xia Yan began to "solicit" opinions one by one.


The time aside from training on Flying's way passed quickly with the laughter and laughter of Xia Yan and the Pokémons.


A sunny afternoon.

Xia Yan, who was slow and even had some travel intentions, looked at the sea level not far away. Under the shadow of clouds, a huge piece of land appeared in sight.

Galar Region!


After getting here, the airship could not go any further.

Regions that have not yet been opened cannot be freely entered and exited without the permission of the Alliance.

Of course, smuggling is another matter.

For example, in the Galar Region, which had not yet been opened, Xia Yan assisted the channel of the Hunter Guild and entered it early.

Of course, he still has this authority as the Sinnoh champion.


Xia Yan didn't want to enter the Galar Region so ostentatiously.

Otherwise, the Maloko League Group is an inescapable point.

Maybe his every move will be completely in the Maloco League group, under the watchful eyes of Lords.

Don't underestimate the Marocco Group.

Its influence in the Galar Region is even greater than that of the Aether Foundation in the Alola Region.

Choose to cooperate with Alliance early, so that the Maloko Group can grow and develop freely in the Galar Region.

Even Loz, the chairman of the Malokomeng Group, also serves as the chairman of the Galar Region Pokémon Alliance, which shows how high and influential the Malokomeng Group is in the Galar Region. How big is it.

Xia Yan also knew.

The future champion of the Galar Region, the Mega champion with the reputation of "undefeated", was also supported by Lords and the Marocco Group to successfully survive the most difficult period in the early days.

In order to cultivate Dandi.

Luoz did not hesitate to advance through the Alliance and sent Dan Di out of the Galar Region very early to experience the completely different culture, battle environment and battle skills of the other regions.


Dandi has not yet reached the strength to be a champion, so the champion position of Galar Region has been vacant.

Who was the last champion of the Nagalal Region?


Also dubbed "The Second Master Pi" by Xia Yan.

One is because he is the second champion in the Galar Region, who successfully reached the top after the retirement of Master Mastema.

The second is because he is the younger brother of Loz, chairman of the Maloko League Group.

The name "Pi Er Ye" is well deserved.

But think carefully.

The two successive champions of the Galar Region are inextricably linked to the Maloko League Group, and it can be estimated how large this group will be.

This is also the first case where the Group and Alliance are fully integrated.

Even behemoths like Silph Co. of the Kanto Region and the Devon Company of Hoenn have failed to do so.

And he, Xia Yan, came to the Galar Region, in fact, mainly for three things.

The first thing.

Entrusted by Professor Oak, to investigate the principles and phenomena of Galar Region gigantic and hypergiant, a lot of preparation work has already been done.

the second one.

It was a task assigned by the General League. He was promoted to the Deputy Chief Inspector of Interpol and established an Interpol branch in the Galar Region to investigate the legend of the brave and the phenomenon of "dark night" in the Galar Region.

As for why you are looking for him.

On the one hand, although he has become a champion, he is very idle, and on the other hand, because he is also under the Interpol department of the General League, he is the most suitable candidate.

The third piece.

It was the invitation letter from Igor to Xia Yan.

From the Galar Region Kaishima Budokan, the first champion of the Galar Region, an invitation from Master Mastema.

Xia Yan didn't expect it either.

President Igor, who is still friends with Master Ma, who is far away in the Galar Region, has always maintained a certain connection.

But no matter which one it is, Xia Yan doesn't really want to have a relationship with the Maloko League Group or Luoz for the time being.


For the first two of these three things, Xia Yan knew it because he had seen the plot of Sword and Shield.

These two things can be completely classified as one thing.

The "dark night" phenomenon in the Galar Region is a special astronomical phenomenon caused by a special Pokémon from the universe, the infinite giant.

The Galar Region's unique super-giant and super-giant is also due to the special evolutionary phenomenon released and brought by Wuji Tai after the "dark night".


To know is to know.

After becoming a researcher, Xia Yan understood one thing.

In all researches and investigations, it is not enough to know the conclusion. Substantial evidence and investigation materials are required.

In case the conclusion is published.

But I don't know the principle once I ask three questions. Wouldn't it be embarrassing and affect his title of "The Youngest Pokémon Professor".

Standing in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows in the control room.

After half an hour.

Xia Yan slowly frowned.

after an hour

"Porygon-Z, are you sure you have informed Dan Di?"

"I have secretly connected the Galar Region communication and network, and sent no less than ten messages to Mr. Dan Di, all of which have been answered accurately."

Porygon-Z Assisted the airship's broadcast system and gave Xia Yan a reply through a mechanical voice.

"what did he say?"

"He said: I'll be there soon, but let him find the location of the Galar Region first, and I'll be here soon." Porygon-Z answered truthfully.

Xia Yan: "."

He patted his forehead.

"That boy Dandi, won't he have an assistant after he arrives in the Galar Region?"

This guy, Dan Di, is just like every Region champion has a small hobby or a small disadvantage.

He's one of those people who gets lost once he's outside the Pokémon Center.

Therefore, when any competition or conference is held, it can only appear at the last time.

Others thought that he insisted on the creed of "the protagonist must appear last", but they didn't know that he was stuck or even late because of the "ability" of getting lost.

Others may go out at noon and arrive at the venue in the afternoon.

Dan Di would go out in the morning and arrive at the venue in the evening with the help of others. If there is no help, he may not be able to find it in his life.

The existence of Lu Chi's skill points.

Just like crossing the Flying department is full, Steven's stone collection is full, Cynthia chooses to hesitate, Diantha's performance is full, Professor Kukui's muscles are full.

After Dandi left Galar, in order not to let him get lost, Luoz specially appointed him an assistant.

But look.

After returning to the Galar Region, Dandi's assistant was gone.

"Forget it, let's go by yourself. Latios."

Xia Yan shouted.


Latios appeared beside Xia Yan.



This time, Duolong Bartto, who was in the invisible Contest Condition, appeared on the other side of Xia Yan.

It looked at the Galar Region under the hazy clouds and mist in the distance, and with a slightly complicated expression, it called to him softly.


After Xia Yan was stunned, he quickly reacted.

Stroking Doron Bartto's head.

"Yes. In the strict sense, the Galar Region is your homeland. Then I'll trouble you this time, Doron Bartto."

Seeing this, Latios didn't fight Doron Bart, and obediently returned to the Poké Ball.

"Speaking of which, Ya Ya, the Galar Region is also your hometown, right?"


The green soldier who was just about to return to the Poké Ball was stunned when he heard Xia Yan's words.

Look at the Galar Region in the distance.

No feeling at all.

Like Doron Bartto, it was born in a special alien space.


Doron Bartto has been locked up since he was a child, and he has not been able to appreciate what Regigigas looks like in the other space.

However, the onion wanderer has almost picked the ancient battlefield in the Alola Region and the Rival that can be played.

But if he can't get back to Poké Ball, he also prefers to play outside.


After being stunned for a while, he nodded solemnly, and even showed a bit of "sadness".

"Then let's go together."

Xia Yan can't see Ya Ya's clumsy acting.

just feel.

In the Galar Region, Duck Duck may also be able to gain something.

"Quack~~ (Come on, come on~~)"

The onion wanderer jumped to the back of Duolong Bartto, and waved the Onion Stick in his hand, as if he had become a dragon knight again.

"Porygon-Z, please take your airship to rest here first. Hide in the clouds."

After explaining this sentence, Xia Yan patted Duolong Bartto.


next second.

Duolong Bart dragged the end of the transparent tail, turning it into a shadowy arrow, and shot it out.

"Quack? (You said, when I go back this time, is it possible to sweep away all the enemies in front of me and return to the land gods?)"

Duck Duck, who held Xia Yan's clothes tightly to prevent him from being caught by Whirlwind, said imaginatively while feeling the strong wind passing by his ears.

"I'll let you stop watching TV series with Darkrai, you're going to see yourself stupid." Xia Yan said speechlessly.

"Gah? (Then why is Darkrai okay?)"

Xia Yan half turned his head and glanced at it.

"It's all right? Are you sure? Next time before you Rest at night, let Darkrai give you a dream."


The onion soldier's eyes suddenly lit up.

Can it become a generation of sword gods in a dream, killing the Quartet?

"It is indeed possible to see the killing of the Quartet."

The green soldier just showed his excited look when he heard Xia Yan add: "It's just the Darkrai killing, you can only do the Quartet."

Onion Rangers: (,, #Д)

"Gaga (no, how did you know that)?"

Facing the curious look of the onion wanderer suddenly becoming enlightened.

Xia Yan's mouth twitched.

"Ask to drop you again."

Onion Ranger: _(ωゝ∠)_

The Galar Region is getting closer and closer.



When Xia Yan was about to approach the Galar Region.

A huge bird Pokémon with blue and black feathers as hard as armor appeared in sight.

Galar Region's Pokémon, Steel Crow!

It was holding something like a taxi under its feet, and on its back, riding an old man with protective goggles, flew straight towards Xia Yan.

Duolong Bartto's complexion changed slightly.

But seeing the person Xia Yan patted it, it didn't matter.


The steel armored crow and the old man stopped in front of Xia Yan.

The old man smiled and said, "Mr. from afar, do you need a taxi?"

Seeing this, Xia Yan couldn't help showing a bit of a smile on his face, nodded and said:

"Okay, hard work."

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