The Bottom Trainer In The Pokémon World

Chapter 1022 Martial Arts Master Bear: Master!


The green soldier was lying on the window, looking at the scene outside the window, with a "wow" expression on his face.

The Galar Region has a vast territory, and it is on par with the other major Regions.


The Galar Region has a variety of landforms, ranging from tranquil pastoral fields to modern cities, from vast grasslands to steep snow-capped mountains, almost all of which can be seen in this Region.

It is a very livable region.


In fact, what is more interesting is the culture and connotation of the Galar Region.

Here, there are towns where humans work with Pokémon, and even businesses work with Pokémon.

The steel crow with him in front of him is not the best example, but it is also the best proof that humans work with Pokémon.

Here, Pokémon battles are the most popular entertainment.

This is also a major feature of the Galar Region.

This can be seen from the stadiums located in various towns in the Galar Region.


This also has a lot to do with the fact that the resources of the Galar Region itself are not so abundant, and it has a lot to do with stimulating economic development through battles.

The promotion of Pokémon battles is actually a cultural influence brought about by the joint efforts of the Alliance and the Maloko League Group.

It turns out.

Such cultural popularization has indeed brought a lot of stimulation to the economic level of the Galar Region, and at the same time it has promoted the development of the industrial level of the Galar Region, which is also quite excellent.

Having said that, I still have to praise Lords, the chairman of the Marocco Group. He is not only the chairman of the Alliance, but also a very talented businessman.

If there is no Lords, it is estimated that the development of the Galar Region will be set back at least ten years.

at the same time.

The popularity of the battle culture has also led to the continuous emergence of a large number of highly skilled Trainers in the Galar Region, which has greatly improved the overall strength of the Galar Region.

At least.

The Galar Region has been compared with the other seven Regions of the Alliance. Except for the Kanto Region, which still dominates, the overall strength of the Galar Region is not much weaker than that of the Regional Region.

"Sir, that is the Crown Snowfield. Although it is located in the southern region, it is the coldest place in our Galar Region. There are a large number of powerful ice-type Pokémon inhabiting it. If you don't have enough strength, it is best not to approach it. There.

Of course, I believe that with your strength, sir, there is no problem. "

The taxi driver did not forget to introduce Xia Yan while sitting on the back of the steel armored crow Flying.

After passing through the "Crown Snowfield", the first thing you see is a large number of continuous mountains, and then you arrive at the plains of the Galar Region.

"Master driver, do you know me?" Xia Yan, who was sitting in the taxi with a book on his lap, asked after hearing his introduction.

The taxi driver raised his goggles and said with a grin, "I don't know who you are, sir. But the person who can be sent by Master Ma to pick me up will definitely not be an ordinary Trainer."

"Master Ma?"

Xia Yan blinked.

Because he knew that Dan Di would get lost, did he deliberately prepare with both hands?

"Yes, Master Mastema. Once, he was the pride of our Galar Region."…

The taxi driver is not young, and he has also experienced the era when Ma Shide was the champion.

"Master driver, you are not bad."

Xia Yan rolled down the car window and let the whistling cool wind blow in.

He stretched out his hand, spread his five fingers, felt the wind speed, and scratched lightly.

emmmm at least a D.

"Me?" Hearing the words, the taxi driver was startled, somewhat surprised by Xia Yan's words.

After a short silence, he suddenly smiled and said:

"I'm old, I can't do it anymore. I just want to go around the Galar Region with my old friend, take a good look at the world, and appreciate the landscape that nurtured our land."

Xia Yan smiled and did not continue to answer.

He didn't know the taxi driver's name, but he could still see some clues about the strength of this steel armored crow.


Xia Yan knew this taxi driver.

He is the driver who appears in almost every episode of "Wings of Dawn". These two taxis have carried Lodz and Dandi, as well as some ordinary civilians.




The green soldier pointed out the window and shouted loudly.

I see.

A crow with blue and black feathers suddenly appeared around the taxi hanging in the air, and the number was still increasing.


The chattering Growl echoed in this area.

The blue jay, after evolution, will become the steel armored crow.

Inside the carriage, the onion troopers were waving the Onion Stick and shouting.



a time.

Whether it is outside or inside the car, there is one after another "quack" sound.

The scallion soldiers really seem to have a conversation with them, and the more they shout, the more vigorous they are.

A black line appeared on Xia Yan's forehead, and he took out his ears and covered the mouth of the onion wanderer.

"Almost there, be careful I roast you."


Onion You Bing hurriedly covered his mouth and looked at Xia Yan in horror.

No matter how many times the threat is made, the onion wanderer doesn't seem to doubt Xia Yan's "determination" to roast it.

"Sorry sir, they're all following my old buddy."

The taxi driver apologized.


! "

With the reverberation of the steel-armored crow's full-bodied dull sound, the dense blue crows around them, with reluctant expressions, turned their heads three times and fell to the ground.

Just this one-handed appeal.

It is enough to prove that the strength of this steel armored crow is definitely not weak.

after all.

How could Pokémon, who can be called "the best speed in Gallar", have no strength.

to be frank.

The Galar Region is really crouching tiger, hidden dragon. This is brought about by the keen battle atmosphere. If you don’t know enough about the Galar Region, you might encounter an elderly grandpa on the road, and he may be a top Trainer.

It seems that because of the movement brought by the steel armored crow, the taxi driver understands that there are some things that cannot be covered up, so he can only choose to keep his mouth shut and drive silently.

Mountains and rivers, towns and plains.

flashed before his eyes.

I don't know how long it took.

A small island in the northeast of the Galar Region, a certain distance from the Galar Region, appeared in their sight. …

Armor Island!

This is the first champion of the Galar Region, Mast, who finally spent a huge sum of money to buy an island after he retired as the champion for 18 years and traveled around the world.

It is also one of the destinations of Xia Yan's trip to the Galar Region.

"Sir, we are coming."

The taxi driver, who hadn't spoken for a long time, suddenly said excitedly.

The ground area of ​​Kai Island is actually not small.

The island has various complex natural places such as forests, wetlands, stalactite caves, and sand dunes.

As a result, there are a large number of wild Pokémon inhabited.


The wild Pokémon on Kai Island are all very strong. This may be due to the relatively favorable natural environment, or it may be due to the fierce competition for resources.


In addition to being able to see some complex and diverse terrains on the island.

The first thing that catches the eye are two towers, one west and one east.


From the tower on the west side, you can see the continuous rush of water roaring down.

And on the tower that was relatively far away in the east, a thin black mist was seen surrounding it.

It seems that he noticed Xia Yan's sight, and the driver introduced with a smile:

"The two towers are double fist towers, the west is the 'water tower', and the east is the 'evil tower'. The fighting techniques implemented by the two towers are also different.

The "Tower of Water" implements the "Combo Stream", which is known for its continuous moves and attacks, and one hit is stronger than the other.

'Tower of Evil' implements 'One Strike Stream', known for its ruthless and arrogant moves and attacks, killing Rival with one strike. "

Xia Yan nodded slightly.

these two towers.

It should be the two evolutionary types of Apprentice Bear, the towers that need Assist.

The evolutionary martial arts Master Bear of Apprentice Bear is the most representative Pokémon of Master Master Ma.

Just don't know why.

As an apprentice of Ma Shide, Emperor Dan failed to inherit the mantle of Ma Shide.


Even Mast's fighting skills didn't learn much.

"Sir, we are approaching the island of armor, and we have to lower the altitude."

While reminding the taxi driver, he motioned the Steel Armored Crow to fall towards the southernmost area of ​​Armor Island.


There are few houses on the whole island.

In the distance, it seems that a few figures can still be seen, doing something in the open space.


Xia Yan, who was still enjoying the scenery on Kai Island, suddenly frowned.

Immediately afterwards, the taxi driver and his steel-armored crow also seemed to sense something, and the steady falling movement suddenly stagnated and rose again.



The onion wanderer, who was aware of it later, felt the difference.



The height of the steel armored crow rose to a certain level, and suddenly a muffled sound was heard. When the rise suddenly stopped, it brought violent shaking in the carriage.

Only then did the Steel Armored Crow notice that one of its feet was bound by a slender but explanatory object from the beach.

The extremely strong stickiness and strength actually made it difficult to break free for a while.

The taxi driver sitting on its back finally noticed this scene.

When he saw the tentacle that was pulling the steel armored crow, his face showed a little helplessness. …

"Why did you meet these guys?"

And Xia Yan.

He also followed this tentacle and found its owner.

His expression became a little weird.

This extension of tentacles comes from a group of Pokémon standing on the beach.

They are like a blue octopus, the difference is that they just have two octopus tentacles that are new enough, just like humans, with many yellow spots on their bodies, at the same time, their eyes are very sharp, and they seem to be very aggressive.

Octopus martial artist!

And the tentacle holding the steel armored crow came from them!


It is the eight-clawed martial artist's tentacles linked to each other that constitutes this bondage enough to catch the Flying Steel Armored Crow in the sky.

At the same time, they can do this because they cooperate with each other tacitly.

And the move to limit the steel armored crow is actually a move.

Named "Octolock", it is a move that can only be mastered by eight-claw warriors. It is somewhat similar to the "Mean Look" move, which makes Rival unable to escape or be replaced.

The difference is that "Octolock" also reduces Rival's defense and physical defense.

The Octopus Warrior is a Fighting-type Pokémon that lives in water.

Their physique is very strong, almost all of them are muscles, and they are extremely good at twisting skills. Once they are caught and bound, it is very difficult to break free.

at the same time.

Octopus warriors are very belligerent, they will land on land to find Rival in order to test their strength and skills, and then return to the sea after the battle.

However, Xia Yan also knows some interesting information about the Pokémon of the Eight Claws.

They are belligerent, and often go back to duel with Golisopod. The losing side will become the other side's food.

But with Golisopod's Ability. Octopus Martial Artist, it's really hard to lose, but it's actually quite hard to eat Golisopod that escaped.

to this end.

Only the "Octolock" trick.

"Want to try it?" Xia Yan looked at the green soldier.


Hearing this, the scallion soldier immediately turned positive, grabbed the Onion Stick and the scallion leaf shield placed on the seat, and fought with high spirits.

"Master driver, please wait for us here."


Opened the car door, and jumped directly from the air with Duck Duck.

Seeing Xia Yan and Onion wandering soldiers falling from the sky, the eight-claw warriors did not pay much attention to them, and even despised them very much.

How many waves can a Farfetch'd turn over?

In the fluttering hem of the clothes, Xia Yan smiled and said to the onion wandering soldiers: "They seem to look down on you."


The onion soldier suddenly had a serious expression, his sword eyebrows stared, and his spear clenched tightly.

Some kind of red light flickering.

next second.

The surging breath was stirred from its body, and the dark red energy instantly gathered at the tip of the spear.

When the accumulation reaches a certain level, strands of golden light rise up brightly.

Meteor Assault!

In an instant, the meteors descended from top to bottom, bringing brilliance and splendor, and at the same time carrying a rolling roar.


On the beach that challenged the beach, a huge crater suddenly appeared, accompanied by disorderly flying sand and a large piece of dust.

This scene.

The eight-clawed warriors around were stunned and stared blankly at the huge pit. …

At the same time, I was secretly happy.

Fortunately, the other side missed.

But this also allowed the eight-claw warriors to loosen their shackles on the steel armored crow.

The driver sat firmly with his goggles and looked at the scene of challenging the beach below. He couldn't help but sighed, "Young people nowadays are getting more and more terrifying."

at the same time.

In the raised sand and dust, Gao Jiebai stepped out of the pit step by step, facing the group of eight-clawed warriors in front of him with a serious expression.

Be sure to kill them before they say it's a mistake!

As long as they don't speak, no one knows it's Miss.

As a spear rider, the big move Miss is a big no-no.

It stood on the edge of the ruins, stood sideways, and beckoned towards the eight-claw warriors with a very Power Trip attitude and arrogance.



It's all rubbish, I'm not targeting anyone, I'm talking about everyone here!

Hearing the taunting of the Onion Ranger's Power Trip, the eight-claw warriors on the beach looked at each other in dismay.

Seeing that the eight-claw warriors were unmoved, the onion wandering soldiers were even more wanton.



Come on, I'm going to hit ten!


The eight-clawed warriors couldn't bear to face the onion wandering soldiers whose taunts were full.

next second.

Bang bang bang!

Accompanied by the sound of the beach bursting, the eight-claw warriors rushed towards the onion wandering soldiers collectively.

"Gah?!" (°ー°〃)

This is forcing, it seems like a big hair.

However, if you pretend to be forced, you have to finish it when you cry.


As a warrior, Ya Ya doesn't know what it means to retreat.

After a short delay, facing dozens of eight-clawed martial artists, without hesitation, they rushed up with a long spear.


(Total Annihilation!)"

Leaf Blade!


(The gun shoots like a dragon!)"

Throat Chop!


(Hundred birds face the phoenix!)"

Divine bird attacking!

Don't say it yet.

Duck Ya really has a little Mikey-like understanding and application of these moves.

And right now.

When Duck Duck "kills the Quartet".

On a huge reef not far from the challenge beach, there stands a figure as peaceful as water, its thick and soft hair dancing recklessly under the sea breeze.

Standing there quietly, it was like a calm lake, but deep in the bottom of the lake, there seemed to be turbulent waves lurking.

Listening to the name of the move that Ya Ya shouted, and the way Ya Ya was beating the eight-clawed warriors violently.

The figure's expression became more serious.

Its mouth moved slightly.

Spit out two words.



PS: Grandma's operation went well, and everyone is fine. Thank you for your concern. I hope the operation next Friday will go well. Today's update 1.1w is here~~


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