The Bottom Trainer In The Pokémon World

Chapter 1023 Martial Arts Master Bear: This Infernape, Is It Reasonable?

Although the wild Pokémon of Kaidao are all very powerful, they have not reached the level of Elite-level strength before they randomly encounter a group of eight-clawed warriors.

In this way, those students of Ma Shide, I am afraid it is difficult to survive on the island of armor.


Although this group of eight-claw warriors looks strong, it is still relatively difficult to get a bargain in the hands of Elite-level onion wanderers.




Not a single one can beat!

The green onion soldier with a look of contempt stood in the middle of a group of eight-clawed martial artists who fell to the ground, and threw the green onion spear in his hand.

Xia Yan, who was standing next to his forehead, slightly supported his forehead.

I don't know why, but Duck Duck looks very strong.

But its inexplicable temperament made Xia Yan really unable to feel much gratification.

Besides, it's just a group of eight-clawed warriors who are at the highest level and quasi-Elite. See how proud they are.


Xia Yan, who was holding his hat with a helpless face, suddenly froze.

On the beach, the scallion soldier who was admiring his handsome appearance by himself also suddenly paused.

Suddenly with reddish sharp eyes, he looked sideways in one direction.

I see.

On a huge reef not far away, stood a tall and burly figure.

Even though it was so far away, it seemed that he could feel the knotted muscles and explosive strength under the thick hair on his body.

The hair that hangs down like a hair on the head is swaying freely under the blowing of the sea breeze, as if the waves of the sea are normal.

next second.

The voice's closed eyes suddenly opened.

Beneath the seemingly waveless eyes, there is a hidden fierceness and tenacious perseverance.

Immediately, he saw that it slowly raised one foot, stood on its side, stretched its arms naturally one after the other, clenched its fists and drooped, posing a posture of "independence of the golden rooster".


As if it was just a slight jump, the figure swiftly swept towards the green onion soldiers on the beach at an extremely fast speed.

Seeing this scene, the onion wandering soldiers immediately felt a great sense of oppression from the opponent's body, as well as the surging fighting spirit that was like a wave.



Cong Youbing's expression was serious, and he realized that this guy was not comparable to the group of eight-clawed warriors who had fallen to the ground.

And Xia Yan, who also saw this scene, Tong Kong couldn't help shrinking, and his face was a little unbelievable.

Martial Arts Bear Master!

Unexpectedly, just when he first came to Kai Island, he actually encountered a martial arts bear master.

And look at the momentum it exudes, the water-like tranquil aura, the fierce fighting intent hidden in it, the hair on its drooping head, and the posture it poses when it starts.

can be determined.

This is the "Combo Flow" martial arts bear master who only practiced in the "Water Tower"!

Just from the speed of its gallop, it is known that its strength is not only not weak, but also very strong, very strong!

"Oh hoo hoo - is this guy also attracted by silence?"

The taxi driver sitting on the back of the steel armored crow raised his eyebrows, looked at the passing martial arts master bear with a little surprise, and sighed with his mouth smashed.

Then he turned his attention to Xia Yan and Cong Youbing. …

How will he respond?

Because of his strength, it seems that the scallion soldier is not like the martial arts bear division Rival.

That is.

Champion level!

"Mind Reader!"

But Xia Yan quickly gave an answer, and at the same time as the calm and calm command sounded, it also made Cong Youbing's heart calm and his confidence increased.



In Ya Ya's rare serious eyes, the crimson color became more and more intense.

This finally succeeded in allowing it to capture the extremely fast speed of the martial arts bear master.

In an instant.

The burly figure of the martial arts master bear appeared in front of the onion wandering soldier, and the huge shadow completely shrouded the petite body of the green wandering soldier, and the feeling of oppression rushed to his face.

at the same time.


The whole body of the martial arts bear master seems to be haunted by a ring of water in the color of Cianwood, floating along the swing of its arms and the rhythm of its hair.

Surging Strikes!

"Combo Flow" Martial Arts Master Bear's exclusive move!

"Close Combat!" Xia Yan frowned, and the cold voice sounded again.


The taxi driver on Steel Armor Crow's back raised his eyebrows and couldn't help but admire.

The attack of the martial arts bear division cannot be defended. If Xia Yan lets the onion wanderer choose to defend, he will probably be defeated by the martial arts bear division in an instant.

Facing Martial Dao Master Xiong, only attacking is the best way to deal with it.

At this time, a unique feature of the second duck is reflected.

Although sometimes the scallion soldiers will be shocked by Rival's power, sigh, and even be afraid.

But when the real battle begins, the onion soldier will suppress all these negative emotions with his absolute tenacious will, and face Rival with a full and serious attitude.

As Xia Yan's voice sounded, Cong Youbing also waved his spear towards the martial arts bear division stronger than himself without hesitation.



The fist that surrounded the water flow quickly fell, straight to the face of the green soldier, but was suddenly blocked by a seemingly not too hard Onion Stick.

all of a sudden.

The collision of two extremely strong forces, which canceled each other out, brought a lot of impact to the surrounding beaches.


The beach at the foot of the onion wanderer and the martial arts master Xiong exploded in an instant, and with them as the center, countless sandy airships shot in all directions.

Even these sands seemed to carry the fierce energy belonging to the two Pokémons, projecting on the surrounding sand, smashing out pits of different sizes.


This is only the first time.

A bit of surprise flashed in the eyes of the martial artist Xiong Shi, who had been blocked by the left fist. His eyes were tighter and more interested. His right arm slanted behind him turned like a stream of water. Out of a large arc, straight to the jaws of the onion wanderer.

The onion wanderer had a serious expression, his arms were tense, and he used almost all his strength.

But just blocking the first punch of the martial arts master Xiong seems to have exhausted his strength.


! "


The onion soldier let out a low voice, his eyes locked tightly while the martial arts bear master moved, suddenly a short body, Onion Stick unloaded his body and slid forward, and the moment his knees plowed two ravines on the sand, Onion Stick also followed the trend. Slipped and smashed out.

boom! …

Once again, he felt the power coming from his arm, and the surprise in the eyes of the martial arts master Xiong became even stronger.


On its second lap, a punch that almost swung round was actually blocked by the onion wandering soldiers again.

With skills and means never seen before.

Before its second punch could not be fully stretched out and its strength could not fully explode, it blocked it in advance.

Indeed a master!

The expression of excitement on the face of Martial Dao Master Xiong was even stronger. He had previously thought that Cong Youbing was a master. After testing, it was indeed the case.


This "master" refers to fighting skills.


That's it.

Xia Yan's breathing was stagnant, and he hurriedly shouted: "Onion wandering soldiers, watch your feet!"


This reminder, but also made the onion wanderer unable to react.

It can block the two punches of the martial arts master Xiong, and he has already used all his strength and skills.

I see.

Even if the two punches were blocked, the martial arts master Xiong, who still did not change his posture, had a serious and serious face, and the green soldier got his approval.



The axis of the left foot is tight, and the ground is firmly grasped, and the water of the right foot is gurgling, and the arc kicks out.


The green onion soldier was shaped like a bullet, shot out, and smashed hard on the beach, ploughing out a huge ravine.

Xia Yan frowned and looked towards the deep pit.

A long time passed.


The coughing onion wanderer climbed out of the bunker, spitting out the sand in his mouth.

Look like this.

Shouldn't be hurt much.

Did the martial arts master bear hold on to the last kick?

On the other hand, the martial arts master Xiong looked at Xia Yan with surprise.

This person seems to know its moves and skills, and at the end, he gave Onion Rangers an accurate reminder.

Although the onion troopers were finally unable to stop them.

But at least it proves that Xia Yan's eyesight.

Noticing the eagerness of the martial arts master Xiong Shi, looking at its burly figure and the muscles of the knot, the corner of Xia Yan's mouth twitched.


Martial Arts Bear Master is indeed a very good Pokémon.

Xia Yan thought about it.

Holding the hat, he said, "Then let it play tricks with you."

Say it.

Throws the Poké Ball.


In the red light, Infernape, who had been ready for a long time, appeared on the beach with a raging flame.

As soon as he appeared on the stage, the eyes full of contest meaning fell tightly on the body of the martial arts master Xiong.

And seeing Infernape appearing, the martial arts master Xiong's originally relaxed expression suddenly became solemn.

From Infernape, it felt threatened.

The kind that is different from the onion troopers is only a threat from fighting skills, but also a threat of strength.

Infernape, Xia Yan's fourth Pokémon to enter the championship.

After the end of "Victory Road", I always wanted to find a Rival to try my strength after improving.

The martial arts bear master in front of him is obviously the Rival of Infernape's Covet.

"Oh? This Infernape? Things are getting more interesting."

When the taxi driver saw Infernape, surprise appeared on his face, and his eyes became serious. …



Monkey, it's strong, watch out!

The green onion soldier who got up couldn't help but reminded.

Usually, Onion Ranger and Infernape practice each other a lot. Since Duck Ya said so, it means that martial arts Xiong Shi will not be weak in terms of strength and skills.

The two Pokémon stood on the beach silently staring at each other.

From Infernape's body, the raging flames became more and more surging, the restlessness could not be suppressed, and the eager heart was like the dark red flame Normal, beating wantonly.

But from the body of the martial arts master Xiong, there are wisps of Cianwood water flowing around, revealing a calm heart like still water.

Although he also attaches great importance to Infernape, the more he attaches importance to it, the more calm the martial arts master bear.

next second.


The two Pokémon seemed to have a tacit understanding of Normal, and suddenly moved at the same time.

Infernape kicked out with force, and the Sonic Boom exploded with the sand blasting.

The opposite martial arts master Xiong also exerted his strength visibly, but compared to Infernape's movement, it seemed to be much smaller.

In Xia Yan's eyes, the Psychic halo flickered and spread, bringing all the action details of the two Pokémon into his eyes.

Whispered: "Enhance Fire Punch!"


Infernape let out a low roar, and the bullet Normal's iron fist, with raging flames lingering, suddenly swung out.

The martial arts master bear had a serious expression, facing the fist from Infernape, he responded calmly and greeted him with a fist.


The fist exploded, and Horacio scattered.

Intertwined with the sound of "hissing", the intersection of fire and water created a large Mist of birds and birds.

But it was broken up by the energy of the collision of two Pokémon fists.

Feeling the fist of Infernape, which is far stronger than the power of the onion wandering soldiers, and even this force is showing a trend of continuous strengthening, the martial arts master bear does not dare to underestimate any, the second punch is faster and stronger.

"Mach Punch!"

Assisting Psychic, Xia Yan was able to "see" every change and movement of the martial arts master Xiong.

Infernape gritted his teeth and swung out his other arm, bringing Sonic Boom and smashing the other fist of the martial arts bear master.


The fists collided again, and there was a muffled sound.

It even brought ripples scattered around the sandy ground on the ground.

This ripple travels great distances.

Even the waves close to the beach were affected by the impact, bursting out with bright white waves.

In the woods around the beach not far away, a large group of wild Pokémon also startled.

"It's amazing, it's amazing." The taxi driver was surprised at the movement brought about by the collision of the two Pokémons, but also at the strength of Xia Yan's Infernape.

You know, this martial arts master bear belongs to.

The more the collision and contact, the more serious the martial arts master bear.

The characteristic of "Surging Strikes" is that the attacks are continuous, faster and stronger.


The left foot stands still, the right leg is like a whip, wrapped in water and whipped out.



The scallion soldier didn't know when he bit his Onion Stick, his face was nervous, but he felt very exciting.

Just now.

It was kicked flying by this kick, and it was too late to react. …

Both Infernape and Xia Yan also noticed this kick.

Although Infernape's strength and power are stronger than that of Onion Rangers, in the face of this continuous and faster attack, it is impossible for it to resist with moves every time.

One is that the energy in the body can't run so fast, and the other is that it is equal to one mind and three uses.

Xia Yan also understands Infernape's Contest Condition at this moment.

I know very well that this kick will not come down.

But the next moment.

Xia Yan's eyes froze, his expression stern.

Since you can't stop the bombardment, you can't stop it!

"Blaze Kick!"


With the kick of the turbulent water, it kicked Infernape's waist.

At the same time as it brought severe pain, a huge force also had to lift it out.


In the case that Infernape's figure could not be maintained, the flames of its whole body suddenly surged, and it was instantly compressed and covered, condensing on the calf.


A volley kicked out.

Under the unbelievable gaze of the martial arts master bear, the kick with the flame kicked it in the chest.

And the series of actions of the two Pokémons is actually in the blink of an eye.

In the sight of others, only three sounds of "bang bang bang" were heard, and two Pokémon flew out at the same time with the collision of the flame and the water.


Infernape deftly flipped a few somersaults in the air, adjusted his movements, squatted on the ground and slipped out, leaving a black scratch on the beach with his fiery soles.

On the other side, the martial arts master Xiong also made extreme adjustments in the air. After falling a few steps and staggering, he stood still.

Looking at the charred hair on his chest, Martial Dao Master Xiong felt not only pain, but also surprise.

real surprise.

It's been a long, long time since I met such a well-matched Rival.


In fact, Infernape was inferior in terms of technique and strength before.

But Infernape and Xia Yan's on-the-spot adaptability barely made up for this deficiency.

Infernape's eyes, who were squatting on the ground, burst into flames.

Just as the martial arts bear master felt that he had met Rival, Infernape also felt the same way.

"Amazing." The taxi driver who smacked his mouth sighed, watching intently without blinking.

the next moment.

bang bang-

Under the two blooming sand flowers, two figures, one red and one blue, rushed towards each other rapidly.

This one really caught my eye.

And this time.

It belongs to the collision of "Close Combat" and "Close Combat", the contest of absolute power and absolute fighting skills.

Boom boom boom!

One after another, the roaring sound continued to sound on this challenging beach.

While the movement is getting bigger and bigger, it also attracts more and more wild Pokémon onlookers.

On this armored island, there are quite a few Fighting-type Pokémon, and the previous eight-claw martial artist is one of them.

Secondly, there are Poliwrath, Conkeldurr, Pangoro, Shifu Itachi, Dou Ligu, Toxicroak and many other wild Pokémon of the Fighting series.

In the battle between the martial arts bear and Infernape, the eyes of these Fighting Pokémons were filled with admiration and yearning. …

That's the direction they're Covet.

at the same time.

Such a big movement finally alarmed some people living on the island of armor.

for example

A slender old man with hands on his back, wearing a green loose coat, a green top hat, beard and hair all white and drooping eyes, his two white eyebrows even drooped down to his cheeks.

Seeing the appearance of the old man with a swaying face and a leisurely pocket, the taxi driver who was flying in the air finally landed.

"Master Ma, the guest you asked me to pick up this time is amazing." The taxi driver's expression was slightly exaggerated.

this old man.

It is the owner of this armored island, the former champion of the Galel Alliance, Ma Shide, who is known as "Master Horse"!

"Khalil." Masted glanced at the taxi driver with a smile, and then looked at the two Pokémon who were colliding, with an even more smile on his face, "Of course. Tierra Xia, but the champion."

Taxi driver Khalil stared.

"Crown, champion?"

Only then did she finally reveal her sigh of relief.

It turned out to be the champion, no wonder it is so strong.


"Master Ma—"

At this time.

A few young people in yellow five-dou jackets caught up, panting heavily.

When they saw the martial arts master Xiong and Infernape who were fighting against each other, their eyes widened and their faces filled with astonishment.

There is actually a Pokémon that can compete with the master's martial arts bear master?

And it looks like it has been playing for a while.

"Little guys, look good, this is the champion."

Noticing the arrival of his disciples, Masted explained quite contentedly.

"Crown, champion."

Mast's disciples were stunned one by one, then swallowed their saliva.

Looking at the beach not far away, the young man who was holding his hat and couldn't see his expression.

So young, is he a champion?

But the strength is really strong.

"A Psychic."

Among Mast's students, the only two boys dressed differently from others, with long blond hair and a long top hat like a magician, said with a flash of eyes that the fingertips were flying with Pokémon.

"Isn't this the Xia Yan champion?"

Another girl dressed differently, with a bow on her head and short pink fluffy hair, also said that the whole body seemed to reveal a cute girl.

"Clara, do you know?" the boy asked.

Clara rolled her eyes angrily, "I don't know the first Xia Yan champion of the new era who just got through the Sinnoh Region 'Victory Road' not long ago. Your information is too backward, Saibaoli."


Cyphery's eyes widened, and he wanted to use Psychic to levitate Clara.

But considering Clara's "super-savage" scheming under her super cute appearance, she finally gave up this choice.

"It's really strong, and it can actually be on par with the master's martial arts, Master Xiong." Some people in the apprentice group sighed.

"Do not."

However, among the students of Ma Shide, there are still some who have relatively strong eyesight.

"Although the champion Infernape seems to be evenly matched with the martial arts master, it is actually at an absolute disadvantage. Facing the attack of the martial arts master, more can only choose to respond passively, and the initiative has always been in the hands of the martial arts master. "…

"If you say that, it seems to be true. Infernape is very strong, but his fighting skills always seem to be a little bit worse than martial arts Xiong Shi."

Listening to the communication of the apprentices behind him, Ma Shide just kept smiling and did not speak.

Infernape's fighting skills are a little off.

But Xia Yan's Infernape, only Fighting.


Mast's drooping and lazy eyes suddenly condensed, and the muscles of the whole body were momentarily tense and then relaxed.

see you.

After another collision between the martial arts bear and Infernape, they separated to both sides.

Xia Yan, who was surging with Psychic, let out a low voice.

"Infernape, now! Great indignation."



Infernape's body was as tight as a bow, and a terrifying dark flame erupted, and the raging flame spread instantly higher than thirty feet.

The terrifying momentum and the surging heat wave made the disciples of Ma Shide stagnate one by one.

Only Xia Yan's voice spit out four words.

"Precipice Blades!"



Infernape let out a loud shout, clenched his fists, and slammed down with all the strength of his body from top to bottom. The powerful force directly caused a big hole to collapse under his feet.

"It, what does it do?"

"Coming! Coming! Xia Yan champion Infernape's trick!" Only Clara shouted eagerly and excitedly.

next second.

The disciples of Masted knew what Infernape was doing.


Like a thunderous bang, the ground beneath the feet of the martial arts master Xiong suddenly collapsed and collapsed, and the billowing magma gushed out.

Immediately afterwards, a huge red magma column suddenly rose from the ground, carrying an unbearable heat flow, soaring up at an extremely fast speed.

"Martial Master Bear, don't take it hard, avoid it!"

At this time.

Ma Shide finally couldn't sit still and roared.

Hearing the sound of Ma Shide, feeling the terrifying threat from under his feet, the martial arts master bear did not hesitate, rolled the water, mustered all his strength, and quickly flashed to the side.



The huge, tens of meters high terrifying magma column, with a terrifying posture, completely appeared in everyone's sight.

Looking at the "Precipice Blades", after a brief silence behind Masted, the sound of drooling sounded one after another.

"This is the crown, the champion?"

Because of the reminder from Ma Shide, it was also due to the high concentration of the two parties themselves, the martial arts master Xiong was not focused on the front, but the hair on the first arm was completely charred.

It looked at the huge rock pillar and swallowed quietly.

This Infernape uses this move, is it reasonable?

The collision between the two sides also ended in a less than satisfactory ending with the failure of this trick "Precipice Blades".

Xia Yan, who was holding his hat, turned around and saw Ma Shide in the woods not far behind him, and his group of students.

Showing a sunny smile, he waved his hand.

"First meeting, Master Ma. Sorry for turning your beach into this."

The students behind Mast were dumbfounded, looking at the dilapidated Challenge Beach, not knowing what to say for a while.

Only Ma Shide still smiled happily and replied: "As expected of Tierra Xia, it's no wonder that Danny Dan admires you so much, it's really amazing."

while talking.

Ma Shide suddenly felt that his competitive spirit, which had been silent for decades, seemed to be just around the corner, and some couldn't hold back.

However, now is not the time to think about it.

On the other hand, the martial arts master Xiong looked at Infernape and Xia Yan after a brief stupor, and his eyes became more and more fiery.

Visible heat.

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