The Bottom Trainer In The Pokémon World

Chapter 1027 Apprentice Bear: Come And Fight

Chapter 1026 Apprentice Xiong: Come and fight

"Constraint Versus" does not limit reinforcement.

Whether it's Mega Evolution, or the Galar Region's unique Mega Evolution, or Z moves, all are allowed.


For the current Salamence, it is clear that the improvement brought by Mega Evolution is the biggest.


The colorful rainbow light instantly completed the connection between Xia Yan and Salamence. In the dense glow, Salamence, who spread out his wings, dissipated the energy of Mega Evolution with a ferocious roar.


Watching the appearance of Mega Salamence, whose appearance has changed, and the momentum of which is constantly rising in the roar, the apprentice Xiong has a look of surprise on his face.

Tight and its body tensed again.

This time, the threat it felt from Mega Salamence was much greater than before.

Looking at his apprentice Xiong whose horses were still steadfast, Xia Yan's eyes flickered slightly, and he said sternly, "Salamence, Double Edge!"

Full stack, right?

Then hit hard!

I see.

Mega Salamence's eyes were fierce, his wings shook violently, and waves of surging air were rolled up. The white light on his body, under the reflection of his own skin, quickly turned into a pure azure color.

Flying skin!


Apprentice Xiong gave a low voice like self-encouragement, his eyes fixed on the galloping Mega Salamence, he slowly adjusted his breathing, and then took a deep breath.

The gas inhaled into the lungs instantly became a catalyst for its concentrated will and energy, and the energy of the whole body flowed through the limbs and bones, and finally converged on the fist.


Hearing Apprentice Xiong snort again, he suddenly swung it out with a straight punch.

Focus Punch!

This punch.

Contains all its power, and explosiveness.

Seeing this scene, Ma Shide next to him couldn't help but light up.

He could vaguely see the essence of the "one-shot flow" from the punch of Apprentice Xiong.

It seems that it is really beneficial for this apprentice bear to undergo the polishing of martial arts master bear.

Just this punch.

It is what many Fighting-type Pokémons on the island who pursue superb fighting skills cannot understand and master, and what many of his disciples and their Pokémon cannot understand.

One punch, that's all.

Victory and defeat are also in this punch.

Facing this outrageous punch, Mega Salamence looked serious, and at the moment when the two sides were about to collide head-on, Mega Salamence put away the rage in his heart and showed absolute seriousness and seriousness.

Even though Apprentice Bear had filled up the "Bulk Up" early, he still looked like he didn't think it would work, making Salamence speechless.

But at this moment, apprentice Xiong did not dodge or dodge, and the appearance of punching his fists was recognized by Mega Salamence.

At least.

It is a Rival that dares to face everything.

Like Mars hitting the Earth Normal, Mega Salamence, like a blood-colored meteor, collided with the straight fist thrown by his apprentice Xiong.

boom--! !

In an instant.

The huge movement brought a huge roar, shattered the entire Ground, and splashed countless flying sand and rubble.

Mast's disciples stared at the center of the arena, inexplicably looking forward to the result of the collision between the two Pokémons.

I don't know how long has passed.

At this moment, time seems to be stagnant for a short time.

But in the next moment.


The momentary gust of wind blows away all the smoke and dust, presenting the final result to everyone's eyes.

I see.

Mega Salamence half-squinted one eye because of the pain, but still held the dragon's head proudly, and the pair of huge blood wings swayed and roared.


This sound shook the air, and it remained on the battlefield behind this martial arts hall for a long time.

And the bear apprentice still maintained the posture of Zamabu waving his right fist.


Its eyes, at this moment, have lost their vigour.

Even if it lost its ability to fight, it still stood firm.

Even if the ground beneath his feet had shattered, it did not take a half step back.

Even if it has lost consciousness, the determination on its face has not dissipated at all.

Such a Rival.

Deserving of Salamence's respect.

"this child"

At this time, a sudden voice with a little scolding, a little helpless and distressed sounded.


Seeing the person coming, Mastide's disciples shouted respectfully.


Dan Di also happily looked at Mi Ye coming over and said hello.

Miye smiled gently and nodded towards the crowd, then walked towards Apprentice Bear in the center of the arena.

In the eyes of a thin-looking woman like her, the jagged ground that was completely broken at the moment seemed to be walking on a flat top.


Xia Yan soon saw the exaggeration, which made him feel speechless.

I see.

Miye picked up Apprentice Xiong with one hand with a bit of distress, and held up the rock next to it that quickly shattered into a larger size, and stuffed it back into the shattered field.

next second.

boom! !

Honey Leaf stepped out.

The whole ground rumbled and vibrated, and the rock instantly turned into countless tiny fragments, which were filled into the crumbling field.

bang bang bang-

Every time Honeyleaf stepped down with a seemingly Frillish foot, there seemed to be a brief Earthquake.

Just stepping on it a few times, the shattered field actually seemed to have a posture that was about to be restored.

Xia Yan: "."

Mega Salamence also swallowed.

It looked at Miye and gave Xia Yan an inquiring look.

Can we beat her?

Humanoid Pokémon!

A real humanoid Pokémon!

After doing this, Miye smiled and said to Xia Yan, "Xia Yan, if Pokémon needs treatment, come to me at any time."

Xia Yan just recovered.

He hurriedly said, "Okay, okay, Mistress."

Then he faintly heard what the people next to him said, "My lady's power seems to be stronger again", "My lady is really like that apprentice bear, and she doesn't realize how strong she is" and so on.

to this.

Xia Yan remained silent.

do not do well.

The real final boss on this armored island is not Master Ma, it is really possible that it is the mistress Mi Ye.

"Let me practice on the island?"


In the room of Master Ma, Martial Arts Hall, Ma Shide.

Ma Shide, Dan Di, and Xia Yan sat around a small table with some appetizers made by honey leaves.

And Mast's face, with a little redness, has already entered the slightly drunk Contest Condition.


Facing the small wine cup that Ma Shide held up, Xia Yan touched him lightly.

Liquor, also brewed by a novice Honey Leaf, took a sip, and suddenly felt a burning sensation in his mouth, throat, and even his stomach.

He hurriedly picked up a stick of bean and stuffed it into his mouth, and this feeling finally eased a little.

Moreover, the sweet aftertaste of pure brewing is also very easy to indulge.


Ma Shide nodded in satisfaction, and at the same time squinted at the Emperor Dan next to him in disgust.

Dan Di looked embarrassed.

It's not that he doesn't want to accompany his master, it's just because he's really not old enough to drink, even if he stole the wine brewed by Miye with his brothers and sisters more than once, he still can't be known by Ma Shide.


The onion wanderer slapped his mouth. As a snow-white noble knight, the blush on his face at this moment was more exaggerated than that of Masted.

Just because he secretly took a sip of Xia Yan's wine.

As for saying.

Sylveon and Togekiss, who were also curious, were now lying on the soft tatami, snoring and saying Sleep Talk from time to time.

Xia Yan glanced at Duck Duck.

Seeing it is about to enter the "drinking madness" moment.

He quickly grabbed its cheek, opened its mouth, and gave it another mouthful.


Ducky, who had hiccups, widened his eyes.

The world in its eyes has been turned upside down, staggering and sitting on the ground.

Sitting there blankly.

Then Xia Yan frowned, "But President Igor didn't tell me about this, and I."

Marshall waved his hand.

"Tierra Xia, you are the champion. But you have to know that there is a gap between the champions."

this point.

Xia Yan did not deny it.

Although he is now the champion of Sinnoh Region, if he really wants to play against the champions of the other regions, I am afraid that there is really no one he can win, and even the winning rate will not be high.


Except for the field.

In the field, Xia Yan believes that he should not lose to the vast majority of champions.

"This is also a kind of protection for you." Mast said again.

"Protect? Why protect Xia Yan? Rarely does anyone dare to do something to Xia Yan now?"

Dan Di next to him listened for a long time, and now he finally understands what Xia Yan and Ma Shide are talking about, but at the same time, more doubts inevitably arise.

"The adults speak, the children don't ask." Xia Yan said.

Dan Di: "."

He looked at the wine cup in front of Ma Shide and Xia Yan, and then looked at the juice in front of him.

For a while, I didn't know how to respond.

"The construction of the Interpol branch can be handed over to Xiaojianjian and Xiao Chaochao first. You have seen their abilities, and they can shoulder this task." Masted raised the wine cup again.

He doesn't understand.

Why did Xia Yan drink so much, there was no sign of drunkenness at all, not even a little drunk.

"It's okay to leave it to them."


Xia Yan also clinked the glasses and said at the same time, "But, what do I want to train?"

Master Ma is very strong and capable, which Xia Yan does not deny.

But just as he wouldn't copy Giovanni, Agatha and their Breeder Pokémon, he wouldn't copy Mast Breeder Pokémon.

What suits them may not suit me.

The system built by Xia Yan has long been formed, and he has long had his own fighting style.

If there is a big change in this regard, his overall strength will drop by at least 30%, maybe more.

"Basic grunt."

Mast's eyes were a little blurry.


Xia Yan rubbed the edge of the wine cup and murmured.

He is already such a strength, he has already become a Sinnoh champion, still need to polish the foundation?

"I've seen Tierra Xia's battle with you, more than once."

Marshall spoke softly and intermittently, and then summed up a few sentences.

"Tactics, it's unbeatable. Rhythm, unmatched. Pokémon Breeder, very good. The foundation is a mess."

Xia Yan: "."

He was a wild man.

It's a bit like Akin's type.

The difference is that he has more plans than Akin, unlike Akin who suddenly thinks up a tactic that he has no preparation for.

at the same time.

Xia Yan also has a certain understanding of the battle, coupled with the knowledge base and reserves accumulated in the past life, and the large amount of knowledge that he actively learned from this world after coming to this world, which created him now.

But don't say it.

Whether it started with Weedle at the time, or later Beedrill, Alakazam, Togekiss, etc., and later Pokémons such as Salamence, Goodra, Duck Duck, the direction of training is very purposeful, but it is only purposeful.

As long as the goal is achieved, he will come up with various ways to Breeder and train the Pokémon.

But these are fragmented, or rather, some training that only he and his Pokémon can do.


Many of Xia Yan's Pokémon abilities and methods are learned from some wild Pokémon who are already relatively powerful.

And those wild Pokémons are wild ways themselves, and they were discovered by themselves.

so-called foundation

Tuk Tuk-

Masted lowered his eyes and tapped his fingers lightly on the table.

"For example. Tierra Xia, your Infernape is very strong. Your explosiveness, flexibility, reaction, will, etc. are all very strong. Your fighting skills are not bad, why can't you beat the martial arts Xiong Shi?"

Xia Yan wouldn't say anything, if Infernape's "Precipice Blades" hit the martial arts bear master, his probability of winning would be very high.


It is not a deterministic value by itself.

The word "hit" represents a probability. After hitting, there is a great possibility of defeating Rival, and it is based on the probability of probability.

Even if the probability is really high.

But as long as it is a probability, it has the possibility of failure


Xia Yan's eyes lit up.

He seemed to understand a little what Mast meant.

"Master Ma, do you want to talk about the probability?"

"Hmm." Mast pressed his temples, and after a brief pondering, he said, "If you understand it that way, you can snort."

So he followed Xia Yan's understanding and said:

"Strengthening the foundation. It's really a process of making what you call a word called 'probability' more beneficial to you."


He saw that his drooping eyes became extremely bright, and his deep eyes were like a bottomless spring.

Looking directly into Xia Yan's eyes, he said slowly:

"Tierra Xia, do you think that after Pokémon entered the championship level, the improvement of strength has been very slow."


Xia Yan almost stood up and agreed.

But before he could speak, Masted seemed to have seen the result from his reaction.

In other words, without even looking at Xia Yan, he knew this was the result.

Grinning his mouth, he burped his wine while saying, "Hey hey—in this respect, the old man and I have more right to speak in the whole world. I have polished the foundation of Danny Dan for him, although it is up to now. They haven't been jailed yet."

Dan Di, who was listening silently beside him, blinked.

Have it?

When did this happen?

But Ma Shide's words gave Xia Yan a different feeling.

No wonder.

Xia Yan has always been very strange.

His strength has improved so quickly because he has experienced various events or adventures, both big and small, and Pokémon has also benefited a lot from it.

But why every time he improves, he only opens a little gap with people like Du, Steven, and Cynthia.

Although, after dozens of times of this kind of thing, he has almost distanced himself from Duji and others.

But he always had the illusion that he might be caught up at any time.

Even if.

These people are also extremely talented and outstanding geniuses, but this progress is a bit too fast.

If you really want to talk about what he has experienced, he, Xia Yan, is much more than them.

Previously, Xia Yan speculated that it might be because of the so-called "protagonist halo".

Now he is slowly reacting.


It is because the birth of these people and the existence behind them laid a solid foundation for them early on, just as Ma Shide laid a solid foundation for Dan Di.

What happened in silence.

Perhaps, this is the importance of the so-called "inheritance", because "inheritance" is not only summed up by the word "resources".

As for saying.

Why no one reminded Xia Yan of this.

One is that most people don't realize this, and the other is. Who dares to point out the champion?

People are champions, they must know more than you, so don't make yourself ugly.

"Of course, the foundation I'm talking about is not what you understand."

Masted, who looked like he was about to fall asleep, continued intermittently:

"Another analogy.

You face a Rival and you throw a punch. How to maximize the damage and threat of a punch?

Strengthen your muscles, strength, explosiveness, these are all things you do.

The angle of punching, looking for the opponent's weak point, and running the energy freely, this is what you have figured out. But then what?

How to make a fist can make the strike face the least damage and the most damage. During the punching process, the power exploded layer by layer in an incremental manner, and the consumption was also less than that during the super-instantaneous explosion.

Then how to match the proportion of increasing power explosion, not only can it reduce self-consumption, but also not reduce the power of punching, or even stronger power? "

Similar to "inch strength"?

Xia Yan couldn't stop thinking.

Immediately, there was a hint of surprise.

These are indeed the foundations of the foundations that are easily overlooked.

But if you can adjust it well, the effect is absolutely obvious.

After turning around for a moment, he slowly muttered:

"Isn't that what 'one-hit stream' and 'combo stream' are about"


Ma Shide chuckled lightly and glanced at Xia Yan with admiration.

The meaning of Master Ma.

Do you want to help him incorporate the concepts of "one-shot flow" and "combo flow" into all Pokémon battle habits?

this moment.

Xia Yancai finally understood.

Incorporating the concepts of "one-shot flow" and "combo flow" into every action and every move of Pokémon, this is what he calls "basic".

If successful, what will the situation look like?

Xia Yan didn't dare to think.

at the same time.

He also finally understood why Ma Shide accepted so many disciples, but not all the disciples used Fighting-type Pokémon.

Because the two concepts of "one-shot flow" and "combo flow" are not only applicable to Fighting-type Pokémon.


Xia Yan also suddenly understood why there is a training mode of "restricted battle".

It's not just to implement the concept of reducing self-consumption in the "batter flow".

At the same time, there is a "one-shot flow" that strengthens the concept of outbreaks.

Only by reducing your own consumption can you have the physical strength to persist until you fight five people in a row.

Strengthen the burst to defeat Rival as quickly as possible.

Mast didn't say it directly.

But his training is invisibly transmitting this idea.

What is a guru?

This is the master.

Don't say anything else.

Like Xia Yan's Beedrill, if the essence of "one-shot flow" can be integrated into its fighting habits, it may be that Beedrill's already terrifying explosive power will usher in another huge improvement.

And its strength may also be able to make a lot of progress in this training.

It also gives Beedrill clarity on the way forward.

This will undoubtedly allow Beedrill to improve the rate of progress that has been slow after reaching the championship level, and then improve again.

And most importantly.

It is the concept of "one-shot flow" and "combo flow", which will not change its original fighting habits and rhythm.

Is this the real reason why Igor asked Mast to invite him?

Having figured this out, Xia Yan pursed his lips, stood up, and bowed slightly towards Ma Shide.

Even though Mast had already lied on the ground with a smile on his lips, his well-proportioned snoring reverberated in the room.

Master Ma's martial arts hall.


The bright moonlight scattered down without any cover, as if to put on a thin layer of hazy veil on the entire armored island, making the armored island more mysterious and beautiful.


Ducky with blurred eyes "dances" on the tiles on the roof. For a while, he feels that he is Ho-Oh, who is flying with his wings, and for a while, he feels that he is Zhao Zilong, who is seven in and seven out, so unhappy.

Xia Yan looked at the drunk duck, and the corners of his mouth twitched slightly.

If I had known that Duck Ya would look like this when drunk, it would not satisfy its curiosity.

Next to him, Dandi, who was also sitting on the roof, looked up at the night sky and couldn't help sighing, "I saw so many moons in the Region. I don't know why, but I still think Galar is the most beautiful."

Hearing this, Xia Yan smiled.

Looking at the moon in the sky, he was full of emotion.

The moon is always the most beautiful in my hometown.

However, Emperor Dan didn't notice Xia Yan's expression, and just said: "I originally wanted to ask Xia Yan for your help, but now it seems that you will be staying on Ekao Island for a while."


"Ah." Emperor Dan replied softly, "I don't know why, during this period of time, there have been several incidents of extreme riots in the Galar Region."

Halfway through, he turned his head to look at Xia Yan, "Ji Juhua, you know?"

Xia Yan nodded slightly, "One of my tasks in Galar is to investigate the principle of gigantic transformation."

Dan Di was stunned.

Then he continued: "The gigantic transformation has brought a lot of damage to many regions of Galar. I will not allow the Galar region to suffer inexplicable damage!"

When speaking, the tone is firm and the attitude is firm.

Let Xia Yan want to say "you are not a champion, worry about it", but he took it back.

So he said, "I will let Ajian and Asahi start investigating, and they will report the situation to me every day. The matter of the Galar Region is also the matter of Interpol."

This made Dan Di show "satisfaction".

"Xia Yan, you have a very high reputation in Interpol, and you have solved so many major cases."

Xia Yan: "."

If he doesn't know the plot, he can crack a fart.

However, the investigation on Jujuhua still needs to be done.

At least you have to make an appearance first, and then give a report to be convincing.


At this time.

A petite figure with a bandage wrapped around his body suddenly jumped onto the roof.

Under the illumination of Moonlight, those resolute eyes shone brightly.

It called out softly towards Xia Yan.

"Huh?" Xia Yan was stunned when he heard the words of apprentice Xiong.

On the contrary, Dan Di laughed out loud.

"It seems that this little guy who will never understand how strong he is, really likes you."

Xia Yan's expression was weird.

"I understand that."

He pointed at Apprentice Xiong who was posing, and he couldn't help laughing and crying:

"But it looks like it's going to fight me hand-to-hand, what's going on?"

Dan Di smacked his mouth, "Perhaps. It thinks that everyone is a humanoid Pokémon like Master and Master?"


fight? ! Where to fight melee?

The drunk duck duck suddenly came to the spirit.


It prefers fencing!

Flying Onion Stick in hand.


Gone in a flash.

(End of this chapter)

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