The Bottom Trainer In The Pokémon World

Chapter 1028 Super-Giant Transformation!


The whistle blows.

A seemingly old train, in fact, equipped with the latest energy system, quickly crossed over the metal rails.

In the neatly arranged windows, two heads stuck out.


The white hair of the onion wanderer was messed up by the wind speed of the galloping train, but it still reached out and scratched at the air.

It's not just a "D", is it?

Boom! !

It's a pity that before Ya Ya can judge carefully, a slender hand hit its skull with precision.

Don't say it.

This one seemed to be weak, but it was just the palm of an ordinary human being. When a chestnut went down, the onion wanderer actually covered his head in pain.

"Don't bring bad children."

The boy holding Shunben was polite with the round black edge that must be very suitable for his head shape, Frillish gave it a sideways glance, and said slowly.


Covering his head, the scallion soldier nodded again and again.

Not to mention that this was originally the way the boys said it.


It was their exchange that made another apprentice Xiong, who stuck his head out of the window, look puzzled.

what are you guys saying?


Sylveon, who laughed out loud, looked at Apprentice Bear, who was a little "handy" and thought it was very honest.

But laugh and laugh.

Sylveon still swiftly swept up the satin, and took all the snacks left on the table in front of him into his mouth.


Seeing this scene, the onion wanderer was dumbfounded, and instantly felt that he had missed a million.

In this regard, Xia Yan shook his head helplessly, and closed the "Manual of Covered Departments of Malokomeng Group" in his hand.

Once again took out a snack from the backpack.

Sylveon and Ya Ya suddenly cheered.

Only apprentice Xiong, who was very concerned about the scenery outside the window along the way, had little desire for it.

Seeing Apprentice Xiong's small appearance, but his face was full of seriousness, Xia Yan couldn't help rubbing his head.

The hair that seems to be somewhat hard is actually very soft, and it feels like it is moulding a teddy bear.

For Xia Yan's "claw".

Apprentice Xiong resisted from the beginning, to the later resistance to no avail, and then to let it go, and now he is more or less used to it.

three months.

Three months have passed since Xia Yan arrived in the Galar Region and entered Kai Island, and now he left Kai Island and took the train to Mugan Town.

these three months.

Xia Yan was on the island of armor, receiving instruction and training from Master Ma.

From time to time, I have to participate in several "restriction battles". On the one hand, it is to test my own progress, and on the other hand, it also provides more learning opportunities for the disciples of Ma Shide.

at the same time.

Xia Yan has also had some simple battles with Ma Shide more than once.

During the period, Master Ma not only used Master Itachi, but also summoned the martial arts Xiong Shi of "One Strike Style" and "Combo Style", so that Xia Yan's Pokémon could better learn to integrate the essence of these two genres.

Although three months was neither long nor short, it did give Xia Yan a lot of inspiration and progress.

His departure this time is only temporary.

Couldn't get around him because there really was something to deal with.

The apprentice Xiong was sent by Master Ma to study with Xia Yan, euphemistically called it: experience.


Apprentice Xiong, one of Master Ma's disciples, is not exactly Xia Yan's Pokémon at present.

It's just that it is more playable and closer to Xia Yan and his Pokémon.


In the eyes of Masted's disciples, even Dandi and Miye, Xiong's apprentice is already Xia Yan's Pokémon.

"He's not big, but his mind is very heavy."


But in the face of Xia Yan's words, Apprentice Xiong gave a righteous answer.

'I'm still a long way off! ’

In this regard, Xia Yan is also used to it.

The strength of this apprentice bear is actually quite outstanding among Pokémons like apprentice bear.

But it always puts its own goal on the martial arts bear masters on the island, and it will always feel that it is not strong enough.

"Combining work and rest, don't forget what I told you." Xia Yan could only say so.


Apprentice Xiong's expression softened a little.


When the train passed through the vast green wilderness area and entered a forest with lush foliage that seemed to be somewhat secluded, Apprentice Xiong suddenly froze.

"Library! (I've been here!)"


this time.

It was Xia Yan's turn to be surprised.

He glanced at the train's route map and determined that it should have just passed through the plains in the central Galar Region, approaching the southernmost crown snowfield.

and now going through

"Small sleepy forest?"

Looking at the location marked on the map, Xia Yan was stunned for a moment.

"Didn't you never leave Kai Island?"

Apprentice Xiong who heard this sentence was also stunned.


It has never left Kai Island since it can remember.

Why does it think it has come to this forest?

After thinking about it for a long time, Apprentice Xiong couldn't understand.

It just felt that after seeing this forest.

It seems, a little familiar.

"Quack~~ (It's normal, I saw this forest, and I think I've been there too. Maybe it's just more similar to a certain forest.)"

At this time, Duck Ya hugged Apprentice Xiong's shoulders, with the posture of hugging his little brother, chewing snacks in his mouth, his eyes swept across the forest, and he spoke quite calmly.

Xia Yan: "."

Apprentice Xiong, who heard the words, was stunned for a moment, and then nodded silently.

Duck is right!

Xia Yan looked at the wandering soldier and apprentice Xiong.

Heart murmured.

Is there a possibility that they have really come?


Sylveon followed suit.

However, what made Xia Yan a little relieved was that Sylveon didn't say that it had come too.

just say.

The life energy in this forest is so pure.

Fairy-type Pokémon, especially the Fairy-type Pokémon who have been blessed by Xerneas, are much more sensitive to the perception of life energy than Normal Pokémon.

slumbering forest

"In my impression, it should be the forest where Cang Xiang and Zangmarant are sleeping, right?" Xia Yan thought to himself.

The legendary sword and shield hero.

"Dear passengers, our terminal, Mugan Town Station, is about to arrive. Passengers, please bring your own belongings, pay attention."

With the sound of the broadcast, the speeding train slowly slowed down.

A small town appeared in the sight of Xia Yan and the three little guys.

And this moment.

The topics they discussed had unknowingly changed from a familiarity with the "Sleeping Forest" to a discussion of which food is the best.


After Xia Yan reminded them, he got off the train with three little guys and walked out of the station.



Not long after walking out of the station, at the corner of the road not far away, Yiliang Zipp's car turned elegantly in a rather "handsome" posture, heading towards him.

If you don't count half the car on the pavement, this corner is really handsome.

Of course, the exclamations of passers-by and the few criticisms after the exclamations must be excluded.

And most importantly.

When the two Zipp cars rushed towards Xia Yan, they had no intention of slowing down.


Seeing this, Apprentice Xiong frowned, tightened the white hair on the back of his head, stepped out and stood in front of Xia Yan, and steadied his horse.

'The speed is very fast, the tonnage is very large, and the gap between the two sides is extremely obvious, so this punch, I must use all my strength to block the impact of this monster! ’

Apprentice Xiong, who opened his mouth and took a shallow breath, directly entered the "Focus Energy" Contest Condition, ready to swing "Focus Punch" at any time.

Xia Yan slightly raised his forehead.


Before some onlookers closed their eyes subconsciously and prepared to scream, he appeared between the Zipp car and the bear apprentice.

Immediately after, a burst of Psychic wrapped Zipp's car, and at the same time blocked the fist that the apprentice Xiong was about to throw.

Wisps of white gunpowder smoke slowly rose from the hood of Zipp's car.


A pink-haired girl with slightly pale complexion, cold sweat on her forehead, and patted her chest got out of the car.

Then he greeted with a reluctant smile: "Xia, Professor Xia Yan, get in, get in the car!"

Xia Yan: "."

this car.

I am afraid that you will have to wait until the next life to take another one, right?

The Galar Region has two major travel talents.

One is Dan Di, who can get lost just outside the Pokémon Center.

The second is the "road killer" Sonia in front of her.

the most important is.

The two of them are still childhood sweethearts, and Xia Yan is thinking about what combination title should be given to these two so as to be worthy of their abilities.

A small town of Hualang was able to cultivate such a pair of crouching dragons and phoenix chicks at the same time, which was a bit embarrassing for this remote town.

speak up.

It was a miracle that the two of them could grow up to this age.

"Walk, Sonia, I prefer to walk." Xia Yan said after twitching the corners of his mouth.


Sonia's head tilted, a little surprised.

"Professor Xia Yan, you can rest assured about my driving skills. It only takes five minutes to return to the Laboratory here." Sonia patted her chest again.

Wooden pole town is not big.

Sonia is very confident about this.

But Xia Yan walked away without saying a word.

at last.

Sonia thought for a while, but she still couldn't let the guests who came from afar walk alone.

I picked up Dianwang from the car and trotted after him.

After finally keeping up with Xia Yan, she panted slightly: "Professor Xia Yan, I didn't expect you to come to Galar. When Emperor Dan told me before, I thought he was lying to me."

as a researcher.

The Galar Region is not open, and it does not affect Sonia's reading of Xia Yan's papers and paying attention to him.

It can be said.

The current Xia Yan is definitely the number one idol in the hearts of the vast majority of young researchers.

It's the same as the older generation of researchers looked at Professor Oak.

"I also happen to have a mission. Is Professor Mulan there?"

"Grandma is here. Professor Sakuragi greeted Grandma, and she has been waiting for Professor Xia Yan in the Laboratory since this morning."

Sonia stuck out her tongue and said.

Sonia is still a little afraid of her grandma, the very strict Mulan Professor.


It seems that Professor Mulan and Professor Sakuragi have always been in touch, and the relationship between the two is also good, so I gave Xia Yan an introduction.

Xia Yan nodded slightly.

"According to Dan Di, there seem to be signs of the extreme giant becoming out of control in Weimei Forest recently? He is a little too busy by himself, and there seems to be a lot of things in the Alliance recently. Entrust me to come and help."

It just so happened that Professor Oak also wanted Xia Yan to investigate the principle of maximization.

And Sonia's grandmother, Professor Mulan, is an authority on gigantic research.


Afterwards, Sonia gave Xia Yan a brief introduction to the situation in the Weiwu Forest.

en route.

The two walked while talking, and it was not a waste of time.


Sonia's call was Wang, with her short legs and short legs sticking out her tongue, she ran to Sylveon's side diligently, and called out softly.

For Xia Yan's friend's Pokémon, Sylveon is relatively friendly.


Obediently greeted the caller Wang.

But Sylveon's cleverness directly caused Sonia's caller Wang to fall.

Its eyes turned into the shape of two hearts, and while it was sticking out its tongue and breathing continuously, its short tail like thunder and lightning swayed at an extremely fast speed.


And the caller Wang Yi was excited.

Its tail continued to shoot Saffron-colored electric current, making a crisp sound.

"Wang? (Are you hungry?)"

"Buyi~~ (It's okay.)"

Sylveon's soft satin touched his stomach.

Along the way, it is the one that eats the most snacks and is not hungry at all.

"Wang? (Then do you want to drink water?)"

Hearing this, Sylveon smacked his mouth.

That said, I feel a little thirsty.

Seeing Sylveon like this, Sonia's caller's eyes lit up.

Excitedly striding on his short legs, he ran to the door of a store and shouted a few times.

Mugan Town is not big. Sonia's grandmother, Professor Mulan, is a famous person in Mugan Town. Sonia also has a good relationship with the people here, so Sonia's caller Wang is considered to know the owner of every shop.

as predicted.

It didn't take long.

When the call came, Wang graciously ran to Sylveon's side with a glass of water.


"Buyi~~ (Thank you.)"

Sylveon politely thanked him.

But this thank you made the caller Wang more motivated.

"Library? (Brother Duck, what is it doing?)"

Apprentice Xiong looked at this scene and said that he could not understand it.


However, Ling Youbing patted Apprentice Xiong on the shoulder as if he had come over, and let out a long sigh.

Brother Xiong, listen to Brother Duck's persuasion, lick the dog, lick the dog, and lick the dog until there is nothing left.

Apprentice Bear: ? ? ?

Brother Duck, you look like a person who has a lot of stories, you are wrong.

at the same time.

Sleepy forest.

A thin mist, in the hazy mist.

Two figures came slowly.

Boom! !


A dull thunder sounded in the forest, followed by a crimson beam that fell like lightning.

Immediately after.

I saw that in this quiet forest, the size of a Pokémon suddenly increased at a very fast speed.

The round belly is like a hill.

At the top of the hillside, there is a fruit tree growing.

The originally slight snoring sound was now like a burst of thunder.

"Ajian! Just as Xia Yan's Chief Police Officer said, there is indeed an abnormal gigantic transformation in the Weimei Forest. The appearance of this super gigantic Snorlax has no sign, and I did not see the appearance of a wishing star. I didn't even smell the scent of giant mushrooms."

Asahi looked at the hill-like Snorlax with a serious expression.

A Jian's expression was equally serious.

"It's still sleeping. Before it wakes up, the cause of the giant must be found. Otherwise, once the ultra-giant Snorlax is activated."

Hypergiant Snorlax, of all the gigantic Pokémons, is definitely at the forefront of power.

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