"It's roughly like this."

Wooden Pole Town Laboratory.

Xia Yan met the authoritative Professor of Pokémon research in the Galar Region, and also the Professor Mulan who has made outstanding achievements in the research on the ability and phenomenon of jujuhua.

"Since this is the case, I will summarize the data that I have collected and organized over the years and send it to Professor Oak, which can be regarded as a contribution to the development of our entire Pokémon world and the launch of Pokémon Pokédex."

Professor Mulan, who was wearing a pair of reading glasses, did not refuse after listening to Xia Yan's remarks.

Promised immediately.

After all, anyone with a discerning eye can see how good the Pokémon world will be when Professor Oak's "Pokémon Pokédex" comes out.

at this point.

Professor Mulan is also a sensible person.

After talking about business, Xia Yan hesitated whether to ask Professor Mulan and the Maloko League Group.

In the early days of Mulan Professor, she actually had a close cooperative relationship with Loz of the Maloko League Group.

The Marocco Group and Lotz provided Mulan Professor with the materials and financial support needed by the Laboratory, and Mulan Professor also gave Lotz the most desired research results.

That's the gigantic wristband that allows Trainers and their Pokémons to gigantic.

This is also one of the reasons why Professor Mulan can become an authoritative Professor of Jujuhua Research.


After that, the Maloko League group shifted its focus on gigantic research to the study of so-called Garel particles.

But slowly, Professor Mulan vaguely realized the ulterior motives of Lotz and the Maloko Group, and also saw that Lotz was unscrupulous to achieve his goals, and finally chose to quit.

Moreover, this has become something that Professor Mulan has always been reluctant to mention.


When you come to the Galar Region, if you don't get the super-giant, it will be more troublesome to face the Trainer who can make Pokémon super-giant in the future.

But when Xia Yan hesitated to speak.

His communicator suddenly rang.

"Feel sorry."

After a little apology, Xia Yan took out the communicator and glanced at it, and found that the call was from A Jian.

He frowned slightly and answered the phone.

"It's me." Xia Yan said solemnly.

On the other end of the phone, A Jian's voice also came.

"Xia Yan is always on the lookout. According to your suggestion, we entered the forest of my sleepless sleep."

A Jian's voice gradually became a little dignified, and Xia Yan also understood that they encountered something that was not easy to deal with.

"Ultra-giant! We met the super-giant Snorlax in the forest of sleepless sleep!"

"Super-giant Snorlax?!" Xia Yan showed a look of astonishment.

This was also heard by Professor Mulan, who was sitting next to him, and Sonia, who was trying to grab the ears of Fairy Yin Bu.

"Hey, isn't it in the wilderness?" Sonia subconsciously asked.

The giant wristband needs a special aura, that is, in the energy area with a high concentration of Galar particles, in order to be extremely giant.

Therefore, the only places that can make Pokémon gigantic are the wilderness areas where Garel particles are richer, and the stadium where energy has been gathered by the Marocco Group. …

But it seems that the gigantic transformation that appeared this time is obviously not in the Wilderness Region.

"Well." Xia Yan nodded slightly.


Mulan Professor Mulan tightened her hand holding the crutch, and frowned slowly.

Although she didn't speak, her strange behavior clearly showed that she knew something.


Judging from her appearance, it is estimated that she is not ready to say it for the time being.

Xia Yan stood up.

It doesn't matter, things are gradually getting out of control, and Professor Mulan will say it.

"Professor Mulan, I'll take a look first."

If it is not handled properly, it may lead to unforeseen consequences.

A Jian and Asahi acted together. Since he called, it means that they cannot handle this matter.

Mulan Professor looked at Xia Yan and opened his mouth.

In the end, only two words came out.

"Be careful."

"Professor Xia Yan, shall I take it for you? Sleepy Forest, I'm familiar with it." Sonia said excitedly.

Xia Yan's mouth twitched, "No, no need."

Say it.

Before Sonia wanted to reiterate how superb her driving skills were, Xia Yan called out the three little guys and walked out quickly.

The apprentice Xiong, who was training all the time, stopped on his horse.

Duck Ya, who was lying on the coffee table and was choosing which cake to eat, glanced at them reluctantly, and immediately followed.

It's because Yin Bu, the fairy who called Wang Wang "delivers tea and water", has already tasted these desserts.

As soon as he heard that he was leaving, he was able to avoid Sonia's "claw", and quickly followed.

Only Sonia's call Wang Lian reluctantly looked at the fairy Yin Bu who left quickly.

After walking out of Professor Mulan's residence, Xia Yan briefly identified the direction, and then summoned Duolong Bartto.

Quickly rush towards the direction of the forest.

Lying at the window and watching Xia Yan leave, Sonia stuck out her tongue, "Grandma, Professor Xia Yan is gone."

Mulan Professor still frowned, staring at the coffee table, wondering what he was thinking.


Seeing Professor Mulan in a daze, Sonia couldn't help shaking her hand in front of her.


"Grandma, did you think of something?"

Hearing this, Professor Mulan's expression paused.

Instead of answering Sonia's question, he asked, "How is the homework I gave you?"

Hearing this question, Sonia's face collapsed.

She timidly said, "I'm still doing basic historical data collection."

Sure enough, such an answer won a Leer from Professor Mulan.

The crutches are lightly pestled on the Ground.


"Then you still have time to rest here?"

Sonia was frightened by this pestle, "I know, I know."

Sonia is still very afraid of the strict grandma.

After Sonia left, Professor Mulan slowly stood up and walked to the window. Looking at the dark night sky not far away, the crimson mist lingering around, Professor Mulan's expression became more complicated.

He murmured, "Loz, what are you trying to do?"

Through the positioning of the Ajian communicator. …

Xia Yan quickly found their location in the Wei Mi forest.

Actually it's not that troublesome.

Because the super-giant Snorlax, the body like a mountain bag, is the best logo.

The thin red mist lingering around him is also the unique aura of Jujuhua.


Such a rich life energy.

Fairy Yin Bu, who was lying on Duolong Bart's head, felt the red mist and couldn't help sighing.


After sighing, it quickly showed a look of doubt.


But this life energy is so strange.

"Strange?" Xia Yan answered while pressing his hat, looking at the rapidly approaching target.

Fairy Yin Bu tilted her head, and the satin was tightly wrapped around Xia Yan's arm to prevent herself from falling.

But it couldn't say for a while what was so strange about this life energy.

It just feels weird anyway.

It doesn't feel like the life energy that should travel here.

Before there was much time to communicate, Doron Bartto moved towards Ground, and the vast forest fell rapidly.

After passing through a thin layer of hazy fog, I saw the huge figure.

I don't know how much vegetation, because this sudden super-giant Snorlax was directly crushed.

As a result, some of the wild Pokémon that inhabited the Sleepy Forest destroyed their homes and territories.

But again, the aura of the super-giant Snorlax threatened and did not dare to approach.

On the contrary, A Jian and Asahi, who came from the investigation, became the target of these wild Pokémons.

"Fairy Yinbu, Hyper Voice." Xia Yan said with a frown.



I saw that Fairy Yin Bu took a deep breath, and spit out a fierce filial piety from her tight and seemingly moving mouth.

One after another, pink sound waves, like waves Normal, swept toward the Ground.

Just like a real ocean wave, one wave is stronger than the other.

Among those Beat Up Ajian and Asahi's wild Pokémon, many of them were directly hit by the "Hyper Voice" of Fairy Yinbu, and they lost their ability to fight.


Seeing this, Apprentice Xiong couldn't help but glance at the fairy Yin Bu.

This trick really integrates part of the essence of "Combo Flow".

Although it has not completely integrated the characteristics of the moves and the "combo flow", the power that can be displayed is also a bit terrifying.

And watching a large area of ​​wild Pokémon on the Ground lose the ability to fight, immediately made the bear apprentice more stressed.

People have achieved such results after only three months of study, and it has been studied for more than ten years, but it is still like this.


The gap between it and genius is very large, and more efforts must be made to make up.


Even Xia Yan, after seeing that Pokémon really incorporated the characteristics of "combo flow" into his moves, couldn't help but be impressed and praised.

This trick "Hyper Voice" increases the power by at least 20%.

This is still not fully integrated.

But the effect is already very powerful.


It is very difficult to fully integrate into the "combo flow". The higher the degree of integration, the greater the difficulty factor. …

So, if you want to be fully integrated, don't think about it.

Do as much as you can, and that's fine.


Listening to Xia Yan's praise, Fairy Yin Bu laughed "hehe", and Satin rubbed her nose with a little self-satisfaction.

Three months, it is also very hard.

"It's Xia Yan's chief police officer!"

Asahi noticed Natsuhiko and Doron Bartto flying from the sky, looked at the fallen wild spirits around and shouted.

A Jian nodded, slightly relieved.

But right now.

The super-giant Snorlax, who has been sleeping in the Contest Condition without any movement, may also be affected by the impact of the fairy Yinbu's "Hyper Voice".



The dull sound was like thunder.

It slowly raised its palm, and an orange energy beam cut through the air, carrying a fiery breath, and shot towards Xia Yan and Duolong Bart in the air.

"Duck duck!"

Xia Yan snorted lowly.


The knowing duck duck also immediately put away the joking look, clenched the green spear in his hand, and his eyes changed suddenly.

next second.

Seeing the onion wanderer jumped up, jumped up from Duolong Bartto's back, and then the arm holding the spear slightly bulged and threw it out.

Meteor Assault!

The dazzling golden meteor, tearing at the air, shot straight down towards the orange beam of light from the giant Snorlax.


The two energies, one orange and one gold, collided violently in the mid-air, causing terrifying roars, and at the same time, fierce waves of air were rolled up and scattered.

a time.

The trees around the slumbering forest in this area have emerald green waves.

Immediately after.

With the green spear with golden glow, the orange energy beam opened from the middle, and at an extremely fast speed, it blasted towards the super-giant Snorlax.


When the Onion Stick shot on the belly of the super-giant Snorlax, it seemed to hit a particularly soft pad and was bounced off.


Seeing that his Onion Stick was directly ejected, Leon Youbing's expression was stunned, and some couldn't believe what he saw.


This move's "Meteor Assault" was mostly offset by the opponent's attack, but it didn't make sense to just bounce off it.

To know.

Although its Onion Stick is not said to cut iron like mud, it is no problem to chop down a few trees.

It was bounced like this, and there is no trace at all?

This guy who looks like a mountain, looks like the guy in Rest, so strong!

The onion wanderer turned over several times in the air and caught the Onion Stick that was bounced off.


At this time, Xia Yan finally landed smoothly, got off the back of Duolong Bartto, and stepped in the somewhat messy forest.

"Xia Yan is always on guard."

A Jian and Asahi saw him and hurried up.

"What's the situation?" Xia Yan asked directly without greeting.

A Jian with a serious expression immediately said: "According to the guess that Xia Yan is watching you, Asahi and I came to Weimei Forest, originally just to collect some special data reports of Weimei Forest, but I didn't expect a red streak to fall from the sky. beam.…

That beam hit the sleeping Snorlax, and it became what it is now.

Although this supergiant Snorlax didn't wake up, some of its unconscious actions still caused a lot of damage to the forest, especially for some wild Pokémon that belonged to this territory. "

Xia Yan glanced at the many wild Pokémon in a coma on the ground.


It is mainly based on the special Bug Type Pokémon called "Eurup".

"With Orup."

Looking at these comatose Pokémon, Xia Yan narrowed his eyes.

For this Pokémon.

He, Xia Yan, has been coveted for a long time.

at the same time.

Not far away, there were a few others who were following Eulup. They were not defeated by Fairy Yin Bu's "Hyper Voice" move.

Although Xia Yan is very interested in this Bug Type Pokémon.

But now is not the time to focus on them.



There was a sudden roar from Ground, accompanied by violent vibrations, and in the roar of the super-giant Snorlax, it closed its eyes, and its eyes opened slightly.

With furious eyes, Lock On Xia Yan and the Pokémon beside him.

The attack of Fairy Yin Bu and Cong Youbing just now finally "awakened" this sleeping behemoth.

Seeing this, Ajian and Asahi immediately turned serious and waited.


See, because of the shaking of the super-giant Snorlax, a huge yellow fruit fell from the big tree growing on its stomach and landed precisely in its mouth.

Along with chewing, the super-giant Snorlax slowly became spiritual.

Xia Yan frowned.

Gigantization gives Pokémon not only their enlarged body size, but also the terrifying physical strength that comes with their size, and of course, power, speed, and other abilities that also change.

In addition, there are Pokémon with super-giant, as well as exclusive super-giant moves.

Just like the giant Snorlax in front of me.

It devours tree fruit, which is the exclusive move of Mega Giant Snorlax.

G-Max Replenish!

"We have conducted a certain survey of the surrounding environment, and we have not found the reason for this Snorlax's hypergiant, nor can we find a way to make it back to its original state." Asahi said with a sullen face.

"It stands to reason that the Pokémon in the Sleeping Sleeping Forest shouldn't be super-giant." A Jian also frowned.


Judging from the appearance of the super-giant Snorlax at the moment, it seems that its mood and Contest Condition are not good, and it may attack again at any time, causing secondary damage to the surrounding area.


How to restore it is the key.

"Since I can't find the right way, let's use the simplest one." Xia Yan said slowly while holding his hat, looking at the moving super-giant Snorlax.

"Easiest?" Asahi looked at Xia Yan suspiciously.

A Jian was also stunned for a moment, and then he seemed to understand Xia Yan's meaning a little, and there was a look of anticipation in his eyes.

Hearing Xia Yan slowly raising the corners of his mouth, he said loudly:

"Dragon Bartto, Doragon Dants!"…



Duolong Bart's long and narrow eyes flickered slightly, and he flexibly swayed his body. While rolling the surrounding airflow to bring about a weak tornado, his momentum quickly rose.

The gust of wind brought the hunting sound of the hem of the clothes.



The super-giant Snorlax also seemed to feel the threat from Doron Bartto, and suddenly sat up with a dull roar.

Immediately after.


Countless frosts condensed on its huge palm in an instant, and the thick layer of ice made its arm seem to have turned into a huge iceberg.

at the same time.

With the appearance of the frost, the stars and snow began to fall and scattered all around.

And in an instant, it changed from a sparse Vivi to a "Hail", which kept pounding the surroundings with a "crashing".

Max Hailstorm!

The Pokémon after the giant transformation, as long as the ice-type moves are used, they can combine the energy of the giant transformation and turn the moves into "Max Hailstorm"!

The ensuing effect is to directly evolve the weather into "Hail" weather.

Although this super-giant Snorlax became violent because of its special super-giant.

But in the face of the threat posed by Dragon and Ghost-type Duolong Bartto, there is still a certain fighting instinct.

Feeling the changes around them, A Jian and Asahi couldn't help but look at Xia Yan worriedly.

In the face of such a huge move, do you still have to come from the front?

It turns out.

They underestimated Xia Yan's determination.

I also don't understand the real gold content of a Region champion.

Facing Hail and the terrifying "Max Hailstorm", Fairy Yinbu, Cong Youbing, and Apprentice Bear had serious expressions, but Xia Yan and Duolong Bartto were unmoved.

I saw Xia Yan wave his arm lightly.


Duolong Bart's body trembled slightly, and two sharp "Dragon Darts" shot out, meeting the fist of the super-giant Snorlax without hesitation.

at the same time.

Doron Bartto also followed closely behind the two Doron Messiahs, blazing out.

On the way of Flying, it gradually bathed in pure dragon energy and put on a dragon coat.

"Fairy Yinbu, Help."


The understanding fairy Yin Bu swayed the silk slightly, and the milky white crystal light dots scattered into the body of Duolong Bartto.

a time.

The surging dragon-type energy that had already enveloped Doron Bartto became more and more terrifying and thick.

The package of dragon-type energy also caused the current Duolong Bart to be supported in size, to a certain extent, comparable to the huge size of the super-giant Snorlax.

Is it comparable to a giant move with an ordinary move?

A Jian and Asahi couldn't help but grow their mouths.

I couldn't help but glanced at each other, and I saw the uncontrollable surprise in each other's eyes.

Is this the champion?




The two "Dragon Darts" collided with the giant fists of the super-giant Snorlax, shattering large chunks of ice crystals, and at the same time slowing the fists of the super-giant Snorlax to a certain extent.

And that's the brief slack.

The squinted Doron Bartto's eyes flashed suddenly, and the speed increased sharply again as his tail accelerated. …

next second.

Doron Bart rubbed the fist of the supergiant Snorlax and passed close to him.

The ferocious dragon head has a roaring mouth, and his head is on the body of the super-giant Snorlax.



Severe pain, accompanied by dragon-type energy constantly tearing apart its defenses, pouring into its body, eroding its will, super-giant Snorlax roared in pain.



Then I saw that the huge body slowly fell backwards.

And as it fell, crystal red particles were continuously pulled out from its body, and its huge figure also shrank rapidly.

In the end, it returned to its original appearance and fell on the ground full of ruins.

Xia Yan drove Psychic and detained some of these red particles.

"Is this the Garel particle?"


A Jian and Asahi looked at each other again.

So simple?

Even the wild Pokémon that were rioting around them were not easy to deal with. Xia Yan's Duolong Bart took this terrifying giant Snorlax to a second with one move?

What an amazing explosion!

Putting away the "Galler particle" at the end of the star, Xia Yan always felt that this energy was very special, not only related to that Wujitai.

Then he instructed: "Ajian, Asahi, take this Snorlax back first. Maybe you can find some reasons for the sudden huge change."

"Yes!" Ah Jian respectfully said.

"However, at present, our Galar Region Interpol branch seems to be the only three of us. There is a serious shortage of manpower." Asahi looked embarrassed.

"How about the Trainer you asked for?"

"There are a few good ones, but they still need to pass the test." Asahi calmly looked at A Jian next to him.

The test project was developed by A Jian.

can only say.

It's hard to pass.

"Special time and special system, the test can relax the conditions appropriately. Of course, it must be tested. As for the researcher, I have a few good candidates." Xia Yan looked in the direction of Mugan Town.

Does he do his own research?

just forget it.

He still has the title of "Professor", and forget about it.

And just as the super-giant Snorlax recovered, the thin mist that had been shrouded in the forest all year round gradually became thicker.

a time.

There is actually a tendency to shroud the three of them.

Xia Yan frowned slightly, "Hurry up and put Snorlax away."

A Jian and Asahi also sensitively noticed the surroundings, and immediately ran towards the direction where Snorlax fell.

And this go.

It was considered that he completely cut off contact with Xia Yan in the fog.

The original mist had now turned into a thick mist, and Xia Yan could only see the situation within three meters around him.

Not even Psychic can penetrate.

"This situation is Cang Xiang and Zangmarant?" Xia Yan couldn't help thinking.


PS: There have been a lot of things at home recently. The kid has caught a cold in the past two days, so the update has been unstable these two days. Check the situation at night, if the temperature is high, you may need to go to the emergency room. The time of the update at night cannot be determined, and it may even be gone, depending on the temperature of the little guy.

I will code when I have time, but I may not be able to catch up, hope you know

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