The Bottom Trainer In The Pokémon World

Chapter 1052 The Time Of The Death Of The Society

Chapter 1051 The time of the death of the society

Xia Yan never told Du Ji about his plans with Agatha.

Because this matter itself involves the internal affairs of the senior leaders of the Alliance, it is natural not to tell anyone before conclusive evidence has been obtained, and it has not even been pointed to someone accurately before.

Otherwise, it is not trust, but may cause unnecessary harm to them.

Just like this time.

It may be that it is not just Xia Yan alone, but a group of them.

But it doesn't matter now.

Xia Yan has almost completely torn his face with the descendants of the royal family headed by Bai Lao within the Alliance.

It makes sense for them to suppress Xia Yan.

But if it is to be suppressed together with Du, Cynthia, Steven, and Lorelei, the masses will definitely not accept it.

At least.

It is only after Xia Yan's trouble is solved that it is possible to do something to them.


As long as Xia Yan is still there, it will be safer to cross them.


They are not like Xia Yan, a bare commander.

Behind them, they all have their own background and power, and they absolutely cannot be as straightforward as dealing with Xia Yan.

Therefore, Xia Yan told them the whole story from beginning to end.

Of course, some of them involved relatively secretive matters that were only briefly mentioned.

But even so, listening to what he said, Du and the others widened their eyes one by one, and slapped the table from time to time to express their emotions.

"That's why. From the escaped Tom Luigi in Saffron City to the interception of the royal descendants led by Bai Lao not long ago, it was all because Xia Yan, you were investigating their identities little by little, and slowly touched the core of their interests. ?"

Steven said with a long sigh after listening.

"It's almost understandable." Xia Yan nodded carefully after taking a mouthful of porridge.

"I didn't expect that there are such a group of people hiding in the upper management of the Alliance. They are simply assholes!" Lorelei said angrily.

It means that the Alliance has only been established for less than a hundred years. It should have been gaining momentum, but it gave people a sense of dilapidation that the sunset was in the west, and the green and yellow were not connected.


I thought Alliance had been established for thousands of years.

It turned out that there were such a group of people inside the Alliance that were constantly eroding the branches of the big Alliance tree, and now it may even have eroded the trunk.

Du pressed his chin, frowning.

After pondering for a moment, he said, "Why did the descendants of the royal family who have existed for so long make Alliance bigger?"

This point, asked the voice of many people.


Since those royal families are so powerful, why does the Alliance still appear?

This time Xia Yan didn't answer, just looked at Cynthia on the side.

Cynthia exchanged her folded feet, and after a brief pondering, she said, "Probably because of these people, they are not monolithic."

Xia Yan nodded in agreement.

"You also know that power can sometimes make people crazy. In the absence of pressure from external enemies, who of those former royal families has obeyed? It's just written in history books. There are no less than dozens of large-scale battles.

At their most run-down and decadent, Alliance Rise certainly had a chance.

Seeing that the situation exceeded their expectations, a foreign enemy named 'Alliance' suddenly rose up, and it was understandable that the external troubles brought their current unity. "

"But such unity is always temporary," Cynthia added.

"and many more!"

Du suddenly stood up.

He looked directly at Xia Yan.

"That means, are you really the highest executive of Team Rocket and the highest seat of the Hunter Guild, Hunter N?"


Xia Yan was startled.

Suddenly, as if thinking of something, his expression became a little stiff.

Seeing that Watanabe's face suddenly sank.

Bang! !

A slap on the table.

"That is to say, the master and the apprentice are making fun of me?!"

When he received Agatha's order to investigate the Hunter Guild "Hunter N", how long has he been busy?

At that time, he naively pulled Xia Yan to help, analyze the situation of "Hunter N", and sort out his possible appearance and existence.

Even if he left Sinnoh Region, he left all the "precious" investigation materials to Xia Yan.

in the end.

The person he was investigating was Xia Yan? !

The so-called "Hunter N" he investigates, right next to him?

Saying in front of others to investigate him?

Never did such a stupid thing!


Cynthia, who was also aware of the situation, couldn't hold back and laughed out loud.

Noticing the look in Du's eyes, he quickly covered his mouth quietly.

But when Lorelei's inquisitive gaze came over.

Cynthia still briefly spoke to her.

at last.

The social death link of crossing.

In the face of the "cannibalizing" gaze, Xia Yan could only helplessly shrug.

We have already taken this matter lightly, but you still have to tell it.

All right now.

Society is dead.

Steven, who also slowly learned the whole story from Lorelei's mouth, held back his smile and gently arched Xiayan.

"How did you stop laughing at that time?"

Xia Yan had a strange expression and coughed lightly.

"At that time, I restrained myself again and again, and Du stressed again and again, and I almost couldn't hold back."


Hearing their laughter, Du was completely speechless.

"Okay okay, stop laughing." Cynthia pursed her lips, her shoulders still shaking slightly.

This matter seems to be stopped by Cynthia.

But to be expected.

From time to time in the future, it may be taken out for ridicule.

Du couldn't help looking up to the sky forty-five degrees.

Do you want to kill all these people?

Shake your head.

Unrealistic, it must be him who was killed.

But sometimes thinking about it, direct death may be more comfortable than social death.

"What are you going to do next?" Cynthia brought the topic back again.

Everyone also stopped Play Rough and looked at Xia Yan seriously.

This is the next key.

"Don't worry. We've already said hello to the family," Steven said.

When they didn't know the whole story, they resolutely chose to stand on Xia Yan's side.

Now that it has been completely clarified, even if the moths in the upper management of the Alliance want to frame Xia Yan, then there is no need to think about it.

Du and the others also nodded.

As long as they speak together, the situation can still be turned around.

At least.

It can make everyone realize what Xia Yan's identity is and what he has contributed to the Alliance.

But in this way, I am afraid that the credibility of Alliance will be greatly reduced.

of course.

No matter how important Alliance's credibility is, it can't be based on slandering a good person, not to mention that this person is the champion of Sinnoh Region, and the person with the highest reputation in the Pokémon world is still their good friend.

Xia Yan finished the last mouthful of porridge and slowly put the bowl back on the dining table.

While stroking Togekiss lightly, he said slowly, "It's like this. It's good."


The four were stunned.

What's the meaning?

Xia Yan didn't sell any more.

"Of course, it's not like doing nothing. First of all, I must find Teacher Agatha. She is the person who can best prove my identity."

this point.

The crowd did not object.

The existence of Agatha is the last guarantee of Xia Yan's identity.

In Agatha's place, there must also be the information deposit slips and certificates that Xia Yan was sent by her to be an undercover agent, and that is the most convincing thing.

"Secondly, although they have no evidence that I am a traitor. Conversely, we have no evidence that the descendants of the royal family of Bai Lao have harmed the Alliance."


Everyone was silent.

It seems to be the case.

"But even if there is no evidence, we can no longer watch them eat away at the Alliance's power little by little," Du said.

Even if you can't kill them with the laws of the Alliance righteously.

Putting them out of Alliance's real top ranks is their best option right now.

They could kill Xia Yan in disregard of the Alliance law, but it was impossible for them to violate the Alliance law to kill them.

Let’s not say that we can’t fight, but what’s the difference between doing this and excluding others?

Among them, Xia Yan is excluded.

Xia Yan doesn't care that much.

Everyone else ambushed and killed him like this, and it wasn't his way to not kill him back.

Otherwise, the idea will be incomprehensible.

But why does he choose to keep the status quo now?

After listening to Du's words, Xia Yan was noncommittal.

He just tapped the table slowly.

Tee, Tee, Tee

After a while, he said again: "But have you thought about it a little bit."

The four looked at each other again.

"What if Bai Lao is not the real leader behind that group of people, not their leader?"


Everyone was stunned.

Then a shock.

"No. There is no such possibility." Steven opened his mouth, and finally said a little sullenly.

Bai is always strong.

But Xia Yan never saw Bai Lao take out the "Jade of Life", or did not notice any traces of the "Jade of Life".

That means.

There is another person who holds the "Jewel of Life".

Then if Bai Lao was kicked out of the Alliance's top management, or even killed Bai Lao, it would really be impossible to find the person holding the "Jewel of Life".

At that time.

The other party is completely hidden in the dark, Xia Yan and the others are really dangerous.

And Xia Yan deliberately walked into the opponent's encirclement this time, and it became useless to use the trick to lead Bai Lao.

"Then you are ready"

Xia Yan's eyes were half-squinted, and the light in the depths of his eyes shone brightly.

"Try to force that guy out. Then again"

Reach out.

Grasp slowly.

"Return of the Jedi!"

The crowd fell silent again.

After a while.

Cynthia spoke again, "Then you are too dangerous."

Such arrangements and plans, if the person is successfully drawn out, is of course the best.


In this plan, Xia Yan is undoubtedly the most dangerous one.

He was completely exposed to the other party's sight.

But Xia Yan smiled at Cynthia with relief.

"Actually it's fine."

After a pause, he continued to add.

"Although Bai Lao was killed this time, he suffered a heavy loss. I dare not say more, at least half of his strength has been removed. If he dares to kill me again, it will be hard to say who wins and who loses."

Saying that, Xia Yan looked out the window.

On the cloudless azure blue Soaring in the sky, a few blue jays swayed past.

"And, in fact, I deliberately kept my hand this time."

"So you've left your hands behind?" Du's eyes narrowed slightly.

They all almost thought that Xia Yan was going to die.

But actually.

Xia Yan was not under too much substantial threat because of excessive physical and mental strength, and he was still far from death.

In this regard, Xia Yan is still very measured.

No one cares more about his life than him.

And what he called "keep one hand" actually refers to Giratina them.

Most people only know that Xia Yan is a "real hero" and has won the favor of Reshiram.

Even if Bai Lao and the others knew Xia Yan's identity, they would at most add another Zekrom.

But they didn't know that the beasts closely related to Xia Yan were not only Reshiram and Zekrom.


Before, they were worried that Xia Yan had a close relationship with other divine beasts, so after Old Bai and the others, they might be able to rule out the rest of the divine beasts.

after all.

from their perspective.

This time Xia Yan was threatened with death, and only Reshiram and Zekrom came to the rescue.

The relationship between other divine beasts and Xia Yan may not be as close.

As everyone knows.

Xia Yan completely chose to dance on the tip of the knife this time, completely hiding the trump card, and leaving the real gift to the person holding the "Jewel of Life".


The dangers that others see are actually under Xia Yan's control for the time being.

At least.

At that time, he could call Giovanni, who was guarding not far away, and give up the anti-ambush against Bai Lao.

This is most of Xia Yan's plans after being ambushed this time.

"So, don't be nervous, let the public opinion fly for a while." Xia Yan said with a smile.

This is also the reason why he dares to rest assured in a coma.

Using the power of public opinion, he is the real one.

As long as the forces behind Du and the others speak out, and the Pokémon Pokédex from Professor Oak's side announces, the situation can be reversed in an instant.


Xia Yan was not in a hurry at all.

He is going fishing now.

Anyway, there is no substantive evidence in the other party's hands. Seeing that he is still alive and kicking, sooner or later, he will not be able to bear it.

After all, Igor has proven that punching alone won't work.

Finding out who's really behind the scenes is the key.

"You just need to help me control public opinion a little bit, and keep it at 5-5 or 6-4. But don't let the heat of things go down, and let it become the focus of people's hearts at all times."

The four nodded thoughtfully.

Public opinion is one aspect.

There is more to what they want to do.

for example.

Become the champion of a certain region, and then help Xia Yan as the champion, the right to speak and credibility will undoubtedly be much higher.

And becoming champions will also allow them to help Xia Yan better.

"Okay. Say something fun."

Xia Yan took out four fossils of different shapes.

Seeing these four never-before-seen fossils, Steven's eyes lit up instantly.

"These are four unique fossils that, combined in pairs, can resurrect different Pokémons."

Then Xia Yan took the initiative to combine the four fossils in pairs.

"This is the gill ichthyosaur of the water and dragon systems."

Du's eyes also lit up.

water dragon

Don't be afraid of ice elements!

This is what Xia Yan said, a rare dragon-type Pokémon that has never appeared before?

It looks like it's really good.

"This is the Thunderbird Sea Beast of the Electric System and the Ice System."

Lorelei's eyes also lit up when he heard the words.

Electricity and Ice?

Don't they all restrain the Flying system?

Moreover, the Electric type can also target the Flying type and Dragon type Pokémon that are not restrained by the Ice type.

Xia Yan's brief introduction instantly aroused the strong interest of the three people.

Cynthia, who was next to him, put his head against his head, looked at the fossils on the table, and then looked at Xia Yan with a little joking in his smile, and finally stopped on Du and Lorelei.

He shook his head silently.

This guy, Xia Yan, didn't forget to do bad things at this time.


I don't know why, but Cynthia is also a little bit expectant.

If it doesn't work, it will become Du's death time in the end.


Broken by Xia Yan.


PS: Today's 1.1w! Although today is the first anniversary of this book, it is a pity that I have to go on a business trip tomorrow, and I have to get up at six or seven in the morning, so I will stop here today.

Thank you "Dove Ghost", "Qinggu" and "Single-knife ice cream" for their great rewards, thank you~~

(End of this chapter)

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