The Bottom Trainer In The Pokémon World

Chapter 1053 Duck Duck, You Old Sixth

"Teacher, that's about it. So, the release of Pokédex, please delay it for a while."

In the courtyard, Xia Yan, sitting under the shade of a tree, looked up at the blue Soaring in the sky, with velvety white clouds floating on it, and said to the other end of the phone.

".I understand."

On the phone, Professor Oak's voice came.

Xia Yan lay on his back on the soft grass, beside Sylveon carefully massaged his body with satin.

"Fuck them, go back?"

Speaking of crossing a few people, Xia Yan suddenly regained his energy.

He couldn't help showing a smile and said, "Well. This time, it is estimated that the return of the Dragon King will be staged and the drama will be in charge of the Johto Region."

After a brief pause, he added: "It is estimated that Steven will also become the richest champion of all time."

Hearing that, Professor Oak couldn't help laughing.

"You've made some really good friends."


Xia Yan has always been very fortunate to be able to become good friends with Duji.

"Then what are you going to do next? Wait quietly for the other party to hold back first?" Professor Oak asked again.

"Maybe. I should find a way to get you back as soon as possible."

Although he woke up, his physical injuries have not fully recovered, especially in terms of mental power.

Now as soon as I try to mobilize Psychic, I get a tingling sensation in my mind.

Although there is no big problem in walking, when you want to exert your strength, you will inevitably feel a little sore.

Logically speaking, based on his physical condition, even if his body was severely damaged after being killed, he shouldn't be able to fully recover after sleeping for a week.

He is a Psychic, and has the power of a wave guide, and his physical quality has long surpassed that of a Normal human being.

But this time the injury was very wrong.

Xia Yan seriously suspected that it was the reason for the special "Psychic Seed" given by King Lei Guan.

Without waiting for Professor Oak to answer, Xia Yan continued: "By the way, Teacher. For Agatha Teacher, please inquire more about the news."

Many forces have searched for Agatha for so long, but have not been able to get any news about her.

Even if he had more confidence in Agatha's ability, Xia Yan couldn't help but feel a little worried.

"Don't worry. I probably know where Xiaoju is."

Just listen to Professor Oak continue: "Since you don't need to announce Pokédex for the time being, then I can move my old bones."


Xia Yan stood up and blinked, a look of surprise appeared on his face.

"Teacher, do you mean that you are going to dispatch yourself?"

After so many years of silence, Professor Oak, who has completely faded out of all trainers' vision, is about to take action?

"Hehe - I hope that after so many years, my old bones can still play a role."

In this regard, Professor Oak actually did not shy away.

Xia Yan was instantly refreshed.

Xia Yan has always been speculating about Professor Oak's strength, but he doesn't know to what extent.

He didn't believe it.

Professor Oak stopped cultivating his own Pokémon after he gave up martial arts to follow literature.

this time.

He actually wants to pick up the Poké Ball again and pick up the trainer's identity for Agatha? !

This is much more shocking to Xia Yan than "The Return of the Dragon King, in charge of Johto Region".


Listening to Professor Oak's meaning, he seems to be sure of finding Agatha?

"You don't have to be surprised. This is a historical problem left by our older generation, but no one has brought it up for so many years. Now your younger generation is rushing to the front, if we old guys are still afraid Feet, it is inevitable that you will really be looked down upon."

From his words, Xia Yan actually faintly felt the aura of the former Trainer Samuel Oak.

"You take care of your injury. We can still contribute to some things."

After finishing speaking, Professor Oak left "that's it" and hung up the phone.

But even after the call was over, Xia Yan's surprise was not completely dissipated.

He looked sideways at Sylveon beside him and murmured, "Professor Oak is coming out again for the sake of Agatha Teacher? Is this really human nature, uh, is this the power of dusk?"


Sylveon also showed a hint of surprise.

That wretched old man who likes to stare at it with a magnifying glass, can he still fight?

Xia Yan grinned.

He stood up slowly and brushed off the grass clippings on his body.

"Then we young people, don't lose to the older generation."


"I've already arrived. I'll leave you with all the power for things that are extremely gigantic."

Xia Yan ended the call with A Jian.

Fortunately, although Alliance has announced his identity as a "traitor", now that he has not been able to produce substantial evidence, whether he is inside the Alliance or outside the Alliance, his supporters and critics are half open.

And headed by A Jian and Asahi, the newly formed Galar Region Interpol branch still obeys him.

Put away the phone.

Looking at this remote city where modernity and history are intertwined, Xia Yan took a deep breath.

"Nice place."


He is located in a relatively marginal town in the Galar Region, the city of Milifa!

It stands surrounded by vast jungles.

Judging from the style of the houses, you can still see many classical buildings, such as the tallest twin-towered castle in the center of the city.

But standing on the street, you can experience the modernization of the city, and the technology of traps is all over the city.

This is probably the unique feature of many towns in the Galar Region today.

It retains the traces of history, but also fills it with modern technology, such as Jiqing City and Quanguan City, which are famous cities in the Galar Region.

on the street.

You can see the friendly side between humans and Pokémon here.

"Garbage recycling. Please feed the garbage directly to my Trubbish, it can decompose and digest the garbage without causing any damage to the environment. Oh, please rest assured, my Trubbish is professionally trained, it does not smell gas, and will not release toxins. Please believe that we are professional."

"Edelweiss moth clothing. Clothing woven with silk threads spit out by edelweiss moths, it can make you feel the coolness of winter in hot summer."

"Ice cream! Shuang milk fairy pure handmade ice cream, ice cream made from cream made by Shuang milk fairy-"


Shops of various human and Pokémon collaborations can be found all over the street.

Humans and Pokémon get along well and cooperate with each other to the fullest.

Library door.

"We humans, only by working together with Pokémon can we both get the best out of each other."

"Pokémon are our friends, relatives and even lovers. I have been fortunate to be in some ancient regions with a long history and have seen the stories of human beings and Pokémon's love and birth of offspring"

"Actually, we might as well make a bold assumption. Perhaps, humans themselves are a relatively special branch among the many Pokémons?"

The more Xia Yan stopped, the more he felt that something was wrong.


It's the one who speaks out that's wrong.

Do you have the skills to replace the Gardevoir beside you with a Flash mother Machoke, and then preach these words?

That credibility must skyrocket.

With only Gardevoir.


Sylveon blinked his eyes and looked at Xia Yan, and there was curiosity in his flickering eyes.

Can humans really have offspring with Pokémon?

"Cough." Xia Yan coughed lightly, "But what he said was not entirely empty talk."


Sylveon's satin wrapped around Xia Yan's arm tightened a little, and the shock outweighed the surprise.

Xia Yan pressed his hat, "I have also seen such a book in Sinnoh's Canalave library. The most important thing is that I may have actually seen such a person."

In his mind, the handsome young man with peculiar green hair and a natural affinity for Pokémon flashed across his mind.

It is said that that guy is most likely the offspring of humans and Pokémon.


In fact, Xia Yan sometimes suspects that Ash, whose physical fitness is far superior to ordinary people and has never heard of his father's rumors, is he.emmmm

and also.

He also has a strong affinity with Pokémon. Coco, the real-life "wolf child" who was adopted and raised by Salod since he was a child, may be more like his relatives than humans to him.

There are so many Pokémon professors and so many research results, but there is always one item that has troubled countless genius professors, and has been unable to obtain substantial results.

That's the bond between humans and Pokémon.

The power of fetters is really inconspicuous when it is inconspicuous.

But if it falls into the hands of the Trainer who can really use the bond ability

Seed explosions seem to have become their regular means.

Typical people are Crimson and Ash.


Sylveon shook his head vigorously, still a little unbelievable that humans and Pokémon had offspring.


To divert attention.

Sylveon decisively shifted his target to the ice cream shop with a tempting aroma not far away.

The frost milk fairy, who is as cute as a fresh milk cake, is standing in front of the transparent glass counter, waiting for customers with its hostess.

blah blah-

Sylveon walked cheerfully and ran to the counter under Xia Yan's helpless gaze.

"Lovely Sylveon, do you want ice cream?"

When the young store manager saw Sylveon, he was immediately attracted by its cute appearance.

"Milk fairy~~"

Shuang Daixian also bent her eyes and called softly, welcoming the customers who came to the door.

Xia Yan walked slowly and threw a few Poké Balls in his hand again.

"Quite yea!!"


Togekiss, who is the most keen on ice cream, sees the delicious ice cream, and his eyes light up.

In addition to this, there are Ninetales and Onion Rangers.


The onion trooper burst into tears.

Xia Yan finally thought of it.

When she saw Xia Yan coming, the female store manager realized that Xia Yan was the trainer of these Pokémons.

Four Pokémon at once, which is a big customer.

She hurriedly started to sell ice cream flavors.

"This is the caramel blueberry flavor. The blueberry neutralizes the sweetness of the caramel but retains its sweet taste. It also incorporates the blueberry fragrance and a little bit of sourness. This is a creamy flower tea flavor, which is composed of delicate cream combined with a little bit of sourness. Made of bitter flower tea, the taste is very layered.

Finally, this is the signature work of me and Frost Milk Fairy, the strawberry vanilla flavor, it is the cream made by Frost Milk Fairy with strawberries as the raw material, and then I combine it with vanilla for decoration.”

The female store manager is very enthusiastic, and the frost milk fairy is also very cooperative.

Even, the creamy milk fairy secretly secreted a little bit of its unique cream, let Togekiss and Sylveon taste it first.

I don't know this, but a few little guys are even more unable to move forward.

Looking at their eager eyes, the female store manager and Shuang Daixian were very satisfied.

The quality of the cream that Frost Milk Fairy can make depends not only on its strength, but also on the bond between Trainer and her.

The happier the Frost Milk Immortal felt, the more fragrant the fresh cream tasted.


Sylveon, who had reacted, hurriedly wrapped Xia Yan's arm with silk and satin, shaking it vigorously, pouting his small mouth and acting coquettishly.

"Just mumbling~~"

Togekiss also held Xia Yan's other arm, blinking his big dripping eyes, and almost didn't engrave the words "I want to eat" on his face.

to this.

Xia Yan could only curl the corners of his mouth that could not be calmed down, and scolded with a smile: "A group of snacks."

hehe hehe-

The four little guys suddenly showed smug smiles.

They know that this ice cream cannot escape.

"Please give us the biggest share." Xia Yan said with a smile.

Hearing this, the female store manager's eyes lit up, "Want a rainbow?"

The so-called "rainbow" is actually an ice cream made up of seven ice cream balls of different colors.

Look at the eyes of the little guys that twinkle with stars, and the heads like garlic.

Xia Yan could only nod his head.

Seeing this, the female store manager hurriedly got busy with Shuang Daixian.

Really big business.

While waiting, the female store manager did not forget to chat with Xia Yan.

"Sir, are you from out of town?"

Xia Yan was stunned, "Is it obvious?"

"No, it's just because I'm quite familiar with the people in this city, and I've never seen you before."

Xia Yan nodded suddenly.

"But you've come at the right time. Tonight is our annual 'Fireworks Conference' in Millifah, where you and your Pokémon can enjoy the beautiful fireworks in the square with your Pokémon."

While talking, the female store manager handed a finished rainbow ice cream to Xia Yan.

Just looking at the seven ice cream balls above the cone made people swallow subconsciously.

And the eyes of the little guys, Togekiss and Sylveon, were immediately attracted.

"That's not bad." Xia Yan agreed.

"And it looks like you and your Pokémon have a great relationship, sir"

I see.

Sylveon, who was standing on the ground, made a leap, and the silk rose so high that he tried to pick up the ice cream in Xia Yan's hand.

Togekiss was more straightforward, and flew over directly.

Rao is a Ninetales who is not so eager for ice food among the little guys, so they all stretched their tails to pick up.

Seeing this, Duck pressed his chin, glanced at Togekiss, Sylveon, and Ninetales, and fell into a brief contemplation.

It knows.

If you really want to grab it, it can't be grabbed, there is no advantage.


It has to use its flexible brain.


Duck Duck's eyes lit up suddenly.

Immediately afterwards, without any hesitation, one jumped into Splash, ignoring Togekiss's movements, under their stunned, unbelievable gazes.


From bottom to top, little droplets, spit out.

Xia Yan: "."

Female store manager: "."

Little guys: "."


After landing, Duck Duck put his hands on his hips, his face contented and calm.

You grab it, we won't fight.

After a minute.

The noble knight with two panda eyes, blue and purple on his body and some ice crystals sticking to his body, contentedly held the rainbow ice cream and licked it carefully.

next second.

a shiver.


With a happy expression on his face.

".He, hehe, hehe - what a relationship."

The female store manager was extremely embarrassed to finish her sentence.

Xia Yan can't wait to find a crack to get in.

Duck Duck this old sixth.

But don't say it.

This method really works. Togekiss will beat it up and stop grabbing the ice cream.


Later, when the female store manager handed over the ice cream, they all became very friendly, and they declined each other.

I'm afraid that there will be another guy who doesn't take the usual path like Ya Ya.

"Okay, sir, there are five rainbow ice creams in total, and I will accept you in total."

The female store manager and Shuang Daixian wiped the fine sweat from their foreheads at the same time.

Making colorful ice cream is not only a handicraft, but also a technical activity.

"Well maybe I didn't make it clear, I don't just want five ice creams, I probably want"

Xia Yan waved his fingers.

"Forget it. Do as much as you want."

Although he only summoned four little guys, he couldn't favor such delicious ice cream, and everyone only had one bowl of water.


The female store manager and Frost Milk Immortal froze.

The special one is the Frost Milk Fairy, who looked at his Trainer with a little weeping.

"Milk, milk fairy?"

They think, drain me?

After half an hour.

After exhausting the female store manager and Frost Milk Fairy, he looked tiredly but happily at Xia Yan who left, and his pile of Pokémon.

This one is worth the money.

But after that, such orders will not be accepted.

boom boom-

Bright and gorgeous fireworks, rendering the hazy night sky.

The clouds like black velvet feathers are dyed into colorful colors.

"Just muttering—"

In Togekiss's eyes, there was a brilliant rainbow light.

So beautiful.

The most famous of the city of Millifah is its "Fireworks Conference", which attracts many people from all over the Galar Region to come and watch.

at the same time.

There is also a legend in the city of Millifah.

Outside the city of Milifah, in the huge forest of Okoya, which surrounds the entire city, lives a Celebi who guards the forest.

From the very beginning, the annual "Fireworks Conference" is the people of the city of Milifah, in order to thank Celebi for bringing a quiet and peaceful environment to the city and the forest.


I don't know why, after decades, Celebi, the guardian of Okoya Forest, has never appeared again.

It is said.

Celebi will only appear in times of true peace.

And now the city of Milifah is still quiet and peaceful, it can only mean that in the Okoya forest outside the city of Milifa, some things that Celebi does not want to see are happening or continuing.

Xia Yan came to Milifa City, and the purpose of coming to Okoya Forest was very simple.

In the city of Milifa, in the vast forest, there is a very unique sacred tree.

From the divine tree, a peculiar spring water will continue to flow, and eventually converge into a lake surrounding the divine tree.

That lake, known as the "Healing Fountain", has a strong healing power.

According to legend, three thousand years ago, the legendary heroes Cang Xiang and Zangmarant defeated "Dark Night" and killed Wuji Taina. They were seriously injured and dragged their tired bodies to a place in Zhanjing Town. In the hot spring, the injured body was restored.

That hot spring was called "The Spring of Heroes" by later generations.

But after the tests of later people, they found that the "Fountain of Heroes" had no real healing effect. It must be that Cangxiang and Zangmarant had done special treatment at that time.

Xia Yan guessed.

At that time, Cangxiang and Zangmarant actually added the "Healing Spring" spring water obtained from the Okoya Forest to the "Heroic Spring".

Since even Cangxiang and Zangmarant's injuries could be recovered, Xia Yan felt that he was so "minor injury" that if he could take a dip in the spring water, he would probably recover soon.


If you want to take a dip in the spring water, you probably have to pass the level of the Sared clan who protect the tree of gods.


The bigger premise is to find the divine tree first.

This may be difficult for others, after all, Okoya Forest is a very huge jungle.

But for Xia Yan, it is not difficult.

When the last fireworks bloomed in the night sky, all that remained after the splendor was the lingering smoke of gunpowder and the smiles on the faces of people and Pokémon.

"It's over. It's almost time for us to go."

The Pokémon nodded in satisfaction.

A rare moment of peace.

Next, we must work hard to help Xia Yan recover.

"Spirit horse."

Xia Yan shouted softly.

Howling! !

Da da da--

The hazy Haze spread rapidly behind Xia Yan, and the crisp hoofs and neighs also sounded.

Shen Jun's dark horse, the ghostly horse, stepped out of Haze.


After standing still, the ghost horse snorted.

Then he seemed to have thought of something, put away his arrogance, and looked around cautiously.

Although he closed his eyes, he turned his perception ability to the maximum.

Seeing this scene, Xia Yan couldn't help but laugh, and then said, "Don't worry, Reshiram is not here."


Lingyouma let out a sigh of relief.

But it hurriedly shook its head and held its head up, saying that it wasn't because he was afraid of Reshiram that he did this.

Xia Yan raised his eyebrows.

"Really? I think so too. So I'd better call Reshiram, if it's there after all."


Lingyouma was agitated, and the huge spiritual power that spread hurriedly supported Xia Yan and put it on his back.

Then he opened his hooves and walked towards the depths of the Okoya Forest.

As divine beasts with super-perceptive abilities, spirit horses are very sensitive to the surrounding environment. When King Lei Guan rides on it, their perception ability can even spread to a distance of fifty kilometers.

Moreover, the Haze condensed by the ghost horse can devour the life energy of life, and its perception of life energy is far beyond that of other Pokémon.


Laughing, Xia Yan rode on the back of the ghost horse and led the Pokémon into the Okoya Forest.

"The one riding the white horse is not necessarily the Tang monk. It is not too much for the one riding the black horse to call himself a 'dark nightmare knight'? Darkrai."

【Do you have to bring the word 'nightmare' with you? 】

"I can't help it, the master has the 'money ability', I only have Psychic. I reluctantly changed his name and used it."

A line, quickly disappeared into the depths of the jungle.

Don't know why.

Although he was injured and there was always a danger to his life that might suddenly appear, Xia Yan was in a good mood.


It must be influenced by the harmonious coexistence between humans and Pokémon in Mirefar City.


PS: Sorry, I came back late from a business trip today, so the update is a bit late~~ It's the second half of the year, and things at home have to be busy~~

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