The Bottom Trainer In The Pokémon World

Chapter 1060 I, Xia Yan, Did The Opposite!

"Champion Xia Yan, Champion Xia Yan! May I ask you to issue an announcement to the Alliance, stating that you are an 'Alliance traitor', an undercover agent sent by the Rockets, and also the highest seat of the Hunter Guild, 'Hunter N', what do you think?"

Shuo Chuan Town.

Apart from the busy town restoration work, Xia Yan was interviewed by Reporter media from all over the Galar Region.

"Alliance traitor?" Xia Yan blinked, looking a little dazed.

Then he asked back: "Alliance's announcement? Is there any evidence?"

"Uh, not yet."

Xia Yan shrugged, "That's it."

"But that's an announcement from the Federation."

"Then ask. Does the General Alliance represent all the Alliances in all Regions, or only a certain part of the people?" Xia Yan asked again.

In the Reporter who interviewed Xia Yan, someone blurted out:

"Since it is a general alliance, of course it represents all Region Alliances."

"Then why is my Sinnoh Region not receiving the so-called meeting information? I am a Sinnoh champion and have not received any meeting notification?"

The reporters below looked at each other, speechless.

This is no nonsense.

The center of the discussion at the meeting is whether you are a traitor. How can you be notified of the meeting?

I criticize myself?

Seemingly reading out the inner activities of these Reporters, Xia Yan said with a smile:

"At the same time, I can tell you very clearly. Not only our Sinnoh Alliance, but also the Johto Region Alliance, Unova Alliance, Alola Alliance and other Region Alliances have not received the notice of the meeting."

"Ah, ah?"

Hearing this, all the reporters present, including the audience watching the live interview, were stunned.

What's the meaning?

The Federation has convicted a dignified Region champion, and they can skip each Region and announce it directly?

Xia Yan had already asked Pryce, Alder, and Kukuyin.

Got a clear answer.

The General League did not convene this meeting, but just made this announcement unilaterally, trying to knock Xia Yan to death with a stick.

How do you know.

Intercepted, intercepted unsuccessfully.

Slander, slander has also suffered no small obstacles.

Originally according to the idea of ​​Bai Lao's group.

Intercepting Xia Yan, even if there is no meeting, when Xia Yan hangs up, this matter will be a foregone conclusion.

Who knows, Xia Yan is so well prepared.

It's Duo, Cynthia and the others, the Giovanni Rockets, and Hiram.

Even Beedrill exploded once again, bursting out beyond the championship-level strength.

It also caused Bai Lao to be seriously injured, and Pokémon's losses were even more serious.

Therefore, the current situation is very embarrassing for the descendants of the royal family, and it is neither up nor down.

It is not possible to squeeze Xia Yan to death in one breath, but also to withstand Xia Yan's counterattack.

And this piece of information caused an uproar on the Internet in an instant.

The General Alliance actually ignored the Region Alliances and directly characterized a Region Champion as a "traitor"?

No wonder Xia Yan wanted to ask.

Whether the General Alliance can represent the Region Alliance is such a question.

After speaking, Xia Yan's expression suddenly became extremely serious, and he stretched out a finger and pointed it on a camera.

Coldly said: "I know that some people want to target me, because I know something I shouldn't know. But it doesn't matter, if you want to target me, you need to show evidence first. …

Also, don’t think about using Ditto, a Pokémon like me, to frame it. There are many ways to authenticate my identity, but it’s definitely not just based on appearance.

at last.

You, don't, give me, find evidence against you! "


As soon as these words came out, the audience was in an uproar.

What does it mean?

Xia Yan officially declared war on the General League?

Also, the information in his words is also very intriguing.

What is the evidence against them?

Taking two steps back, Xia Yan made a rare concave shape.

With a smile on his face again, he announced:

"An announcement. I'm Xia Yan, it's the other way around!"



Everyone's faces were replaced by a strong shock.

In the first half of this interview, Xia Yan had just gained an advantage in public opinion.

This last one has everyone confused.

Why is it the other way around?

Because of being wronged?

Or, take advantage of the trend to give yourself a step down?

After being stunned for a long time, the present reporters recklessly pushed the microphone forward again, the flash lights came up and down, and the image quality of the camera was adjusted to the highest level.

Century News!

Alliance champion, actually reversed? !

However, Xia Yan quickly added:

"Sorry. Let me make it clear. Because of the slander of the General League against me without evidence, it has no credibility and leadership. I, Xia Yan, a Trainer from the bottom, who they call a 'traitor', will no longer be Follow any orders from the Federation!

I, against the Federation. "

This time, it was completely clear.

The uproar broke out on the Internet and in various regions.

"Then, what about the Sinnoh Alliance? What about the regional alliances?"

At this time, Reporter's mind turned faster, and he heard the meaning hidden in Xia Yan's words.

I saw Xia Yan chuckled lightly.

"Region Alliance, what does it have to do with the General Alliance?"


Uproar again.

Xia Yan directly separated the General Alliance from the Region Alliances!

After saying this, Xia Yan waved his hand to signal the end of the interview.

But one by one, the Reporters stepped up again, trying to ask some more questions.


An invisible wall stood in front of them, and no matter how hard they tried, they couldn't break through.

Not even a few Pokémon with cameras on their shoulders can't break through this wall.


Looking at Xia Yan, who turned around and invested in the construction of Shuo Chuan Town, even if the Reporters still have questions, they have nothing to do.

In fact, they also wanted to ask if Xia Yan had anything to do with the successive murders of the descendants of nobles in the Galar Region during this period.

However, Xia Yan, who predicted their problems, decisively ended the interview.

These things do not need answers.

The descendants of the royal family should know that he did it.

I just don't know if this can lead to the person behind the real descendants of the royal family, the person who holds the "Jade of Life".

"What's the matter, that announcement was issued unilaterally by the General League? No wonder Champion Xia Yan didn't give any response at all."…

"That's right. I thought Champion Xia Yan was really a traitor."

"This is obviously a conflict between Champion Xia Yan and a senior member of the General League."

"It's more than a contradiction, this is going to be rectified to death, right?"

"Maybe, this guy Xia Yan is really a traitor of the Alliance, but no evidence has been found yet?"

"Traitor? I am the first in Shuo Chuan Town to not believe it!"

"I don't believe Ecruteak City either."

"I don't believe Opelucid City either."

"I don't believe the whole Sinnoh Region!"

"Some things, if you don't believe it or not, he doesn't have it."

"Wait! Now, Champion Xia Yan is the champion of Sinnoh Alliance, but he doesn't obey the General Alliance. What does this mean? Champion Xia Yan is going to fight with the General Alliance?"

"I can't say yes."

"Although, I don't think Champion Xia Yan is a traitor. But this way, doesn't it mean that the Alliance's civil strife has officially started?"


a time.

Public opinion on the Internet is frying again.

Regarding the fact that Xia Yan is a traitor of the Alliance, the supporters of both sides on the Internet are almost 73%, and those who support Xia Yan not a traitor have accounted for 70%.


In addition to discussing whether he is a traitor, more people still focus on Xia Yan's decisive "I'm the opposite!".

Many people think so.


This will become the fuse for the conflict between the Region Alliance and the General Alliance.

And during this intense discussion.

Neither Xia Yan nor the General League made any further remarks, and the two sides fell into complete silence.

Some sensitive people feel that the two sides seem to be accumulating their own strengths, preparing to hit the other side with a single blow.

And in this confrontation.

Although Xia Yan has more supporters, the majority of those who think Xia Yan will fail.

It's not that I don't believe in Xia Yan's ability and strength.

but the Union

Really too strong.

at this point.

So far, none of the Region Alliance has stood up for Xia Yan, not even the Sinnoh Alliance, you can see one or two.

But Xia Yan was not targeting the entire General League. What he was targeting was the descendants of the royal family.

Although they occupied a lot of power in the general alliance, they did not represent the entire general alliance.

At least.

The other vice president was not born of a descendant of the royal family.

In fact, Xia Yan was most curious.

Or the president he had never seen before.

Who the other party is and what attitude they hold may be the key.

"Apprentice Bear. Counter!"

I see.

In Shuo Chuan Town Stadium.

The apprentice Xiong, who was stomping on a horse, had a serious expression, the white hair on his head was extremely tight, and his arms were surrounded by a strong Fighting-type energy in front of him.

And on the opposite side of it.

A Machamp with angular muscles and sharp edges, while smashing the ground, burst out with terrifying power and roar, and punched straight at the same time.

Seeing Machamp getting closer, Apprentice Xiong's expression became more intense.

This Rival is very strong, it must not be taken lightly, it must use all its power, at least let Rival suffer a certain amount of damage.


Machamp's fist, whose whole body was concentrated a little, smashed directly on the arm raised by Apprentice Bear. …


A dull sound accompanied Apprentice Bear slipping out, ploughing two ravines on the ground.

So strong!

So strong!

A thought arose in the minds of Apprentice Bear and Machamp at the same time.

But next second.

The fighting energy stored in Apprentice Xiong suddenly exploded, and the fists that popped out like a jerk, flew out at an extremely fast speed under Machamp's unbelievable gaze.

Machamp: Really strong!

Apprentice Xiong: Phew—fortunately, I didn't keep my hand, and I almost lost.

Hmm. In Apprentice Xiong's cognition, the Rival that cannot be killed in seconds is very likely to be a very strong existence.

dropped in seconds.

Also a very strong Rival.


Apprentice Xiong, who let out a breath, waved his fists twice, full of momentum.

Facing the apprentice Xiong who was covered with "Bulk Up" blessings, Caidou's expression on the opposite side was stunned.

Also, can you fight like this?

Are the gains all added before starting the fight?

Seemingly feeling Caidou's astonishment, Xia Yan couldn't help touching his nose.

Let's just say that this time let the ducks come.

But the bear apprentice looked eager and impatient.

"Cough. Caidou."

"Thank you for your advice! I understand, Champion Xia Yan!"

Before Xia Yan finished speaking, he saw Caidou bowing ninety degrees and said with a very sincere attitude.

Understand what?

Xia Yan was stunned.

"No matter what kind of Rival you are facing. Whether it is strong or weak, it is the greatest respect for the opponent to go all out!

At the same time, you also want to tell me.

If the last time I collided with the super-giant Machamp, my Machamp was also full of 'Bulk Up', maybe it would not be so embarrassing and could protect more buildings. "


Caidou made a standard bow to Xia Yan again.

Caidou, who was born in a professional family, received a very standard education from a young age, and grew up with his partner Pokémon under high standards and strict requirements.

Therefore, it is rigid to be seen by others, and even gives the illusion of being ruthless.

Only in the battle will her enthusiasm and emotions be revealed inadvertently.


Xia Yan pressed the brim of his hat.

can only say.

As expected of a person who has received higher education, his comprehension ability is not like Mikey's.

It's like.

When he used to read, there was always a question of reading comprehension, asking them to fill in the meaning that a certain sentence wanted to express, and what was explained and what reflected what was going on in the society at that time. This kind of over-interpretation.

to be frank.

Maybe the original author who wrote that article didn't even know what he wanted to express.


Caidou was probably used to listening to her father, who always had something to say, and she felt that Xia Yan wanted to express a deeper meaning.

But don't say it.

The current Caidou seems to have a new pursuit for Fighting after seeing the performance of Ya Ya that day and the performance of Apprentice Xiong today.

"Thank you, Champion Xia Yan! I decided to travel and practice at the same time!"

After all, he turned around and left with Machamp.


Brother Bear, you seem to have woken her up?

The onion wanderer patted the apprentice Xiong on the shoulder and looked at Caidou who was quickly leaving. …


Apprentice Xiong blinked involuntarily and scratched his head.

Yeah? I'm so good?


Onion Ranger nodded in affirmation.

Facing the questioning gaze cast by apprentice Xiong, Xia Yan could only smile in return.

All right.

It's time to give Apprentice Xiong a little more confidence.


Upon seeing this, the apprentice Xiong immediately showed excitement.

Tightening the white hair on his forehead, he threw two small short fists.


Sure enough, we still have to continue to strengthen, and strive to conquer them in every Rival in the future.

blah blah-

And just when Xia Yan was thinking about the next move and how to move.

Suddenly, a small green thing jumped out of the corner of the Stadium and jumped straight to Xia Yan.


There is dirty stuff!

Apprentice Xiong's expression became solemn, he spread his legs, and rushed forward with a flying fist.



The onion wanderer's expression suddenly stiffened, and after reacting, he hurriedly rushed up.

But not with Apprentice Bear, but stopped it.

Calm down, calm down!

The green little thing, after seeing the apprentice Xiong flying over, the only one eye became a little serious.

At the same time, a translucent green light appeared on his body, and he seemed to be ready to deal with it.

"Quack! Quack!"

Duck Duck's forehead sweated, and hurriedly signaled that they were not malicious.

That look made Apprentice Xiong look puzzled.


Xia Yan came up.

Raising his eyebrows, he looked at the group of small things unexpectedly and asked:

"Zygarde, why are you here?"

It turned out that this green little thing was actually the core of Zygarde cells!

Seeing Xia Yan, the Zygarde cell core put away its vigilance and looked at him.

[Xia Yan, there is big trouble! 】


Xia Yan was stunned.

To make Zygarde say "big trouble", that's probably no small thing.

Xia Yan's expression gradually became serious.

"Come on, talk this way."

Seeing Xia Yan and Zygarde's cell cores walking towards the side, Apprentice Xiong couldn't help showing a curious look.

Apprentice Bear: Brother Duck, what is that?

Captain Onion exhaled and wiped the sweat from his forehead.

Apprentice Bear has never seen it, but it is in the Alola Region. He has personally seen the Contest Condition presented by Zygarde, and the explosive combat power.

It patted apprentice Xiong on the shoulder earnestly and spit out two words.

Onion Ranger: Gundam!


PS: Today's 1.2w~~ ask for a monthly pass~~

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