The Bottom Trainer In The Pokémon World

Chapter 1061 The Little Devil God

Mt. Silver.

A small conference room in the Pokémon Alliance building.

Headed by Bai Lao, it has now become an internal meeting of the royal family and descendants of nobles at the top of the General League.

There are many factions in the general alliance, and the major factions are not as harmonious as outsiders think.

The factions such as the actual combat faction, the academic faction, the radical faction, the conservative faction, etc., all have their own relationships more or less.

The descendants of the royal family did not form a distinct faction.

They are more of infiltrating the major factions, and strive to become the backbone, a little bit to erode the power of the Alliance.

However, it is precisely because of such complex and contradictory internal relations that the General League has not always been very united.

Even if many problems are discovered, everyone is reluctant to be the first bird without the leadership of one person.

In particular, the other party is still the vice president of the General League, who is in a high position and holds great power.

But this time.

Xia Yan became this early bird.


The first shot was fired without hesitation.

And once Xia Yan, the early bird who fired the first shot, is not punished accordingly, then the rest of the high-level officials who have long been dissatisfied with their royal descendants will surely pounce on them and bite a piece of meat from them.

boom! !

"How can that guy? How dare he?!"

Xia Yan announced that they had already seen the news that Taunt said that they were going to oppose the General League.

Those who didn't know thought that Xia Yan was clamoring for the entire Federation.

But in fact, the discerning person knows very well that what he is clamoring for is the group of people headed by Bai Lao.


Many people have remained silent for the time being, choosing to wait and see.

Moreover, a large number of descendants of royal families and nobles in the Galar Region were slaughtered.

In the eyes of some people, this is not a bad thing, after all, they are not monolithic.

Before Alliance came along.

It can be said that the conflicts between the royal families and nobles in various regions cannot be adjusted.

It's just that once this kind of thing is not stopped, it may be them who will suffer later.

"Old Bai, you have to say something."

The people at the conference table all looked at the white-haired old man sitting in the main seat.

Facing the eager inquiries from the crowd, Old Bai tapped his finger lightly on the table, and the dull sound made the somewhat noisy conference room quickly quiet down.

"What do you want the old man to do? The old man is the one who has lost the most this time."

So many Pokémons that only surpassed the championship level, he spent most of his life cultivating, and it was lost like this.

His expression seemed calm, but his heart was bleeding.

If it is possible, even if the lives of everyone present are exchanged for his Pokémon, Elder Bai is very happy.

Everyone was silent.

They really did not expect that the action to kill Xia Yan would fail.

I originally thought that there were eight top descendants of the royal family to intercept and kill, and Bai Lao was in charge. No matter how strong Xia Yan was, he should be punished.

Even if Xia Yan has a good relationship with the beast, they all counted it.

But he didn't think that not only was the interception unsuccessful, but he suffered heavy losses.

Take a deep breath.

Old Bai waited around the crowd and said solemnly:

"Arrangements have been made."

Everyone looked at each other.


"Yveltal, ran out again?"

Hearing the "trouble" described by the core of Zygarde, Xia Yan was stunned for a moment.

[Not just Yveltal, I feel that the balance of the entire Pokémon world is starting to get out of balance. 】

The core of Zygarde looked serious.

The red prismatic square on its chest flickered on and off.

Just when Xia Yan digested the content of the Zygarde cell core, he suddenly saw strands of black threads spilling out of the red edge in the middle of the Zygarde cell core.

Seeing this power again, Xia Yan recognized it at first sight.

"Dark energy?!"

Before he could explain too much, Xia Yan hurriedly opened his palms and closed his eyes.

The power of the waveguide exists in the heart!

The power of the Cianwood-colored waveguide curled out of his palm, shrouding the core of Zygarde cells.

next moment.

The dull black silk thread slowly melted until it completely dissipated.

Seeing this, Xia Yan suddenly let out a sigh of relief.

If Zygarde is also contaminated with dark energy, I am afraid that the trouble is really big.

As the god of order, once it runs rampant, I am afraid that all the ecological balance of the entire Pokémon world will be completely broken.

At that time.

I don't know how many wild Pokémon and humans will fall into that unbalanced ecological environment.

And after the few strands of dark energy disappeared, the Zygarde cell core also temporarily recovered.

However, its expression became more serious.

[You saw it, Xia Yan. Now, inexplicably, a large number of these energies filled with negative emotions such as Rage, hatred, and devotion have appeared, and they are constantly eroding the original balance of ecology. 】

After a brief pause, it went on to add:

[Even some of my cells were polluted in order to protect the ecology, and they were completely disconnected from me. 】

"What do you mean? Dark energies start to riot?"

The first thing that flashed in Xia Yan's mind was that the descendants of the royal family were about to start doing things again.

And with a high probability, his guess should not be wrong.

[I noticed that energy when it first started to riot, and I also determined the location of the outbreak. 】

Zygarde core said.

Xia Yan raised his eyebrows.

"Can't stop it?"

Is there anything that Gundam can't stop?

Seeing the helplessness on the face of Zygarde cell core.

[I, my friend, it is contaminated. 】

Xia Yan: "!!!"

What do you mean?

"You mean, another cell core, contaminated with dark energy?"

[Yes, otherwise I would not have come so far to find you. 】

Xia Yan looked up to the sky and looked at the small Zygarde cell core in front of him.

Gundam, no more?

Then I heard Zygarde cell core say very succinctly:

[Xia Yan, I need your help. 】

He breathed in silently.

to be frank.

It's definitely not easy, and it's definitely not easy to handle.

But it was Zygarde who asked for help.

In the Alola Region, when Xia Yan needed help, Zygarde didn't say anything.

Not to mention their relationship, even if it's just a courtesy exchange and a favor, it's still a matter of repayment.

What's more, Zygarde, the dignified god of order, said so, and there is a high possibility that the group of descendants of the royal family is inseparable from the matter, and Xia Yan could not refuse.

After a brief silence.

Under the gaze of the Zygarde cell core, Xia Yan nodded silently.

"It seems that the Pryce champion really has no intention of letting go. His last Pokémon, is- Mamoswine!"

On Xia Yan's private airship.

He and his Pokémon are sitting in front of the giant screen, watching the webcast being played on it.

on the screen.

It's the final battle between the two.

One of them is naturally another cheap Teacher of Xia Yan, now the champion of Johto Region, the former Ice Element Elite, Pryce!

And his Rival.

That young man with red inch hair, a rattling cloak, and a serious and confident face is his friend, Yulongdu!

That's right.

The content of this live broadcast is exactly Du's "Victory Road" challenge!

Xia Yan was unable to arrive at the scene for various reasons, but he still wanted to watch the live broadcast that he should watch.

Since leaving Galar last time, Kanto Alliance and Johto Region Alliance have issued two announcements.

The Kanto Alliance Dragon is the Elite Royal Dragon Crossing and has stepped down as the Kanto Elite Four.

Immediately after.

Johto Region Alliance announced that the Blackthorn City Yulong Clan Yulongdu officially announced to challenge the Johto Region Alliance Victory Road!

At that time, it was considered a big storm on the Internet, and even suppressed the discussion of Xia Yan's identity at that time.

And now.

This is the final moment of crossing the "Victory Road" challenge.

Versus Johto Region Champion, Pryce!

In the end, there was only one Charizard left, and Pryce's last Pokémon, Mamoswine.

Looking at the screen-filled barrage, Xia Yan vaguely felt the hot comments on the Internet when he challenged Victory Road.

The second crab eater is definitely not as famous as the first one.

But the number of viewers of this live broadcast is still very exaggerated.


Looking at their comments that Pryce really didn't release water and that Du had a high probability of winning, Xia Yan pursed his lips.

"No water? No water, Pryce Teacher, is it the sea?"

Xia Yan still couldn't hold back and complained.

In the eyes of Normal people, the higher the level of Pokémon evolution, the stronger the power.

Pryce is famous for his ice-type moves and uses Swinub as his signature. The final evolution of Swinub, Mamoswine, must be his strongest Pokémon.


Anyone who really knew Pryce knew that his Swinub was the real terrifying existence.

With the ice system's four-fold restraint on Dodo Pokémon, Pryce's Swinub doesn't say that he can push the team directly, but Du's Dragonite and Salamence probably don't even have the chance to fight.

However, Xia Yan, who read it from beginning to end, did not see Pryce summon Swinub.

Not even the Delibird.

Isn't this what it is?

"Evil household." Xia Yan complained again.

He didn't understand it before, and now he's almost figured it out.

The reason why Pryce is willing to be the champion of the Johto Region is because the Royal Dragons are operating in the back, and they want Pryce to occupy a place for Duo.

of course.

Pryce certainly reaped a lot of benefits as well.

But what it is, Xia Yan doesn't know.

Otherwise, with Pryce's moody appearance at the time, even as a gym owner who spent three days fishing and two days drying nets, he would definitely not want to be the champion of fishing.

The Johto Region Alliance champion who just left the Kanto Alliance.

However, Xia Yan actually understood Pryce's mentality.

Now, he still hopes to see the rise of the younger generation of Alliance, and it is estimated that he is very happy and hoped to see Du can succeed him.

Many of the older generation of Alliance actually hold this idea.

Like Alder from Unova Alliance.

"Charizard, Mega Evolution!"

on the screen.

Watari pulls out his final preparation, Mega CharizardX!

"Dragon Dance!"

Seeing this, Xia Yan knew that it was time to congratulate Duo on becoming the new champion of Johto Region.

A string of four picked the Elite Four of the Johto Region Alliance, and then defeated the champion Pryce, which is not high enough.

I sent a congratulatory message to Du for the first time.

starting today.

The Dragon King officially returns to the Johto Region.

And the Johto Region Region will also officially rise due to the return of Du.

It's a pity Kanto Region.

Obviously there is such a talent, but he let go abruptly.

In the future Kanto, it is estimated that it can only be supported by Lorelei.

But don't say it.

If Kanto and Johto Region really want to compete, Lorelei's restraint on Du is still very strong.

After all, after fighting for so long, no one knows better than Lorelei how to restrain himself.

And Xia Yan also heard about it.

The previous incident Lorelei has captured a Vulpix in Alola form.

The future is promising.

"Du has become the champion, so it is estimated that Steven will be soon too."

For Steven, Xia Yan is also very confident.

【arrive. 】

Watching the live broadcast, shaking hands with Pryce and completing the final ceremony of "Victory Road", the voice of the core of Zygarde cells resounded in Xia Yan's mind.

Looking out the window.

It is full of wind and sand and an endless desert.

And in this vast desert, an oasis like stars dotted it.

To the monotonous desert, it adds a bit of vitality and adds a little color.

the city.

It was the destination of their trip.

Oasis in the desert, desert city!

"Zygarde, are you sure it really started here?"

Looking at the modern and prosperous city standing in the endless desert that is getting closer and closer outside the window, Xia Yan asked again with certainty.

Seeing the Zygarde cell core rolled his eyes angrily.

[You have asked this no less than ten times. 】

In response, Xia Yan could only respond with a bit of a bitter dry smile in his helplessness.

No idea.

It really involved the plot of the desert city, so he had to confirm it again and again.

This desert city is also a well-known tourist resort city in the Kalos Region in the entire Pokémon world, but Xia Yan has never been there once.

Mainly because.

In this city, there is a very amazing guy.

What's wrong

if it wants to.

You should be able to flatten the entire Kalos Region with just a wave of your hand.

Perhaps, flattening the entire Pokémon world is just as easy.


The real mythical beast "Trainer"!


The movement of the engine gradually minimized, and his airship finally slowly landed on the large tarmac unique to Desert City.

Although his airship is very conspicuous.

But in the desert city, it seems so insignificant.


On the tarmac, the size of his airship alone exceeds the number of hands.

The well-known desert oasis, the wealthy tourist city Desert City, is no joke.

it's here.

An inch of land is an inch of gold.

I don't know how many rich people in the world are proud of buying real estate here.

Every year, I don't know how many people squeeze their heads in order to buy a ticket to the desert city.

With a curious face of Togekiss and Sylveon, and the Zygarde cell core standing on his shoulders, Xia Yan stepped off the airship.

What came over was a hot and rough scent.

This desert city is so popular for a reason.

At this time.

A young and beautiful woman wearing a tour guide costume with a sweet smile greeted him at the first time.

"Sir, do you need a guide?"

on the street.

Row upon row of high-rise buildings, all kinds of pedestrians come from all over the world and look different.

They are also more or less followed by some Pokémon from different regions.

While on vacation travel, while enhancing feelings.



Sylveon and Togekiss looked around curiously, taking a bite from the doughnut in their hands every now and then.

Donuts are the most famous food in Desert City, and the little ones will not miss it.

"Sir. Desert City has a history of more than 100 years. Don't look at it as a city in the desert, but it is actually quite rich in resources."

The tour guide took Xia Yan to know the various attractions of the desert city and introduced the history of the desert city.



How can a city in the desert be rich?

Togekiss was curious.

Xia Yan rubbed its head and explained, "It's oil and various ores."

Hearing this, the tour guide also smiled and nodded: "Yes. In addition to a large number of oil deposits around the desert city, there are also several rare diamonds and gemstones."

She continued: "Mr. Devon Company, do you know?"

Xia Yan had a weird expression and nodded.

"The Devon Company in Desert City has an oil mine and two diamond mines, and the taxes paid to the city hall every year are quite exaggerated wealth."

good guy.

The Devon company, which started with ore, actually has an industry here, which Xia Yan did not expect.

Every time he felt that he had almost figured out the size of Steven's family's industry, he soon felt that it was just the tip of the iceberg of their family.

The tour guide continued:

"Actually, more than a hundred years ago, Desert City was really just a small town in the desert, and no one cared about it.

But it is said that a very powerful Pokémon came to the desert city at that time, it was enshrined by the residents of the town, and that powerful Pokémon also used a lot of gold and silver treasures to satisfy the wishes of the residents of the desert town at that time.

It is precisely because of the wealth provided by the powerful Pokémon that Desert Town has developed rapidly and evolved into the current Desert City. "

That Pokémon.

It's what Xia Yan didn't want to meet, the super devil, Hoopa!

"Bu babble?"

Powerful Pokémon, is Beedrill stronger?

Sylveon was curious.

In this regard, Xia Yan can only play his little head.

What do you think.

No matter how strong Beedrill is, he can't compare to that guy now.

not to mention.

Basically, Hoopa is a "Trainer" okay?

With that said, the smile on the tour guide's face gradually disappeared.

"It's a pity. The excessive pursuit of the desert town residents at that time made the originally simple and powerful Pokémon gradually become violent, and gradually became more eager to win.

In order to show everyone its power, it even attracted powerful divine beasts, and a terrifying battle broke out in the desert town. "

"But fortunately. A powerful traveler living in the Valley of Creation, he made the legendary 'Pot of Punishment' and used the powerful Pokémon Imprison to allow the residents of the desert town to survive.

And the residents who realized their mistakes put more energy on repairing the town and building the town. "

During the introduction, the group came to the end of the road.

"Crossing this river, it's the outskirts of Desert City."

However, the eyes of Xia Yan and the Pokémons were all attracted by a towering tower on the other side.

At its top, there is a golden structure similar to a sundial.

It seems that he noticed Xia Yan's sight, and the tour guide introduced with a smile:

"That's the Desert Tower. Back then, when I existed as a powerful Pokémon in Imprison, it was there that I created a 'jug of punishment' that can be used by Imprison's Pokémon."

The production of the "jug of punishment" uses the power of Arceus, including the power of the three attributes of fire, earth and water.

In Xia Yan's impression, Gulis of Imprison Hoopa seems to use the power of Flame Plate, Earth Plate and Splash Plate.


How could Imprison Hoopa be possible with the power of one human being alone?

to here.

The simple tour guide task is almost completed.

Xia Yan suddenly asked: "You are a tour guide, you must be familiar with Desert City?"


Speaking of this, a hint of pride appeared on the tour guide's face, "Since my great-grandfather's generation, our family has settled in the desert city."

"Then, during this time, did anything special happen in Desert City?"

That's the real reason he needs a tour guide.

"Something special?"

However, listening to Xia Yan's question, a trace of doubt appeared on the tour guide's face.

Instead, he fell into contemplation.

"If you insist on saying it, it seems to be true."


Xia Yan's eyes brightened.

"Well—" the tour guide pressed his chin and said slowly: "A few days ago, it should be two or three days ago, a piece of Meteorite was smashed on the sand dune west of the desert city. A special team has also paid for it. A research group was established.

However, they used a lot of manpower and material resources, but they were unable to find the Meteorite, which was probably buried deep in the sand.

So these days they are busy raising professional equipment, and they will try to dig in these two days. "

"Uh, is this something special?"


But the tour guide thought about it and added: "But I don't know if it's because the Meteorite fell and destroyed a certain ecological balance. Recently, the wild Pokémon in the desert around the desert city have become a bit irritable, and they will take the initiative to attack the people who go out for sightseeing. .

If you go out to enjoy the desert scenery, sir, pay attention to this. "

Wild Pokémon Riot?

This is kind of like it.

Xia Yan nodded and said, "Okay. Thank you."

After the tour guide left, Xia Yan leaned on the railing by the river and looked at the huge city.

Two little guys are sitting next to each other eating delicious donuts.

"Zygarde, did you notice anything?"

The Zygarde Cell Core on his shoulder shook his head.

[All my cells here have been disconnected from me. 】

That's the best proof that something is wrong with the city.

"Bu, cloth!"


Sylveon exclaimed.

It looked in shock at the doughnut in its satin.

No, gone?


Fortunately, Togekiss found a clue.

It pointed to the golden ring that appeared next to it.

hand! A hand just reached out from inside and took away the doughnut wrapped in Sylveon satin.

Although the golden ring was gone now, Togekiss was sure he definitely saw it.

At this time.

The golden ring that had disappeared reappeared, only beside Togekiss, aiming at the donut it was holding on its wings.

"Just yay!!"

Seeing this, Togekiss that protects food is the only one who grabs other people's food, how can anyone else dare to grab its food?

Facing the outstretched hand, he waved two bright white air arcs without hesitation.

Boom! !

With the current strength of Togekiss, no Pokémon can withstand its attack.

The hand that had just been stretched out immediately went bad.

"Lao Lao-!!!"

A cry of pain came from the other end of the golden ring as the small hand retracted.


An angry Togekiss snorted softly with his wings on his hips.

Xia Yan, who was watching the whole process, half-squinted his eyes.

This golden ring is Hoopa's thing.

Judging from its actions just now, it seems. Hoopa hasn't been eroded by its original Rage power?

Could it be that what happened in Desert City was not rooted in Hoopa?

Otherwise the problem occurs as described by Zygarde.

Why should Hoopa return to its original form?

To confirm my suspicions.

Xia Yan throws the Poké Ball and summons Alakazam.


Passing through the twisted space, I came to a quaint courtyard.

Xia Yan and Togekiss also saw the guy who stole their donuts.

Super Demon, Hoopa!

More precisely, Hoopa in punishing form.

Catch the little devil.

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