The Bottom Trainer In The Pokémon World

Chapter 1064 Who Will Attack, Who Will Defend?

Desert City Pokémon Center.

Inside the special transparent cure ward.

Deoxys lay there quietly, with a lot of wires sticking to its body to check its vital signs.

Especially on the broken purple gem on its chest, it was the core of Deoxys' body and was taken care of.

"Champion Xia Yan, we have never had data on Pokémon like Deoxys, so we can only guarantee its vital signs to the maximum extent." Miss Qiao Yin took Audino and explained helplessly.

While speaking, Miss Qiao Yin carefully raised her head and glanced at the champion Xia Yan who was very famous in the entire Pokémon world.

The special is in their two families, Qiao Yin Miss and Jenny Miss.

There are people discussing about Xia Yan almost every day.

And they, Qiao Yin Miss, it is no exaggeration to say that one of them counts as one, and they are definitely Xia Yan's loyal fans.

The story of Qiao Yin Linghua, her cousin who is far away in the Sinnoh Region, has always been a topic of conversation with Miss Qiao Yin.

These Qiao Yin Misses, who were born with a chance to have their life trajectory determined, who wouldn't want to live a different life?

Qiao Yinlinghua, who has become the owner of the Solaceon Town gym, has Xia Yan's "protection" and is envied by how many sisters of the same family.

As everyone knows.

The Qiao Yinlinghua they envied was just a "wage boy" squeezed by Xia Yan.

"It's okay. Deoxys is a Pokémon from Universe. It can absorb the energy emitted by Universe to repair itself. I just want to get more accurate information about its physical condition." Xia Yan explained soothingly.

Just when he looked at Miss Qiao Yin, Miss Qiao Yin hurriedly lowered her head as if she had been caught stealing food.

There was a blushing blush on his face.

Should say or not.

Xia Yan champion, really handsome.

While Qiao Yin Miss couldn't help but sigh, Nie Nie said, "Dai, Deoxys is just, just in a coma."

The words stumbled.

However, when it comes to Deoxys' Contest Condition, Miss Qiao Yin still showed enough professionalism and professional ability.

She frowned slowly and said:

"But it's very strange. Deoxys is in a coma, but his Celestic mind is still very active, and the various elements in his body are also disordered.

It just feels. It feels like it's in Rage all the time. If it wasn't for its current body to support it, the current Pokémon center might have been swallowed by its Rage. "

Sure enough.

Xia Yan secretly shook his head.

But he didn't quite understand.

How is Deoxys, far outside the universe, contaminated by dark energy?

Is there anyone who sends dark energy beyond the universe?


Promise elimination!

Xia Yan knew that Wuji Tai had landed in the Pokémon world through Meteorite two Ten Thousand Years ago.

At that time, in order to prevent its Meteorite from smashing and destroying the Pokémon world, Arceus's shots were contaminated by Wujitai.

Even now.

From time to time, there are "Wishing Stars" carrying the energy of Wujitai, which fall from Universe and are scattered in every corner of the Galar Region, becoming the main material for the "Giant Wristband" made by Lodz's Malokomon Group.

That Deoxys, it's not entirely impossible not to be affected by the kind of energy that Wujitana has.

If this is the case, then his waveguide power cannot affect it, and the explanation is clear.


Is it such a coincidence?

As soon as his forefoot came to Desert City because of Zygarde, Deoxys broke out.


How Deoxys came to the world of Pokémon doesn't make sense if it was influenced by Wujitai's energy.

Think about it.

There are always unexplained doubts.

"How long will it take for it to recover?" Xia Yan asked again.

Miss Qiao Yin, who was peeking quietly next to her, became even more prettier, and whispered, "No more than three days at most."

three days?

The problem with Deoxys has to be dealt with before he wakes up again.


The desert city is afraid that it will suffer again.

Although the movement was not small this time, it was fortunate that it broke out in the suburbs.

if in the city center

"Trouble you all, if there is any abnormality, please contact me as soon as possible." Xia Yan said.

He's kind of thankful that this time he hit hard, leaving Deoxys in a coma for a while longer.

"Good, good."

Come to the lobby of the Pokémon Center.

Mayari and Balza and Hoopa are already here waiting for him.

"Liao Lao!"

Hoopa seemed to like Xia Yan very much, and when he saw Xia Yan, he happily greeted him the first time.

In this regard, Xia Yan was not stingy, and took out a few energy cubes.

"Little Hoopa, are you hungry?"


Seeing this, Hoopa immediately knew that his own Xiaosi was detected by Xia Yan, but he didn't care, and took the energy cube with joy.

"Champion Xia Yan, there is one thing I'm afraid I need to let you know."

Balza said with a serious expression.


Xia Yan raised his eyebrows.


After half an hour.

Somewhere in Desert City.

Xia Yan looked at the person lying on the bed in front of him with a serious expression.

No, more precisely, a corpse.

His attire and attire were similar to those of Balza and the others.

The reason why Xia Yan's expression is so serious is because he learned from Balza's mouth.

This corpse was found in the barren valley of Imprison, where the "jug of punishment" was located.


Their grandfather's Imprison's "jug of punishment" has disappeared!

This is not good news for Xia Yan.

Because this shows that the power of the strongest "Trainer", the super demon Hoopa, which was taken by Imprison, should have been taken away by someone.

And, it could happen at any time.


The negative energies that affect and contaminate the Zygarde cells and even the core of the cells are most likely from Hoopa's Imprison power.

Xia Yan also learned from Balza and Mayali's mouth.

The person in front of him was once a member of their Valley of Creation.

But because he coveted the power of Qian Zhou and Arceus, he embarked on an incorrect path and was eventually driven out of the Valley of Creation.

In order to crack the Imprison left by their grandfather, it is necessary to use the power of the Thousand Universe Arm and Arceus.


"This person is the one who stole Qian Zhou's wrist in Sinnoh Region." Xia Yan immediately understood in his heart.

When he was still at Elite, he took over this task.


At the beginning, there was no information about the person who stole the Thousand Universe Arm. The world of Pokémon was so big, it was easier to find it.

Moreover, at that time, not many people really took this matter to heart, and they were all attracted by Xia Yan's impact on "Victory Road".

"It seems that he is just being used by others." Xia Yan gently rubbed against his chin.

at this time.

He already had that little feeling.


At this time, the desert city Sky was shrouded in an invisible big net.


He could say that there is a 90% or higher possibility that this net was set up against him.

"It seems that the destruction of the descendants of the nobles has also made them unable to sit still."

Xia Yan couldn't help but chuckle.


He had the intention of printing out the real person behind the descendants of the royal family, so he deliberately did not let Professional Oak announce that Pokémon Pokédex was successfully developed, or else the family and company behind Steven and them would intervene on a large scale. in.

Create a kind for the descendants of the royal family.

The current situation is still in an ambiguous Contest Condition. They can neither convict Xia Yan immediately, nor can Xia Yan prove the situation of own Qingbai in an instant.


Xia Yan put pressure on the descendants of the royal family by destroying the descendants of the nobles in the Galar Region.

Even if they can keep calm, the descendants of the nobles under them can't keep calm, and they will inevitably ask the descendants of the royal family to speed up their plans and progress towards Xia Yan.

Because Xia Yan calculated that these descendants of the royal family and nobles were not monolithic, there must be internal contradictions, but they were suppressed by others.

This can further stimulate their internal contradictions.

After that.

Xia Yan spoke up for the first time through the media, publicly to the Zongmeng, but in fact it was also their Taunt.

At the same time, through his remarks and some not-so-important evidence, he slightly increased his support rate in public opinion, creating an appearance that if they didn't make a move, Xia Yan would turn around.

Through these two methods, the descendants of the royal family were further forced to take action.

But now, Bai Lao has been hit hard by Xia Yan and Giovanni's design. Unless he is not afraid of death, he will never dare to do anything to him Xia Yan again in a short time.

Xia Yan also believed that the existence of Bai Lao, Rao is the heritage of the descendants of the royal family for so long, and there are not many.

To the championship level or even above the championship level, it really can't be piled up simply by relying on resources.

Since Bai Lao couldn't make a move.

Then there is only the man behind the descendants of the royal family.

And Xia Yan prepared everything.

I just wanted to force that person out.


This seems to be a net weaved for him, isn't it a hole that Xia Yan dug for them?

The only trouble.

It may be the existence of Hoopa.

Hoopa's ability, as well as the powerful and angry energy that liberates Hoopa in the opponent's hands, is the biggest uncertainty in this confrontation between the two sides.


Little Hoopa hasn't been eroded by that energy yet.

And has established a certain friendship with Xia Yan.

I believe that little Hoopa will not choose to remain silent either for himself or for Xia Yan.

"Then let's see, who is going to attack and who is going to defend this time."

Night falls.

The thick clouds of black velvet Normal obscured your bright moon in the desert Sky.

In deserts where there is less water vapor, it is still difficult to see so many clouds covering Moonlight at night.

In the hazy cloud and mist, some soft white light beams finally shone on the desert city, opening a few gaps for its hazy.

"Liao Lao-!


see you.

In a yard on the outskirts of Desert City, the tiny Hoopa popped out of its ring while being surrounded by electricity.




And the three heads of Immortal Ziyin Bu, Togekiss, and Lei Youbing, stuck their heads out of the golden ring with curiosity, and looked strangely at Hoopa who fell to the ground.


Hoopa, who rolled over and sat up, rubbed his head with a look of grievance.

Mouth shriveled.

"Hoopa, don't have too much fun and forget about your own restrictions."

Mayali picked up the Hoopa on the ground, and while talking unpleasant words, he carefully and gently brushed the dust from it.

“Lao Lao, Hoopa forgot”

Glancing at the own golden ring, Hoopa's grievance can be thickened.

This is the "discipline" set by Mayari and Balza's great-grandfather to Hoopa.

Hoopa couldn't travel through the space created by his own ring until he fully understood the meaning of "discipline".

Although, after so many years, Hoopa no longer hated Mayali and their great-grandfather, but from time to time, he still forgets that he can't pass through the ring.

Every time I think about this, Hoopa feels aggrieved.


It goes wherever it wants to go.

the other side.

Sitting opposite Balza Lotus Position, Xia Yan, who was talking about Qian Zhou Arm and the abilities that Arceus gave them, just happened to finish talking with him.

"I probably understand. In fact, the main energy comes from the Thousand Universe Arm, and we can only use the energy given by Arceus in the Thousand Universe Arm."

As he said that, Xia Yan stood up.

"Yes." Balza also stood up, "but in fact, in theory, we can do it without relying on Qian Zhou's wrist, just like my great-grandfather, he can even communicate with Arceus out of thin air. In this regard, me and Mayari It's still a long way off."

Xia Yan nodded.

Their great-grandfather was able to Imprison Hoopa, and even punish Hoopa, which is really amazing.

But this belongs to Arceus' power, which Arceus didn't have when he gave him the Thousand Universe Arm.

Find it next time and have a good chat.

The llama floated away.

Xia Yan, who stood up, didn't talk much with Balza about this, but went straight to Mayali.

Then smiled and took Hoopa from him.

Under the curious gazes of Mayali and Hoopa, Xia Yan didn't explain, just raised his hand and made a light stroke in the air.

There are ripples in the space in front of him.

Then lift your foot out.

"Liao Lao?!"

When Hoopa opened his eyes again, he saw his own golden ring.

It's just that there are still three pouting butts of Immortal's son Yinbu, Togekiss, and Lei Youbing.

Especially the onion wandering soldiers, who are still twirling uneasy there.

Surprise flashed in Hoopa's eyes.

it's coming?

"Go play." Xia Yan released Hoopa.

This is a way to crack Hoopa Imprison from another angle.

He, Xia Yan, has been studying with Alakazam for so long since he became a Psychic, and finally he is slowly getting started with "Teleport".

It's just getting started, and the distance of transmission can't be too far.

That's it, you have to rely on Unown to open up the space, release the rhythm of the space, and fold the space.


It's not a small one. It's an improvement in the use of Psychic.

"Liao Lao!"

Hearing the words, Hoopa hugged Xia Yan gratefully, then turned his head and floated to the onion wanderer lying on the golden ring.

Aiming at its wriggling ass, he gave a wicked smile.

Duck Duck was still relatively alert, covering his butt for the first time and turning his head back, just in time to bump into Hoopa.


Immortal son Yinbu and Porksky also reacted at this time.


Hoopa, who was smiling a second ago, was covered in fear the next second.

"Lao Lao - Hoopa, Hoopa doesn't want to disappear!



PS: Today's 1.1w~~ ask for a monthly pass~~

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