The Bottom Trainer In The Pokémon World

Chapter 1065 Finally Appeared!

come yet? !

Xia Yan's face sank, and he looked around. At the same time, Psychic also extended for the first time.


He Lock On the opponent's position.

The other party didn't seem to have any intention of dodging, and just slowly walked out of the shadows. What he was holding in his hand was exactly the "pot of punishment" in Xia Yan's impression.

When Xia Yan saw the appearance of the person who came, he couldn't help but be slightly taken aback.

Not particularly old, with a seemingly harmless smile on his face, wearing a slightly embarrassed white coat.

On the chest of the white coat, the word "Suzuki" was stained with some unknown oil stains!

"Master Suzuki?"

He really knew this man.

It wasn't the first time the two met.

the first time.

It was at the gate of the Saffron City Trainer Guild, and he collided with Suzuki.

As one of the top Breeder houses in the Pokémon world today, Master Suzuki is famous for his unique Breeder skills and superb energy block making craftsmanship.


When Xia Yan first came to the Pokémon world and tried to learn to make energy cubes by himself, he also used Master Suzuki's handwritten notes as his entry point.

Because of his energy block production process, he does not stick to the form, but only pursues higher quality.

The special crafting process also brings higher quality energy blocks.

It's just that Xia Yan couldn't think of it.

This master Suzuki, who had been almost forgotten by him in the corner, the former study object, actually appeared here.

In a trance.

Xia Yan seemed to recall that when he collided with his master Suzuki, the string of beads made by Ho-Oh Parasol Tree given by little monk Anci, the beads that can feel the breath of life energy, reacted! (Volume 2, Chapter 97)


"Champion Xia Yan."

Suzuki was not surprised when his name was directly told, he just nodded slightly with a smile.

His deep eyes fell on Xia Yan Frillishly, revealing a little sigh.

"Suzuki? Oh, yes. I'm Suzuki now. But you've changed a lot."


Xia Yan frowned.

Suzuki seemed to be a little puzzled and distressed. He scratched the back of his head, and his already messy hair became even more scribbled.

"Actually, I've always been curious about one thing, and this thing has troubled me for a long time. I wonder if you can give me an answer this time?"

Xia Yan didn't answer, but his expression became more serious.

This Life's top Breeder family in Saffron City is actually the man behind the royal descendants?

"I know." Suzuki's voice was a little louder.

"You have been to another world and tried to help Arceus in that world retrieve the 'Jewel of Life', right?"

Sure enough it was him!

Xia Yan's body was tense, and he was ready to deal with a sudden outbreak of battle at any time.

"You went back to the past, but you couldn't find the 'Jade of Life', it has always been with me."


Suzuki actually took out a round gem that exuded a faint green fluorescence in a straightforward manner.

It was not until the existence of the "Jade of Life" that Suzuki's expression finally changed slightly.

When he looked at Baoyu, there was a bit of obsession and eagerness in his eyes.

"It deserves the title of 'life' and gives me a long life."

After a brief pause.

"It also left me with endless time and an indescribable emptiness."

Saying that, Suzuki paused for a while, and suddenly showed a helpless smile.

"Sorry, I'm getting older. This man, he's talking more."

At this time, Suzuki was like an old man who had been lonely for an unknown number of years. He had found a person to talk to, and the chatter box could not be put away when he opened it.

"I've been chasing it. Whether it's power, or power."

"But this kind of thing, when it's reached the ultimate, brings more nothingness."

When all things and goals have been achieved, and after a brief period of excitement and joy, the emptiness that follows without purpose and direction is inevitable.

"So I gave up everything and started looking for new goals, new directions."

Therefore, the loneliness of the royal family and nobles was also due to the loss of his leadership.


For the first time, Suzuki also showed a slightly excited and fanatical look.

"You know what? That loneliness with no one to talk to and talk to, and it's completely filled after I found a new purpose."

"What is it?"

Xia Yan finally spoke again.

Hearing this, the smile on Suzuki's face grew stronger.

He stared at Xia Yan's eyes and said word by word: "I really want to know. Will Arceus die? If it dies, what will the world be like?"

Xia Yan: "!!!"

Staring, Xia Yan looked at the man in front of him in disbelief.

There was only one thought in my mind.

Damn, is this a lunatic?

Tormented crazy by the long years and time?

"I found it! I found it."

Promise elimination?

so far.

The only one who had an impact on Arceus was Wuji Taina.

"I found it sleeping in Meteorite three thousand years ago. Its power is really powerful, and its appearance is also fascinating."

"But it's a pity. It's not too strong like that."

Suzuki's expression suddenly turned cold.

"So I let the so-called sword and shield hero destroy it. It's not what I want."

"But I also intercepted some of its power. Because I'm going to do a test."

"Probably. Sinnoh more than a thousand years ago. Oh, and people called it Xicui at that time. I did that test and I was overjoyed."

Suzuki turned to smile again.

"But actually. I started doing some special experiments a long time ago."

"There are some you should have been exposed to. Like one of your Pokémons, Doron Bartto. Of course, that was just a small experiment. More than 3,000 years ago, I conducted a relatively large experiment in the Kalos Region. It turned out, When the life energy is huge to a certain extent, even the dead can be resurrected."

"'Life Jewel' and 'Life Energy', the most magical energy in this world is the energy of 'life'. It gives human beings the feeling of being alive and gives Pokémon powerful power"

At this moment, Suzuki explained to himself.

Discourse also lacks much coherence and logic.

His crazy Contest Condition is revealed from start to finish.

Xia Yan suddenly remembered.

Back then, in Saffron City, the leader of the special ceremony for Flash Charizard, Xia Yan saw the person's profile afterward, and it seemed that the person was also a student of Suzuki.

"Oh—back to the point. I'm curious about you."


Xia Yan's vigilance towards Suzuki in front of him has been mentioned to be the highest.

Sometimes, those with bare feet are not afraid of wearing shoes, those who are horizontal are afraid of dying, and those with brains are afraid of such lunatics.

"You probably don't know. When I was in Mijina, I asked someone to paint your portrait?"


Suzuki took out an extremely simple picture scroll from nowhere. After slowly unfolding it, it was Xia Yan who was wearing a black suit, wearing a black top hat, and wearing a costume that was out of tune with that era!

Seeing this picture scroll, Xia Yan's pupils shrank.

"Why am I staying in Saffron City? On the one hand, Saffron City is really convenient for me to collect various materials and resources. On the other hand, it is for you!"

Suzuki pointed at Xia Yan and said word by word.

An absurd thought suddenly rose in Xia Yan's heart.

"At that time. Actually, I'm really not sure. That poor little beggar begging in Saffron City will be you. After all, no matter from any angle, you are not like a world person. No matter in terms of clothing, appearance, bearing He is too far from you in terms of his aura and aura."

Suzuki rubbed slowly against his chin.

"So. I made a little bit of intervention and interference."

dong dong -- dong dong --

Xia Yan seemed to be able to clearly hear his own heartbeat.

And Suzuki, also became more crazy in the next second.

But when he looked at Xia Yan, he seemed to be looking at some treasure, Normal, just like he looked at the "Jade of Life" in his hand just now.

"I'm sure you're dead!"

! ! !

Xia Yan's heart shook violently.


His absurd idea was also confirmed at this moment.

"At that time, I felt that I was looking for the wrong person. How could the dignified champion Xia Yan be a little beggar?"

"It wasn't until I met you again at the gate of the Saffron City Trainer guild. At that time, you no longer had the shadow of the little beggar you used to be. Except for the similarities in appearance."

"So I'm curious and surprised by the result. Can you give me a satisfactory answer?"

Suzuki looked at Xia Yan eagerly.

Since giving up power and power, he has a new goal to pursue.

In addition to being excited to discover the existence of Wuji Tana, Suzuki was also interested in the changes that occurred in Xia Yan.

But this problem.

Xia Yan couldn't give any so-called answer at all.

"Then you today. Are you here to ask me for answers, or are you here to trouble me for the sake of those descendants of the royal family?"

He decisively chose to avoid the problem.

Suzuki scratched his head.

"All right. You know, although I don't chase power and power anymore, I always need some materials to do experiments. In this case, it's too slow for me to be alone. They also Very happy to help me gather materials.

Now they are hostile to you, and that bothers me a lot. "

Saying that, he blinked at Xia Yan.

"Why don't you tell me the answer first, and then I'll think about how to deal with you?"


Xia Yan chuckled lightly.

Seeing Suzuki and listening to his self-talk, Xia Yan answered many questions and doubts.

at the same time.

His purpose has also been achieved.

The real person behind the descendants of the royal family was determined, the location of the "Jade of Life" was determined, and his goal and direction were determined.

The two are not friendly.

tell a chicken.

"Looks like you're not going to tell me. But that's okay, you'll tell."

Suzuki is like a lunatic with intermittent mania.

He seemed crazy the first second, but became extremely calm the next second.

talking room.

He slowly picked up the "jug of punishment".

Hoopa even curled up behind Xia Yan in fear, trembling and terrified.


But for Hoopa's fear, Suzuki didn't seem to see it, and just gently opened the cork of the "jug of punishment".

The "Pot of Retribution" was originally created with the power of Arceus.

Suzuki, who owns the "Jade of Life" formed by the fusion of five slates from Arceus, will naturally not be affected by the power of Hoopa.

And with the cork opened.

Under Hoopa's terrified gaze, a cloud of rich black intertwined with dark red gas slowly floated out of the "jug of punishment".


This gas locked on Hoopa's location for the first time.

"Lao Lao! No Hoopa! Don't come here! Don't"

The frightened Hoopa cried out subconsciously.

"Don't be afraid."

Xia Yan took Hoopa behind him.


Togekiss and the others also guarded Hoopa's side and gave them protection.


A tyrannical Psychic surged out of him in an instant, shrouding himself and Hoopa in it.

But Suzuki just watched with a smile.


When the black and red energy came into contact with Xia Yan's Psychic, it made a "hissing" sound like flames colliding with water.

But Xia Yan soon felt it.

own Psychic, at a speed visible to the naked eye, was quickly consumed by this energy.

And the hindrance that Psychic can create is minimal.

Seeing this, Xia Yan frowned.

Da da da--

The crisp sound of hooves, accompanied by the neighing from the darkness, the ghostly horse stepped out.

Without a word, Xia Yan jumped onto the back of the ghost horse with Hoopa in his arms. As he held the reins, a psychic feedback came, which instantly gave Xia Yan's Psychic a large Ascension.

For the black and red energy, resistance finally played a certain role.


The power to liberate Hoopa is the energy of Psychic and evil, combined with the dark energy full of negative emotions, which is too serious for Xia Yan's Psychic restraint.


The swirling Haze rose instantly.

Darkrai, who had been ready for a long time, also appeared beside Xia Yan for the first time.

It opened its palm, and a huge black hole immediately emerged, trying to completely cover that energy.

【The power of negative emotions is too powerful! 】

Darkrai's somewhat labored voice sounded in Xia Yan's mind.

Xia Yan's expression darkened.

He took out the Qian Zhou wrist given by Arceus, and shouted angrily, "You just watch, right?"

But Qian Zhou Wrist did not respond.

Xia Yan's mouth twitched.

Take a breath.

"Handsome guy? Beautiful girl? Pretty boy?"

But Qian Zhou Wrist still did not respond.

"Damn it! Go back and smash your sculpture!"


next second.

On the brand-new Qian Zhou wrist, a dazzling golden light suddenly burst out.


Still a threat.

In the original book, the second time Hoopa was to be swallowed up by the power that liberated Hoopa, it was dispelled by the power of Arceus assisted by Mayari and Balza.


There is also the call of Zhiye.


Seeing the Qian Zhou wrist in Xia Yan's hand, Suzuki, who has always been calm, frowned slowly.

After glancing at Qian Zhou's wrist again with some trepidation, he slowly backed away.

click -

He squeezed his palm slightly, and without hesitation, he Crush Grip the "Pot of Retribution".

After taking a deep look at Xia Yan again, his figure slowly disappeared in the shadows between the buildings.

Although others are gone.

But Xia Yan felt that Suzuki should still be there.

He was curious about his own, so he wouldn't just leave.


The "pot of punishment" was destroyed, which was a very troublesome thing.

And with the destruction of the "Pot of Punishment", the black and red energy that had been restrained a little before swelled in an instant.

Because of the halo released by Qian Zhou's wrist, the black and red energy can no longer approach Hoopa.

So it simply gave up, and at the same time as it pulled away, it hovered in the sky in the desert city.

"Lao Lao! Scared Hoopa to death, Lao Lao—"

Seeing this, Little Hoopa let out a long breath and patted his chest in fear.

It can feel.

The negative clarity filled with that black-red energy is to annihilate its own consciousness and replace it.

Xia Yan is not in such a good mood.

Unleash the power of Hoopa, even if it does not rely on Hoopa itself, it can be formed.

boom! ! !

Just when Xia Yan's thought came up, a shocking thunder suddenly fell from Soaring in the sky.

Immediately after.

The lingering black and red energy slowly condensed into a form.

Like Hoopa, the huge body is gray and pink, like a giant Normal, the braids on the head have become huge and upside down, and the horns have become longer.


There are six arms that Solaceon can leave the body, and each arm is surrounded by a golden ring like Hoopa.

Its appearance is exactly what Hoopa's power will look like after liberation.


This is what Hoopa was supposed to be.


Free Hoopa stretches out and growls.

The passionate voice was filled with the rolling breath of Rage, and wisps of dark red mist lingered.

Those red eyes.

Xia Yan and Hoopa behind him were locked on immediately.

"Fishing, scooping, scooping!"

Hoopa suddenly shuddered.

at the same time.

Mayali and Balza, who had noticed the situation here early, finally arrived.

They looked at the huge figure that liberated Hoopa, and couldn't help being stunned.

"Hu, Hoopa?" Mayali murmured, her eyes full of shock and disbelief.

Balza, on the other hand, noticed the "Pot of Punishment" that was scattered on the ground not far away, and had turned into fragments, his eyes shrunk.


Freeing Hoopa can ignore them, reach out and grab Xia Yan and Xiao Hoopa directly.

"Star Broken!"

to this.

Xia Yan also responded immediately.

Put Hoopa in your arms, raise your arms for the first time, and squeeze them instantly.

boom! !

The golden stars that fell outrageously shattered and shattered, and the burst of power scattered, slammed into Jiefang Hoopa's outstretched palm.


The slightly painful liberation Hoopa's eyes narrowed.

The next moment.

Seeing its arms gathered on its chest, the lingering evil energy instantly gathered, and the huge energy exuded an intimidating aura.

Dark Pulse!

"Togekiss, Sylveon, Onion Rangers!"

The surging evil energy is like a winding Viper, swift and fierce.

The three little guys who heard the words also responded immediately.

The bright white "Air Slash", the moonlight scattered with bright colors, and the Xuanhe lance that was flinged out.


However, he saw that the liberation of Hoopa seemed to have been prepared long ago, and three golden rings flew out from its other three hands and landed in front of the three attacks.

As the space inside the ring was distorted, Togekiss and the three little guys attacked and disappeared after they fell into the ring.

And the "Dark Pulse" that liberated Hoopa still came wanton.


The Poké Ball on Xia Yan's waist quietly opened, mixed with strands of golden current, intertwined with bright colorful lights, and instantly completed the Mega Beedrill of Mega Evolution, facing the attack head-on.

boom! ! !

The rich and solid "Dark Pulse" exploded, and the cold cyan Bug Type energy also dissipated quietly.

Mega Beedrill flew upside down.

Scarlet compound eyes stared at the giant in front of him with extreme seriousness.


Even in Xia Yan's mouth, the liberation of Hoopa is only the strongest "Trainer", but its strength is also very powerful.

"Let's see if you can repair the 'Pot of Retribution'! I'll lead it away first!"

After shouting to Mayali and Balza, Xia Yan pulled the reins and rode the ghost horse, surrounded by Pokémon, and quickly ran in the other direction.


Upon seeing the liberation Hoopa, he followed without hesitation.

Seeing Xia Yan and liberation of Hoopa who were leaving quickly, Mayali and Balza suddenly let out a sigh of relief.

The pressure on them to free Hoopa was no less than that of Deoxys during the day.

"If Xia Yan is the champion, will it be alright?"

Mayali looked at Big Brother.

Since Xia Yan can defeat Deoxys, it shouldn't be difficult to beat Hoopa, who is about the same, right?

Balza sighed helplessly, "I hope so."

He knows.

Once Hoopa goes wild, the impact will be terrifying.

That's not something that can be measured simply by liberating Hoopa's power.

"Then let's hurry up and see if we can repair the 'jug of punishment'."

The two hurried to the pile of debris.


When Balza and Mayali saw the fragments of that place, they were both stunned.

"Broken, broken so thoroughly?"

It doesn't matter if the body of the "Pot of Punishment" is broken, Balza has already thought of a certain way to repair the broken body.

It is much easier to repair than when their great-grandfather made the "jug of punishment".

But now.

Balza picked up the pieces.

I see.

The most important thing for the "Pot of Retribution", the small golden rings that held the Imprison ability on it and contained the power of Arceus, were all shattered.

That is to say.

This "jug of retribution" is also completely broken.

If they want to repair, they simply cannot do it with their abilities.

"Hurry up and tell Champion Xia Yan the news! We must come up with a new way." Balza said solemnly.

If the "jug of retribution" can't be repaired, what about the runaway liberation Hoopa?

In the end.

The current liberation of Hoopa is just an energy, not a Pokémon, and it seems impossible to even try to conquer and defeat it.

Balza hurriedly summoned his Braviary.

"I'm going after Xia Yan champion!"

In the shadows of a corner somewhere in the desert city.

Suzuki looked up at the giant that flashed by quickly, and Xia Yan who was being chased by it.

"It's a pity. That guy isn't dead yet."


Even without liberating Hoopa's power, he could force Xia Yan to speak out about the questions he was curious about.

just now.

His Pokémon has more important things to do.

"But it's fine."

Suzuki raised his face with a faint smile on his face.

"Work harder and help me finish the last thing."

The preparations were all done, and he just waited for the last moment.

Suzuki couldn't help but feel a little excited when he thought that something he had been waiting for for a long time was about to be completed.

Just like when he was at the pinnacle of power and power in the Pokémon world.

As for saying.

After reaching the new goal, I am confused about what to do.

That's not what he's thinking about now.

boom! !

In the distance, the collision between Xia Yan and Jiefang Hoopa broke out again.

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