The Bottom Trainer In The Pokémon World

Chapter 1066 Whether You Can Win Depends On Face


Liberation Hoopa didn't want to go around with Xia Yan anymore. The six rings in his hand expanded rapidly, intercepting Xia Yan in all directions, and surrounding him.

Immediately after.

Just saw that the space film unfolded in the six circles turned into a crimson color, which significantly liberated Hoopa from the anger that Hoopa had suppressed for a hundred years.

Hyperspace Fury!

Among the six rings, one huge fist, carrying a strong and pure evil energy, shot out at a rapid speed, and came with rolling waves.

"Lao Lao! I'm going to die, I'm going to die!"

Little Hoopa tugged at Xia Yan's clothes, and when he saw the liberation of Hoopa's attack Smack Down, he got into his arms in fear, and retracted his head into Xia Yan's clothes.

Xia Yan didn't dare to underestimate anything, the Poké Balls around his waist were opened together, and the Pokémons also appeared in the position where they should be at the first time.

"Beedrill, Alakazam, Latios."

Call out the names of the three Pokémons directly.

Xia Yan held the reins tightly.

"Mega Evolution!"

In an instant.

The Mega Evolution energy diffused from him quickly wrapped and enveloped the three Pokémons.

And Xia Yan's hand holding the reins couldn't help but tighten a little again, and his hands were even more bulging with jumping blue veins.

sigh -

Noticing Xia Yan's Contest Condition's ghostly horse neighing, he gritted his teeth and added the feedback he gave.

This made the pressure on Xia Yan to directly carry out the Third Stage Mega Evolution a lot less all of a sudden.

Back then, he was able to perform the Third Stage Mega Evolution at the same time, but only for a moment, otherwise his body and mind would collapse because he couldn't bear the pressure.

Especially spiritual.

Three Pokémons perform Mega Evolution, and the thoughts generated and fed back belong to the Pokémons, and it is extremely easy to directly overwhelm a person's consciousness.

The reason why I dare to directly open Third Stage Mega Evolution now.

It is because of King Lei Guan's gift that Xia Yan's Psychic gained a huge Ascension.

And riding on the back of the ghost horse, the blessing brought by the "unity of men and horses" on both sides also made him a half Pokémon.

Therefore, Xia Yan is now more than one grade higher than the Master and proficiency of Third Stage Mega Evolution.

After exhaling quickly, he did not dare to pause, and the orders were issued one after another.


The "Psychic Terrain" under Mega Alakazam's feet expanded instantly, the spoon was set up, and a "Miracle Eye" full of peculiar colors appeared on the top of his forehead.

Condensing Psychic, facing one of the fists that belonged to Liberation Hoopa, he counterattacked with the tyrannical Psychic without hesitation.


On the triangular-shaped head of Dolong Bart, the Dolong Messiah among the four holes shot out one after another, wrapped in thick dragon energy and black silk threads intertwined with strands.


The pink mist rose from Togekiss's body, and the pure life energy contained in it converged into a shining Energy Ball, which also met the fist it faced without hesitation.


Infernape stepped out one step, and instantly a dark red flame rose from his whole body. While entering the "Enthusiasm" Contest Condition, he put on a "one-hit flow" raising fist posture and stared at the huge fist that was smashing.

When Lock On hits the weakness carried by this fist, it punches out.


Mega Latios is the last of these Pokémon summoned by Xia Yan, the Pokémon that entered the championship level at the latest.

But after Latios has a champion-level strength, its Talent, which belongs to the divine beast, is completely liberated, and the strength displayed is not much weaker than the rest of the little partners.

"Dragon Pulse" roaring out.

Latios dived straight into the "Dragon Pulse" he released, and faced the challenge with a surging momentum.

Six fists.

The last one to stop

It's Darkrai!

Evil against evil, Darkrai's attack is not weaker than the liberation of Hoopa, and even stronger than that fist.

And it is also the only Pokémon that resisted the liberation of Hoopa's six fists, the only one that slapped back the moment the fist was just shot from the golden ring.

boom--! !

This move liberates Hoopa's strongest "Hyperspace Fury", and under the confrontation of Xia Yan's Pokémon, it failed to play its expected effect.

Before the six fists fully converged, Xia Yan, who was wrapped in it, was crushed into meat patties, and he was blocked and resisted one by one.

What about Mega Beedrill?


Only a slight trembling could be heard in the air.

In a flickering golden arc, Mega Beedrill reappeared, before the liberation of Hoopa.


The liberation of Hoopa did not expect that the speed of the Mega Beedrill could be so fast?

Its attack is not over yet, when did it appear in front of it?

It was to seize the gap in which the arm did not return so quickly after the release of Hoopa's "Hyperspace Fury".

But okay.

The threat that Mega Beedrill gives to liberating Hoopa is not small, but it is still within the range that it can bear.

Mega Beedrill's expression was serious, and his gaze locked on to liberate Hoopa's weakness, like a long needle of a lance, emitting a cold glow.

Thread-like airflow spirals around the long needle.

next second.

Pure and rich natural energy gathers frantically from all directions.


Xia Yan raised his wrist, and the "Insect Z" on it was shining brightly. The natural energy brought by the "Z Pure Crystal" belonging to the Bug Type supplemented and enhanced the explosive power of Mega Beedrill.

The spirals of air intertwined with pure natural energy.

all of a sudden.

A huge spiral lance suddenly appeared in front of Liberation Hoopa.

Look at the huge blue lance.

Liberate Hoopa's expression, slightly dull.

It was so small and thin before.

Now you take out such a long and thick one, what do you want to do?

To kill!

It's just that Mega Beedrill didn't care what the idea of ​​liberating Hoopa was, the huge lance, with a fierce momentum, crashed down.

boom--! !

A dull but huge roar suddenly burst out.

Freeing Hoopa's huge body, he was directly slapped by Mega Beedrill and slammed into the tall buildings next to him.

dong dong dong-

Huge houses were smashed, broken, and knocked out of holes under the force they were subjected to.


At this point in time, all the staff in Desert City have already left work.


This liberation Hoopa hits, and can't crush hundreds of people casually?

Just don't know why.

In the battle scene in front of him, Xia Yan had a sense of seeing Ultraman fighting the little monsters.

"Lao Lao! Xia Yan is amazing! Beedrill is amazing!"

Hoopa, who cautiously stuck his head out from Xia Yan's neckline to see this scene, immediately shouted excitedly.

"Champion Xia Yan!"

At this time.

Flying from a distance in the Braviary's Balza.

"Balza! Xia Yan, Beedrill, and everyone, knocked that bad guy down together!"

Seeing Balza, little Hoopa was the first to shout.

Indescribably happy.

Hearing this, Balza glanced at the broken street in the distance, and saw the liberated Hoopa lying in the ruins, his eyes were full of surprise.

Champion, really strong!

However, Xia Yan does not have such optimistic thoughts as Xiao Hoopa, and it is difficult to defeat Hoopa to liberate Hoopa.

The more you hit it, the more exaggerated it may do.

"Balza, why are you here? What about the 'pot of punishment'?" Xia Yan asked.

Balza, who heard the words, suddenly showed bitterness and helplessness.

Spread your hands.

I see.

Above it is a pile of broken "jug of punishment" fragments.


The most important thing is that the small golden rings that really played the role of the "pot of punishment" were also broken.

Seeing this look, Xia Yan instantly understood.

With Balza's current ability, it should be repaired.


Xia Yan exasperatedly uttered a foul language.

He knew that this must be the ghost of the guy Suzuki, and directly and violently destroyed the "pot of punishment".

"Then, is there any other way to fix it, or make a new one directly?" Xia Yan asked.

Balza looked embarrassed and a little ashamed.

"It's all our fault. We didn't inherit all the abilities of our great-grandfather. Otherwise, we could have made a brand new 'jug of punishment'."

In other words, he has no choice.

How to deal with liberating Hoopa is entirely up to Xia Yan.

After saying this, Balza felt even more embarrassed.

He gritted his teeth and said, "However, Meyali and I will not give up. I just came here to tell Champion Xia Yan that it is best to prepare second-hand. Meyali and I will go to the Desert Tower now and try to repair this 'pot of punishment'. "

"You have Pokémon with three Attributes?"

Hearing this, Balza's expression paused again.

Balza's great-grandfather made the "jug of punishment" with the slate energy of the three types of fire, water and ground.

In order to prevent the younger generation from encountering damage to the "pot of punishment" after his death, he deliberately left equipment and devices that can convert energy in the desert tower.

Therefore, you only need to collect all the Pokémon of the water, fire and ground types to repair the damaged "jug of punishment".

But if it's broken like this, it can be repaired, I don't know.

Xia Yan sighed.

Throw the Poké Ball.

Milotic, Volcarona appeared in front of him.

"Hoopa, get a Hippowdon."

"Oh—oh oh! Understood, Lao Lao!"

Little Hoopa waved his hand, and the ring hanging from the sharp corner flew out.

With a lot of quicksand flowing out of it, a Hippowdon also slid out.

Finding a Hippowdon in the desert surrounding Desert City is easy.

In this way, the Pokémon of the three Attributes are gathered.

"Milotic and Volcarona will go with you, and will also protect your safety. The Hoopa power will be handed over to me for the time being. I hope you can make a 'jug of punishment' as soon as possible, otherwise what will the desert city be like tomorrow, It’s really hard to say.”

Balza, who heard the words, suddenly felt the pressure.

But he still said solemnly: "We, we will do our best!"

After speaking, he left quickly with three Pokémon.


Not long after Balza left, among the large ruins, Liberation Hoopa slowly got up.

He clutched his chest in pain.

There is a huge wound on it, which is particularly eye-catching.

As a Psychic type and evil type existence, the liberation of Hoopa was quadrupled by the Bug Type, so Xia Yan chose to use Mega Beedrill as the main attacker.

"It hurts, Hoopa!!"


While liberating Hoopa stood up, the huge wound on its chest was recovering at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Soon, it will be back to normal.

But it was his expression that became more and more hideous.

Frightened little Hoopa shrank again.

Xia Yan tightened the reins, looked directly at the liberation of Hoopa, and kept thinking about how to resolve its anger.

If the "pot of punishment" really cannot be repaired, then we must find a way to solve it.


Once let liberate Hoopa begins to call wildly.

That's the real trouble.


Let the power of liberating Hoopa return to little Hoopa, and then conquer it?

Xia Yan subconsciously glanced down at the little guy with his butt in his arms.

Unleashing Hoopa is so difficult because it's just free energy, not even a Pokémon, let alone subduing.

But once it returns to little Hoopa.

Combine the two.

The liberation of Hoopa at that time can be regarded as a Pokémon.

In theory.

As long as it is a Pokémon, it can be captured.

Of course, there needs to be a Poké Ball that can hold Hoopa free at that time.

at this point.

Xia Yan is not helpless.

The Rockets have production materials about "Dusk Ball", which can carry the dark energy of the runaway.

As long as the quality of the produced Poké Ball reaches Ultimate, it is not impossible to conquer it.

As for the slow production process.

There is a way, it is better than nothing.

Steven could harden his liver for twenty-one days, killing himself to death.


In this way, little Hoopa's consciousness may be completely swallowed up by Hoopa's violent consciousness of liberation.

"Liao Lao?"

Seemingly noticing Xia Yan's gaze, Little Hoopa carefully stuck his head out of his clothes.

With her pure eyes, she looked at Xia Yan flickeringly, with a pitiful look.

"Be careful, Xia Yan. Everyone, be careful, Lao Lao—"

Little Hoopa said with concern.

Xia Yan was Microsoft in his heart.

A hundred years have passed, and it is no longer the raging Hoopa that it used to be. There is really no need to sacrifice such a little guy in exchange for the so-called "end".

"Then defeat it again and again. The big deal, completely exhaust its energy!"

Xia Yan made a decision in his heart.

Looking at the huge liberation Hoopa, Psychic flashed in his eyes.

The Pokémons also received his command and intentions for the first time.

next second.

Xia Yan's Pokémon, dispatched together.

With Mega Beedrill as the main attacker, Mega Alakazam as the center axis and field control core, with Togekiss and Mega Latios as the sub-core, it creates opportunities and space for Beedrill to output.

Don't say it.

After liberating Hoopa's furious and unplanned attack, Xia Yan and his Pokémon slowly became more and more comfortable.

After getting used to the fighting rhythm of Liberating Hoopa and his habit of making moves, he added the help of "infinite defense switching" by playing more and less, and he gradually gained a certain upper hand.

boom--! !

Another dash from the Mega Beedrill frees Hoopa to fly again.

And this moment.

The desert city with them as the center is already in ruins.

A large number of people have to pay attention to this collision because of this movement.

more than this.

Assist mobile phone, a live broadcast came directly.

a time.

Those night owls who don't rest on the Internet are paying attention to the live broadcast.


Also finally.

Freeing Hoopa, after suffering several blows, knows it can't help Xia Yan and his Pokémons.


Pokémon World's Mightiest "Trainer" Hoopa.

Appear! !

The six golden rings rapidly expanded.

Immediately after.

The hot fiery red billowing magma first flowed out of the ring.

In an instant, the surrounding temperature rose rapidly, and the sliding magma burned the surrounding area into a sea of ​​fire.


But the next moment.

The second golden circle followed along with another space.

The water that was poured back poured out in a "crashing".

Then the third and fourth

Seeing this scene, Xia Yan's face was extremely solemn, and he took a deep breath.

The most troublesome thing happened.

"I just don't know if it's my Face that works, or the liberation of Hoopa's control"

Can you stop.

It seems that it depends on the size of his face.


PS: Today's 1.1w! Ask for a monthly ticket~~

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