The Bottom Trainer In The Pokémon World

Chapter 1078 Xia Yan's Confidence Of Confusion

The Pokémon Alliance World Championship is officially on!

There are two major divisions, Sinnoh division and Galar division.

to this.

The General League did not give any objection, and there is no reason to make any objection.

The Region Alliance also did not object, although the two major regions do not have their share.

But after all, this is the first world championship, and it is still unknown what the benefits will be.

In the case of uncertain returns, Sinnoh Alliance and Galar Alliance first threw out a large amount of economy and resources, which is not a big gamble.

Such as temporary construction of the battlefield, staffing, security maintenance and battle security, etc., are not small investments.


In fact, for people like Xia Yan and Lotz who really understand the matters of the World Championships, this is definitely a guaranteed profit.

However, making a fortune in silence is indeed conducive to maintaining good relations with other regions.

When the first World Championship is over and the annual reports of Sinnoh Alliance and Galar Alliance come out, the battle for the right to host the Lower Terri Championship will not be so simple.


The world has entered a race with a very high atmosphere.

Moreover, this tournament is not only for those trainers with strength and ability, all trainers can sign up and have a strong sense of participation.

a time.

"How many points did you get today? ” has become the hottest topic of the moment.

As for the final part of the World Championship, the "Eight Masters Tournament", who can become the last eight masters, and who can finally become the first of the eight masters, has also become a topic of discussion for countless people.

after all.

This Terri World Championship is not limited by age, region, or strength, and people from all regions and all stages can sign up to participate.

Whether it is the new Champion of the Region or the veteran Champion of the Region Four Uranus, everyone can participate.

It is definitely the game with the widest coverage, the largest number of people involved, and the largest level of strength so far.

All are players.

The weather is refreshing.

Above the azure Soaring in the sky, the majestic figure of the Steel Armored Crow disappeared in a flash.

Verdanturf is continuous above the wilderness, emerald green grass fills the entire field of vision, and the sheep with braids are like white clouds, surrounded by this green ocean.

Under the vertical sunlight, the crystal clear grass exudes a strong grassy scent, refreshing the heart.


It is Caolu Town in the Galar Region, a town with animal husbandry such as breeding and grazing as its main industry.

The master of the gymnasium is a grass expert, Ya Luo.

"Up grades up."

Xia Yan said so, but he didn't mean to act at all.

Cynthia, who had already detected him, couldn't help debunking: "You've been shouting for almost a week, and I haven't seen you accept a battle request."

Every player who takes part in this Terri World Championship will receive a special instrument manufactured by the Marocco Group.

The machine is bound to the owner's identity information.

Not only can it display the current score and level of the owner, but also the world ranking of the current owner. …

Earl Dervish like Xia Yan is the zero-point goalkeeper of Ultra Ball. When the World Championships first started, he was tied for the first place in the world with all Ultra Balls.

But now

Xia Yan glanced at the ranking displayed above.


"Very good, still Ultra Ball, very stable."

Then he glanced at the ranking on the Cynthia instrument next to him.


Much progress has been made.

Only because Cynthia had a point battle and won.

In the early stage of scoring, the bonus points are still relatively small, because everyone has no points.

But at a later stage.

There are more bonus points, especially when the low-scoring player beats the high-scoring player.

"You are quite frank."

Xia Yan chuckled lightly.

"Let them score a little higher, and then it's all mine."

The score is too slow now.

Everyone has not played enough times, and the points generated are not many.

Wait until the back, click and score, then it will be enjoyable.

"Xia Yan, how many names are Dandi now?" Sonia, who was leading the way, couldn't help asking.

She is now well acquainted with Xia Yan and Cynthia, and she is not just "Xia Yan Professor", "Cynthia Uranus", etc.

"Dan Emperor." Xia Yan glanced briefly.

The final result was not what he expected, "Good guy, first place. The points are far ahead."

This guy, Dan Di, is worthy of being the "Emperor of Scoring". After the tournament started, this guy didn't stop rushing points, right?

topped the standings.

Sonia heard the words and smiled, "Dan Di is still so energetic."

Not really.

Just because Loz said that this tournament is hosted by their Galar Alliance, no matter what the final result is, I hope Dandi, the champion, can make their Galar Region famous.

Dan Di is like a chicken blood, crazy "champion moment".

"Sonia, tell me your story with Dan Di."

Cynthia took Sonia's wrist and talked about the little Eight Trigrams between women.


The relationship between Sonia and Cynthia has also skyrocketed, and the two are now very close best friends.

If Daye and Lucian were allowed to see Cynthia's gentle appearance now, it is estimated that the glasses would have fallen off.

The two were talking and laughing as they walked on the grass.

Xia Yan was also very happy, put his hands behind his head, and followed lazily under the warm sunlight.

The gentle breeze, the fragrance of the grass and the mud head wafting in, people couldn't help but feel relaxed and happy.

A city like Caolu Town is in stark contrast to the modern mechanical-style Jiqing City next door.

For those who have been working in Jiqing City for a week, they like to come to Caolu Town to relax and unwind. Outings and picnics are very good choices.


Xia Yan saw many small tents erected on the vast grass in Caolu Town, and the faint aroma of barbecue wafting in the breeze.

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Sylveon sniffed the scent, and said normally. …

Roast goose, roast lamb chops, roast beef. Suck--


On the grass, the braided sheep were calling lowly, seemingly echoing Sylveon's words.


Sylveon looked at Xia Yan.

These sheep look fat.

Xia Yan, who heard the words, couldn't help but be dumbfounded.

what? !

The braided sheep stared at Sylveon, who was so cute in disbelief.

We want to be friends with you, but you're thinking about our bodies?

Where is this little cutie, it's clearly a pink devil!

In a blink of an eye, the group of braided sheep fled in all directions.


Sylveon pouted when he saw this scene.

Can't even joke.

If they really use Pokémon as food, the first one that doesn't have to be ducks.

It's not one or two Pokémon who care about Duck Duck's body.


At this time.

Sonia, who was walking in front, shouted.

Before they knew it, they had crossed the field of Caolu Town and came to a slope behind Caolu Town.

"This is it."

Located on a small hill west of Caolu Town, there is a huge painting on it, which seems to have a constant history.

The years have left traces of Madara's refutation on this painting.

"Ducks and ducks are better than this."

Sonia/Cynthia: "."

Is this the point now?

Although the painting is indeed not very good, it looks more like a child's graffiti, but the content depicted on it is not difficult to understand.

"This is... dark night?"

Cynthia said hesitantly.

As a scholar of ancient mythology, Cynthia knows a lot about the ancient myths of the Pokémon world. Among them, the "Dark Night" in the Galar Region is a worldwide problem that has not yet been answered.

That's one of the reasons Sonia and Cynthia get along so well.

Because their research topics and research directions are very similar.

"I also think so."

Sonia nodded and continued to interpret the content of the painting.

"From the surface. What this painting wants to convey should be exactly what happens in the dark night. A giant Pokémon appears in the center of the dark night, and the little people next to it should be humans, they are fleeing from this Giant Pokémon."

Then look at Cynthia.

Cynthia went on to add: "According to our previous trip to Tradition Town, the two unknown Pokémon sculptures that were revealed due to the super-giant Pokémon riot. And the existing information about our Master. It can be roughly concluded that some information about 'Dark Night' content."

The two of you say a word, and her word.

The two female researchers who had a deep understanding of ancient history slowly integrated the information they had obtained from each other.

"So?" Xia Yan took on the responsibility of "holding the mound" very appropriately.

After Cynthia and Sonia looked at each other, Sonia finally said:

"According to my guess, Cynthia and my grandma Mulan Professor. The so-called 'dark night' actually refers to a Legendary Pokémon from the universe. It is the source of all gigantic power, and it contains almost endless energy itself . …

Whenever it appears, darkness will completely cover everything, so it is called 'dark night'.

Therefore, 'Dark Night' is not its name, but a phenomenon. And the Legendary Pokémon that originated from the universe, my grandma and President Lords, both called it - Infinite Taina! "

Endless energy?

The source of gigantic growth?

Just how powerful would such a Pokémon be?

Even among all the divine beasts that had appeared before, Cynthia had never heard of any divine beast that dared to claim that its energy was endless.

To know.

This doesn't just work on itself, but on the rest of the Pokémon, allowing them to gigantic.

Sonia took a deep breath and continued:

"The Galar particles that we currently need to make Pokémon gigantic are actually derived from Wuji Tana. The priority condition for giganticization is that there must be a full complement of Galar particles.

Therefore, even in our Galar Region, only the Stadium with a special stand and the vast wilderness Region can make the Trainer's Pokémon gigantic, because only the Galar particles in these places can carry Pokémon. maximization. "

"Perhaps. It's not the first time that Wujitai has appeared. And 'Dark Night' is just the only time we can find a recorded existence from the traces of history."

"And now. Maybe in the near future, the 'dark night' will come again!"

As she spoke, Sonia's tone and expression became extremely heavy.

"Why?" Cynthia asked.

"Because of what appeared in the Galar Region at this time, some wild Pokémon suddenly gigantic without any warning. Moreover, even some gigantic Regions are not in the places I mentioned before. This means that Galar Region's Galar particles are rapidly filling up at a rate we don't know about."

Sonia came to this conclusion through the information obtained by her grandmother, Professor Mulan, and the information obtained by herself.


This conclusion sounds possible to Cynthia.

Cynthia couldn't help frowning.

"How did the previous 'dark night' resolve?"

Speaking of this, Sonia's expression suddenly turned a hundred and eighty degrees, and the sun was shining brightly.

"This is the main topic of my homework. Looking for the legendary 'King of Sword and Shield', that is the real hero who resolved the last 'Dark Night'. Through the understanding and information collected during this period, the 'Sword and Shield' is the real hero. "The Shield King" probably doesn't refer to someone. It refers to two Pokémons."

"Pokémon? Those two sculptures the book is wearing?" Cynthia's eyes lit up.

"Smart, Sister Cynthia. There must be some deviations in history, but the history of the 'King of Sword and Shield' may be a little bit more." Sonia stuck out her tongue playfully.

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"So. If we can find the legendary 'King of Sword and Shield', it is possible that when the 'dark night' falls this time, it will only end before the damage caused by it is minimal?"

"Hmm! So I hope you can help me, Sister Cynthia," Sonia pleaded. …

She didn't know when the 'dark night' would appear this time.

But it's definitely not wrong to hurry up.

Listening to their exchange, Xia Yan next to him touched his nose slightly embarrassedly.

He wanted to say.

According to the original development.

Perhaps the appearance of the 'King of Sword and Shield', that is, Cang Xiang and Zangmarant, can solve Wuji Tai.

But now

It's hard to say.

However, in fact, they don't need to go to Cang Xiang and Zangmarant, because their rotten sword and shield are now on him.

If Wujitai appeared, they would certainly appear.

Now the only thing Xia Yan is uncertain about.

That's what this guy Suzuki wants to do.

Promise elimination?

This is Xia Yan's current judgment and guess.


If it was so easily guessed by him, then there were only two possibilities.

One is that Suzuki's real goal is not Wuji Taina, it is just a pretense that Xia Yan can see.


Suzuki is very confident.

So confident that even if Xia Yan knew, he could let things go according to his plan.

This is also the reason why Xia Yan has been in the Galar Region for so long, and has not gone to the energy factory under the Quanguan Stadium to try to destroy the recovery of Wujitai.


Door to door becomes food delivery.


Xia Yan and Suzuki maintained a special tacit understanding.

Silently accumulating Stockpile amount of each other, it depends on who is more powerful in the final collision.

Moreover, both of them have enough confidence in themselves.

Referred to as "confidence of fans".

ding dong -- ding dong --


The tournament devices on Xia Yan and Cynthia rang at the same time.

The two took it out to take a look.

It turns out it's a tournament challenge!


PS: Today's 1.1w~~

Love the bottom trainer in the world of Pokémon

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