The Bottom Trainer In The Pokémon World

Chapter 1079 Xia Yan's First Time


"Ultra Ball?"

Xia Yan and Cynthia looked at each other.

It's only been a while since the World Championships started, and anyone who can be an Ultra Ball is either an Ultra Ball from the start.

Only very few people, like Crimson, who regard the battle as a meal, and no matter what the ball is invited to fight, can rush into the Ultra Ball level in a short period of time.

Then this person is very likely to belong to Ultra Ball.

The Galar Region came from Ultra Ball. In addition to Dan Di, there were also eight gymnasium owners.

no way.

There are no four Uranus established in the Galar Region.

However, due to the high fighting atmosphere, the overall strength of the Galar Region is actually not weak.

Therefore, Loz directly gave all the gym owners in the Galar Region and directly rated them as Ultra Ball.

of course.

The strength gap between the Gym masters in the Galar Region is also relatively large.

For example, Qibana, the gym owner in Quanguan City, is someone who can compete with Dan Di for the championship.

Although he lost in the end, he couldn't deny the strength of the dragon-type gym owner.

There are also people like Nie Zi who did not use gigantic transformation but only narrowly defeated Chibana, and people like Popula who used to compete with Master Masdema, the First Generation champion of Galar Region.

These are all relatively strong.

There are also gym owners who are young and relatively weak like Caidou and Oneo.

"Is it Yalo?"

Cynthia flipped through the tournament instruments and could see the ranking of those who challenged.


Higher than Xia Yan and lower than Cynthia.

It should also belong to people who don't play much, or who haven't had time to fight Ultra Ball yet.

Now they are in Caolu Town, Ya Luo is the gym owner of Caolu Town, his possibility is undoubtedly the highest.

"Are you coming?" Xia Yan asked.

Cynthia pursed her lips, and finally shook her head and said, "No, come on."

She has already played a game, Xia Yan has not played yet.

Hearing this, Xia Yan looked up at the blue Soaring in the sky, took a deep breath of fresh air, and felt refreshed.


Yelling for points along the way, but as a result, I haven't played a game yet, which is a bit unreasonable.

"Sylveon, pick up the guest." Xia Yan said with a smile.


Sylveon Tsundere held his head high, and Satin flexibly operated Xia Yan's tournament equipment and accepted the challenge application.

It's a joke, it is very brave to play games, and it is not simple to operate an instrument.

"Ding Dong - Challenge Accept Success!"

Immediately, the tournament instrument popped up a prompt.


Because it is a battle between Ultra Ball and Ultra Ball, which is a high-level battle, the instrument will automatically send information to the contestants within a certain range nearby.

This is also what Ross came up with, a way to increase attention and increase the enthusiasm of the players.

The battle between Ultra Ball and Ultra Ball can be regarded as the final match in an ordinary competition.

And Ultra Ball is almost all very famous people.

Such behavior can also maximize publicity.

Traffic is as much money as it is in this world.

And because it was a battle between Ultra Balls, Tournament Instruments intelligently chose the location of this battle directly at Caolu Town Gym and Caolu Stadium.

"Ultra Ball VS Ultra Ball? Twenty-six challenged thirty-five, I remember who those two places were"

"Oops. Don't care who fights who, anyway, the battle between Ultra Balls must be very exciting."

"That's right. Caolu Stadium, hurry up."

"Walk around, don't miss it."


With the announcement of the Ultra Ball and Ultra Ball battle, a large number of nearby players who participated in the ranking stage of the World Championship rushed to Caolu Stadium.

Not just them.

Loz also installed information broadcasters in various places in the Galar Region.

The purpose is to allow all people who have not participated in the tournament, or ordinary people, to obtain information on the battle, and even go directly to the scene to watch the game.

Xia Yan had to admit.

Lodz is indeed a very good businessman.

The ranking stage of the World Championship has been maximized.

It is precisely because of these many promotions that Xia Yan and Lotz are sure that although the tournament has invested heavily, neither the Sinnoh Alliance nor the Galar Alliance will lose money.


Another point was raised by Xia Yan.

"Oh hoo. Ultra Ball battle in Galar Region."

"Twenty-six and thirty-five?"

"Look, learn, learn."


That is, the battle between Ultra Balls will be broadcast directly on the entire network through the tournament equipment.

Whether it is the live broadcast traffic or publicity, this Terri World Championship will definitely become the focus of the global Alliance.

Just like now.

The footage has been posted online, Lock On Caolu Stadium.

The scene was also maintained by the staff of Caolu Stadium and Galar Alliance, and the audience poured in little by little.

And at the moment Caolu Stadium.

The gym owner Yaluo looks very strong, but he is very gentle. He wears a wide sun hat and has a smile on his face.

He looked at a young man beside him who looked a little unconventional, with a thin body, pale complexion and dark circles under his eyes, and his waist was hunched over.

"Nie Zi, it seems that the other party has accepted it."

This person is actually Nie Zi, the gym owner of Jianpin Town!

He is the master of the gymnasium who is regarded as a famous family, because the former town of spikes was a more prosperous city in the old Galar Region.

It's just that the town of spikes has gradually declined because there is no giant energy point.

But Nie Zi did not give up the town of spikes, and he always wanted to revitalize Nie Zi. For this reason, he believed in a battle that did not use gigantic transformation, and he was a relatively powerful gym owner.

Hearing this, Nie Zi squinted at Ya Luo, scratched his head, and said lazily, "Ah, I was just trying it out."


He looked to the other side.

A black-haired girl.

She was wearing a black studded jacket over a pink dress with studded boots over her long white legs.

Black's short hair has bangs and eyebrows on one side, and the other side is tied back. He looks like a young rock musician and a young popular idol, and he looks a little cute.

When Nie Zi looked over, she happened to see her placing two fingers on either side of her cheeks, as if she was trying to raise the corners of her mouth to learn to smile.

And she is Nie Zi's younger sister, a talented young trainer, Mary.

The previous tournament challenge was actually operated by Mary, not by Nie Zi.

It's just that Nie Zi couldn't say anything about his sister.

Anyway, it's all about fighting, it's the same morning and night.

He has confidence in his own strength.

Noticing Nie Zi's gaze, Mary hurriedly put down her hand, Yuan Doduo's smiling face turned a little red.

In order to distract her attention, Ma Li cast her green eyes on Nie Zi's tournament equipment.

"The match was successful."

She shook the instrument sideways so that Nie Zi could see it.

"I saw-"

Nie Zi said helplessly.

Deep in his eyes there was a deep adoration.

Ma Li's eyes narrowed, and she clenched her little hand suddenly and waved towards Nie Zi.

come on!

"It should be here."

Listening to the noise that gradually sounded, Yarrow reminded with a smile.


Nie Zi responded lightly, and together with Ya Luo and Mary, looked at the entrance of the Stadium.


Some spectators sitting at the entrance have already seen who is coming.

"Sorry. I got lost just now, so I came a little late and kept you waiting."

The expressions of Ya Luo, Nie Zi, and Ma Li froze at the same time, and they stared blankly at the figure who appeared at the entrance and came slowly.

Looking at the signature dress, the black suit and black top hat, as well as the extremely friendly and gentle smile, Mary murmured, "Champion Xia, Xia Yan?"

Xia Yan said hello to Sonia and Cynthia, and they went to the auditorium.

And when he saw the people on the other side, Xia Yan was a little surprised to be honest.

I did see Yaluo, the owner of the Caolu Road Museum.

But looking at Ya Luo's appearance, it seemed that it wasn't him who challenged him, but Nie Zi, the master of the Gym in Jianpin Town beside him.

Nie Zi?

Oh, there is also the lovely and lovely damali, who should be the one who hasn't been surrounded by the shouting team yet.


Why did Nie Zi and Ma Li come to Caolu Town?

"I'm blazing! It's actually the champion of Xia Yan, am I right?"

"I thought it was just an ordinary Ultra Ball match, but I didn't expect one of them to be the champion of Xia Yan?!"

"This seems to be the first battle of Champion Xia Yan, right? I haven't seen any record or video about him before."

"Oh hoo, Xia Yan's first championship, I got it!"

The already high enthusiasm of the audience suddenly became boiling.

Xia Yan's popularity is beyond doubt.

Properly walking traffic.

And with Xia Yan appearing in the Stadium, the number of viewers of the webcast soared by a very exaggerated rate.

The stadium spectator seats that were not full were quickly overcrowded because of each other's announcements and publicity.

Xia Yan's championship for the first time?

That can't be missed.

After confirming that it was Xia Yan who accepted the challenge, Ya Luo couldn't help but cast a "seeking more happiness" look at Nie Zi.

Nie Zi couldn't help but look at Mary again.

good guy.

I've never seen a big brother like this.


He looked at Ma Li, but Ma Li's eyes kept falling on Xia Yan, and there was an undisguised admiration in her eyes.

Nie Zi patted his forehead.

He remembered.

His younger sister, Ma Li, is also a loyal fan of Xia Yan.

He just doesn't know why, he usually doesn't feel it, but now when he sees his sister admiring his Rival in front of him, he feels a little uncomfortable.

There is a kind.

The feeling that my sister is going to run away with someone else.

Suddenly, Nie Zi's desire to fight became stronger.

What about Champion Xia Yan!

Champions and champions can't take away my sister!

"Master Nie Zi, I didn't expect it to be you, I thought it would be the master of Yaluo." Xia Yan greeted kindly.

"You think I'm not as good as Ya Luo?" Nie Zi asked back with a frown.

Xia Yan: "???"

Yarrow: "???"

This person's temper is somewhat aggressive, so it's a bit different from the Mikey in the impression?

Xia Yan couldn't help thinking in his heart.

And Ya Luo was even more speechless.

He didn't offend Xia Yan, nor did he offend Nie Zi, why did he become the object of comparison between the two?

Because of Nie Zi's words, the audience immediately smelled the faint smell of gunpowder and immediately booed.

"Champion Xia Yan, zero seal Nie Zi!"

"Master Nie Zi, let the champion of Sinnoh see the quality of our Galar Region Gym Master!"

"Master Nie Zi, the requirements are not high, just don't get a zero seal!"

"Master Nie Zi, come on!"

Looking at some of the coaxing words, some seemed to be cheering for Nie Zi.

In fact, it can only make Nie Zi's somewhat indignant heart become more boiling.

Ya Luo cautiously looked at Nie Zi, who was gradually burning with flames in his eyes, shrank his neck slightly, and stepped aside.

"I didn't mean that." Xia Yan said helplessly.

"Let's start the battle! Let me see the strength of the Sinnoh champion!" Nie Zi's fighting spirit was completely ignited, grabbing the Poké Ball and shouting loudly.


Xia Yan nodded.

I have seen people who are in a hurry to lose, but I have never seen one who is so eager to lose.

"Cough, I, let me be the referee." Ya Luo coughed lightly and said.


The battle between the two Ultra Balls, Xia Yan and Nie Zi, began.

Since this match is in the Stadium, there is no need for the special tournament energy shield.

In the Ultra Ball stage, a 3V3 rotation mode is carried out. Both of them can replace Pokémon in the battle at any time, but they cannot directly attack the Trainer himself.

Nie Zi took the lead in throwing the Dusk Ball, "The first one, I'll give it to you, Malamar!"

When the Dusk Ball opened and a large amount of Haze was spilled out, a standing Malamar appeared in the field.

Malamar is a Pokémon of the evil and Psychic types. Before the Fairy type appeared, it only had a very obvious weakness, such as the quadruple weak bug. Even with the Fairy type now, its Attribute collocation can be regarded as a very good Pokémon.

"Then Sylveon, come on."

Xia Yan said directly to the little guy who was eager to try.


Sylveon's eyes were firm, and after nodding forcefully, he stepped into the field.

His cute appearance was greeted with cheers as soon as he appeared.

The battle begins!

The whole place fell silent instantly.

"Sylveon, Misty Terrain."

Xia Yan also got serious and waved Metronome with a big hand.


Sylveon raised his head and called out softly.

a time.

The thin pink mist, rubbed with intricate pink threads, quickly spread and spread in the field, almost in the blink of an eye, it completely shrouded the battlefield.

Nie Zi's expression was serious.

Although he shouted at Xia Yan because of Ma Li, he was actually very aware of Xia Yan's strength, and he didn't dare to relax his vigilance at all.

At the same time that Sylveon moved, he also made a move for the first time.

"Malamar, Trick Room!"


The black transparent special barrier centered on Malamar quickly enveloped the surroundings, including Sylveon.

a time.

The speed of the two sides is reversed.


Malamar's speed Species Strength is even faster than Sylveon.

But Pokémon isn't just about Species Strength.

It also depends on the training direction of both parties and the role that Pokémon can play.

Nie Zi's Malamar obviously didn't do any in-depth training on speed, in order to be more in line with the "Trick Room" move.

And all of Xia Yan's Pokémon, whether they are slow or fast in speed Species Strength, have undergone a lot of speed training.

So at this moment, Malamar's speed in turn surpassed Sylveon.

But fortunately.

The speed difference between the two sides is actually not too big. Such a speed swap will not allow Malamar to gain a qualitative advantage in speed.

"Trick in front of Champion Xia Yan, Nie Zi is so brave."

"But Champion Xia Yan restrained Trick Room, I remember Alakazam? Sylveon can't do it."

"Yes. So I think Nie Zi's hand is quite good."

Looking at the Trick Room covering the audience, Xia Yan raised his eyebrows.

With this "Trick Room", it can be seen that Nie Zi has a certain understanding and research on him.


No change would have allowed Malamar to Trick Sylveon.

Not really.

Nie Zi's younger sister, Ma Li, is a big fan of Xia Yan, even if she doesn't know it.

With this "Trick Room", Nie Zi successfully grabbed the first mover from Xia Yan.

With a big wave of his hand, he shouted, "Malamar, Superpower!"

I see.

Malamar's two huge tentacles slammed into the Sylveon and quickly pulled the distance, while a thin layer of Psychic enveloped him, making his body even lighter.


Xia Yan's eyes narrowed.

"The 'Naysayer' Ability?"

In an instant, I understood the characteristics of Nie Zi, the Malamar.

"Sylveon, Hyper Voice."


A roar with a hint of Tsundere, rolling sound waves corroding the light pink, turned into ripples, and swept away towards the incoming Malamar.

Boom! !

Malamar's tentacles fluttered, wrapped in Fighting-type energy, and continued to get close to Sylveon while taking damage.

Superpower: A move with a power of up to 120 points. It has a very strong striking ability. The disadvantage is that after using it, it will reduce its physical attack ability and physical defense ability.


While Malamar waved his tentacles, the momentum on his body was rising little by little.

sing a different tune!

Nie Zi's Malamar, as Xia Yan said, is a "naysayer" ability.

Opposition: For Pokémon with this Ability, the ability change will have the opposite effect.

That is to say, even if "Superpower" is used, Malamar's physical attack and physical defense abilities will be reduced, but because of the "Negative" Ability, his ability will not be reduced, but will be improved.

It's a good pairing, just like the naysayer Serperior paired with the Leaf Storm.

Coupled with the "Trick Room", Malamar's ability ceiling has been raised.

The combination of Nie Zi's hand obviously also shows his excellent tactical ability.


He clearly overlooked something.

The explosive power of Xia Yan's Sylveon.

Facing Malamar, who had already rushed to the front, Sylveon hunched over, not showing any signs of flinching.

A smile appeared on Xia Yan's face.

Whispered: "Sylveon, Psych up. Then. Hyper Beam!"


Sylveon, who has accumulated strength, is waiting for Xia Yan's order.

I see.

Its pretty pink eyes flashed slightly, and it successfully copied Malamar's ability changes through "Psych up", and its physical attack and defense were improved.

Physical attack doesn't do much for Sylveon, but physical defense is what it desperately needs to face Malamar's "Superpower".

When Sylveon's mouth moved, the orange-yellow energy quickly transformed into pure pink under the interweaving of Fairy-type energy.

Immediately after.

A beam of light filled with pink energy suddenly erupted.

Under Malamar's unbelievable gaze, he slammed into Malamar's body from almost zero distance.

boom! ! !

The huge energy suddenly exploded, causing Malamar to be unable to resist the impact at all, and flew out directly.


Sylveon's Ability is "Fairy Skin", when it uses Normal-type moves, not only Attributes can also become Fairy-type moves, but its power will also be greatly improved.

boom! !

Malamar fell hard to the ground.

Struggle tried to get up again, but the severe pain caused by the powerful energy shock directly overwhelmed its consciousness.

fell to the ground.

lost the ability to fight.


The audience was in an uproar.

A second ago, they were worried about how Sylveon's small body would resist Malamar's violent output.


The next second Malamar was lying on the ground.

Is this the strength of this famous Xia Yan champion?

This scene refreshed many viewers who had only heard Xia Yan's rumors, but had not seen Xia Yan's battle, and refreshed their understanding of him.

Nie Zi couldn't help being stunned.

He thought that Malamar might lose, but he didn't expect to lose so cleanly.


Fortunately, Nie Zi is an experienced gym owner. Although he was stunned at this time, he also knew that Sylveon's body would fall into a temporary rigidity after using "Hyper Beam". Such an opportunity must not be missed.

He hurriedly took out the second Poké Ball and threw it quickly.

"Shaking Salamander, Boomburst!"

Nie Zi shouted.

click -

As the Dusk Ball opened, a purple humanoid salamander Pokémon, jumping in a Cianwood-colored arc, appeared in the field.

This Pokémon is Nie Zi's second one, the Trembling Salamander.

The Tremolo Salamander is a Pokémon unique to the Galar Region, and exists in two different forms: high-profile and low-profile.

And Nie Zi's is a low-key appearance of the trembling salamander.


As soon as the trembling salamander appeared, its hands kept slapping the four strings on its chest, and then its mouth opened, and a terrifying sound wave suddenly surged up.

Xia Yan's eyes twitched.

good guy.

The crimson "electricity storage in the ball" tactic has really been carried forward, and now the "sound storage in the ball" has appeared.

In an instant.

The whole venue was shrouded in the sound waves of the trembling salamanders, and the ground of the entire venue trembled violently under this powerful sound wave.

"'Punk Rock' Ability?"

Punk Rock: When using sonic moves, the power of the moves will be greatly increased.

And in the center of the sound wave, it was undoubtedly Sylveon who was frozen after casting "Hyper Beam".


Although Nie Zi's response was not slow.

However, Malamar insisted on getting up before, as well as Nie Zi's brief surprise, and even the time it took for the sound wave to pass, gave Sylveon a chance to ease the sequelae.


Sylveon is also an expert in sonic moves.


As Sylveon quickly got out of the stalemate, it also reacted very quickly, "Copycat" the Tremolo Salamander's "Boomburst" move.

The Trembling Salamander has the "Punk Rock" Ability, which makes the sonic move more powerful.

But Sylveon also has a "Fairy Skin" and a "Fairy Field" that empowers the "Boomburst" move.

a time.

Another intense pink sound wave surged up against the "Boomburst" of the Trembling Salamander.

The terrifying power generated by the collision of two powerful sound waves shook the energy Barrier of the entire Grass Road Stadium to tremble.

Resist this?

When the collision of sound waves gradually subsided, the audience who covered their ears let out a sigh of relief.

Can this be responded to?

"As expected of the champion of Xia Yan, so strong"

At the same time, Mary, who was watching the audience, couldn't help but sigh.

And her exclamation made Nie Zi's face darken.

This little sister is afraid that she won't be able to pull it back in a short time.

"Shimmerstring Salamander, Sludge Bomb!"

"Sylveon, Dig!"


PS: It's too late to write, so I'll post it first, and the second chapter will be here soon.

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