The Bottom Trainer In The Pokémon World

Chapter 1103 Xia Yan Vs Giovanni (1)

Xia Yan VS Giovanni!

"Please prepare for both players!"

The referee's voice spread throughout the audience.

This time, the battle to advance to the "Eight Masters" also started.

"Since it's the first game, it's up to you to start."

The voice fell.

The Poké Ball in Giovanni's hands drew an arc in the air to a circle.


With the opening of the Poké Ball, in the red light flashing, a burly Pokémon stepped on the milky white clouds and wrapped his arms, appeared in the field.

Intertwined with the khaki energy surrounded by strands, the ground power of the entire venue seems to be mobilized.


"Oh oh oh - Giovanni's first Pokémon is actually Landorus! It is said that this is the mythical beast of the Unova Region, and it is the only one!"

Although Landorus is a third-level god, like Zapdos and Registeel, it is the only one.

It is similar to the "Gods of the Lake" in Sinnoh Region.

"The audience in the Galar Region may not be aware that Giovanni, as the gym owner of Vibran City, has the recognized title of 'Earth Giovanni'! Ground is a Pokémon, but he is the best at it!"

Host hasn't forgotten to give the audience some information about Giovanni.

of course.

The identity of the Rockets leader has not yet been announced.

at the same time.

When Giovanni summoned Landorus, the Poké Ball in Xia Yan's hand also smashed into the field.



An imposing roar of filial piety, accompanied by the fiery flames rising into the sky, bathed in raging flames, and Infernape, who was hunched over his waist and looking sharp, also appeared.

The low Roar came from the dark red fire.

Facing Giovanni's Landorus, Infernape did not lose half of his momentum.


Xiao Gu is already a friend of Infernape, what is there to be afraid of?

Seeing the Infernape summoned by Xia Yan, Giovanni raised his eyebrows slightly.

This Infernape has almost become one of Xia Yan's signatures now.

no way.

The first-hand "Precipice Blades" has appeared in major online live broadcasts or posts more than once, and the Stadium Energy Barrier, which broke the fist pass some time ago, has gained a high reputation in a short period of time.

When many viewers saw Infernape, they couldn't help but subconsciously glanced at the energy Barrier of the Palace Gate Stadium.


The energy Barrier of Gongmen Stadium is more than one grade stronger than that of Quanguan Stadium.

In addition to the excellent strength of the players who participated in the knockout stage of this competition, Dandi, who has become the president of the Galer Alliance, also deliberately emphasized that the strength of the energy Barrier needs to be improved.

But there are still many viewers who hope to see the scene of Barrier being blasted with their own eyes.

"Then this time, let's have no reservations."

After seeing the Pokémon chosen by Xia Yan, Giovanni knew that he must not release water this time, otherwise he would most likely lose miserably.

So, after both Pokémon were on the scene, Giovanni came up with a special contraption.

Like a mirror, it is full of a strong sense of technology.

This is a replica of the "display mirror", one of the Rockets' scientific and technological achievements, which can simulate the light projected by the "display mirror".

At the hands of Giovanni, the mirror projected a beam of light onto Landorus.


Landorus suddenly felt a rhythm of energy originating from the inside of his body, and his appearance changed under the irradiation of the beam.

A blink of an eye.

Landorus changed from a burly giant with arms around him to four orange tigers that landed on the ground, stepping on white clouds, looking extremely deterrent.

spirit beast form!



Hearing a very oppressive roar from Landorus, Infernape who was in front of Xia Yan couldn't help frowning.


Landorus in spirit beast form, whose Ability has changed from "Sand Power" to "Intimidate".

Come up to Infernape, come up with a slap in the face.

Giovanni flicked his hand, threw the instrument that had become a waste in his hand, and looked at Xia Yan with a slight smile.

Looking directly into Giovanni's eyes, Xia Yan grinned.

Well, the local cat, with Giovanni's character, shouldn't make it an "insect cat", so it's okay to be a threat.

It really doesn't work, Xia Yan can also use "insect monkey" as a response.

Tell a joke.

Landorus is a Pokémon that can assist Ground and unleash Ground-type energy and moves without touching Ground.

"Battle begins!"

After confirming the Contest Condition of the two, the flag in the referee's hand suddenly fell.

The battle that belongs to the two can be regarded as the official start.

"Landorus, Sword Dance!"

Giovanni put one hand in his trouser pocket and waved the other to get the first mover.



Surrounded by the clanging sword formations, Landorus's aura began to rise wildly.

"Sword Dance" start?

Xia Yan raised his eyebrows.

So confident?

Can only say, is it worthy of the boss of Giovanni?

Not at all worried that "Sword Dance" will be interrupted at the start?

Xia Yan's eyes narrowed slightly.

The voice was suddenly cold.

Rival is Giovanni and must not have any thoughts of contempt and underestimation.

"Infernape, Fake Out!"


Hearing the words, Infernape's bent knees tensed and bounced out instantly, leaving a charred trace on the ground of the entire venue surrounded by birds and fire.

The speed was so fast that in the blink of an eye, Landorus had already appeared in front of him.


Suddenly, Giovanni's voice sounded just right.


The clanging sword formation surrounding Landorus suddenly disappeared, replaced by the "Earthquake" impact that appeared in a corrugated shape.

Change tricks!

"Sword Dance" started as a pretense, and Giovanni's real intention was to force Infernape to interrupt.

As long as you prepare well in advance and time your shots, you can do decent damage to Infernape.

To know.

The Fire-type Infernape is restrained by the Ground-type.

Of course, this kind of change has extremely high requirements on Pokémon and Trainer, not only tacit understanding, but also the grasp and control of timing.

What if Xia Yan and Infernape don't choose to attack and interrupt Landorus?

Then Landorus completed "Sword Dance" logically.

The weakening of Infernape's physical attack ability with "intimidation", coupled with the improvement of Landorus' own physical attack ability, will also give Landorus an absolute advantage.

So, whether or not you guessed Giovanni's tactical arrangement, Xia Yan and Infernape must attack.

This is Yang Conspiracy.

Very in line with Giovanni's temperament.

Even if he does some planning and planning, he will handle things in a relatively positive way, rather than some conspiracy Nasty Plot.

Giovanni's plan is good.

But he was wrong about one thing.

That is Xia Yan's current strength, and his tacit understanding with Infernape.

At the moment when Giovanni's voice changed, Xia Yan's voice also followed.

"Put it down."

A shot of "Earthquake"?

Not enough to kill Infernape in seconds.


The crisp slap of "Fake Out" was followed by Landorus' "Earthquake".

Before Landorus fell into "cringe", the terrifying power of the booming Earthquake instantly erupted, and the "Earthquake" that swept the entire Rock venue and caused huge vibrations caused Infernape to frown in pain.

However, a light blue halo soon appeared on Landorus' body.

Mental Herb!

Landorus recovered from the "creeping" Contest Condition at a very fast speed.

"It's really fine." Du, who saw this scene in the box, couldn't help sighing.

"Carrying 'Mental Herb' against Xia Yan is still very effective. It can not only target the 'insect' tactics that Xia Yan prefers, but also guard against Togekiss' infinite 'Air Slash' tactics. The benefits are very high." Steven objectively analyzed. .


"Mental Herb" is good both for Infernape and Togekiss.

"So, Teacher Xia Yan is going to be led by the Rockets leader?" Akin suddenly became interested.

Although he didn't like the Rockets and Giovanni very much, he knew that the Giovanni in this world was different from the Giovanni in the world he was in, so he kept his sense of balance.

"Not necessarily." Cynthia glanced at Akin.

Facing Cynthia's eyes, Akin subconsciously shrank his neck.

"Great indignation!"

Xia Yan did not seem to be influenced by Landorus "Mental Herb", and the command remained calm.



Infernape, who was enduring the severe pain caused by "Earthquake", roared up to the sky.


The billowing dark red terrifying flames turned into huge waves and burst open in an instant.

The blazing fire shrouded most of the Stadium.

Landorus, who was near Chi Chi, was forced to retreat a few steps subconsciously due to the flames that erupted from Infernape.

"Meng Huo!"

Then, Xia Yan's voice sounded again.


One of Xia Yan's signature operations is to manually open the "Meng Huo"!



Infernape's roar of filial piety didn't stop, and the flame it ignited didn't mean to stop at all.

Violent flames erupted from it, and the flames soaring overhead directly ignited the entire Stadium.

In the sight of the audience, the entire Stadium at this time seems to have become a sea entirely composed of flames.

Feeling the fiery meaning that rushed to his face, Rao was surprised in Giovanni's eyes.

Xia Yan also predicted this result a long time ago?

Eating "Earthquake" hard, just to give Infernape's "Fire" ability a chance to trigger?

It's not surprising that "Fake Out" didn't work as expected.

That's for. The next move?

Want to decide the winner?

Giovanni couldn't help laughing at the thought of this.

How confident are you?

But this self-confidence makes Giovanni appreciate and agree with him.

Since Xia Yan thinks that his Infernape can kill his own Landorus in seconds with just one move.

Could it be that he, Giovanni, doesn't have the confidence to defeat the half-crippled Infernape with this one move?

next second.

Giovanni's expression froze, looking extremely serious.

Then it's a one-shot victory!

"Landorus, Fissure!"

Giovanni waved his hand.

"Infernape, Precipice Blades!"

If it's just a competition, both Xia Yan and Infernape have absolute confidence and will not lose to any Rival!





A suffocating terrifying energy erupted from the bodies of the two Pokémons at the same time, and the sweeping aura continued to slap on the energy Barrier, causing the Barrier to continuously light up with white lights.

Even the audience sitting outside Barrier seemed to feel the terrifying collision of energy between the two sides.

It is conceivable how huge the energy burst from the two Pokémons in the Stadium in Barrier at this time.

I see.

Landorus landed on all fours, stomping on the ground with an extremely serious expression.


A muffled sound like the explosion of heaven and earth, accompanied by violent vibrations, a huge ravine spread towards Infernape at an extremely fast speed.

The ground energy contained in it is enough to kill any Pokémon that is hit in seconds.

at the same time.

Clenched Infernape's punch slammed into Ground.


With the same violent explosion, in front of Infernape, a huge ravine that was not inferior to Landorus "Fissure" was split open in an instant.

It's just that there are some more hot fiery red magma flowing out of it.

For a moment.

The two ravines of the ravine Normal had a frontal collision on the front.

With the explosion of countless large and small rock blocks, and the splash of a lot of hot magma.

The entire Gongmen Stadium seemed to tremble.

"Attached, offset?"

Seeing that the violent gully that seemed to be destroying the world stopped moving at the same time, the audience was stunned.

But after this brief moment of silence.


The roaring sound that was more violent and terrifying than before appeared again.

A huge pillar of sharp flames was pulled up instantly at the foot of Landorus.

With the aura and posture of annihilating everything, Landorus lifted it up under the incredible gaze of Landorus.

Almost in the blink of an eye, Landorus slammed into the top of the Stadium, the top of the Gongmen Stadium Energy Barrier.

Under the wide-eyed gaze of all the audience, Tackle slammed over Barrier.


The sound of explosion followed.

All the spectators suddenly felt their butts numb, and the Stadium shook.


Dan Di in the box let out a long breath and wiped the cold sweat from his forehead.

Fortunately, fortunately, the specially strengthened energy Barrier did not explode.

There were quite a few spectators, who showed a little disappointment after the short Astonish.

Such an attack didn't blow up Barrier?

boom -

After the fiery red rock pillar burst, a relatively much smaller roar also followed, but no one paid attention to this aspect.

Infernape staggered and fell to the ground with a look of disbelief.

A sense of dizziness was intertwined with severe pain, which quickly eroded its consciousness.



Infernape punched the Ground hard.

Forced to cheer up the spirit, so that it did not completely lose consciousness under this impact.


But Landorus, who fell from the air, lay quietly in the rubble, his eyes turned into two thread-like circles, and he lost his sense of self.

"Earth, Landorus, Landorus is incapacitated!"

The referee, who was hiding behind Aegislash, let out a long sigh and announced the result.

Infernape wins? !

It can be won!

The audience watching Infernape staggering to his feet, and Landorus falling to the ground, is undoubtedly the best proof of the result.



Giovanni's laughter came.

He shook his head, took out the Poké Ball and took Landorus back, looking at Xia Yan and Infernape who was about to fall with satisfaction.

"very good."

These two simple words showed that he did not have any negative emotions because of it.

Yes, only full of joy.

The future of the Rockets?

He was relieved.

"However, let me see more of your stuff."

With that said, Giovanni took back Landorus and took out a second Poké Ball.

Xia Yan also took back the exhausted Infernape.

It's done well enough.

In the face of Landorus, who was restrained by Attribute and was a mythical beast, he won.

That's the best compliment to its growth.

Listening to Giovanni's words, Xia Yan also nodded without hesitation.

"Boss Giovanni, be careful."

The voice fell.

The two Poké Balls landed on the field again at the same time.



In an instant.

Huge Sandstorm rolled up the Rock Smash rubble, big and small, and the yellow sand covered the sky. It was just a blink of an eye. The Stadium, which was previously swept by the scorching waves, became covered by Sandstorm. desert area.

And the dark green behemoth standing in the sandstorm in the sky looks like the "King of Sandstorm", overlooking everything proudly.

That fierce and tyrannical posture, as if any "small" Pokémon that appeared in front of it would be torn apart by its fierce claws and teeth.


Xia Yan met Giovanni's Tyranitar once.

It's just that the one from last time, and the one in front of me at this time, are not at the same level of Pokémon at all.

"Full release of nature. No, even using its nature as one of the ways to increase its strength, worthy of the Boss Giovanni."

As the strength of Pokémon becomes stronger, Xia Yan realizes more and more how important the character of Pokémon is to the improvement of their late stage strength.

Simply put.

When the strength of Pokémon reaches Elite level, or even champion level, if you want to continue to become stronger, it is very important whether their own character can be released.


That is the difference between being yourself and being someone else.

Following other people's training methods and paths, the early stage will be much simpler and more convenient.

However, slowly and unconsciously, you will find that the Pokémon that grows up in this way will gradually show the shadow of the Pokémon it imitates.

That to the end.

Is it himself, or that Pokémon?

If you want to keep moving forward, being yourself is the most important thing.

So releasing the nature of Pokémon is also a very important part of Pokémon cultivation.

And Giovanni's Tyranitar, obviously his own nature was released to the maximum extent by Giovanni.

It is what it is, the one and only Tyranitar.

"We're not bad, though, are we? Doron Bartto."


In the thick Sandstorm, strands of Haze are intertwined, like a black hole.

At the same time as the sound came, Doron Bart, who was dragging his tail, appeared in front of Xia Yan.

Facing the tyrannical Tyranitar, Doron Bartto, who is also a quasi-god Pokémon, showed his own side.

In the swept Sandstorm.

Paint Haze gas, firmly occupying a place.

"Oooooh--Giovanni's second Pokémon is the quasi-god Pokémon of Johto Region, Tyranitar! And Xia Yan's second Pokémon is our Alola Region's quasi-god Pokémon, Duolong Bartto- !


Doron Bartto——!

The audience cheered.

After all, this is the quasi-god of their Galar Region.

In the hustle and bustle of the audience, Giovanni and Xia Yan, as well as the two Pokémon, were not affected.

"Tyranitar, Dragon Dance! Ice Punch, Fire Punch, Thunder Punch!"

It's the "Three Fist of the Farmer", and they still come out together!

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