The Bottom Trainer In The Pokémon World

Chapter 1104 Xia Yan Vs Giovanni (Middle)


Tyranitar, who heard Giovanni's command, did not hesitate for a moment. He stepped on the quicksand and threw a punch at a speed that was completely inconsistent with his size.

A peculiar rhythm accompanies its pace, rising in speed and power.

Assisting "Dragon Dance", Tyranitar's speed keeps increasing.

In just a few blinks of an eye, he actually came directly in front of Doron Bartto.

Blazing flames, intertwined lightning, and extremely cold frost.

One punch strikes with the power of three punches.

this hand.

It is also one of Giovanni's signatures.

With his Nidoking and Nidoqueen, "Double Team" can simultaneously unleash Flamethrower, Thunderbolt, and Ice Beam's Third Stage attacks.

I just didn't expect that Giovanni's Tyranitar, without assisting "Double Team", would be able to perform moves like this.

"Dragon Bartto, use the Dragon Dance to avoid!"

Xia Yan's expression remained the same, looking at the giant behemoth that came threateningly, feeling the fierce aura it carried, he responded calmly.


Doron Bart was late, but came first.

It's faster than Tyranitar, no doubt, even though Tyranitar assisted the power of "Sandstorm" to a certain extent.

With a light drink from Doron Bartto, he saw his tail twitching, and the same special rhythm followed.

"Dragon Darts!"

Xia Yan's voice came again.


Two Dragon Darts shot out of the hole in Doron Bartto's head, like two arrows shot out.


At such a close distance, the "Dragon Darts" collided with Tyranitar's fist head-on.

a time.

Leaping lightning and sparks filled the space between the two Pokémons.


Tyranitar drank again, the frost condensed on his clenched fist became colder and passed through the barrier.

Strands of yellow flickering around it.

Just, the next moment, listen again.


Two more "Dragon Darts" burst out of the holes of Doron Bartto.


The audience who saw this scene exclaimed one by one.

"Dragon Darts" is the exclusive move of Duolong Bartto, and Duolong Bartto is the quasi-god Pokémon of the Galar Region. The audiences in these Galar Regions are very clear that "Dragon Darts" is two shots.


Xia Yan's multi-dragon Bartto, how come there are four "Dragon Darts"?


Ignoring that brief interval, it's almost as if they were fired at the same time.


The third impact hit Tyranitar's "Ice Punch", shooting out a large number of four shattered ice crystals, which to a certain extent blocked Tyranitar's continued progress.

And the last "Dragon Darts" hit Tyranitar's chest without hindrance.


The dull sound seemed to hit a hard and heavy city wall.

Tyranitar staggered backed two steps.

Stand still.

His expression remained unchanged, his eyes lightly brushed his chest with slight contempt, and he glanced at Doron Bartto with an extremely Power Trip attitude.


This action and gesture of Tyranitar caused the audience to be in an uproar.

How confident are you?

No, it should even be said to be conceited.

Seeing Tyranitar's actions, Rao was Dolong Bartto, who was usually mild-mannered, and his eyes gradually became a little bad.

And the four Dragon Messiah, who had returned to their holes, also grinned at Tyranitar one by one.

What a Power Trip!

But the audience liked it very much, and many people stood up and cheered.

Giovanni, who knew Tyranitar's character, couldn't help but chuckle. He didn't stop or ask, but said again:

"Tyranitar, Stone Edge!"


Like a small Godzilla, Tyranitar roared and spread his arms flamboyantly, and the countless sandy rocks surrounding him instantly converged, turning into sharp and strong thick rock cones.

at the same time.

Its huge tail slapped the Ground fiercely, and with the sound of the Ground trembling, the huge rock pillars rose from the ground.

The attack from the Ground, the attack from the sky, under the control of Tyranitar, was shot towards Doron Bartto at the same time.

I have to admit that Giovanni's Tyranitar is really powerful in controlling "Sandstorm", making this "Stone Edge" almost an attack from all directions.

And Duolong Bartto was already surrounded by countless rock cones.

Numerous rock cones, like bullets Normal, blocked all the escape paths of Doron Bartto.

Densely pressed away.

bang bang bang-

One after another, the sound of bombardment and collision, mixed with the splashing of countless rock fragments, and a large amount of dust, covered everything.

hard to imagine.

What Pokémon can protect themselves from Tyranitar's attack.

It does have conceited qualifications.


Listening to the continuous roar of attacks finally subsided, but did not see the figure of Duolong Bart jumping out of the thick dust, so the audience couldn't help but have such thoughts in their hearts.

If so, the audience would understand.

after all.

This Tyranitar is really strong.


Just when everyone thought that the dust had settled, they heard Giovanni suddenly burst out.

"Tyranitar, behind you, Crunch!"

And Tyranitar seemed to have expected this result for a long time. At the moment when Giovanni's voice sounded, his fierce and sharp fangs were entangled with a strong malice, and he did not hesitate to bite behind him.

Just as Tyranitar "Crunch" came out, a group of Haze suddenly appeared behind him.

A four-dimensional channel suddenly opened.


The dragon Bartto, bathed in black and purple energy, rushed out like a filial dragon.

Phantom Force!

This result, Giovanni seems to have expected it long ago, and it is not the first time that he and Xia Yan's Duolong Bartto have played against each other.

Moreover, his predictions and Tyranitar's predictions are very accurate.

last resort.

Doron Bartto, who rushed out of the fourth-dimensional tunnel, must face the attack from the murderous Tyranitar.


Even if it was a head-on collision, Doron Bartto wasn't afraid.


The rare roar of Rage's filial piety came from the mouth of Duolong Bartto, and the energy surrounding him became more and more wanton.

Came up to Tyranitar's "Crunch" without hesitation.


Another head-on collision.

But this time, Tyranitar showed a little surprise.

Surrounded by its sharp teeth, the evil-type energy that was supposed to restrain the ghost-type energy was unexpectedly annihilated uncontrollably when it came into contact with the Haze bathed by Dolong Bartto!



There is no energy collision, no impact is generated, just like a picture scroll Normal wiped by a piece of eraser, quietly erased.


Giovanni's eyes narrowed as he understood this.

"Tyranitar, Dragon Claw!"

Giovanni's voice made Tyranitar quickly regain his composure from the astonishment. While biting with his huge mouth, his strong arm swung out with rolling dragon energy.


Another muffled sound erupted.

After the two energies tore in the air, Doron Bart retreated some distance, and Tyranitar staggered back again.


The suspended Doron Bartto raised his eyebrows at Tyranitar.

That's it?


Seeing the Taunt from Doron Bartto, Tyranitar's eyes instantly became bloodshot.

"Feel the rage, Outrage!"

Giovanni said suddenly.

Ordinary Trainers control their own Pokémon, powerful Trainers control the situation, and top Trainers control Pokémon emotions!

With the rise of anger, the "Outrage" move that carries anger will undoubtedly increase the power of the move.

Although Giovanni is not as masterful and proficient at "Outrage" as Drake, his special understanding and use of it does make Tyranitar burst into unparalleled power.


The crimson dragon-type energy instantly rose from Tyranitar's red eyes. He didn't stand still at all, and burst out while stepping on the ground.

That domineering aura made even the audience other than Barrier hold their breath.

Doron Bartto's expression also became extremely serious in an instant.

"Stay away, Dragon Darts!"

Xia Yan's voice also followed.

Together, there are Xia Yan's intentions and the next tactical play.

Assists Doron Bartto's speed advantage and doesn't go head-to-head with Tyranitar.


Tyranitar's "Outrage" restrains Doron Bartto, but Doron Bartto's moves may not be able to restrain Tyranitar.

Also, Giovanni's Tyranitar's defense is not as strong as Normal's.

Xia Yan noticed.

The surface of Tyranitar's body was covered with a thin layer of sand.

Although thin, it is extremely strong.

This comes from Tyranitar's masterful control of "Sandstorm".

Coupled with Tyranitar's own strong defensive power, and Tyranitar's use of its own anger into explosive power, it now becomes extremely dangerous.


Doron Bartto quickly pulled away, choosing to distance himself from Tyranitar as much as possible.

at the same time.

Accurate "Dragon Darts", once again.


The "Dragon Darts" shot first, hit Tyranitar's unprepared chest again.

And the pain passed on just made Tyranitar more Rage.

This Rage is not only the power of Tyranitar, but also enhances all its physical qualities.

The speed has actually exceeded the previous one.


The "Dragon Darts" continued to shoot, constantly bombarding Tyranitar's chest.

But Tyranitar finally approached Doron Bartto.

"no effect?"

"I'm going, this Tyranitar, the defense is so terrifying!"

"Is this the 'Earth Giovanni'? Tyranitar isn't a Ground Pokémon, but it's as thick and solid as the earth."

"Boss Giovanni!

As long as I stand on the earth, I am an invincible existence! "

Even the members of Team Rocket shouted excitedly one by one.

This round, Tyranitar's defensive power is truly amazing.

But even more astonishing was the attack by Tyranitar.

Because of casting "Dragon Darts" and misestimating Tyranitar's speed, Duolong Bartto, who was too late to dodge, had to fight Tyranitar's "Outrage" once.

And the terrorist attack that broke out with anger directly slaps Duolong Bart and slaps it out.

It hit the ground heavily, blasting a huge pit, and Ground made a sound of being overwhelmed.

This made many people who support Xia Yan feel nervous.

But Giovanni frowned.

Others may not notice.

He saw clearly.

When Tyranitar photographed Doron Bartto, a thin layer of Haze spread out on his body, blocking the attack to a certain extent.


When smashing Ground, the Haze that surrounds him becomes more intense.

also played a protective role.

But if that's the case, that's fine.

What really troubled Giovanni was what Xia Yan had been doing before and after.

"Dragon Darts!"

Xia Yan's unwavering voice sounded again.

Also Dragon Darts?

Nothing works.

Although the four "Dragon Darts" are very strong, the defense of this Tyranitar is really terrifying.

The audience expressed incomprehension.

But Xia Yan and Duolong Bartto, who got up, were extremely firm.

And the more they persisted, the more serious Giovanni's face became.


Another two "Dragon Darts" precision hits.

Look, it really didn't work, all it took was Tyranitar getting more and more furious.


Nobody noticed.

On Tyranitar's proud chest defense armor, there were fine and undetectable cracks.


A steady stream of "Dragon Darts" kept hitting Tyranitar's chest.



A crisp and loud voice suddenly sounded.


What followed was Tyranitar's painful roar, and his unbelievable eyes.

Broken? !

Such a powerful defense was actually shattered?

Countless quicksands converged towards Tyranitar's chest.


When a formidable defense is cracked, no more repairs can be done.

Like a cracked egg, you can Crush Grip it with a single pinch.

Duolong Bartto hovered directly in place, and faced Tyranitar, who was attacking again, and kept shooting Dragon Darts.


The cracking of the stomach is getting louder and louder.

The cracks on his body became more and more obvious.

"Duolong Bartto, the champion of Xia Yan, kept attacking the same point, which caused such an effect!"

Finally, there was an audience who could understand.

Such a powerful defense, if there is no explosive burst, can it really be defeated?

Giovanni's Tyranitar, terrifying indeed.

But in the end, it fell under the extremely precise continuous "Dragon Darts" of Doron Bartto.


The huge body fell heavily to the ground, raising a large amount of sand and dust.

Its proud defense was completely defeated by Doron Bartto.

"Tyranitar, incapacitated!

Doron Bart took a deep breath.

Rubbed his own chest.

Dude, I have never seen a Rival with such a strong defense.

Even if the defense is strong, the explosive attack power is also so strong.

Just got one shot of "Outrage" and nearly suffocated it.

Xia Yan understood.

Giovanni's Tyranitar has almost full defense, and the attack is basically completely derived from the explosive power converted from emotional Rage.

Not weak, Tyranitar's offensive ability is definitely not weak.

But compared to its defensive power, it is indeed a little worse.

If it can reach the same level of offensive ability as its defense, that "Outrage" with Attribute restraint, Doron Bart really can't stand it.

As expected of the "Earth Giovanni".

Such a Tyranitar, in a different person, may not necessarily be able to break its defense.

Giovanni looked deeply at Doron Bartotto.

If it weren't for the "Dragon Darts" that Duolong Bartto could come with four rounds, even if he focused on breaking through Tyranitar's point every time, he might not have time to break Tyranitar's defense and was killed by the furious Tyranitar.

This is the game between "hanging force" and "hanging force".

In the end, it was Xia Yan's "spear" that defeated Giovanni's "shield".

Take back the incapacitated Tyranitar.

This time, Xia Yan did not entrust Duolong Bart to take it back.

Although he was hit by Tyranitar's "Outrage", Doron Bartto still had a certain amount of combat power and momentum.

Giovanni glanced at Xia Yan and Duolong Bartto again, and instead of calling Pokémon in a hurry, he slowly rolled up the sleeves of his suit.

Seeing Giovanni's actions, Xia Yan's expression gradually became serious.

to suffer.

Boss Giovanni got serious.

As if noticing Xia Yan's gaze, Giovanni chuckled.

"You don't want to shave my head, do you?"

"How can you, boss, you are joking."

As Xia Yan spoke, Giovanni's third Pokémon was also summoned to the field following his movements.


The fierce wind swept away, the low voice of Bug Buzz was looming, the compound eyes flickered and the twineedle appeared cold.

"Oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo -- player Giovanni's third Pokémon, turn out to be --Beedrill!"


Appeared on the court, it was Giovanni's Trump Card, and the "ordinary" Beedrill!

"Use Beedrill in front of Champion Xia Yan?"

"Is this Banmen making an axe?"

"Tsk tsk, this Beedrill looks so ordinary."

"But looking at the posture of the owner of Giovanni, this Beedrill seems to be his Trump Card."

"Do you understand 'Earth Giovanni'? Beedrill and Ground are related by half a dime?"


Seeing the Beedrill summoned by Giovanni, the audience became lively for the first time, and various remarks continued.

Mainly because Xia Yan's Beedrill is so famous, he followed Xia Yan to challenge all competitions, big and small, and it seems to have become one of Xia Yan's signatures.

As for Giovanni, there are not many people who know him. Even if he knows him, he is mainly based on "Giovanni of the Earth", and he has never seen his Beedrill at all.

That's why so many doubts arose.


The audience can't understand it, but it doesn't mean that everyone can't understand it.

Xia Yan and the others rested in the box.

Suddenly quiet after seeing Giovanni's Beedrill.

"Giovanni's Beedrill, very strong! Very strong!" Crimson said first, breaking the silence.

He should also have the most say among the people present.

Although he has not played against the Giovanni of this world, the Giovanni of the other world is similar except for a little difference from him.


The Giovanni of this world may be even stronger.

"In Vibrant Gym, I have found Giovanni's 'Earth Secrets', but I have never seen how it cultivates Beedrill's secrets. I only know that if Giovanni Pokémon's defense is like the earth, then his offensive ability is only Beedrill can fully reflect.”

Qinglu, as Giovanni's post-Joban Gym owner, also has a right to speak.

"The old thief Giovanni is real." Akin wailed.

It elicited a squint from Silver's disgust.

"I heard Xia Yan say it once. His Beedrill, in the middle stage for a while, trained his own Beedrill according to Giovanni's Beedrill." Cynthia said.

"The collision of the strongest Beedrill Trainer?" Du's eyes flashed slightly.

For some reason, he also wanted to know whether it was his own Dragonite or Giovanni's Beedrill.

No matter what others say or think, the ones who feel the clearest at this time are undoubtedly Xia Yan, who is standing on the field opposite Giovanni, and Duolong Bartto.

Xia Yan's mouth twitched slightly.


Also as a Beedrill Trainer, he knows too well how strong Giovanni's Beedrill is.

The fine scales that Duolong Bart has erected all over his body is the best proof.


Giovanni just shouted, without even giving specific instructions.

But only a shallow "hum" was heard, accompanied by a faint trembling in the air, the seemingly "unremarkable" Beedrill suddenly disappeared from the sight of Xia Yan and Duolong Bartto.

So fast!

Xia Yan's heart suddenly burst.

Not only him, but all the audience were stunned.

There are even many people who have some illusions.

Is this Beedrill really not Xia Yan's Beedrill?

But why so fast?

"Doron Bartto!"

Xia Yan drank lowly, and the Psychic halo flickered in his eyes.

With Giovanni's Beedrill's speed and verbal command, it will definitely become a breakthrough.

Either by tacit understanding or by Psychic.

Xia Yan directly used both.


The multi-dragon Bartto, whose scales stood up all over his body, suddenly had a strong dragon energy, turning into a soaring dragon with outstretched wings.

Dragon Rush!

As for the target?

There is no target, it's just in case of a surprise attack from Beedrill.



Xia Yan and Duolong Bart were both shocked and keenly felt Beedrill's approach.

The pure dragon-type energy surrounding Duolong Bartto's body suddenly converged in one direction.

The roaring "dragon", its ferocious fangs, and its fierce claws, slammed into one direction.


The Beedrill that disappeared from everyone's eyes, under the impact of the rich and pure dragon-type energy from Duolong Bartto, showed a trace of his figure again.


The moment they saw Beedrill, everyone's Tong Kong shrank involuntarily.

just see.

In the middle of the "Dragon Rush" released by the rich dragon energy of Bart Tona, a seemingly ordinary Beedrill is holding its long needle with a cold glow.

At the end of the long needle, there was a faint cyan light spot flashing.

And really shocking.

It was Beedrill, who didn't seem to have any powerful moves, but under the attack of Doron Bartto, he walked freely.

Do not!

More precisely.

It was Beedrill who used his long needle as a spear, and with an absolutely overwhelming stance, the attack unleashed by Doron Bartto split one of the fronts in two!

The scattered dragon-type energy that impacted around Beedrill's body was also resisted and disappeared by the little emerald green that Beedrill emitted from his body when he flapped his wings.

"The power of Viking?"

Seeing this scene, Xia Yan subconsciously looked at Giovanni.


Giovanni's body is also lingering with light emerald green energy.

What else can it be if it is not the power of Vibrant?

at the same time.

Beedrill's seemingly ordinary piercing had already approached Doron Bartto.

Doron Bart replayed his old trick, as he did against Tyranitar, releasing wisps of Haze as a defense.


But there was no doubt that Doron Bartto seemed to be hit hard and fell heavily to the ground.

See this strike.

The hairs on Xia Yan's body stood up.

Although he was prepared to a certain extent in his heart, when he really confirmed the result, he was inevitably shocked.


This Beedrill by Giovanni is absolutely legendary!


Seeing Doron Bartto, who fell to the ground and lost his ability to fight, the audience instantly burst into an uproar.

This is seconds?

This scene is really someone else's Beedrill, not Xia Yan's Beedrill?

"Oh ho ho - Teacher Xia Yan can actually experience the feeling of others facing his Beedrill." Akin is the most gloating.

Du, Steven, Cynthia and the others looked at each other with solemn expressions.

"Really?" Steven asked.

After a brief hesitation, he nodded slightly and said, "I heard Xia Yan say once, that there is an existence above the champion."

Cynthia took a slight breath and said solemnly.


The appearance of this Beedrill directly raised the level and difficulty of this round of battles by more than one level.

"Sword Comes"

"You're already excellent."

Xia Yan said softly to Doron Bartto in Poké Ball.

Defeated this time, I really can't blame Doron Bartto, which itself is not the best Contest Condition.

not to mention.

There is an absolute hard power gap between Giovanni's Beedrill.


Xia Yan exhaled slightly and put away the Poké Ball.

He looked very serious.

In his hand, a Poké Ball was exchanged.


Then the Poké Ball, still shaking slightly, seemed impatient.

"Come on." Giovanni on the opposite side seemed to have guessed which Pokémon Xia Yan was about to summon, nodded slightly, and said solemnly.


Giovanni's Beedrill, also showing a serious look, rubbed the Twineedle lightly.

Xia Yan no longer hesitated.

Poké Ball draws a smooth arc in the air.

The red light is flickering.


Similar to Growl, with different tones and tones, accompanied by flocculent golden currents entwined in strands.

"Beedrill! Beedrill of Champion Xia Yan!

"Come here! Champion Xia Yan's Trump Card Beedrill!"

"I announce that the two strongest Beedrills in the world will decide who is the strongest in the world this time!"

"No way. It never occurred to me that my blood would boil over two Beedrills."


Seeing the Beedrill summoned by Xia Yan, the audience couldn't bear it for the first time.

A showdown between the World's Mightiest Beedrill? !

Two Beedrills, trembling wings, looked at each other.

Bottom Trainer in the Pokémon World

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