The Bottom Trainer In The Pokémon World

Chapter 114 Speedy Rescue (Third! Read More!)

Chapter 114 Speedy Rescue (Third! Read more!)


With the huge roar and the ground that was constantly cracking, the second layer of the entire ruins began to shake violently.

When he first entered the ruins, when Xia Yan saw Sandshrew appearing in groups, he thought of the possibility of such a situation, and even reminded Cynthia for this.

In fact, Alliance should send someone to maintain this kind of ancient ruins.

Even if the ruins have been excavated, some people will definitely be stationed.

It is to protect the trainers who enter it to explore, but also to protect the safety of historical treasures such as ancient ruins.

It's just that with the turmoil of wild Pokémon around Saffron City during this time, the Alliance cannot recruit the people stationed at the ruins.

And there is such a small Sandshrew group here, which may lead to the instability of some structures in the ruins.

Sandshrew is different from Diglett.

Diglett will fill the hole himself, while Sandshrew obviously won't.

The big hole that appeared in front of them just now gave Xia Yan a bad premonition.

As the three Sandslashes were defeated one after another, the hurriedly fleeing Sandshrew made holes everywhere, which became the last straw that broke the yak.

Beedrill felt the strangeness and flew towards Xia Yan for the first time.

The overturned building often only takes a moment, and Abra was so frightened that he grabbed Xia Yan's pants tightly.

Not having experienced enough experience it showed panic at this moment.

Suddenly, the Ground under Xia Yan's feet trembled violently, and he couldn't control his body shape, and fell down with the collapsed Rock.


Beedrill screamed, and while constantly dodging the rock that fell from above, he chased after the falling Xia Yan.


Xia Yan couldn't help but panic.

But the more you panic at this time, the worse things can get.

The collapsing Rock above keeps falling down. At this time, the summoned Pidgeotto may not only provide no help, but will become more flustered.

"Come on."

Hearing Xia Yan's voice, Abra trembled and slowly opened her eyes closed tightly because of fear.

"Abra, don't panic, listen to me, Teleport!"

Abra trembled, and the fear in his heart was slowly infected by Xia Yan's calm voice.

Psychic kept emerging, slowly wrapping it and Xia Yan.


Suddenly, Xia Yan heard Beedrill's voice and saw it dodging Rock Throw and chasing after him as he fell.

Abra's Teleport was also interrupted by Beedrill's Growl, briefly stunned.

If it leaves with Xia Yan now, what will Beedrill do?

However, without giving it time to hesitate, Xia Yan's voice reached its ears.

"Psychic wraps us, floats."


Abra's light blue eyes were instantly filled with the rich Cianwood color, and he completed the wrapping of Xia Yan in an instant, and the falling trend was obviously alleviated.

It's just that their falling has stopped, but the Rock falling from above has no intention of stopping.

A rock the size of five people slammed into them.


After overcoming his initial fear, Abra finally completed his spiritual growth in such a short period of time.

Raising his hand, a dark blue Psychic Barrier appeared above Xia Yan's head, trying to resist the falling Rock.

But Xia Yan knew that with Abra's ability at this time, he might be able to resist one piece, but he definitely couldn't stop the second one.

A decision was made in an instant.

"Abra, give up the suspension, let's go down!"


Doubts flashed in Abra's eyes, but he still did as Xia Yan wanted. They fell again, but the huge Rock was still getting closer and closer to them, but the speed of approaching was not so fast.

No way, Abra can only stimulate his own Psychic as much as possible.

at this time.


boom! !

A roar, accompanied by a golden figure pierced out.

It's Beedrill!

It sensed Xia Yan's crisis. The effect of Fell Stinger's blessing has not disappeared. After resisting a few Rock Throws that are relatively Arnold, Beedrill appeared at the large Rock above Xia Yan's head, and a move X-Scissor forcefully Chop this rock into pieces.


There was surprise in Abra's eyes, never before Covet had seen Beedrill.

The large Rock was shattered, but the small Rock Abra could still withstand it.

bang bang bang-

Pieces of Rock Smack Down on Abra's Psychic Barrier of different sizes, each time a piece fell, the Psychic Barrier trembled briefly, looking overwhelmed.

But Abra persevered.

And this finally gave Beedrill a chance to get close to Xia Yan.

The wings vibrated again and again, catching up with the falling Xia Yan and Abra.


Beedrill shouted to Xia Yan with a little guilt, blaming himself for not being by Xia Yan's side in time.

But it was indeed because the change was too sudden, and the falling Rock from above also greatly hindered its ability to move.

Xia Yan released his hand on the Poké Ball around his waist.

He had just prepared for the worst, ready to summon Pidgeotto to see if he could make a way out.

But now that Beedrill is here, there's no need for Pidegeotto to fight these fallen Rocks.

"Abra, slow down our fall."

Abra closed his mouth and did not speak, but a thin layer of Psychic appeared at Xia Yan and its feet.

It was already tired, and the sudden burst of Psychic was draining it.

The speed of the fall has been greatly eased.

"Beedrill, smash the approaching Rock."


Beedrill nodded and appeared above Xia Yan's head.

It is responsible for breaking large rocks, while Abra's Psychic Barrier avoids Arnold's larger blocks.

The scale and depth of this relic far exceeded Xia Yan's imagination. He estimated that he had been there for at least ten seconds, but he had not yet reached the point.

Of course, it was also because Abra used Psychic many times to slow down the falling speed.


In the dark space, Xia Yan faintly saw a darker and darker place, which appeared on the cliff not far away.

"Beedrill, let's go there!"

Beedrill instantly understood, and fell down to approach Xia Yan.

Xia Yan didn't hesitate either, grabbing one of Beedrill's legs with one hand, and holding Abra, who seemed to be about to run out of Psychic, with the other.

It's a small one, in order to protect Xia Yan, it inspired all the Psychic.

Fortunately, it can barely guarantee consciousness now, otherwise, with Beedrill's ability and size, it can't take them at all.

After folding several times to dodge the falling rocks of different sizes, Beedrill finally dragged Xia Yan and Abra to the dark place he said.

It's a cave!


After several Struggles, Beedrill finally dragged Xia Yan and Abra into the Cave.

Finally touching Ground again, Xia Yan let out a long breath.

Beedrill lay on the ground next to him, panting violently.

"Come on."

Abra swayed and fell into Xia Yan's arms after confirming that it was temporarily safe, and the even breathing sounded quickly.

"Thank you for your hard work, Abra, take a good rest." Xia Yan took out the Poké Ball and put Abra away.

Standing at the mouth of the cave, looking at the falling Rock outside, his face changed constantly.

(End of this chapter)

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