The Bottom Trainer In The Pokémon World

Chapter 115 The Heart Of Mischief (Fourth! Read More!)

Chapter 115 The Heart of Mischief (Fourth! Read more!)

"Beedrill, eat some energy cubes to replenish."

Xia Yan returned to Beedrill, took out a few high-level energy cubes, and at the same time took out a Potion prepared in advance, and began to deal with the wound on Beedrill's body due to Rock Throw.

"Beer beer."

Beedrill endured the pain and let Xia Yan act, while he focused on the energy cube.

While treating Beedrill's wound, Xia Yan was also thinking about something.

"I don't know how Steven and Cynthia are."

At that time, because the three of them were not close to each other in the battle, and the surrounding environment was too dark and there were too many Rock Throws when they fell, they didn't see them.

"I reminded them that Steven has Flash Metang and Skarmory and should be more comfortable with it than I am, and Cynthia has her Gabite and should be relatively better at handling this situation than Beedrill."

Although Gabite is the quasi-god of the Ground and Dragon Attributes, commonly known as the Earth Dragon, he can also fly.

Even if not, gliding is absolutely fine.

Compared to a mythical beast that has been famous for a long time but cannot fly, this is a huge advantage.

Xia Yan couldn't help shaking his head, "With the strength of the two of them, there should be no need for me to worry, it's better to think about how to get out of here."

Abra has fallen into a deep sleep because of excessive Psychic consumption. With this Pokémon characteristic, I don't know how long it will take to wake up.

If you fly up.

Glancing beyond the top of the roof, there was a lot less Rock Throw, but I couldn't see any Cal from this place.

"I don't know what the situation is above. Rocks of different sizes may fall at any time. If it is not a last resort, this option can be temporarily abandoned."

Although he has Pidegeotto to carry him Flying for a while, it's still not too safe to wait for Abra to wake up and see if the Psychic "anchor" left before is still there.


Xia Yan looked back at the dark cave behind him.

"This cave was found when Alliance excavated the ruins, or was it exposed because of this collapse?"

If it is a cave that Alliance has already identified, it should be relatively safe inside.

But if it was exposed because of the collapse, then it is hard to say what is in it.

But it is precisely because of this that he has a lot of Captivate for Xia Yan.

Are there things that haven't been discovered yet by the Alliance?

"Let's wait for Beedrill to resume the Contest Condition first. You can take a deep look and exit when you encounter danger." Xia Yan sat on the ground and thought.

Contest Condition recovered quickly after Beedrill ate a few advanced energy cubes and Potion dealt with the injury.

Watching Beedrill recover, Xia Yan patted the dust on his body, stood up, and took out the flashlight from his backpack.

A bunch of yellow Cal led into the dark depths, still unable to look to the end.

"Go and have a look."

the other side.

Steven, who was standing on Flash Metang's back, and Cynthia, who carefully stepped on the ground with Gabite, looked a little embarrassed.

It is estimated that they have rarely appeared before.

The faces of the two were very ugly at this time.

They looked at each other and saw a trace of worry in each other's eyes.

"Xia Yanta" Cynthia's lips and teeth slightly opened, and there was hesitation in her words.

"It seems that when he was fighting Sandslash, the Sandslash made a hole near his feet, which made the ground on his side more vulnerable than ours. When the ground collapsed, his side became collapsed. Central area." Steven said sullenly.

"He also reminded us, otherwise I might not be able to react."

Cynthia bit her lip, and there was a hint of determination deep in her eyes.

If it wasn't for Xia Yan's reminder, she might not be able to summon Gabite in time.

"The proposal for this expedition was proposed by me. Xia Yan originally refused. He came along after my repeated invitations. This responsibility must be borne by me." Steven looked a little guilty.

"With his strength, there may not be an accident, maybe he is just stuck somewhere."

"I feel so too."

The two fell into a brief silence.

Suddenly, they firmly said in unison, "I'm going to find him."

Hearing each other's words, both of them were stunned for a moment, and then nodded knowingly.

"First of all, we must clean up the piles of rocks here, otherwise we will not be able to go down at all." Steven looked at the messy pile of rocks in front of him and continued: "But don't move too much, otherwise the fragile structure that was finally stabilized may collapse again. ."

"Give it to my Gabite."

"Okay, I'll let Metang help you stabilize the structure."

After Steven and Cynthia unified their opinions, they began to divide the labor to excavate the stone mound in front of them, preparing to find an entrance to go down.

With the ability of the two, it is not difficult to cooperate with each other, it is just a matter of time.

Just when Steven and Cynthia were thinking about how to save Xia Yan, he also faced a choice.

Looking at the two-way intersection in front of me, I don't know which side to choose.

Touch the rock wall.

"It doesn't look like this is an artificially excavated tunnel, not part of this dark ruin, but some kind of Pokémon in ancient times?"


Beedrill hovered beside Xia Yan, not leaving an inch, his scarlet compound eyes alerted the surroundings to prevent a sudden attack.

"It doesn't really matter which side you choose."

Xia Yan said silently, picked up a stone and silently left his mark on the rock wall.

If there is a dead end ahead, or a tunnel like a maze, at least you don't have to worry about getting lost.

Select the channel on the left and walk in.

What Xia Yan and Beedrill didn't notice was that after they left the fork in the road for a while, a petite or even rounded figure in the dark walked lightly like walking in a back garden, humming a little song he made up, appeared where they had just stood.

The little eyes were full of slyness, and the little hands covered their mouths and laughed 'easily'.

It took a lot of effort to climb to the place where Xia Yan left the mark, and the little hand gently wiped the mark, and all traces were cleaned up.

After doing this, he jumped back to the ground, and laughed "pig bark" again.

She clapped her little hands and looked at her "masterpiece" with satisfaction, feeling complacent.

Suddenly stunned.

Seems to be remembering something.

He hurriedly ran towards the tunnel where Xia Yan and Beedrill entered.

It's just that its short legs are really lacking in this regard, and the speed is not fast.

But it's not flustered, it's familiar enough here.

Staggeringly running and humming a small tune, with a step-by-step posture, he kept up with Xia Yan and Beedrill who had never seen him before.

The mischievous heart of its tiny body, this moment is fully explained.

The footsteps of Brigitte were both clear and hidden.

tomorrow! tomorrow! It's finally time for three shifts!

(End of this chapter)

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