The Bottom Trainer In The Pokémon World

Chapter 133 Pointing Moves? (The Third One! Please Read It!)

Chapter 133 Pointing moves? (The third one! Please read it!)

meet and greet.

Poliwhirl scratched his head.

Are you not fighting?

Haven't seen anything like this.

Looking at Togepi, who obediently stepped aside, the harmless Togepi, listened to the audience on the stage clamoring for the consequences of his daring to act first.

In the end, Poliwhirl still couldn't hold back the Captivate of the Present in front of him.

Think about it and reach for the box.

The opposite Xia Yan also showed a thoughtful look.

How powerful is Togepi's Present move?

He was also a little curious.

As Poliwhirl slowly opened the box, a sly look flashed in Togepi's eyes, who was half looking down at the small soles of his feet.

boom! ! !

There was a sudden huge roar, the moment Poliwhirl opened the box.

A huge explosion burst into flames.

The audience, who were still clamoring for Togepi's cuteness and harmlessness in the stands, stopped abruptly.

In the raised dust, Poliwhirl's embarrassed figure flew upside down.

It fell heavily to the ground, and its eyes turned into patterns similar to those on its chest.


Poliwhirl doesn't seem to have had much luck.

It actually triggered the possibility of the lowest probability of the Present move, and what appeared was a destructive power comparable to the ultimate move of each Attribute.

The move picture book records a full power of 120 points.

Without any precautions, at such a close distance, just one shot will directly lose the combat ability.

I didn't expect a small Present to have such a destructive power.

When everyone looked at Togepi, they saw that it was also sluggish. After a long while, he realized that he rushed towards Xia Yan with his short legs.

Surely it's a coincidence?

Or luck?

It must be Poliwhirl's bad luck.

Such a cute Togepi shouldn't have any bad intentions.

The referee was also stunned for a while, and then announced with a strange expression: "The winner, Togepi!"


Togepi huddled in Xia Yan's arms, raised his head quietly, and blinked at him, where did he look scared just now.

Xia Yan smiled without a trace.

This is the tactic he made with Togepi yesterday. No matter who the Rival is facing, give it a Charm first, and then match it with a Present. No matter what the result is, at least seize the opportunity.

Now it seems that Togepi's acting is also excellent.

The other party did not have much vigilance against it.

A battle was won.

If you win one more time, you will be eligible for the lottery.

Poliwhirl's Trainer put away Poliwhirl in dejection, he wanted to say something, but was drowned in the cheers of the audience.


Xia Yan's second Rival appeared in front of him.

It's a cute Stephanie with a double ponytail and a pink dress, who doesn't seem to be very old.

The appearance of vitality and youth has also gained a lot of attention.

This Stephanie is obviously the one who won a game. She and Xia Yan only have one chance to win the lottery.

"Please send Pokémon from both sides," said the referee, holding the flag.

There was a confident smile on Stephanie's face, she saw Togepi and Poliwhirl just now.

In her opinion, Togepi was just pretending to be weak, but it was true that the Poliwhirl was not lucky enough, and offered the lowest probability.

She is different.

If you have prepared in advance, why don't you open the Present from Togepi?

Throw the Poké Ball.

Flashing red, a Vulpix appeared.

It looks like a fox, with soft reddish-brown fur, brown pupilless, amber-shaped eyes, large pointed ears, and most recognizable six orange curly tails.


"This Vulpix is ​​so cute too—"


Vulpix sat on the ground, brushing his hair elegantly, and the eyes of many people in the stands were attracted by Vulpix.

For a while, two different voices appeared in the audience as to who was cuter, Togepi or Vulpix.

"Don't let your guard down just because the other person is cute."

Xia Yan gently reminded Togepi in his ear and put it on the ground.

The previous Rival relaxed his vigilance because of Togepi's cuteness and harmless appearance, so Xia Yan wanted to remind Togepi not to repeat the mistakes of Poliwhirl.

And according to his observation of the Vulpix's hair color, mental appearance, etc., it is judged that the strength of this Vulpix should be stronger than the previous Poliwhirl.

But the words fell on Togepi's ears.

But the taste seems to have changed.


it's cute?

Togepi raised his head and saw that Xia Yan was staring at Vulpix thinking about how to get this victory more efficiently.


He puffed out his mouth, and his eyes suddenly seemed to have changed.

it, cute? !

Xia Yan looked at Togepi in surprise, and could clearly feel Togepi's Contest Condition at this time.

Seems like I've never seen Togepi so strong

Hasn't it always been a naughty and quirky look?

After thinking about it, he shook his head.

fair enough.

As a Pokémon, Togepi still lacks the will to win, which may be one of the reasons why it can still live so freely in such a dangerous underground tunnel.

But now, this desire to win has also been filled.

This is a good thing.

Noticing the hostile look in Togepi's eyes, Vulpix put down his leisurely posture and stood up slowly, with a straight attitude.

"Battle begins!"

As the flag in the referee's hand fell, the start of the battle was announced.

"Vulpix, Fire Spin." Stephanie immediately gave the order to attack, not giving Togepi Charm a chance.

I saw that the orange hair on Vulpix suddenly became more shiny, and a spiral flame spit out from its mouth.

"Togepi, Water Pulse."


The fierce Togepi raised his hands, and a ball of Cianwood-colored water gathered on its chest, facing the flames of Vulpix.


The hot flame collided with the water flow, and at the same time as the sound of the flame extinguished, a large amount of water mist was also raised.

next second.

Vulpix dived into the mist, covering his figure.

Xia Yan frowned, in terms of speed, Togepi was at a disadvantage.

"Morning Sun."

Togepi's whole body appeared a little bit of crystal clear Cal, echoing the sunlight in the sky, let it shine on his body, absorbing the sunlight can restore physical strength.


Vulpix's figure flickered, jumping out of the fog, and the Feint Attack wrapped in rich black air hit Togepi.

But the Cal surrounding Togepi quickly merged into Togepi's body, and the damage caused by Feint Attack was instantly compensated by Morning Sun's recovery.


Togepi landed on his feet, his eyes even more indignant.

It hurts to say.

"Metronome." Xia Yan said calmly when he saw that the other party had left the cover of the fog.


Togepi's eyes flickered, and Cal raised his arms and began to shake gently.

It has been waiting for this move for a long time.

Metronome is done.

Seeing that a large amount of water flow suddenly appeared under Togepi's feet, rolling up the wave, and Togepi stepped on the wave, driven by the current, and rushed towards Vulpix.


Vulpix, who had just landed, saw the tide swept in, and there was a brief panic in his eyes.

But soon, its body glowed with green fluorescence, forming a protective shield to protect the Surf attack this time.

Togepi, who crossed Vulpix, saw that Surf had no effect, and pouted and shook his fingers again.

At the same time, a black light appeared in his eyes, and Nasty Plot's move was used instinctively.


I saw Togepi slowly lift his foot and stomped on the ground heavily.


A straight tremor ripple started from Togepi's sole, and quickly rushed towards Vulpix, who had just finished Protect before he could catch his breath.


Earth Power hit Vulpix without any deviation, only to blast it several meters before it fell heavily to the ground.

Vulpix's Trainer stared blankly at Togepi with a fierce look.

So, Metronome is a directional move?

The third one! Will there be any more in a while? This one doesn't seem to look at me.

(End of this chapter)

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