The Bottom Trainer In The Pokémon World

Chapter 134 Maliciousness From The World (Fourth More! Follow Up!)

Chapter 134 Maliciousness from the world (fourth more! Follow up!)

"The winner, Togepi!"

With the announcement of the referee, the audience who were more supportive of Togepi cheered.

It's just that they feel a little weird.

Why is Togepi's attitude towards this Vulpix completely different from his previous attitude towards Poliwhirl?

The attitude of bitterness and hatred.

Moreover, strictly speaking, this Vulpix is ​​stronger than Togepi, but it was shaken to death by Metronome.

Good luck.

One Surf, one Earth Power, and two moves that are restrained and powerful against the Fire-type Vulpix Attribute.

Xia Yan picked up Togepi with his chest out, took the lottery qualification certificate from the referee, and left quickly.

To be honest, he also knows that Vulpix's strength is a little stronger than Togepi, and the tacit understanding between Vulpix and its Trainer is obviously higher than that between him and Togepi.

It is precisely because of this that he chose to let Togepi use the Metronome move to gamble.

What if luck is really that good?

Facts have proved that never underestimate a Togepi that has been born with a strong desire to win, they can really shake Rival to death with a finger.

Enter the player channel.

Togepi forcibly turned around in Xia Yan's arms and looked at him.


Is it cute?

Xia Yan's eyes twitched when he understood what Togepi meant.

Feeling your desire to win or lose from this perspective?

Just to be cuter than anyone else?

In his mind, Togepi's fierce look when he shook his finger flashed through his mind, and he couldn't help laughing out loud.

"Cough, you are cute, or you are cute."


That's more or less.

Togepi showed a satisfied smile and arched into Xia Yan's arms.

Xia Yan shook his head helplessly.

Pokémon don't rely on cuteness to eat, not to.

Strolling to the end of the player tunnel, some staff are busy handing out rewards to every player who has managed to achieve two victories.

There aren't many people who have already won two so far, so most of the prizes are displayed on the shelves behind them.

Among them, the most common Poké Balls, a small number of high-quality Poké Balls, and a few rare balls with special effects are scattered.

And the most precious rewards are placed in the most conspicuous places.

A white tooth shimmering with faint fluorescence, a delicate bell exuding a strange halo, and an orb as round as jade wrapped in a dense red mist.

"Razor Fang, Soothe Bell and the Fire Orb?"

Seeing these three items, Xia Yan's mind flashed the names of these three items and their accompanying effects.

The Fire Orb will make the carried Pokémon enter the Burning Contest Condition, use it as a Fling object Fling, or assist moves like Bestow, which can be applied to Rival, causing it to fall into the Burning Contest Condition.

Or carry it to a Pokémon with the Perseverance Ability to increase his attack power at the cost of burning the Contest Condition.

All are good choices.

Although it may not be as famous as the Toxic Orbs and Life Orbs of the same level, it is also a good Pokémon item, and it is worth a lot of money.

Soothe Bell can calm the mood of the Pokémon you carry, and at the same time increase the intimacy with the Trainer, which is also a good item.

Intimacy is critical to the evolution of some Pokémons.

Razor Fang can make the Pokémon with this item attack, there is a certain probability that the hit Rival will fall into the Status Condition.

This is also a very good booster for the Togepi of the Tianen Ability.

At the same time, Razor Fang is a necessity for Gligar to evolve into Gliscor.

In addition to these three most valuable items, there are also some relatively inferior Pokémon items, or some relatively common Pokémon moves.

If these prizes are really what Pryce is offering, it's a bloodbath.

"Not too demanding, just not Poké Ball."

It's a free reward anyway.

As for the three most precious Pokémon items, just take a look.

For Normal, in this lottery mode, the responsible party will definitely adjust the probability of getting it to a very low level, which is almost impossible to get.

Give the proof to the staff and come to the machine for the lottery.

Togepi stood on the machine and looked at Xia Yan.

This kind of luck test, of course, is left to Togepi.

With the character it has shown so far, as a cub that is favored by God's father, it's not going to touch an ordinary Poké Ball, right?

Anyway, Xia Yan thinks that if he comes, there is a high probability that Poké Ball will appear.


What do you want?

Togepi put his palm on the lottery button.

Xia Yan smiled.

Do you really think you can get what you want?

However, due to Togepi's solemn appearance, Xia Yan pondered for a while and said, "Those three are fine, of which the most valuable should be Razor Fang, and the other two are not bad."

Togepi nodded his head heavily.

That's Razor Fang!

Rubbing his palms, he sighed in front of his mouth, and finally wiped it on Xia Yan's body.

Shoot towards the button.


The staff who heard Xia Yan's words all laughed.

They know better than Xia Yan how low the probability of winning the highest prize is, let alone Razor Fang.

But soon.

Their smiles froze slowly.

With the number "7" constantly appearing on the screen, one by one was dumbfounded.


With the sound of Rollout, a small plastic ball slipped out of the prize mouth.


Xia Yan's expression was also a little weird, and the corners of his eyes twitched indistinctly.

Is this color the highest prize?

He took the ball that Togepi was slightly expecting, and unscrewed the plastic cover, revealing the note inside.

"Soothe Bell." Xia Yan's eyes lit up.


what do you say?

Isn't that Razor Fang?

Togepi turned his head, blushing, and kicked the machine angrily.



But see.

Another ball rolled down from the machine, and you can tell just by looking at the color of the ball, again the highest prize.

Xia Yan: "."

staff member:"."


Togepi looked surprised, picked up the ball and unscrewed it by himself, presenting the note in front of Xia Yan's eyes.

". Razor Fang."

Xia Yan murmured the words written on it.

Hearing this, Togepi clenched his small fist.


Xia Yan looked down at the note in his hand, then looked at the note in Togepi's hand, and took a deep breath.

So. Even if the reward has come out, the luck of the person who unscrewed the ball is also very important, right?

He felt the deep hostility from this world to African Emirates.

"That." A staff member came up with a slightly embarrassed expression.

five minutes later.

Xia Yan took the crazy Struggle's Togepi and left the award-winning place with a delicately engraved bell in his hand.

Soothe Bell got it.

As for Razor Fang, the staff stopped him because the machine was malfunctioning.

No way, they didn't expect things to turn out like this in the end.

Not only did someone draw the highest prize with a very low probability, but also kicked another one along the way.

They cannot afford such a responsibility.

And that's what makes Togepi so Rage.

In its words, "The machine failure is your problem, what does it have to do with me, Ou Huang?"

Fortunately, the helpless staff also compensated for an Ultra Ball.

Xia Yan didn't want to make a big deal out of it. Maybe he couldn't get the last prize, so he didn't ask for it.

Tuck Soothe Bell into Struggle's Togepi's arms.

"This bell is the best for you, and it will be cuter when you wear it."

Togepi stopped Struggle.



The addition of the 600 monthly ticket also includes the rewards of thanks to the big brother Meows, and the rewards of other friends——

(End of this chapter)

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