The Bottom Trainer In The Pokémon World

Chapter 135 The Predecessor Of PokéDex (First!)

Chapter 135 The predecessor of Pokédex (first!)

Change back to the previous private room.

"Xia Yan, have you been on the toilet for so long? The novice exhibition game is halfway through." Steven couldn't help saying when he saw Xia Yan coming back.

Xia Yan walked to the sofa next to him and sat down, picked up a piece of fruit and threw it into his mouth.

Free things are delicious.

He replied casually: "My stomach is a little uncomfortable."

Steven didn't say more.

After all, people have three priorities.

At this moment, Cynthia, who was standing beside the glass, came over, lightly brushed her long golden hair, and her eyes fell on Xia Yan, showing a thoughtful look.

Seeing her like this, Xia Yan felt a little embarrassed.

He coughed softly, "Cough, Cynthia, what's wrong?"

Cynthia pursed her lips, shook her head and said, "It's nothing, it's just that I saw a person whose back looks very similar to you on the field just now."

Xia Yan: "."

He changed his appearance, hairstyle, clothes and even his height, but the back is the thing.

Can someone really recognize people by their backs?

"Haha - I'm wrong." Xia Yan tried his best to control the change in his expression.

Cynthia gave him a deep look.

Couldn't see anything tricky on his face.

"Maybe, that person's Pokémon is a Togepi, but a cute and funny Togepi."

Thinking of the cute appearance of that Togepi, Cynthia couldn't help but smile.

In the moment just now, she suddenly became interested in Pokémon like Togepi.

Xia Yan didn't answer any more.

It wasn't that he wanted to hide something from the two of them.

It's just that he was attacked by a mysterious organization just a few days ago, and he had to cover up his identity to prevent them from coming to the door again.

He couldn't explain to Steven and Cynthia why he was hiding his identity.

You can't say that you might be hunted down, so you have to hide in public places like this, right?

Then you may be asked, why are you being hunted down?

This will involve Dusk Stone, Onix, the encounters in the underground tunnel involved, and some of his bold guesses.

Therefore, if it is not clear at once, it is better not to explain.

"Xia Yan, what do you think of a Pokémon like Togepi?" Cynthia asked.


Xia Yan thought for a moment.

He remembered that the future Cynthia should have a Togekiss.

As a Pokémon of the Fairy and Flying series, it can make up for some of the weak points of Cynthia Pokémon.

Judging from the direction of the joint defense hand and the control hand, it is a good choice.

So he opened his mouth and said, "It's okay, of course, if it's the Heavenly Grace Ability or the Super Lucky Ability, it's the best, and it can play the biggest role."

Unlike other Elite specializations, Cynthia chooses Pokémon more by feel and fit.

Hearing this, Cynthia nodded, feeling that what Xia Yan said made some sense.

The three chatted in the private room for a while, and almost until the Rookie exhibition game was about to end, Steven stood up with a smile.

Arranged the slightly wrinkled small suit.

"Xia Yan, I should leave Saffron City and Kanto later. When you are free next time, come to Hoenn and I will show you Hoenn's customs."

Cynthia on the other side also stood up.

"I'm leaving too."

The main purpose of the two people coming to Saffron City is to watch this Elite exhibition match.

Now that the Elite exhibition games are over, there is no need to stay any longer.

They still have a lot to deal with, and Pokémon training can't be left behind either.

"Okay." Xia Yan stood up, nodded, and said nothing.

They have their life trajectories and goals, and he has his own.

From the current point of view, at least the friendship between the three of them should be maintained, and they will inevitably have to talk about it in the future.

"So, before I leave, shall I get you something fun?" Steven took out his mobile phone and a special device.

"Huh?" Xia Yan and Cynthia looked at him suspiciously at the same time.

Steven said with a smile, "It's a new product recently developed by Alliance. It was entrusted to us by Devon and Silver. The initial trial version has come out. It doesn't matter if you know it."

So, Steven, as the representative of the Hoenn Region Devon Company, really came to Saffron City not only to watch the Elite exhibition game, but also for a mission?

for this tool?

Devon and Silph Co. are backed by Alliance

The two of them saw Steven take their cell phone over, and then plug the special device into the cell phone. After a few seconds, with a "beep", it was done.

"All right."

Steven returned the phone to the two of them.

"What is it?" Cynthia fiddled with her phone curiously.

"Simply put, it is to promote the connection between Region Alliances and Trainers, and at the same time for the convenience of Region Trainers, we commissioned Devon and Silver to jointly develop this tool. I'll show you how to demonstrate it."

Later, under Steven's demonstration, Cynthia and Xia Yan almost understood what it was.

Simply put, it is a powerful tool software.

A collection involving contact and association with Alliance official website, Pokémon atlas, banks, maps and other aspects.

It can be used as a contact tool, as a portable computer for accessing the Alliance official website, or as a lite version of Pokémon Pokédex without automatic recognition function, as well as a stitching monster that connects various Region Alliance banks and region map navigation.

Xia Yan's expression became a little weird.

Isn't this a simplified version of Pokémon Pokédex?

The predecessor to Pokémon Pokédex?

There is no auto-recognition feature, but you can view most Pokémon information, including abilities, moves, and even how to Breeder, etc.

"It's interesting." Xia Yan murmured.

It would be nice to add Pokémon and item transfer in the future

"You sign up, we will add a friend, this tool should be available soon under the promotion of our Devon, Silver and Alliance."

Steven taught them how to register an account and log in.

Not to mention, the interface of this chat tool

Really streamlined.

But as the predecessor of the Pokémon Pokédex stitch monster, it is understandable.

In fact, Xia Yan has always been curious, with the technological capabilities of the Pokémon world, the network has been laid, why do you have to go to the Pokémon Center to make a video call, don't you have a mobile phone?

This has always been an unsolved mystery.

Afterwards, the three of them added friends to each other, and Steven also set up a group and pulled both Xia Yan and Cynthia into it.

Xia Yan: .

Steven who loves stones: .

User 1886****8: .

Steven who loves stones: Who is this?

User1886****8: Me.

Xia Yan: Cynthia. (Khan.jpg)

Stone-loving Steven: Why this nickname?

User 1886****8: Still considering what name to choose.

Steven who loves stones: .


As expected of Cynthia Benna.

It takes a long time for her to think of a name.

With the contact information, it is much easier to communicate later.

Some people may not be able to speak in person, but through a screen, it will be like a completely changed person.

This Xia Yan deeply understands.

When Xia Yan was about to put away his phone, a private message suddenly popped up.

[Steve, who loves stones, transferred 100,000 Alliance coins, please check. 】

Xia Yan looked at Steven in surprise.

I saw him smiling and saying: "I don't know how your club charges for your sparring fees during this period of time. The excess should be regarded as your reward for reminding us in the dark ruins."

I didn't expect you to be like this Steven.

[User 1886****8 transferred 200,000 Alliance coins, please check. 】

Xia Yan: "???"

Cynthia pursed her lips, "Thank you for the advice you gave me about the evolution of Eevee, and also in the ruins."

Xia Yan was silent.

'Trouble such a person, give me a dozen. ’

(End of this chapter)

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