The Bottom Trainer In The Pokémon World

Chapter 136 Riot (Second! Read More!)

Chapter 136 Riot (Second! Read more!)

"Steven, I have something I want to shoot, but it's not convenient for me to see, so."

Xia Yan said hesitantly.

"It's okay, I'll help you, what?" Steven waved his hand indifferently.


Saying that, he took out the intermediate-quality Dusk Stone.

This thing is a hot potato in the current Saffron City. After knowing that there is a mysterious organization following the Onix line to follow him, he dismissed the idea of ​​shooting the stone immediately.

But as Steven, it's not that troublesome.

"Oh? A mid-quality Dusk Stone?"

Steven, as a stone maniac, naturally recognized the quality of this Dusk Stone at a glance, which was a little surprising.

Cynthia also glanced at Xia Yan unexpectedly.

The evolution stone has always been priceless, so it shouldn't be difficult to sell it, right?


"No problem, leave it to me, and I'll transfer the money directly to you when it's sold." Steven took Dusk Stone.

With Steven's character and identity, he won't be greedy for a mid-level quality Dusk Stone that is not very conspicuous to him.

"Thank you." Xia Yan said sincerely.

"Don't be so polite. You have a thorough understanding of the two Elite's exhibition match today, which shows that your tactical literacy is definitely higher than your current strength. If you encounter any problems in the future, maybe you will have to trouble you." Steven laughed.

Today, Xia Yan's prediction of the result of Pryce and Agatha's match is really beyond his expectations.

Getting to know a good, reliable researcher with a wealth of Pokémon knowledge, and someone with a tactical literacy that goes beyond strength, is something no one would say no to.

"I may also have some knowledge about Eevee and Togepi to ask you in the future," Cynthia also said.

Xia Yan smacked his mouth.

Listening to what they said, people who didn't know thought they would be some great person.

"Okay, it's almost time, I should go too." Steven patted Xia Yan's arm.

"Me too."

Cynthia is leaving too.

"I'll send it to you."

"No, remember to come to Hoenn next time."

Steven was the first to leave the private room.

Before Cynthia left, she handed Xia Yan a small card.

"It should work for you."

After he finished speaking, he left gracefully.

Looking at the back of Cynthia leaving and touching the card in his hand, some unreasonable thoughts flashed in Xia Yan's mind.

Look down.

It's a business card.

It says "Professor Rowan".

He twitched the corners of his mouth mockingly, "Cough, that's naive."

The top floor of the only tall building in the Saffron City Battle Tower.

The huge floor-to-ceiling windows faced the opposing field below, and Pryce, who was on crutches, stood in front of the window, looking at the Rookie exhibition game that was about to end below.

Complex eyes.

As a veteran Elite who has been stationed in Kanto Region for decades, at the last moment when he is about to unload the burden of Elite, he also hopes to bring a little bit of life to the fresh blood of the entire Kanto Region.

On the curved sofa behind him, Agatha was leaning against the back, not very relaxed.

"What's wrong? Reluctant? In fact, if you don't agree, no one will force you." Agatha said slowly, her voice slightly hoarse and sharp.

Pryce still looked at the players and spectators who were about to leave, but didn't answer right away.

After a long time, he slowly turned around.


The two ordinary words seem to contain too many things.

Go to the sofa.

"Then it's troublesome, you go down, it is estimated that the people behind will fight for blood again." Agatha's tone was schadenfreude.

Pryce glanced at her.

"It's more annoying if you stay too long."

But saw Agatha showing a sinister smile, "Who dares?"

Although Agatha is old, his strength is not weak at all, and he even has a posture of becoming more and more demon with age.

She was playing an exhibition match with Pryce, and the exhibition match obviously didn't fully reflect her strength.

Relatively speaking, Pryce's strength is more reflected in relatively orthodox battles, while Agatha is just the opposite. Field battles, encounters, and full battles are her specialty.

Perhaps, Agatha and Pryce played against each other, and Pryce's win rate was higher, but if it was a wild encounter, it was really hard to say.

"Yeah." Pryce didn't object, and nodded in response, "Right now, among those little guys waiting, only Bruno is barely qualified. I didn't expect that Kanto Alliance, the origin of Alliance, would also fail to connect. "

More or less with some helplessness and sigh.

As long as the reserve Elites in Kanto Alliance are a little bit more competitive, he won't retire until now.

The smile on Agatha's face slowly faded, "Isn't that blaming him?"

No name was given, but Pryce knew who Agatha was talking about.

After a little silence, there was only a sigh.

"But fortunately, the brother and sister of the Yulong family, the ice girl from the Orange Islands, the Tessa who played drugs in Fuchsia City, and the famous super girl in Saffron City, all are good. potential."

Agatha suddenly listed a number of young people who are currently considered to be less well-known.

"Then it will only bother you for a few more years," Pryce said quietly.

Agatha couldn't help rolling her eyes, "You said it easily, why don't you see you for a few more years?"

"Ha ha--"


The expressions of Pryce and Agatha changed at the same time.

The two looked at each other, and finally Agatha said to the door, "Come in."

The door was pushed open.

The person who came in was a woman of about twenty-two or three years old, with a delicate appearance, a bumpy figure, and a black overalls.

Ke Luo Ke Yu is probably talking about someone like her.

"Agatha Elite, Pryce Elite." The woman shouted respectfully towards the two of them.

"President Carmela." Agatha nodded slightly.

The young woman in front of her was the current president of the Saffron City Trainer Guild.

There were two others who walked in behind him, the vice-chairman Azir and the other vice-chairman Nalofi.

"What's wrong?" Pryce asked, seeing the serious expressions on the three of them.

Carmela looked complicated, took a deep breath and said, "Things are starting to develop in an uncontrollable direction, and the wild Pokémon around Saffron City are rioting."


Both Pryce and Agatha frowned upon hearing this.

"Didn't you say that according to the calculation, there is at least one week left?"

Carmela pursed her lips, "It seems that an unexpected change has occurred."

"To what extent?"

"Saffron City is completely cut off from the outside world."

Pryce and Agatha were silent for a long time.

"Is it already so?"

Saffron City, a huge city, would cut off contact with the outside world.

"Has there been any results from the previous investigation?" Pryce asked again.

Carmela showed embarrassment before opening her mouth, but Agatha said, "The group of mice is hiding very deep. I tried to dig, but I couldn't find a breakthrough."

"They seem to have channels that we don't know about." Carmela said hesitantly.

"Then the trainers who came from all over this time, can't they go back?" Pryce suddenly thought of this.

"Except for the first group to leave before the riots, I'm afraid the latter."

It should be four today.

(End of this chapter)

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