The Bottom Trainer In The Pokémon World

Chapter 169 Flash Spray (Please Subscribe! Third!)

Chapter 169 Flash spray (please subscribe! Third!)

All black.

A high dragon head, red eyes, strong limbs, powerful and huge wings, and a sturdy tail thicker than thighs.

At the end of the tail, a group of blue and nearly black flames burned quietly.

This Pokémon actually is.


More precisely, Flash Charizard! !

The flame of this Spit Up is a bit like the flame color of Mega CharizardX after Mega Evolution, but it is deeper.

The temperature and destructive power of the flames are also terrifying.

This Flash Charizard has received so many "life crystals" infusion, and its strength is very strong.

Coupled with so many "blazing ember energy cubes" made by Petaya Berry that condensed to the extreme, the special attack and explosive power in a short period of time are even more terrifying.

Agatha summons Ghost Corps to counter it.

Really got Tamaki tinkering with a pretty awesome Pokémon.

"Agatha Elite, help me test its strength." Tamaki put away the madness on his face, stroked his shoulders and bent over to perform graceful etiquette.

Seeing the Black gem on his index finger flicker, the pitch-black Flash Charizard moved.

He flapped his wings twice and his body was in the air.

The mouth clenched tightly, and wisps of Black flames spilled from its teeth.


The scorching jet-black flame suddenly Spit Up, and the rising scorching airflow causes the Rock layer above the cave to slowly melt.

The hair Luminous Moss covering the entire cave dries up in an instant.

Agatha sullenly threw three Poké Balls again, and Golbat, Weezing, and Muk joined the collision.

Faced with the pressure from Flash Charizard, Agatha was about to get serious.

Weezing and Muk, who appeared, threw dark purple mud at the same time, trying to reduce the threat posed by Flash Charizard with Sludge first.

Gengar led the Ghost Corps in a circle, densely packed up and down, around the Flash Charizard, while Golbat was suspended high in the sky, and ultra-high-frequency sound waves were continuously spit out from its mouth.

the other side.

Arbok crawls quickly on the ground, the strange twisted snake pattern on his body changes for a while, the speed is fast and slow, the strength is strong and weak, crawling and rushing towards Tamaki on the high platform.

Mismagius' eyes flickered, tightening and disappearing into the shadows, Phantom Force.

Xia Yan, who was hiding in the corner, narrowed his eyes.

Both he and Agatha saw that the one controlling the Flash Charizard was the Black gem on Tamaki's index finger.

Flash Charizard may not be able to be dealt with in a short time, but it would be relatively easy if Tamaki's control was dealt with first.

Tamaki, who sensed Agatha's intentions, naturally couldn't sit still.

Throwing Poké Balls over and over.

In the red light, four more Pokémon appeared.

A villainous Pokémon with black hair and a vicious appearance, Mightyena.

Fire-type and Ground-type Pokémon, Camerupt, carrying the chimney Spit Up smoke.

A poisonous Pokémon with yellow stripes, Seviper.

And the poison-type Pokémon with a dull expression and purple bubbles, the Devouring Beast.

Together with the Chandelure and Dusclops that appeared before, the six strongest Pokémons in Tamaki appeared.

Agatha is a two-line operation, one command to contain Flash Charizard, while trying to capture Tamaki.

The battle is imminent.

"Arbok, Serpent of Power, Ice Fang!"

Arbok took the lead in launching the attack, his abdomen wriggled with serpentine patterns, his strength increased sharply, and he shot out like a bow and arrow in the meandering direction, targeting Mightyena who was standing at the front.

Xia Yan's eyes moved with Arbok, and when he saw that Arbok was about to touch Mightyena, Mightyena did not dodge or dodge, raised his forelegs, and stepped on Ground fiercely, followed by Bulldoze.

At the same time, Dusclops and Chandelure will also target Lock On Arbok, and Will-O-Wisp will follow.

With one enemy and many enemies, no matter how strong Arbok is, it will be difficult to withstand repeated attacks.

Tamage was clearly using Mightyena as bait to try and trade with Arbok.

But next second.


The ghostly figure of Mismagius appeared in Dusclops' shadow.

Due to the huge damage of the Phantom Force and the restraint of the Ghost type against the Ghost type, the severed Dusclops' scarlet pupils instantly extinguished, and he fell to the ground and lost his ability to fight.

On the other hand, Arbok dashed into Mightyena's figure and stopped abruptly.

The serpentine changes instantaneously, surging in speed while a serpentine meanders, avoiding Mightyena's Bulldoze and Chandelure's Will-O-Wisp.

Turn around and head towards Lampent, who is suspended in the air.

The sharp teeth wrapped in the icy frost closed and closed.

When opening again, the Crunch move has been Stockpile completed.

But before Arbok could attack Lampent, Camerupt, who was guarding Tamaki's side, took a step forward to Stomp Ground, and Earth Power condensed a spear and stabbed out in front of Lampent.

Fortunately, Arbok was vigilant in advance, and the speed was very fast. At the same time as the spear appeared, the smooth scales rubbed against the spear, and as the sparks splashed, it clinged to the spear.

A face-to-face contact.

Although Tamaki defused Arbok's attack, the Phantom Force, seized by Mismagius, took out Dusclops.

Two-on-six, Agatha also had the advantage.

"This is Elite Four-level combat power."

Tamaki's strength is definitely not weak.

Although it is not as good as Agatha's naked eye class, but if you face the original reserve Elite Four Thompachi, you have a chance to contain or even confront it.

At least it's a quasi-Elite-level or even Elite-level Trainer.

But Elite and Elite Four are two concepts.

The former refers to a symbol of strength, while the latter represents a professional title.

Elite Four must be Elite Trainer or even stronger existence, but not every Elite can be named Elite Four.

Every Pokémon of the Elite Trainer is definitely not weak, but what really stands out is the core of the Pokémon lineup when all players are fighting.

Like Gengar from Agatha, Piloswine from Pryce, or even Mr. Mime from Tom Ritchie.

These Pokémons may or may not be the strongest on the team, but they are definitely the core of all-team battles.

Like the Sandstorm hand in Team Sandstorm and the Rain hand in Team Rain.

Elite Trainers, on the other hand, need to have at least one core.

For example, Agatha has Weezing in addition to Gengar, and Pryce has Delibird in addition to Piloswine, such a second core.

The rest of the Pokémon are matched around these cores and take on different responsibilities.

For example, Ekans is the attacker in Agatha's team, Mismagius is the raider and harvester, Golbat is the control, and Muk cooperates with Weezing to control the field.

Each perform their duties, that is what a team should be like.

Another example is Mr. Mime from Tom Ritchie, whose strength may not be outstanding, but its auxiliary role runs through the entire team, playing a role in series and amplification.

On the other hand, Tamage, each of his Pokémons is not weak, but does not have a clear core.

This means that even if Agatha only sends two Pokémons, he can scramble his team with hard power.

Dusclops' instant defeat is the best proof.

Tamaki apparently recognized this, leaving Camerupt alone to protect himself, and the Devourer was sent to fight Agatha's two Pokémons.

With the pairings, the stalemate was barely maintained.

At the same time, Flash Charizard and Agatha's four Pokémon on the other side were also deadlocked.

In fact, when Agatha dispatched two Pokémon with the strongest offensive ability to deal with Tamaki, such a stalemate was doomed.

But Agatha is not in a hurry, Pryce will come soon, and the two Elite Fours work together, and it is not difficult to win the opponent.

The focus is on finding and identifying the source of the greatest crisis in Saffron City.


She is sure.

However, in an unknown corner, when these Pokémons were fighting fiercely, a petite shadow, with curiosity and timidity, quietly appeared.

Dark flames, surprise or surprise?

(End of this chapter)

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