The Bottom Trainer In The Pokémon World

Chapter 170 Very Dog ​​(Please Subscribe! Fourth!)

Chapter 170 Very dog ​​(please subscribe! Fourth!)

Xia Yan honestly stayed in the Tunnel behind Agatha.

Now it's fairies fighting.

He can only look.

But he meant the same thing as Agatha.

Drag it.

Let's see who can't stand it first.

There is no doubt that the deadlocked Tamage, he is the most urgent now.

Indeed, the Flash Charizard, which he spent so much effort and cost, is very strong, very strong. Although it has an excessive increase in the "Blazing Embers Energy Cube", but it can resist Agatha, there is no doubt about its strength.

And this Flash Charizard has not undergone much systematic training and polishing of combat skills.

If it can be subdued and trained a little, the strength may be stronger.

Of course, the excessive increase of "Cinder Energy Cube" is temporary, and Flash Charizard should still be weak for a long time after the end.

At the end of the day, Tamaki and Tom Ritchie are a bit of a kind of person.

It's just that Tamaki's encounter was not as smooth as Tom's, and he slammed into the muzzle of the two Elite Fours.

Now, Tamage has tested the strength of Flash Charizard, but also underestimated the strength of Agatha, the veteran Elite Four.

He was caught in a dilemma.

The calm-faced Tamage gritted his teeth and seemed to have made a decision. He broke off the Black gem on his index finger and cut his palm. The dripping blood overflowed from the palm and soaked on the Black gem.

However, the blood did not slip from the gem, but penetrated into it.

The black light on the gem suddenly became more intense.

But in contrast, Tamage's face quickly turned pale, and he could feel his life passing quickly.

But the effect is also quite good.

The red light in Flash Charizard's eyes became thicker, and his already somewhat irritable temperament became more raging, and the strength that burst out was further strengthened.

Agatha's face sank as he felt the changes in Flash Charizard.


"What exactly is that gem? How do you feel?" Xia Yan also looked at Tamaki's movements.

It was fine before, but now he suddenly felt that this gem was so similar to the "vermilion gem" that could control Groudon.

Considering several Pokémons in Tamaki, except Chandelure, which is a Pokémon from a non-Hoenn Region, the other five are all Pokémon registered in the Hoenn Region.

"Is this guy from the Lava team?" Xia Yan murmured.

It's not impossible.

The Lava team was closely watched by the Hoenn Alliance in the Hoenn Region, and came to the Kanto Region, and the Kanto Alliance's attention was on the Rockets.

Coupled with the mixed situation of Saffron City, the Rockets have been quiet recently, which is a good cover.

"To be stimulated by one's own life, the heart is also very decisive."

Xia Yan rubbed his chin, thinking about how to deal with and solve the situation if he stood from Agatha's point of view.

Obviously, the procrastination can no longer be delayed.

Once Flash Charizard cut a gap in Agatha's containment, Tamaki can assist its power to leave, and even if Tamaki is more decisive, it is not difficult to leave a few Pokémon as the queen.

The shortcoming of Agatha's lack of maneuverability was also exposed.

If her Golbat can evolve into Crobat, then the way to deal with it may be different, and it will be more calm.

"So the best solution for now is to come out personally, to contain Tamaki, so that he can't control Flash Charizard wholeheartedly."

Xia Yan thought so.

"But no one seems to be able to help Agatha right now."

"Brother Xia Yan."

Suddenly, Agatha's sharp, hoarse voice sounded.

Xia Yan's expression stiffened.

He suddenly had a bad premonition.

I saw Agatha half-turned gloomily and looked sideways at Xia Yan who was hiding in the cave.

The corners of Agatha's mouth rose. "Please, let Haunter contain that mouse? At least don't make him feel so at ease."

Xia Yan: "."

What an international joke?

Xia stiffly took out Haunter's Poké Ball and said with a smirk, "So what, Agatha Elite, I think. My knowledge and skills are lacking, why don't you do it yourself?"

Agatha turned back and heard a voice.

"You're old, this Charizard is strong, but that guy's Pokémon aren't that strong, but they can't be distracted, so it's up to you."

Then he said: "Don't worry, Haunter's strength is still very strong, just contain it."

Xia Yan pursed his lips.

'Should I leave sooner? Curious about what? ’

"An evolutionary stone." Agatha said suddenly.


"Two evolution stones."

"Wait, it's not for nothing."

Xia Yan lowered his head.

It seems that Agatha is really in trouble.

Otherwise, the pride of the Elite Four would not have made such a concession.

That Flash Charizard might put more pressure on her than Xia Yan imagined.

Also, in addition to commanding six Pokémons, Agatha actually has the entire Ghost Corps under her command.

"Three pieces." Agatha held up three fingers.

Xia Yan's mouth twitched.

"Then Haunter must obey my orders completely, otherwise."

"No problem, that kid is a good kid." Agatha said firmly.

From Xia Yan's shadow, a head stuck out, and sly gazes flowed on Xia Yan and Agatha.

That ghostly look

'However, it doesn't look like a good boy? ’

But there is no way, letting Tameqi escape is not what Xia Yan wants to see.

Although Xia Yan did not show up, Tamaki and the others knew that he had contacted and approached here from the time he was selling Onix.

The reason why they didn't continue to attack him was just because they planned to reach a critical moment, and they didn't want to be exposed to the eyes of the two Elites prematurely.

This time Agatha came from this direction again.

If you have a little brain, it is easy to think of him.

If Tamaki is a vengeful master, Xia Yan doesn't want to be missed by such a guy.

Besides, it was Haunter who was fighting, and he was relatively safe.

"Well, I just want to do my best."

Grab Haunter's Poké Ball.

"Abra, help me telepathically connect me to the Haunter."


Abra's eyes glowed blue.

After all, it is Agatha's Pokémon, and there is no tacit understanding with Xia Yan. Abra's Help can make up for this shortcoming.

"As long as you can harass," Agatha reminded.

‘You want me to do more, and I can’t. ’



Haunter was full of fighting spirit and appeared by Xia Yan's side. Although he was somewhat reluctant to follow other people's orders, he had no choice. Agatha had the final say.

"Wait a while, pretend to be weak, the weaker the better, that person will relax his vigilance if he sees that it is not the Pokémon commanded by Agatha, and then so on and so on," Xia Yan explained in Haunter's ear.

"Kou Jie?!" Haunter looked at Xia Yan in shock.

I may not be human, but your tactics are absolutely shit!

But I like it.

Haunter grinned and suddenly recognized Xia Yan a little more.

Not for anything else, just because this tactic fits its character.

"Jie Jie"

He let out a slightly obscene laugh.

A smile appeared on Xia Yan's face, and there were signs of being assimilated by Haunter gradually.

Abra silently distanced himself from them.

It also heard the tactics just now.

can only say.

Very dog.

(End of this chapter)

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